Chapter 57

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Title: Meeting the Vast Sky Emperor


Shun stood tall, there was spirit in his eyes, it flashed sharply as he stared at the maid. "You can't even resist this little bit of Sound and you actually called me arrogant? Stupid"

He came here to meet the emperor. If even a maid dared to threaten him, what qualifications did he have to meet with the emperor?

"How dare you." That maid stood up, glaring at Shun, both her eyes were like swords. She was Yue's personal maid and everyone had to treat her with respect.

There never has been anyone who dared to treat her this way.

Shun coldly swept his glance at her. Just a single glance caused her to instantly fall into hell. She only felt a pair of terrifying eyes pulling her into a hell-like world. Her body trembled and her expression turned unsightly.

Three seconds laters she woke up from the illusion and coughed another mouthful of blood and slumped on the ground.

Being by the side of the princess for so many years, she had never met someone so powerful before.

"You said that I'm not a match for you? If we don't try, how would we know? Are you really that confident?" Yue wasn't enraged. She quietly stared at Shun, her voice calm.

"There's no need to try. On the Vast Sky Island, within the devil sea realm, nobody is my match." Shun calmly replied.

However, despite the calmness of his voice, an arrogance could be heard within. This was the pride he had in himself.

'No one on this island within the devil sea realm was his match? How arrogant was this?' Yue's beautiful eyes were like sharp swords.

She stared at Shun, "I want to try fighting you even more."

As she spoke, her aura erupted. At this instant, an overwhelming coldness and heavy might manifested in the atmosphere.

Yue loved to fight, and her subordinates were all powerful characters on the Vast Sky Island. Usually, she would only choose the strongest individual or if not, she would not only have told Shun alone to remain behind today.


A fearsome aura gushed forth from Shun, radiating an immense pressure.

With a lift of his hand, chakra covered his hand as he blasted it out at Yue, crushing everything.

Yue's expression changed. As the palm strike descended, she couldn't shake off the feeling that the palm resembled the hand of a god, there was simply no way for her to resist.


A raging wind gusted by, Yue's long hair fluttered in the wind.

That palm strike stopped an inch before her forehead. Her eyes were already closed, the experts in the surroundings all unleashed their auras as they enveloped Shun.

If that palm strike landed, their princess would have already been dead.

The raging wind dispersed, Yue finally opened her eyes. She stared at the calm-looking Shun as a bright light flashed in her eyes.

"What request do you want since you came all the way here to my princess residence?" Yue asked.

Such a character naturally wouldn't have their sights on a mere guard position, they would surely be more ambitious.

"You surely are wise, I have a request I would like to ask." Shun spoke.

"Speak." Yue's gaze flickered.

"I wish for an audience with his Majesty, would the Princess please do me the honors and recommend me?" Shun asked.

"For what matter?" Yue's eyes gleamed with a dazzling light. This man actually wished to meet with her father, what an ambitious man.

Shun glanced at Yue, before this he was already observing her. She doesn't seem to be the wilful princess as spoken of in the rumors.

Shun could feel that this woman wasn't simple, hence he didn't beat around the bush and went straight to the point with her.

"I can give you a chance to upgrade your strength." Shun spoke. Yue's eyes flashed with cold arrogance as she continued speaking, "Explain clearly."

"When princess brings me to meet with the emperor, I will make everything clear to you then. For now, watch this." Shun instantly released his chakra, masked by a devil aura, making it resemble devil-energy.

This devil sea revolved about, exhibiting no flaws at all.

"Perfect grade devil-sea!" Yue started in shock.

Shun nodded, "That's right, I have a technique that would be you condense a perfect devil-sea. If you're willing to let me meet with the emperor, I will tell you everything."

"Fine." Yue didn't waste any time, directly nodding. Her personality was extremely straightforward.

So what even if Shun met with her royal father? Before her father, Shun's current level was simply too low, his words wouldn't have any weight at all. But there was no loss to her from her perspective.

If Shun lied to her… Nah... Most probably given how strong he was, he wouldn't be that foolish.

"Come with me." Yue spoke. After which, she turned about and soared through the air. Her maid coldly glanced at Shun and followed after.

Shun merely smiled. A mere maid also dared to have such a big temper?

With a leap, he followed behind them. There were devil kings guarding all around the area. If Shun made any dangerous actions, he would die instantly.

Or so they thought.

The princess manor, where Yue stayed in, was in a separate location. Her personality was aloof and she didn't choose to stay directly in the Vast Sky Palace.

The Vast Sky Palace naturally was extremely vast and majestic. There were countless guards just at the entrance, and many devil kings could be seen as well.

However since Yue was leading the way, the path ahead was extremely smooth. If Shun came alone saying he wanted to meet with the emperor, most probably he would be slain by the guards even before he reached the outermost perimeter.

After some time, Yue brought Shun to a residence.

"Princess." Several experts came by, bowing to Yue.

"Is father in?" Yue asked.

"Yes." Someone replied.

"I wish to meet with him." Yue's voice was calm. At this moment, a voice echoed out, "Yue, is the little fellow beside you a guard you newly recruited? Why have I never met him before?"

"Father, I've something to talk to you about." Yue spoke.

"Come on in then." The voice of the emperor rang out.

"Wait for me outside." Yue spoke to the guards behind her. After that, she glanced at Shun, "As for you, you can follow me in."

After that, she only brought Shun with her as she advanced into a courtyard. Over there, a middle-aged man was sitting under a pavilion, smiling at her.

"Yue, you have never brought anyone here before. Seems like the relationship between you two isn't bad."

"Father, you are mistaken. This man is here to see you." Yue said. The eyes of the emperor flashed as he stared at Shun. "See me?"

Shun surveyed the Vast Sky Emperor. This hegemon-level character actually had no aura whatsoever, it was like he was completely one with the world. But then again, meeting with his daughter in his own home, he naturally wouldn't unleash his tyrannical aura.

"Greeting, emperor." Shun bowed and greeted.

The emperor glanced at Shun, his eyes flashing with curiosity. A youngster with such a weak chakra kevel wanted to see him yet when they met, this young man wasn't nervous at all? This made him a little puzzled.

"What is the matter you wanted to see me about?" The emperor asked.

"I came from the outer realms." Shun radiated Chakra energy. This time around, he revealed a perfect chakra sea, instead of using that art to mask it. Yue's eyes flashed, staring at Shun.

This fellow actually lied to her.

"A perfect chakra sea." The eyes of the emperor gleamed with interest and reminisce. He didn't say anything and waited for Shun to continue speaking.

"As you may have noticed, I am an Otsustsuki, I don't know how much you know about the Otsustsukis but I believe you should have some information about them, right?" Shun bullshitted

"Mmm" the emperor nodded.

"As you may also know, we Otsustsukis have a method of directly ascending to the next stage by ingesting a chakra fruit."

"Mmm" The emperor nodded once more. "But what does that have to do with me? From what I know, only Otsustsukis can consume them."

"What if I told you there was a way for others to consume it too? Anyway thats for the future. Currently, I have an art that can elevate your daughter's strength to the next level, making her an invincible existence below the king realm and also helping her establish a perfect chakra sea."

The emperor's eyes gleamed with interest. "Mm... Interesting. Now that you've piqued my curiosity, aren't you afraid that I'll search your sea of consciousness and directly extract this information?" The emperor asked.

"Haha, surely you joke, your majesty. I wouldn't be confidently standing before you now if I was afraid of that." Shun laughed.

Although he wasn't exactly sure of how strong the will and soul of an Emperor is, he was sure that the moment they entered his sea of consciousness, they'd be trapped in the river of time for all eternity.

That was the security Shun put in his sea of consciousness. Any one who barges in would experience a burst of pressure, and the longer they stay in there, the heavier the pressure. Once the pressure pushed you into the sea in the sea of consciousness, they'd experience an endless life and death in the world of his makings.

And it would do well to note that Shun put in a copy of all the cultivation novel world into the sea. So they would experience life as cultivators.

The Emperor's interest deepened, "Mmm. Go on,"

"This method would also directly make your daughter invincible in the same realm. Meaning that when she enters the Devil King realm, she'd also be invincible." Shun said.

The emperor smiled slightly as he regarded Shun.

Honestly speaking, he didn't really desire the chakra fruit all that much. The Otsustsuki clan's tyranny is known throughout the universe and although he wasn't afraid of them in here, he wouldn't unnecessarily bring trouble to himself by killing one of their own.

The reason why he was still undecided was due to his daughter. He knew she's always looking for strong people to fight. He also knew her personality and although he was Absolute in this region, he still feared that she would incur the wrath of someone in the future, leading to her death.

She was all he had as family in this world, so he couldn't just refuse a deal that will be beneficial to her.

"What do you want?" The emperor asked.

"I need your majesty to protect me for ten years." Shun replied.

The expression of the emperor instantly turned cold as a terrifying might bore down on Shun. "You are truly audacious."

"Truth to be told, I came to the Myriad Islands because there's a quest that takes place every thousand. The limit for this battle is ten years. If I return earlier, I will die without a doubt. I still need to wait about nine years plus more." Shun explained.

This was something he learnt from the corpse of an Otsustsuki he killed before. Although it was disgusting, he managed to scour through their memory to find out their reason for coming here.

The Vast Sky Emperor merely quietly glanced at him, the pressure he emitted was still as heavy as before.

"Great Emperor, I know you have some mind-scouring methods where you can get the information out from me directly. However, I swear this. The moment you try, you'd cease to exist. Your soul would be gone forever. And Maybe I have another clone somewhere and will report this once I get out." Shun decisively spoke.

"This is an important matter, your majesty, or I wouldn't have risked my life unnecessarily."

"I don't have the time to guard you for ten years." The emperor coldly spoke. This fellow truly dared to make such an outrageous demand.

"In that case, can I request your Majesty to attack the Fallen God Island and assist me in searching for some people. Once the ten year mark is reached, I will naturally fulfil my promise and bring you out to get a chakra fruit. If you don't believe me, you can get experts to monitor my every movements for these ten years." Shun bowed.

"For your daughter, I would immediately carry it out, but she has to be reminded that this procedure will incur great pain, pain she probably hasn't experienced her entire life. After all, no good thing comes easy,"

"What a crafty fellow." The emperor laughed coldly. "Monitor your movements? You mean to protect you, right?"

Also, the earlier request for protection for a duration of ten years was most probably to pave the way for him to make a request to attack the Fallen God Island.

"You want me to fight against another emperor?" The Vast Sky Emperor laughed.

"I've already checked before that you are is stronger compared to the Fallen God Emperor. If you refuse, I can only request that senior would be my backing. When the time comes, as long as I accomplish some things on the Fallen God Island, the Fallen God Emperor wouldn't dare to start a war either." Shun spoke, revealing his true objectives.


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