Chapter 44

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Title: Storm


"Ban has died." Outside the battle platform, many devil kings were spectating the scene. When they saw the death of Ban, their eyes gleamed with sharpness.

Ban was a legendary character on the Devil Rankings and was usually tyrannical and domineering as he had a deep background. There would rarely be any who would dare to provoke him.

As the third-ranker of the Devil Rankings, Ban was a hot shoo-in for one of the top ten. Even if he was so unlucky as to meet against opponents whom he cannot defeat, there shouldn't be any problems for him to escape.

However, nobody expected that he would die in this battle, killed in cold-blood.

Many people glanced at the direction where the experts from the Royal Devil clan were seated. When they saw Ban being killed, their expressions were exceptionally ugly to behold.

"Ban was unlucky to have met that ruthless character and died to that joint-attack," A person at the side spoke in a low voice.

"Two people joining forces together, how despicable. Blackstone Devil King, so that's the general under your command?" The people of the Royal Devil clan all had ugly expressions.

They weren't acquainted with the Blackstone Devil King but all of them heard what the Blackstone Devil King said earlier.

"Actually, my subordinate only acted because Ba Xiao took out a divine weapon when he knew he was going to lose. If not, my general wouldn't have interfered at all. You guys should be able to tell that Ban, in fact, couldn't even win against his earlier opponent." The Blackstone Devil King replied calmly.

"Everyone." At this moment, the devil emperor suddenly spoke. His voice wasn't loud but everyone here in this vast space heard it clearly.

"This battle is only a part of my celebratory banquet. Earlier, it's already known that everyone who chose to participate, did so of their own free will. The participants in there are all elite geniuses of the younger generation of my Fallen God Region and in such a scenario, injuries and deaths are naturally unavoidable. I know there are some young ones from your clans who have fallen on the battlefield. But I still have to remind you guys that they did so willingly, and none of you are to take any revenge on the participants. If somebody dares to do so, then don't blame me for being impolite."

The devil emperor calmly spoke to everyone. In reality, he wanted to remind these devil kings.

With regards to this point, the devil emperor was very strict on this, and has been so for all the past celebrations. If not, if the winners of the battles were faced with revenge by the clans of those who died, who else would still dare to participate in it?

In the past, such an incident did happen before. The power who took revenge against one of the participants was completely wiped out by the devil emperor personally after he learned of it.

The devil emperor was the sovereign of the entire Fallen God Region. No matter if you are a devil king or a chakra sea expert, from a small clan or from a major clan, there was no difference to the devil emperor.

Nobody would be able to dispute the authority and prestige of the devil emperor, let alone profane it.

The countenances of those from the Royal Devil clam turned heavy, knowing that the devil emperor was giving them a reminder.

Ba Xiao was a heavily favored character who died here today. Hence, the devil emperor took this chance to use his death as a reminder.

Ba Xiao could only blame his own ill luck for his death.

"Although that fellow is low-profile, he definitely isn't a weakling." The gazes of everyone turned to Shun in the battlefield. Even a character like Ban fell to his hands. No matter how he did it, his danger index began rising in the hearts of everyone.

Xin's beautiful eyes flickered as she glanced at Shun. She softly mused in her heart, did he kill Ban because of her sake?

Ban was an expert from the Royal Devil clan and had once threatened her.

Once Ban is dead, the threat he represented would naturally vanish.

But since he did that, Shun had surely offended the entire Royal Devil clan without a doubt.


However, Shun didn't really care about this too much. He only had a single goal - to gain the favor of the devil emperor. If he couldn't achieve his goal, this meant that he had failed. If this was the case, he would directly leave the Fallen God Island.

After killing Ban, Shun nodded to Da, "Let's continue on."

"Hai, leave all the combat to me later. I need more battles on this level." Da spoke. At his current level, it wasn't easy to find suitable opponents. This battlefield undoubtedly provided the best opportunity for him to ignite his potential.

Shun nodded. The two of them continued forward and Da would deal with any enemies they encountered. If the other party took out a powerful weapon, only then would Shun act to kill the opponent. As they proceeded, they swept through everything with invincibility. Nobody could stop the two of them.

As time flowed by, the number of participants gradually dwindled. There were some who died and there were some who were eliminated. Those that were eliminated returned back to their seats with reluctance, becoming spectators.

At the same time, more and more of the participants gained the attention of the devil kings from the major powers. There were some exceptionally powerful characters in this bunch, all of them were at the very least, equivalent to Ban, extremely powerful.

Some of the devil kings from the other islands had looks of pride on their faces. Clearly, some of these participants were their generals who came here with them.

"They actually grouped together. How did they get acquainted with each other?" At this moment, someone discovered that there was a new person beside Shun and Da. That person was an extremely powerful expert and was a beauty as well.

"How is this possible?" The eyes of a devil king flashed sharply.

That female was a general under him, the island he ruled was extremely far from the Fallen God Island and there shouldn't have been any interactions between his general and Shun.

Could this be love at first sight? That was even more ridiculous. In such a grand occasion and given that everyone were powerful experts, they must be crazy if something like that occurred.

The three of them travelled together and to the astonishment of the crowd, the main combatant was still Da while the beautiful lady would act as support. Shun was still the most relaxed out of the three.

This made everyone feel that Shun should be the core of this group.

Both Da and that beautiful lady weren't in anyway weaker than Ban yet despite their strength, they were willing to treat Shun as their core.

Was this Shun really so simple? Was he really just the subordinate of the Blackstone Devil King?

"Blackstone Devil King, who exactly is this general under you?" A devil king asked, "Has he always been on your island? Growing so strong under your care to this extent."

Evidently there were some who suspected things. How could the Blackstone Devil King be able to nurture such a heaven-defying character?

"He became my general on my Blackstone Devil Island a few months back, and that naturally makes him my subordinate. As to his identity before, why is there a need for me to care so much about that?" The Blackstone Devil King calmly replied. In truth, the Blackstone Devil King felt that Shun was getting more and more inscrutable.

Back then when Shun defeated the ex first-ranked general Cang, the devil king already felt that Shun was extraordinary. Now, it seemed that even at that time, Shhn was still holding back his true strength.

In addition, he came from the outer realms. By that train of thought, the Blackstone Devil King could faintly sense that Shun's identity in the outer realms should surely be extremely extraordinary.

For what reasons did he came to the Myriad Islands for exactly? He was at loggerheads with his fellow clan members and seemed to be alone. Yet he was always confident in himself.

There was also one more man who attracted an overwhelming amount of attention. It was none other than the young man who sat beside Shun in the elite sector earlier.

His talent was outstanding and not only that, everyone soon discovered how astounding his combat prowess was. All the experts on the Devil Rankings who he met, were all either killed or eliminated from the battlefield by him. This was the reason why everyone began to focus on him.


Time continued on, the battles grew increasingly fewer due to fewer participants.

The spectators quietly watched on in admiration at the intense battles as right now, the participants remaining were the more powerful ones.

Hence, this resulted in the fact that the battles naturally became more fascinating.

Those who were eliminated earlier also knew that even if they survived until now, they still wouldn't be able to gain the devil emperor's favor. There were too many powerful characters in here.

"It's about time to lure them towards the Burial Gorge." The devil emperor softly spoke, his words causing the gazes of everyone to freeze.

After that, they discovered to their surprise that the dimension inside the battle platform was actually twisting. No matter how the people in it advanced, they would all eventually end up moving in the same direction.

That place, was filled with a vast mountain range and a ravine converging together.

"The platform is changing. The devil emperor gave the order to change the formation, wanting everyone to gather at the Burial Gorge." Everyone silently mused.

Although many experts were already eliminated, there were still a thousand plus experts inside the battle platform. If all of them gathered together, that would undoubtedly be an extremely terrifying scene.

However, the devil emperor precisely wanted to see such a scene.

There were experts who tried to change directions, but the twisting of the dimension in the battlefield caused them to be unable to do so.

Unless they stood there unmoving, if not, no matter where they advanced to, they would be moving towards the Burial Gorge.

Shun, Da and Ria. Yes Ria proceeded together.

Ria naturally was a general under a devil king prior to all this and sat at the sector below Shun's.

A few months apart served to be quite advantageous to her. Currently, she was at the peak of chakra sea and had an extraordinary battle prowess.

Due to her Inner world being a part of her, she only need to borrow enough chakra while also projecting her inner world as a domain.

In short, she was already a quasi-King level character only short of having an enormous chakra to fully manifest her domain.

On their way there, they encountered Knal.

Knal glanced at the three of them and frowned. Before this, Shun sat in the sector more elite than him, immeasurably deep. As for the other two, they were extraordinary as well. There was no way for him alone to defeat all three of them.

"Are you acquainted with Monoshiki?" Knal glanced at Shun as he asked.

Shun thought for a while.

"Yes." Shun replied.

"Is there any hatred between both of you?" Knal asked again.


"In that case, you guys will definitely lose." After Knal finished speaking, he continued on his way. Shun furrowed his brows only to hear Da asking, "Do you want me to get him to remain behind?"

Shun shook his head lightly. He was contemplating over Knal's words. What did he mean by that?

Knal seemed to have overwhelming confidence in Monoshiki's strength and believed that he would lose for sure. Or, could it be that there's another reason?

"Let us continue." Shun spoke. The three of them continued advancing and gradually, they saw several devil experts heading towards the same direction. Up ahead, there was a ravine and there were already many devil experts there.

The clouds of sand and dust rising up seemed to be an indication of an incoming storm, about to bore down on all of them with relentless fury.


A/N: Sorry for the lack of emotional stuff when Shun met with Ria. I find things like that difficult to write.

Also, don't forget to dump those stones here