Chapter 56

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Time flowed by, the deaths of the three devil kings were gradually mentioned less and less.

On the Vast Sky Island, the appearance of a few more people wouldn't cause any ripples at all.

Today, Shun finally woke up from his sleep. When he opened his eyes, Da, and Ria entered his field of vision.

Shun clenched his fist and felt a vast strength circulating his entire body. His eyes narrowed sharply. His entire being seemed to be flooded with boundless strength.

"What's going on?" Shun sat up. Other than his body being a little stiff, he didn't feel uncomfortable at all. His injuries had all healed and what was even more shocking was that his chakra level actually…How is this possible?

Glancing at everyone, Shun asked, "Where is Xin?"

During these few days, he kept having a dream. In the dream, he seemed to be having sex with a shadowy figure and this shadowy figure was actually on top, repeating the same action many times.

The person which appeared most in his dreams was none other than Xin and his chakra circulation became unbelievably fast.

Hence when he opened his eyes and didn't see Xin, he immediately asked where she was.

"Are you alright?" Ria asked.

Shun nodded his head with a fond smile, "I'm fine now. In addition, my chakra… But this should be impossible. Even if I was already at the peak of the seventh-level I shouldn't have progressed this fast, but…"

Ria blushed and exchanged a glance with Da before a slight guilt could be seen in her eyes as she spoke in a low voice, " Xin has returned to the Fallen God Island. Given her intelligence, nothing would happen to her."

"Returned to the Fallen God Island?" Shun frowned.

"Mhm, she said that she has promised the Lord of the Celestial Lodge that she would definitely return. This time, accompanying us here was already something she ought not have done." Ria replied.

Shun turned his gaze to Da, as he activated his emotion sensor. His eyes gleamed with a terrifying light when he stared at their expressions.

Shun furrowed his brows. He could see a slight guilt in the eyes of the two of them, as well as a hint of complexity. What happened exactly?

"The Mercury Lady Art." Shun closed his eyes. Could it be that the dreams were real?

Drawing in a deep breath, Shun glanced at Da, "Did Xin really return to the Fallen Island?"

"Yes." Da nodded.

"Mhm." Shun nodded, not saying anything more. He stood up and proceeded outside as he asked, "During the time where I was unconscious, did you guys probe about the current events on this island?"

"There's only one method if you wish to meet with the Vast Sky Emperor."

"What is the method?" Shun asked. Clearly, everyone understood his intentions.

Since he came to this region, the only way for him to go against Monoshiki, was to look for an even stronger emperor to depend on.

Since they decided to jump into conclusions carelessly, Shun had the thoughts of playing with them all the way to the very end.

"It's basically impossible to meet with the emperor. Leaving aside us with our levels, even devil kings wouldn't be able to meet with the Vast Sky Emperor. On this island, only one person can bring you to the emperor. This person is none other than his daughter, the little princess of the Vast Sky Region. The age of this princess is very young and the emperor dotes on her greatly. She has a wilful personality and likes to challenge others. She would often invite powerful experts to fight, and the losers were always killed while the winners would be heavily rewarded. If one was strong enough, one could even be granted the rank of her knight."

Ria spoke. Shun's eyes flickered, they had to act on the daughter of the emperor?

The daughter of a emperor wasn't going to be the same as Yuruo. Right?

Her judgement would definitely be higher and Ria had already said that this princess was extremely willful, going around to fight with people, killing those weaker than her.

However, given how lofty the status of a emperor was, if he wanted to meet the emperor, he definitely needed a spring board.

This princess of the Vast Sky Region was truly the only method.

"I will try it out." Shun spoke.

"This princess is extremely temperamental. Nowadays, fewer and fewer people would dare to even meet her for fear or her wanting to fight them. It's extremely dangerous and it's best to be more careful." Da reminded.

They both naturally had absolute trust in Shun's abilities. It's just that as the daughter of a emperor, her status was extraordinary. If Shun went to her residence, nobody could anticipate clearly what might happen there.

In addition, Shun's personality was quite prideful. If the emperor's daughter acted wilful on purpose and Shun retaliated, things might get nasty…

"I will react very carefully." Shun spoke in a light voice. "Let's not waste time, we will set out right now."

They both nodded and left this place together.

After several days, near the residence of the princess, numerous experts could be seen on the walls around it.

After entering the palace, powerful guards were arrayed on two sides of the path. There were even devil kings guarding the area. The security here was extremely strict.

Within this island by right, there shouldn't be anyone who dared to act against the princess. However, the guards here were still so powerful and all of them were personally chosen by the princess.

Shun was now among the crowd of experts waiting to enter. There were tens of experts, all of them at the peak of chakra sea.

This was because the princess was also at this level and was rumored to be extremely powerful. If they wanted to gain her recognition, it wouldn't be an easy task.

On their way in, there were naturally experts guiding the way. This residence was like an ancient castle filled with guards everywhere. It didn't seem like the residence of a princess but a residence suited to an imposing devil king instead.

They were brought to a vast public training ground with four walls erected around it.

On the top of the walls, there were more experts on guard, including devil kings who could monitor everything that happened beneath.

Shun glanced up at the walls, he suddenly felt that this place was like a prison, with an extremely tense atmosphere.

At this moment on the top of the wall, a group of figures appeared. The person in the center exuded an incomparable elegance and grace.

Her face was cold, one couldn't tell what emotions she was feeling. She turned her gaze onto Shun and the other experts here emotionlessly.

Shun and the others in the surroundings all bowed. They came here for one purpose only, to become the knights of the princess.

Although it was very dangerous, the reward was great as well. If they were able to climb up step by step, they would have a boundlessly bright future.

Although the princess was deemed extremely wilful by others, she had never forced people to enter her residence to fight her.

Everyone did so willingly and from another perspective, she was just providing an opportunity.

"Only half of you can live. Same old rules, each of you will select an opponent and kill them." A maid at the side of the princess icily spoke.

Even the servants of the princess were extremely arrogant and rude?

The rule where only half could survive, had been set in place since a long time ago. If not for this, many weaklings would definitely try to enter the princess residence.

The princess herself wasn't so free to fight against challenges from those weaklings. Hence, only by setting this rules would the weak not dare to enter.

Instantly, vast amounts of devil might erupted forth. Shun stood there while cold gazes from everyone were glancing around.

Rumbling sounds rang out unceasingly as the combat started.

One devil expert was staring at Shun. His body flashed by as a towering devil might permeated the area, as he blasted out a punch


A vast devil might also gushed forth from Shun, his body gleaming with light.


The powerful punch slammed into Shun yet it was unable to break his defense.

Shun calmly turned his head, staring at his opponent with a cold look in his eyes.

The expression of that person instantly changed, knowing that his choice to make Shun his opponent was an incredibly foolish one.

His silhouette flickered, wanting to leave but Shun blasted out another palm strike as a reply to his opponent's earlier attack.

Instantly, his opponent was heavily injured as he was flung heavily through the air.

On the wall, Yue's gaze turned towards Shun. A bright light flashed in her eyes.

This was the fastest speed used to conclude a battle. Also, the strike of a peak chakra sea expert actually couldn't break the defense of this young man.

"The loser dies." A maid beside Yue coldly spoke. After which, a guard walked over to Shun's heavily injured opponent and directly deleted him away.

The battles continued as the losers of each fight were killed off.

The look in Yue's eyes was as calm as ever. Shun inclined his head and stared at her.

This little princess, the daughter of the emperor… Using the word barbaric to describe her didn't seem to suit her.

"The rest of you survived up till now can evade death. But the next battle will be even more intense. Only three will remain, and you all can choose to leave now if you are afraid." Yue's maid spoke.

From the start until now, the devil princess Yue hasn't even spoken a single word.

The next round of battles continued, yet Shun simply stood there quietly, his body gleaming with light.

Despite the rumbling of the spaces around him, he stood there in an extremely stable manner.

There was someone who launched an attack towards Shun. Shun's eyes gleamed, directly punching out in that direction, shattering everything.

That person who launched the sneak attack suffered a punch right to his chest.

His energy and blood churned wildly, and another expert directly seized this opportunity to finish him off.

This person was stronger compared to the one who attacked him earlier, he was extremely unhappy when he saw Shun standing there not doing anything, and hence, he wanted to launch a sneak attack.

Who would have thought that he would end up so miserable.

The combat continued but it seemed as though Shun wasn't in the battlefield at all. Nobody dared to touch him after that. Yue's gaze turned to Shun. Among all these people, it seemed that she was only interested in him.

Very swiftly, only three remained here. The others already died or had chosen to leave earlier.

Shun naturally was one of the three remaining ones.

"He can remain, reward the other two and tell them to leave." Yue pointed at Shun as she spoke. The eyes of the other two flashed with disappointment. Despite their results, they were still asked to leave

In the end, only Shun remined.

"Fight with me." Yue lightly stepped forward as her maid followed beside her.

Shun inclined his head to stare at her, he then calmly spoke, "Princess, you aren't my match. It's best for you not to fight against me."

"Stupid!" That maid coldly snorted. She then shot forth like a streak of lightning, speeding towards Shun.

"Boom!" Shun said calmly

A thunderous voice echoed out, as seals manifested around him, sealing this entire space. Under the pressure of that sound, that maid coughed out blood as her body was flung back, her face devoid of blood!


Don't forget those stones guys, your dedication determines the amount of extra chapters I'll be releasing at weeks end.