Chapter 45

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Title: Monoshiki's Pride


Ria glanced at the scene ahead as she frowned, "Why are there so many?"

Atop the ravine, participants were everywhere. The wind caused clouds of sand and dust to dance about. Even before they arrived at the gorge, they already felt signs of the incoming storm.

"The battlefield we are in was created by a seal formation. Since it is a formation, it naturally can be controlled by someone else. Seems like everyone who participated were forcibly brought here by the controller. A true chaotic royal rumble would soon commence." Shun was very familiar with seals, he was able to guess the actual reason just by thinking a little.

"I think this should be the case." Ria nodded lightly.

The three of them continued. They stood on the ground of gorge and glanced at the experts in their surroundings.

This place was simply filled with devil experts. However, no battles erupted yet.

Evidently, everyone here filled each other with trepidation. Nobody wanted to be the first to act recklessly.

"What should we do?" Da asked.

"We will wait and see." Shun replied.

Given how many experts were here now, a sudden movement could be the spark that set off the whole situation.

Several cold gazes turned toward Shun. These people were all from the Otsustsuki clan evident from their unique pair of eyes.

There were some who were the participants, and other powerful characters who came in together. In any case, all of them were his enemies who wanted his life.

Why though? Shun had no idea. But one thing was certain, Shun didn't really put these people in his eyes at all. To him, he had only one true opponent. Monoshiki.

Naturally, other than these people, there were also people from the the devil region and some Shun was aquatinted with.

However, all of them stood quietly where they were, as though they weren't acquainted with each other.

Old Charl and Knal also arrived. They were the two strongest individuals on the Devil Rankings, yet both of them were extremely quiet now.

Especially for Old Charl, he stood in a remote corner, preferring to remain inconspicuous. In such a situation, the stronger someone was, the more he would be ganged up on by others.

That person would surely be in an extremely miserable state.

From afar, clouds of dust rose up. A figure could be seen walking over from the distance. This man radiated terrifying light from his entire body, in the spatial light screen behind him, swords, sabers, spears, lances all seemed to want to penetrate the void and erupt forth.

In an instant, countless gazes turned over, as the eyes of everyone gleamed with coldness.

In this place where all the devil experts gathered, there was actually someone who dared to be so arrogant? His arms were crossed before his chest as he slowly advanced forward, stopping only when he stood atop a gigantic rock that was at the center of the gorge.

His gaze penetrated through the distance, staring in the direction of Shun.

"Monoshiki." Shun returned the gaze. Even though there was a vast distance separating them, he could still sense the might radiating from Monoshiki.

That kind of supreme arrogance, like he was the lord of this world, could only belong to an elite Otsustsuki.

Shun didn't doubt Monoshiki's power. No. To have the reverence of all these elite Otsustsuki while still at the same stage goes to show how powerful he should be.

This meant that even in the perspective of his entire clan, Monoshiki stood at the pinnacle. Although this battlefield was filled with the strongest devil experts of the Fallen God Region, how could a single devil region compare to the entire outer realms?

In addition, Monoshiki's level was already at the peak of chakra sea and he should have already gaimed access to the gate of domains.

In that case, it was only obvious that no one in this battlefield would be able to stand against Monoshiki. Naturally, Shun didn't include himself nor Ria within.

In truth, Shun didn't really feel threatened by him at all, except from chakra, Shun had him beat in all other aspects. Ria too. The only area where Shun found hard to comprehend was his domain.

Monoshiki seemed to be in a closed off space similar to a mirror dimension where he could affect the real world without being unaffected by external factors.

Coupled with his higher chakra level and similar golden chakra quality, Shun didn't really know how a fight will play out.

The battle today would definitely not be so easy. This is also the reason why Shun chose to maintain low-profile. He was very clear of what sort of person his opponent was.

"Truly arrogant." A voice suddenly rang out.

An expert glanced at Monoshiki as he spoke. This man was also an extraordinary character, an existence on the Devil Rankings.

He believed in his own strength, and despite facing Monoshiki who was seated in the elite sector, he believed he wouldn't lose out too much.

Hence, when he saw how domineering Monoshiki was when coming over, he couldn't help but to coldly speak out.

Monoshiki glanced at him. He continued standing there with his hands clasped behind his back. The clear lines of his face indicated an arrogance belonging to a king.

With a single glance, it was like he was staring at an ant. Just a glance was sufficient to cause that devil expert to feel humiliation.

Monoshiki was too outstanding, a single glance was able to cause people to feel the pride within him. The pride of supremacy, standing loftily high up in the air.

"Show yourself the way out." Monoshiki spoke in a cold voice, exhibiting his tyranny.

"Who do you think you are?" That devil expert sneered.

"Monoshiki." He spoke in arrogance. "If I act, you will die for sure."

"I've never met anyone as brazen as you." Devil might gushed forth from that expert, violent to the extreme.

He stepped out, dashing straight at Monoshiki. He roared in anger as a fearsome beast phantom manifested. With a single leap, he mounted the beast as he rode forwards with an aura that seemed as though it would be able to shatter everything.

Monoshiki relaxed his arms, putting them down. The light behind him grew even more resplendent as the fluctuations of spatial energy grew more intense, as though wanting to replace this entire space.

His body stood in a space belonging to himself. That was his domain.


That devil expert howled in rage as a powerful wave of energy radiated from him. He who was riding the beast, rushed towards Monoshiki but at this very instant, boundless streams of spatial energy seemed to enveloped him.

The domains of these two were clashing against each other.

At the next instant, in the spatial light screen behind Monoshiki, countless weapons burst forth like millions of arrows, piercing through everything. The beast was instantly penetrated, trapped by the streams of spatial energy.

Monoshiki then turned his gaze to the expert. At this instant, the devil expert discovered that no matter what he did, he had no way to take another step closer to Monoshiki.

His attacking power had no way to break the spatial domain of Monoshiki.

"You are just an insect. Since you seek death so much, I will grant it to you." Monoshiki's eyes flashed.

As the sound of his voice faded, a countless number of weapons erupted forth with indomitable might towards his target.

The expression of that expert drastically changed, he wanted to take out his weapon but Monoshiki's attacks were too fast, borrowing the power of space, instantly penetrating him. He was already in Monoshiki's domain. There was only death remaining for him.


A thunderous boom rang out as that devil expert was slain.

"How powerful." The gazes of the crowd froze, staring at Monoshiki. Such strength was truly terrifying.

No matter what, that devil expert was a powerful existence on the Devil Rankings. Yet, he couldn't even last a single strike against this man? How strong would this man be if he erupted forth with all his strength?


The spectators outside felt their hearts stirring with excitement. The Blackstone Devil King had a look of worry on his face, while the Old Kan was smiling widely.

This battlefield, he would be number one. No one would be able to obstruct him.

Burial Gorge. Only now did everyone understand the strength of those who could sit in the elite sector. It completely wasn't due to luck. All of them had true, supreme combat prowess.


Shun's eyes flickered. After Monoshiki gained his domain leading to the chakra king realm, he has now trodden further upon that path, growing stronger and stronger.

"In this battlefield, I only have a single opponent." At this moment, Monoshiki swept his gaze over everyone as he icily spoke. His words caused the crowd to stiffen. He only had one opponent here?

Was it Old Charl or Knal?

"Hence, it's best for you guys to stop delaying. Battle has already started, waiting here doing nothing is simply wasting time." Monoshiki spoke, causing the eyes of everyone to flash.

This fellow was truly extremely brazen. However, the strength he displayed was the real deal, nobody had any rebuttal for him.

"Why don't you fight too then?" At this moment, a voice rang out from the void. Nobody knew where the sound game from. Clearly, the speaker must have used an unique method to mask his presence.

"The battle between the strongest would naturally be left till the last. If the weaklings fought at the end of this event, what would the spectators admire?" Monoshiki spoke in a tone as it should be by rights.

Such spirit and arrogance made him treat everyone with contempt.

His fight, would be the strongest fight of all. If he participated the battle, there was no need for the spectators to view the other battles any longer.

Cold intents gushed forth from many devil experts, as they stared at this arrogant Monoshiki. Other than him, no one else would dare to be so brazen.

Monoshiki's gaze slowly turned about. The dragon in the sky has no need to care about the thoughts of worms crawling on the ground. He couldn't be bothered with the anger of others.

He stared straight at Shun as he spoke, "In the past, there had been many alterations between clan members of different factions and all our battles, be it of the younger or older ones, there was always a need for fairness."

"Unfortunately your faction sent only you and worse still, you're only at the seventh level. We both know that at our stage, levels have little to no meaning whatsoever as we can easily increase our chakra reserves once we reach a certain limit."

"A thousand years ago, your protectors Vishnu and her sisters defeated ours and a thousand years later, it's our turn. The winner inherits the legacy left here by our God. I wouldn't have bothered with this as I have confidence in myself that I would reign supreme with or without it. I could've waited for you to grow stronger to eliminate all excuses when you're defeated."

"But now, I think that the time has come for our final showdown. Come!"

The eyes of everyone gleamed as they stared at Shun.

The powerful Monoshiki, the sole opponent he was talking about, was actually none other than this man who sat right next to him in the elite sector.

In addition, a thousand years ago, something similar to this occured and this insufferably arrogant Monoshiki's ancestor lost to Shun's.

People with arrogance naturally would have something they took pride in.

Being able to see one's own failure, and not be afraid that others would know about it, that, was undoubtedly true pride in himself.

He didn't care what others thought about him. He only cared about his target.

His predecessors lost but he surely wouldn't. He was confident in winning. No matter what.

Shun had no idea what the MF was taking about and currently, he was seething in anger, but knowing anger wouldn't get him anywhere, he calmed down.

"Good." Shun nodded. He also had a certain pride in him. Although he wasn't aware of the full story, he had already made a promise to himself. Kill those who wish to kill you and show mercy where mercy is due.

Monoshiki then closed his eyes, disregarding the other things happening in their surroundings and said.

"Why don't we wait for these herd to thin themselves out before we begin the finale"



A/N: If you don't understand the story, be patient, more light will be she'd in the upcoming chapters.

Don't forget the stones.