Chapter 5

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After the meal, we went about exploring the garden on a more explicit scale.

Every idea any of the girls got on the spot, I added and with time, the garden became more pleasing to the eye.

It actually became a garden surrounding a castle and fortresses surrounding the garden.

"I think we should actually give this a more pleasant name," Hinami suggested.

"Right? I've been thinking about it for some time now. Hanging Garden of Babylon is so unoriginal." Ria supported.

"Well, that's true. Personally, I would've gone for heavenly places or something. Sure it has a garden now so maybe Heavenly Garden," Kaguya said showing her support too.

I knew it was unoriginal, truly and I also knew the name was stupid as even though I made it with that in mind, it is currently not that castle.

"Hmm. Okay then, from today, this castle will be known as the Eiengar, meaning alone. Only it stands alone in this entire universe. I'm sure no one has thought of this yet and even if they do in the future, this one would still remain the first," I said.

"Good. Then from today, this castle would be known as the Eiengar." Hinami nodded.

"Nice name. I support." Ria and Kaguya also nodded in agreement.

"Alright then, with that settled, I guess it's time to begin our adventure. Kaguya, anything we need to know?" I asked.

Kaguya nodded and her face became solemn but then shook her head.

"There's nothing of note in this stat domain but once we leave through that domain gate, it becomes a lawless place out there,"

"As you already guessed in the past, there is a grade to power in the Otsustsuki energy system. Normally, one's peak should be at the 10M level but with the Otsustsukis, it became almost 1B."

"For people who aren't Otsustsukis their peak still remains 10M except they come across a unique way to break past their limits,"

"Now in this part of the galaxy, there are no laws, only the strongest get to make laws and those laws become obsolete in front of a stronger person."

"Now I'm sure you three haven't taken a life yet and I'm also sure that you'll be taking your fair share of them in no time but what I want to tell you is that you must never, NEVER show mercy out there."

"Is it that scary?" Ria asked.

"Don't mind the way I say it. Seeing is always believing but make sure to be prepared. As you're both beautiful ladies, also get ready to be molested."

"You're both strong and Shun is even stronger so there's no need to worry too much, but still, be vigilant."

Kaguya said in all seriousness.

"Where do we rank then in power?" I asked.

"If I'm to categorise it according to levels, there would be low, mid, high, and peak. Low being 1M, 2M and 3M. Mid being, 4M, 5M, and 6M, high being, 7M, 8M and 9M. Finally, the peak being 10M and above."

"From break past that limit of 10M normally requires an external factor but aside from that, the stage above 10 is a stage where you come in contact with laws."

Kaguya explained.

"Laws?" I asked.

"Yes, laws. Laws similar to the laws in those books of yours. That was why I didn't believe it when you said that you imagined it. I still don't believe that someone put it there too as that would mean that someone from the Law existence level has come across this planet after I was sealed."

"Hmm... Intriguing. Please continue,"

I said and continued paying attention.

"At the stage of laws, you get to acquire an absolute law which is not unique to only you but still under your absolute control."

"Take, for instance, Gravity. Three of you already have near perfect control of gravity but what if I'm added to the mix? I didn't learn it like you both, I acquired it at its Absolute level, so normally, I should dominate any of you in a fight on our understanding of gravity but from what I've seen now, I dare say I won't have a winning chance against Shun and Ria. No offence Hinami."

Kaguya explained.

"So that means that when you step past the 10M level, you get to acquire a law? Then is the Creation of All Things a technique based on a law?" I asked.

"Nope. Creation of All Things is something everyone who enters the 1M level should already know by right. The difference then shows in their understanding of it."

"You for example could come up with Creations no one has ever seen. In short, it's all about the imagination."

"So it's not that awesome?"

I asked in a depressed tone. This is something I've put pride in for some time now. To tell me any random person can also use it is simply insulting my pride.

"Nope, it's not."

Kaguya answered. A smirk appeared on the corner of her lips.

"Hmm, continue,"

"Currently, all of you are still in the mid levels. Your chakra capacity that is. As for your combat Prowess, I don't think anyone in this level would be your match."

"How so?" Ria asked.

"Similar to cultivation levels, every stage in the level increases both your physical and chakra capacity. The physical body of a rank 4 can never be as sturdy as that of a rank 5."

"You three, however, broke all common sense by breaking the shackles placed on your physical bodies. Now, your physical body already has enough power to fight a level 10M without losing."

"Add that with your chakra and I fear no one below the 10M is your match."

Kaguya said.

"How about the past and current you?" Hinami asked.

"Hmm, the past me should be around the 90M - 100M."

Kaguya replied.

"What!?" Hinami asked in shock.

"How about now?"

"I don't know. This body and chakra Shun gave me is perfectly suited for me but to compare this to my past is like comparing the strength of a child to an adult. Ridiculous."

Kaguya answered.

"Your earliest words seem to be a little bit misleading now. If you are above the 10M, then you're a being of law, right?"

Shun asked.


"And your chakra is ridiculously absurd cleared to ours?"


"Then why would you lose to us in a fight?"

Shun asked. Puzzlement written all over his face.

"As a being of law, the only difference we have to a level 10M is that we have a slightly longer lifespan and an enormous chakra to maintain said lifespan."

"Sigh, how do I describe this... Take for example two realm lords who have countless lives in their inner world giving them constant faith energy. One gets his connection severed while the other remains sustained."

"The one who has his connection severed is still as strong as a normal realm lord except that in a protracted battle, the one with unlimited faith energy would surely come out on top."

"The realm lord whose connection is severed can decide to unleash an all-out attack from the beginning to end it once and for all."

"My point is. In a battle against the three of you, even I would have to beware of a technique that could possibly end my life. You three have such techniques in abundance."

"If the attack is high, I can always use my chakra to heal up but that chakra is gone permanently. You three, however, when struck with any of my techniques is guaranteed an instant death."

"Why is that?" Hinami asked.

"Because if she hits us with a technique powered by 10M amount of chakra and we fail to evade, we can't possibly get that amount of chakra to recover. Am I right?"

I answered Hinami and asked Kaguya.

"Exactly. That is the reason why although it is always possible to kill me, it is very VERY likely I would win in a death match."

"You three, have your inner world providing you with chakra, so that is an extra life in a sense. But mind you, once you die once, there is a possibility that your dimension would shatter after you're brought back to life."

Kaguya explained.

A heavy silence came upon us. Even I felt trepidation in my heart. Suddenly I thought of something.

"Then the chakra fruits and Kama..."