Chapter 55

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Title: No Regrets


On the Fallen God Island, in the palace the emperor was at, the crowd had already dispersed but there were still many people gathered in the surroundings.

At this moment, news came back that that young man who exhibited his outstanding talent Shun, had already left the island using a teleportation formation.

This made many silently muse at how intelligent Shun was. He no longer had a place to stay in the Fallen God Region.

There were rumors saying that there were three devil kings who left together with Shun.

When this news spread out, many people sighed at Shun not knowing how to appreciate favors. What a pity, he was going to lose his life now for sure.

The three devil kings left the Fallen God Island specifically to hunt him down, how could Shun survive?

Even the emperor himself didn't say anything as the place which the devil kings were acting in, was no longer the territory of the Fallen God Region.

In any case, how would he speak up for a young man who embarrassed him?

Very swiftly, the identities of the three devil kings were discovered.

One was the ruler of the Black Dragon Island, the second one was a devil king from the Royal Devil clan.

Since Ban died in Shun's hands, the Royal Devil clan naturally wouldn't spare him. As for the last devil king, everyone knew where he was from, it's just that nobody wanted to talk too much about him.

After all, it's still better not to offend the Old man Kan

"Father, what should we do?" The Blackstone King and third princess heard all sorts of news spreading around. The third princess had an unsightly expression on her face, Shun was actually being hunted down by three devil kings.

"I've reminded him before. Also, Shun isn't someone stupid, since he rejected the reward of his Majesty, he should have some trump card prepared to fall back on." The Blackstone King spoke in a low voice.

Not far away from them, a sinister cold gaze shot over, it was none other than the son of the Black dragon Devil King.

"Yuruo, just you wait. I will definitely take good care of you in the future." The demonic-looking young man coldly spoke. Beside him was a very powerful expert of the Fallen God Island. This man was none other than his foster father.

Yuruo snorted but didn't say anything. At this moment, the demonic young man's expression suddenly changed, turning extremely pale.

"FATHER!" He roared, as his eyes turned bloodshot. His entire body frenziedly trembled, as though he just discovered something extremely impactful to him.

"What happen?" His foster father asked.

"Father, father he…" The demonic-looking young man trembled even more violently as boundless fear appeared in his eyes. "Father has died!"

Numerous gazes shot over, all of them extremely sharp. The Black dragon Devil King was dead?

This is interesting then, the Black dragon Devil King was one of those who went to hunt Shun yet he is actually dead?

In that case, was he killed by the other two devil kings because of argument over loot or was he killed by Shun?

Most probably, the former would be the case. No matter how strong Shun was, he is ultimately at the chakra sea realm, how could he defend against a devil king? Let alone three of them.

The eyes of the Blackstone King and the third princess flashed. The Black dragon Devil King died? This is such a joyous thing to them. Let's hope that he was killed by Shun.

Not long after, the people of the Royal Devil clan also raged. The devil king they sent out also died.

Many people sighed silently, was the devil king Old Monster Kan send out so strong?

Wasn't he a little too ruthless? It was fine that he snatched Shun's treasures, yet he still even went a step further to kill the two other devil kings?

But then again, given his background with the Old man supporting him, the powers behind the Black Dragon Devil King and the Royal Devil clan wouldn't dare to seek revenge.

And at this moment, news circulated out that Old man was similarly enraged. He even sent out someone to seek out the Royal Devil clan and blew his top completely.

Seems like the devil king he sent out, has fallen as well.

At this moment, everyone turned silent.

It wasn't a inner conflict caused by a discussion of how to split the loot? Didn't the three great devil kings kill each other?

How could this be…they didn't dare to continue thinking.

Shun, how did he do it?

Many days later, the deaths of the three devil kings were verified. They were truly dead, and this news caused a huge commotion on the Fallen God Island.

Was this the domineering reply of the young man who rejected the reward of the devil emperor?

The Vast Sky Region was the neighbouring region to the Fallen God Region. It also had thousands of islands under its control and the Vast Sky Island was the central core of the Vast Sky Region.

In a certain courtyard of the Vast Sky Island, a group of people were hiding. Their gazes now were all fixed on a young man lying on a bed as their faces were furrowed with worry.

Ria sat at the side of Shun. A moment later, she lifted her head up to glance at the others.

"How is he?" Da asked.

"His life force is very strong, there's a powerful current of energy protecting his life and there's no danger for now. However, he was heavily injured and because he overdrew his chakra twice, his sea was fractured. If he wishes to recover, I have no idea how long that would take." Ria's voice was low. She then continued softly, "This injury is so severe that it might even affect his future growth."

'And I can't access his world not control the flow of time without his permission' She thought.

"Aren't there any medication of yours to use?" Da asked. He had gotten a good grasp on her and his lord's capabilities in the short period of time they've been together.

"No." Ria shook her head. Everyone here fell into silence.

Xin stared at Shun who was quietly lying there. Hurt could be seen in her beautiful eyes as the scene of Shun killing three devil kings surfaced again in her mind.

That imposing aura and spirit… Xin had never thought that she would encounter such a character and would even have a connection with him.

Although the period of time where she and Shun were acquainted wasn't long, she knew that in normal times, Shun wasn't someone she would ever come into contact with at all.

"Sir Shun…he should have came from the outer realms Otsustsuki clan, right?" At this moment, Xin asked in a low voice.

"Mhm." Ria nodded, not bothering to explain.

"I heard Sir Shun saying that he already has a wife. May I know more about his matters?" Xin asked.

"Let me tell you then." Ria's said.

"My big sister is also an Otsustsuki. She was acquainted with Shun since they were young and spent many years together, with each other. Her father and uncle were both peak emperors and if they were placed is the Myraid islands, they could effortlessly smack that Fallen Emperor to death."

Ria exaggerated her words intending to shock Xin.

Xin was shocked indeed. Her beautiful eyes froze there. She had guessed that Shun might have extraordinary origins, yet she didn't expected that it would be so extraordinary to this extent.

His wife is the daughter of a peak emperor. With such a woman, no wonder Sir Shun was indifferent to her charms.

"As for his other one, she is someone he also knew since his younger years. They are mutually in love for many years and is a flawless beauty. She's also already in the King level." Ria continued.

Xin smiled. These two women did seem that they were really a perfect match for Sir Shun.

Ria summarized for Xin. Xin nodded believing everything she said without the slightest doubt, after all, A figure like Shun really deserved such outstanding women.

"And there's also me, hehe. I met Shun even earlier than these two. Back then he was still in his teens traveling to experience life. He was an idiot back then though and I was a child who loved to follow him around."

"He gave off a unique presence back then, so unique that I felt that he was different. Although I met him earlier, I was still the last to become his wife." Ria went on to describe Shun's life to them.

Xia and Da went through various emotions the whole time.

"Haha, enough with the story. Now, do you understand? He may or may not even think twice before leaving you if any one of us decide" Ria cast a deep glance at Xin.

"I understand, thank you." Xin nodded her head. "Don't worry, I don't have any nefarious thoughts, I know I'm not worthy enough for Sir Shun."

Ria didn't say anything more. This Xin was an extremely intelligent woman, knowing how to discern what somebody thought from their body language.

Although she appreciated her, she wasn't so quick to trust her yet. Also, her background isn't all that clear and pristine.

She works in an establishment that encourages men to touch her all over. So...

This was her personal opinions though. She knew that Shun wouldn't really care about such trivialities with his unique outlook in life.

"However, I have a method that can allow Sir Shun to recover faster, I would just need some time." Xin spoke in a light voice.

Ria's eyes flashed with a slight suspicion. She then asked, "Is this real?"

"Although I'm lowly, I would never joke about such matters. I only have gratitude for Sir Shun, I would naturally do my best for him." Xin nodded.

"Let her try her method." Da spoke. He didn't care about his Lord's emotions, he only cared for his well-being.

He and Shun were in the Celestial Lodge together earlier. He knew Xin wouldn't harm him.

"Right, how long do you need?" Ria nodded, after all, this Da had been with Shun for sometime and she could feel his loyalty for him.

"I'm not sure as well, it would have to depend on Sir Shun's own recovery prowess. I will do my best but I can't be disturbed during this period of time under any circumstances. I will naturally leave after I finish what I have to do." Xin spoke.

Ria nodded and directly turned and left decisively, leaving only Xin and Shun behind.

Xin sealed this space and walked to the side of Shun. Staring at his face whose contours and lines were so clear, she stretched out her hand and lightly stroked his face while sighing in her heart.

Ultimately, she still couldn't escape the clutches of love. Maybe being able to meet Shun in this lifetime was the arrangement of her fate.

At the corner of her eye, a tear dripped down, landing on Shun's face.

But the Shun now was still unconscious and wasn't able to see the beautiful scenery or the smile that accompanied it.

Her eyes might be filled with tears, but there was a steel-like determination in her eyes, showing that she had no regrets!


Don't forget those powerstones.