Chapter 12

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When Lia heard Shun's voice, her expression instantly turned cold. She turned her head over, her cold eyes were filled with a terrifying imposingness as she stared at Shun.

"I rose up from a lowly slave, all the way till my current status, the ninth-ranked of generals. How can a mere person like you block my path? Your words will not affect my heart." Lia's eyes were cold. Shun also agreed about her point.

Many of these generals had no one to depend on but themselves, as they carved out a path of survival, amidst the abundance of cruelty on the Myriad Islands.

Even for people with similar levels, Shun couldn't help but to admit that devil experts would usually be more powerful compared to Otsustsuki clan members.

Their personalities were ruthless, cold and decisive as a result of the environment they lived in. If they weren't ruthless enough, they wouldn't be able to climb up.

Shun stared into the eyes of Lia as he replied, "Your state of heart naturally wouldn't waver from a single sentence I said. However, in reality you have already admitted it. You don't even have the courage now to face off against the third-ranked general."

"Do you believe I can kill you right now?" Killing intent gushed from Lia when she saw that Shun still wanted to shake her heart with his words. Right now, a wave of cold intent surrounded Shun completely.

Shun stared at her threatening eyes but he didn't bother with her. He directly turned and departed the area. Since he couldn't participate in this ranking battle, he can only return first and aim to seize the position of a general in the future.

"Hold on." At this moment, a voice called out.

He halted his steps and turned around. His gaze was on a general in the corner. This general was one of the least conspicuous ones among the crowd. Her protector knights were also clearly weaker compared to the ones standing behind Lia.

Although both were females, there was still a disparity with regards to her strength and status when compared to Lia. Even her beauty was somewhat inferior.

However, since she could become a general, there was no need to doubt her strength. Her bright eyes gleamed as she regarded Shun.

Juyu, the #28 ranked general. She stood at the absolute bottom among this group of characters.

"Do you want to participate in this battle?" Juyu stared at Shun as she asked. Shun nodded. He wanted to become a general. To him, this was an opportunity, he naturally wanted to participate.

"Since you wish to do so, you must have naturally done all the preparations. Why don't I give you a chance, are you willing to be my protector knight?" Juyu extended her invitation to Shun.

The other generations stared at Juyu with interest. Shun was someone Lia had abandoned, was Juyu going to take him under her wing?

In addition, the protector of the #3 ranked Zonn, seemed to want his life.

However, they soon understood Juyu's intent and all of them laughed silently.

"Sure." Shun replied. After that, he walked over and stood at Juyu's side.

"Are you not afraid of offending the 3rd ranked general?" Shun probed.

"Lia's personality is lonesome and arrogant. She depended on herself to slaughter her way up to this position. I naturally wouldn't doubt her judgement. But since she was willing to allow you to become her protector once before, I'm sure you do have some capabilities. I myself, am the last-ranked general, and I have nothing more to lose. Even if you are killed in battle, my position would still remain the same."

Juyu transmitted her voice in reply, she was extremely straight-forward, which caused Shun to have a smile on his face.

As the last ranked general. Unless she was replaced by someone else, even if she lost, she would still be ranked last.

"No matter what your reasons are, since you are willing to give me this chance, I naturally won't make you disappointed." Shun's gaze turned to all the devil experts.

He only saw Lia coldly staring at him as she spoke, "You are still a protector knight under me, betrayal by changing masters is a crime punishable by death."

"You've already abandoned me. Do you expect me to be loyal to you still?" Shun mocked sarcastically. Although he just arrived at the Myriad Islands, he already had an elementary understanding of the style which people on the islands did things.

"Just you wait." Lia's countenance was like ice. She glanced at Juyu and a moment later, a protector knight replaced Shun's position.

Earlier, one of her protectors was killed by Shun and now, Shun became someone under Juyu because she abandoned him.

She did suffer some loss here, but for the sake of not standing in opposition against the third-ranked general Zonn, she still felt that it was worth it.

In this space, more experts appeared. When everyone glanced that, looks of respect could be seen on their faces.

The man in the lead was an extremely sturdy and muscular guy, filled with boundless energy. His gaze held an imposingness within and nobody dared to match his gaze. He was a murderous dictator, the #2 ranked general, ranking above Zonn.

Back then when he first came to the Blackstone Valley, his entire being was stained with blood as he slaughtered an entire palace completely, killing the previous general and obtaining this position.

Hence, this incident gave him the title of Blood Butcher.

The Blood Butcher stood there, his aura was extremely terrifying, causing nobody to dare to glance at him.

The sound of wind whistling rang out. A figure clad in gold sat atop a war chariot while his devil protector knights drove the chariots as they proceeded forward. When they entered here, a rumbling sound rang out as the war chariot was placed on the ground. His eyes roamed the crowd, and similar to the effect of the #2 general, nobody here dared to match his gaze directly as well.

This man, was none other than the #1 ranked general.

Nobody knew his name, most probably only the Blackstone King would know.

His title was the Devil General, and he has always been in this position. Ever since he joined the Valley, his position as the first-ranked general has never changed.

Hence, there was no need for him to have a name. He was the first-ranked general and the first-ranked general was him.

Somebody said that he looked young but in truth, he was an old freak who has already practiced for thousands of years. His level was already nearing the Devil King stage and he could step into it at any moment, becoming the fifth devil lord under the Blackstone Devil King.

"RUMBLE!" The war chariot of the first general dove deep into the ground. Light runes flickered, incomparably resplendent as a great formation suddenly appeared below the ground.

Numerous war drums could be seen, appearing before the locations where the generals were at. Instantly, this place transformed into a battlefield.

"The old rules stand. All the generals and their protector knights can participate. Whoever is killed first, or is blasted out, would be ranked the last. This battle will serve to select the top 14 generals." The First General spoke.

He was the first-ranked general and had immensely high authority and prestige. As long as no one replaced him, his rank would naturally be the highest here and he could give out commands.

The war drum were artifacts created in order to evaluate ones perception and might in combat. The format of using it is to use your consciousness as an anchor and then depending on what technique you wish to use, you channel your chakra into the drum and the drum manifests said techniques.


As the sound of his voice faded, the war drums echoed out. Devil might instantly enveloped the atmosphere as combat started.

Lia coldly stared at Shun. Both her hands shimmered with terrifying devil might. She then closed her eyes as her hands blasted out onto the war drum before her. Instantly, the drum echos rang out as fearsome devil swords slashed down from the sky, aiming for the position where Shun was at.

Juyu's fair hands also blasted out onto her war drum. A shield appeared in their surroundings, covering them protectively. However, as the swords rained down, cracks appeared on the shield. Juyu frowned when she saw this, this Lia was truly ruthless, targeting Shun the moment battle started.

"The battle has already begun, you best be careful." Juyu spoke to Shun. Shun nodded his head lightly, the people from the Valley all emphasized efficiency when it comes to doing things.

They directly started combat, without the need to speak superfluous words.


The cracks on the shield widened. Lia continued with her attacks and a few moments later, the sounds of cracking rang out as the devil shield shattered.

A terrifying devil sword slashed towards Shun's throat. When this sword neared him, Shun actually felt that he had no way to evade this strike despite his overly hax abilities.

His spiritual sense infused the war drum and a terrifying palm imprint ferociously shot out from the surface of the drum. When the sword slashed down, the palm imprint was even shattered from the might.

The remnants of energy from the sword slash blasted onto Shun's drum, narrowly destroying it. Shun's spiritual sense, which was infused in the drum, felt a bout of piercing pain.

Seems like this battle was extremely tyrannical as both parties could borrow the war drums to fight. They need not be in a passive defensive position and could fight attacks with attacks.

Upon seeing the ninth-ranked general Lia acting, the other generals naturally wouldn't join in this battle. Instead, they selected their own opponents and fought.

As for those generals in the front rankings, they were more relaxed and were actually adopting the stance of spectators.

Nobody challenged them, they just needed to observe the battle quietly.

"I will try to stop her temporarily." Juyu's countenance changed, becoming somewhat cold. Lia wanted her to be the first one out of the battle.

"Since this is a test to select the top 14 generals, the remaining 14 would naturally have to be eliminated. In that case, there was actually no need for all to battle." Shun stared at the situation on the battlefield. The top three-ranked generals were extremely relaxed, nobody dared to challenge them. Only those devil generals ranked in the back were fighting each other, hoping to push their rankings up.

As for why the ninth-ranked Lia acted, it was naturally purely because of him.


The protector knights under Lia also aided her by banging their war drums, while rushing towards Shun's group simultaneously.

Shun grew more familiar with the war drum. Both his hands then blasted down onto the drum surface, causing the reverberating echoes to ring out unceasingly.

Instantly in the air space above them, numerous gigantic runic characters floated in the air.

They transformed into a screen of light that enveloped this entire space.

"There's no need to waste our energies in fighting this battle." Shun spoke to Juyu.

Zonn was the third-ranked devil general and he would definitely not be eliminated here. Lia was the ninth-ranked general, and her probability of being eliminated was low as well. Shun wasn't in a hurry.