Chapter 11

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The devil saber contained a terrifying corrosion energy, shimmering with a bloodthirsty light, frenziedly devouring the energy in the layers of light. As a protector under the general, there was no need to doubt the strength of this knight at all.

Shun's body was circulating runic characters wildly. When the devil saber slashed onto him, chakra light burst out from the runes, the devil saber was forcibly halted. It had no way to continue slashing through.

"Huh?" The devil expert narrowed his eyes. What a powerful defense.

The defense of this fleshly body was many times more terrifying compared to the bodies of numerous devil cultivators.

"BOOM!" An even more powerful devil might erupted out. Numerous saber shadows floated above his head and all of them cleaved down at the same instant, engulfing this space completely,

A golden glow circulated around Shun. He lifted his palm, augmenting several Runic characters of suppression that blasted towards the space engulfed by the numerous devil sabers as he rushed his opponent directly.

"Bzz!" His opponent blasted out with both palms as millions of devil saber shadows superimposed and stacked together, fusing into one. At this instant, a black-colored devil light slashed down from the sky, erupting forth with the might of a million sabers, aiming for Shun's head.

Shun's God's Hand clashed against the terrifying light as destructive energies madly ravaged the surroundings. Lia radiated an intense black sword light, enveloping her protectively within, defending her against the aftershocks.

She had already turned about and was observing the battle, with traces of excitement in her eyes.

This Shun was a seventh-level and probably from the Otsustsuki clan, judging from his white hair, plus, his combat prowess was far above her expectations.

Both of their attacks clashed again, causing tearing sounds to ring out in the air. Shun then lifted his left palm, and under the gaze of that devil expert, he stabbed his finger forward. In an instant, boundless sword might gushed forth. That devil retracted one of his palms and blasted it outwards in defense.

However at this moment, the streams of sword might gushing forth from Shun all transformed into numerous great birds, wanting to rip everything apart.


A light sound echoed out. A sword mark appeared on the center of the devil expert's brows. His gaze froze there and a moment later, the boundlessly vast sword intent of Shun directly penetrated through him, finishing him off directly. Even in death, the expression of terror on his face couldn't be wiped away.

This battle, he actually was defeated and killed on the spot.

Shun winced at the sight but regained his normal expression in a split second.

There wasn't too much of a change to Lia's expression. She glanced at her other protectors and calmly spoke, "Clean this mess up."

As the sound of her voice faded, a protector knight walked out and dragged the corpse away. Another protector stared at Shun with fear and trepidation in his gaze.

"From now on, you will replace him, and become a protector knight under me." Lia's gaze landed on Shun.

"Thank you general." Shun nodded, casting another glance at Lia.

"However, this doesn't mean that I like your gaze. Your eyes better be more honest and not roam about unnecessarily. If not, I dare not guarantee that I won't dig your eyes out myself." Lia's calm voice contained a hint of coldness. After that, she continued on her way as she spoke, "Follow me to the devil king palace."

After that, she took a step forward while the knight protectors all followed after her.

Shun didn't mind as a smile appeared on his face, following after Lia, as they headed towards the direction where the residence of the Blackstone King was at.

Outside the luxurious devil king palace erected in the center of the valley, there was an immense hall where many devil cultivators gathered. Each and every one had terrifying auras and they were all from different camps.

Lia led Shun and the other protector knights over. When she arrived, the eyes of many landed on her. As a beautiful female general, Lia would naturally attract plenty of attention.

However, the gazes of some were filled with wariness, but there were also others that were filled with unrestrained disdain.

"Lia, you are getting more and more beautiful." A gaze landed on Lia's body, gleaming lasciviously, not masking the lust in his eyes at all. His eyes roamed freely, wandering around her body, and those lustful eyes seemed as though that figure wanted to swallow her up.

Lia had an expression of disgust as she coldly glanced at that person. That person was none other than the eighth-ranked general Situ. He was extremely lecherous but also immensely powerful.

Lia didn't doubt in the slightest that if an opportunity presented itself, Situ would definitely ravaged her harshly. Hence, she had to get stronger, becoming even more powerful compared to him.

There were no rules in the devil islands, strength was the only law.

"The force in your gaze is getting more and more tasty." Situ licked his lips, his eyes gleaming with a demonic light. He wanted a strong woman like Lia for a very long time. It would definitely be more tasty compared to those compliant women.

"One of these days, I will kill you." Lia stared at Situ as she spoke.

"Dying in the embrace of a beauty? That sounds like a worthwhile death. If you let me have one night with you, I will let you kill me okay?" Situ laughed uproariously, not bothering to hide his words.

All the generals here didn't really have any reaction to his words, as though they couldn't care less about their conversation at all. It was like this was extremely normal.

Also among the other generals, there would faintly be enmity and battle intent being exuded when they stared at each other.

But at this moment, everyone fell into silence. From afar, a group of experts walked over. The man in the lead was majestic and imposing, he was the third-ranked general, Zonn, someone who had terrifying strength.

For the top three generals, there was no need to doubt that they were the strongest three below the four lords. Their strength was fearsome to the extreme.

The eyes of this imposing figure were ice-cold, and everyone fell into silence when his gaze glanced past them.

When Shun saw this expert, his eyes widened because this guy was a legitimate Otsustsuki with his Byakugan giving him away.

The chakra in him also felt familiar to his own.

That expert also saw Shun. Both of their gazes clashed in mid-air, one filled with an intense killing intent, while the other filled with curiosity.

Shun felt like he has been dipped into a glacial environment as the killing intent enveloped him.

This man was none other than an elite from an emperor ranked power. The Nine-Emperor Empire. This was an empire outside this Myraid islands formed by Nine peak level Emperors.

Otsustsukis with Emperor level chakra and abilities.

He was an expert at the peak of chakra-sea and could already control a trace of chakra-king might. He had already spent a thousand years at the peak of the chakra-foundation realm, but he couldn't break through to the other side of the gate. But even so, in the chakra foundation realm, there was no doubt that his strength was extremely terrifying.

The name of this person was Itsuki, he was also of the royal clan but he couldn't be considered a core member.

"How coincidental." Itsuki's eyes flashed with a terrifying light. To think a fellow clan member was actually here.

Itsuki knew that the fight within the clan was always tough and clan members always find ways to kill fellow clan members for more resources.

Their bodies were natural resources for eachother. Similar to this island, the world outside is still ruled by the rule of might makes right.

Since he doesn't know of Shun, Shun must be an insignificant character who should be a supplement for his growth.

Since Shun was here as well, he might as well use this opportunity to take his life.

And just so nicely, the ranking battles would be an excellent opportunity to do so.

"You know him?" Zonn could sense Itsuki's gaze.

Zonn tested Itsuki's strength before and it was extremely powerful, enough to become a general should he wish to. This time, he promised that he would help Itsuki to become one of the twenty-eight generals if Itsuki helped him in the ranking battles, allowing him to govern a palace in the future.

"I don't know him personally but he's a clan members. Probably from a branch. In the future if we meet this man on the battlefield, I ask that general kill him for me." Itsuki spoke in a low voice.

"Fine." Zonn nodded, glancing at Shun. That emotionless gaze of his clearly indicated that he didn't treat Shun as a threat.

"What's going on, there's someone around General Zonn who wants to kill you?" Lia's expression turned heavy, staring at Shun as she asked.

"Yup, I want to kill that guy too." Shun replied. He heard their conversation an was extremely enraged. What sort of bullshit is this. They had no enmity whatsoever and he was already on someone's kill list. Simply because he look like a fellow clan member.

'Guess I should change my hair and eye colour in the future,'' Shun thought.

Lia furrowed her brows. She already received news that other than Shun, another Otsustsuki also entered their valley. Who would have thought that that person would have a death grudge with Shun.

If it was like that, there would be no problems. What was problematic was that that person was a protector of the devil general Zonn.

If she stood on opposing ends against the third-ranked general Zonn, let alone her wanting to advance forward, most probably her position as the ninth-ranked would even be hard to maintain.

"Since this is the case, from now on I will officially remove your position as a protector. There's no longer a need for you to support me in the ranking battle. I will seek another guardian." Lia's personality was straight-forward and decisive, directly choosing to give up on Shun.

There were no emotions to speak of in the organisations like this. Since Shun's existence would affect her, she would naturally choose to abandon him.

Lia didn't bother to mask her voice. Evidently, she wanted to tell Zonn this, she didn't want the third-ranked general to have enmity towards her. She could instantly and directly abandon a protector knight before the battle. Lia was truly a decisive individual.

Several generals had a trace of sympathy in their eyes when they glanced at Shun. How pitiful, being abandoned by Lia just like that.

In addition, no one would dare to take him in. In addition, as long as the devil general Zonn gave the order to kill him, Lia definitely wouldn't protect him.

When Itsuki heard the words spoken by Lia, a cold smile appeared on his face. His mocking gaze turned to Shun, filled with provocation.

Shun's gaze abruptly turned cold. If he didn't become a protector knight earlier, he wouldn't even have known about the ranking battle here. If that was the case, he wouldn't have felt anything.

But it was this Lia who told him to prepare for this battle, but she actually chose to abandon him simply because of the protector of Zonn had killing intent towards him? This undoubtedly caused Shun to be extremely dissatisfied and unhappy.

"If I'm abandoned by you, would I still be able to participate in this?" Shun asked.

"Since you are not a general nor a protector, you naturally wouldn't be able to." Lia spoke.

"We haven't even started the battle but since you are already so afraid of the opponent's enmity, you have already lost." Shun coldly stated!