Chapter 60

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Title: Death Comes


The heart of the Old man trembled. Never would he expected that he would be forced to such an extend by a minor character.

Back then during the time at the Fallen God Emperor's birthday celebration, he depended on being an old friend of the emperor, and wanted the emperor to give him free pass.

How could a minor character shake their friendship, the ranking of the battle event was just an unimportant matter.

Even the Fallen God Emperor himself felt this way. However, that minor and insignificant matter from back then has actually become a huge trouble today, so great to the extent where he might even have to die.

"Vast Sky, things aren't so serious, right?" The Fallen God Emperor spoke. Old Kan was his good friend. No matter what, he would do his best to save his life.

"He has already sent a devil king to hunt down little friend Shun. Is this still not enough for him to pay with his life? In addition, Shun has given him a fair chance. What do you mean by things aren't so serious?" The Vast Sky Emperor calmly spoke.

"Vast Sky, do you really intend to start a war with my Fallen God Region for the sake of a minor?" The Fallen God Emperor was somewhat angered now.

Before this, he was very polite, trying to minimize the matter. The Vast Sky Emperor was an extremely tyrannical and powerful emperor, he didn't wish to fight head-on with such a character.

Being able to resolve the issue would naturally be for the best. However, Shun's only purpose here today seemed to be taking the life of the Old man.

"That would have to depend on your choice." The Vast Sky Emperor's eyes gleamed with sharpness.

"Shun, what do you want? You can tell me directly. Since you are acquainted with Vast Sky, as long as your request isn't too excessive, I will naturally satisfy you." The Fallen Emperor turned to Shun, taking a step back.

The experts in the surroundings felt their hearts shaking. Seems like the Fallen Emperor didn't wish to start a war. He actually chose to compromise with him.

"This time, his Majesty is in such a deep hole all because of the Old man." The people here all cursed silently at Old Kan. Back then, Shun's performance was extremely outstanding and should have been part of the top three with Monoshiki.

Most probably, the Fallen God Emperor did have this intention as well but because of Old Kan's forced interference, things wouldn't be like this now.

Right now, the Old man even caused the Fallen God Emperor to have to compromise with a youngster for the sake of him.

If the Old man wasn't a close bosom buddy of the Fallen God Emperor, most probably he would already have been abandoned.

These people seemed to have forgotten that not one of them objected when the Old man made that request. When the emperor announced the rankings then, everyone pretended not to know, yet now, all of them were putting the blame on Old Kan.

One could only say that the things in the world change constantly. Shun brought the Vast Sky Emperor here today and his status now was different, causing their thinking to all change.

"Fallen God Emperor. Now, I only want to settle the debt with the Old man." Shun domineeringly replied, not bothering to be polite.

With strength of background, what was the use of being polite? If it wasn't for the Vast Sky Emperor behind him, if he dared to act this way, he would already have been smacked to death.

In the future without the support of the Vast Sky Emperor, he would die all the same. Hence, there was no need for him to be polite.

"If you still have a backbone, get Knal out to fight with me. If not, just commit suicide now. If both emperors start a war, you not only have to die, you would die as a sinner and as a useless coward." Shun continued.

The face of the Old man turned red from anger, glaring harshly at Shun, wanting nothing more than to tear him apart right now.

"Old Kan, Knal is a powerful character of the Devil Rankings. Since you felt that he was stronger than Shun, why don't you get him out to fight. This young man is too arrogant, let Knal wake him up and show him who is stronger." At this moment, a devil king suddenly spoke.

This man was a protector of the Fallen God Island and was extremely strong.

At this moment, although his words sounded tactful, he no doubt had offended the Old man. But for the sake of the Fallen God Emperor, he couldn't care too much now. As a protector, he naturally knew of how strong the Vast Sky Emperor was.

If they started a war because of this stupid issue, the probability of the Fallen God Emperor being defeated was extremely high. If that's the case, it would mean a calamity for the entire Fallen God Region.

Shun and the Vast Sky Emperor came in such a domineering manner, they didn't start a war right away but was trying to force the Old Kan to the death. Evidently, they also had no wish to shred all cordiality.

Hence, sacrificing the Old Kan would be the best way to bring things to a close.

The eyes of the Fallen God Emperor flashed with a slight unhappiness. However, he knew that his subordinate was thinking of the big picture, and he couldn't bring himself to reproach him.

"Old Kan, let Knal fight for the glory of our Fallen God Region." Another devil king protector spoke. At this moment, other than the Fallen God Emperor, only these devil kings had the qualifications to speak.

"Let Knal come out then." The Fallen God Emperor suddenly spoke, his words causing the gazes of everyone to turn heavy. As for the Old man, the sinking feeling in his heart grew heavier and heavier and he felt chills all over his body.

"And just as well, it has been many years since I last met with Vast Sky, I wish to spar against him too to see if I've improved." The Fallen God Emperor continued, his words causing the Old man to glanced up, staring in astonishment at this old friend of his.

He knew that this was the best idea his old friend had, fighting for him. If the Fallen God Emperor could defeat the Vast Sky Emperor, it wouldn't matter anymore if Knal won or lost.

On the contrary, if the Fallen God Emperor was defeated, he, who had lived for countless years, would die here today for sure. No one would be able to save him.

"Sure." The Vast Sky Emperor calmly replied.

Being able to spar against people on the same level was an extremely rare opportunity.

Since he came to the Fallen God Region today, he might as well have a fight against the Fallen God Emperor.

It was even better since the Fallen God Emperor himself initiated with this request.

"Knal." Old Kan called out.

A figure from below soared up into the air, this was none other than Knal of the devil rankings.

He has also heard the conversation earlier, and a complex look couldn't help but to be on his face as he stared at Shun.

This young man who gave him a huge rush of impact back then, has now brought a devil army to their doorstep, and was forcing his old ancestor to commit suicide.

Such a matter, who would have dared to imagine something like this would happen back then at the birthday celebration banquet of the Fallen God Emperor?

A chakra sea expert was able to force a devil king to commit suicide?

Also, this devil king was a very good friend of the Fallen God Emperor and the reason for the young man to do so was because of a slight injustice he suffered then?

"Vast Sky Emperor, please." The Fallen God Emperor's silhouette flashed, shooting up into the sky.

For emperor-ranked battles, they had to fight high up in the air or the aftershocks of their attacks might destroy everything down below. After all, their means of attack was the world force.

The Vast Sky Emperor also soared upwards. In an instant, two divine-like silhouettes appeared, cloaked in boundless devil light.

Everyone knew that the two of them was already extremely high up in the air, yet their silhouettes were still so clear.

At this instant, countless people on the Fallen God Island gazed up at the two emperors in the air as their hearts pounded madly.

One of those experts was actually the Fallen God Emperor. His Majesty was personally fighting, but who was his opponent?

The two emperors fought extremely intensely. The Fallen God Emperor blasted a punch. Just a single attack seemed to have the power to collapse the skies. That punch was like a shadow covering the entire sky, engulfing everything.


A powerful devil light erupted forth from the Vast Sky Emperor.

Under this powerful light, everything crumbled to dust. That gigantic punch covering the skies crumbled away bit by bit, unceasingly being destroyed.

Shun glanced at the sky before turning his gaze onto Knal. "It's about time for our battle to start."

Knal walked out, he had an ashen expression. He completely had no confidence in being able to beat Shun.

He has fought with Monoshiki before and knew how terrifying that fellow was. Shun was someone who was able to fight equally against Monoshiki!

The rumbling sounds echoed from the air. Even for those extremely far away, they could feel it clearly. The spectators below all trembled.

Knal was trembling as well. His aura erupted forth but there was no confidence in his eyes.

"You must kill him before he uses the secret art, it's best that you go all out and launch a sneak attack with your devil weapon." The Old man transmitted his voice to Knal. His expression was extremely sinister, flickering with killing intent.

If Shun died, the Vast Sky Emperor would no longer have anything to say.

Knal sped towards Shun, his devil might crackled wildly around him as a gigantic devil saber appeared, slashing down at Shun.


Shun stretched his palm out. His palm shone with startling resplendence and there were numerous runes revolving around it.

At the instant the saber light landed, Shun blasted out, breaking through Knal's attack as his body appeared right before Knal.

"His Chakra…" Knal turned pale.

God's Hand smashed down with impunity, flowing with divine might, capable of destroying everything. Knal basically couldn't react at all.

He howled in rage as devil light erupted around him, slashing out countless streams of destructive light. Thunderous sounds shook the area.

Shun slammed out with another palm strike and with an explosive boom, Knal was directly sent flying.

Blood could be seen at the corners of his lips. Knal couldn't even stand up to a single attack.

However, Shun didn't stop. He stacked another palm strike on his attack, causing Knal to scream in even more misery as his body was sent flying towards the horizons.

"Old man, is this the person you chose to rank before me?" Shun coldly spoke, staring at the Old man.

Knal and him were on completely different levels. The Old man had a grim look on his face, as though he was just slapped by Shun.

He inclined his head and stared at the sky, the terrifying emperor-ranked battle was still on-going.

The Vast Sky Emperor borrowed strength from world energy. The entire sky was filled with axe shadows, all attacks by his opponent were ripped to shreds before they could get near him.

"Vast Sky Divine Axe." The protector of the Fallen God Emperor down below had an unsightly expression on his face. They all stared at the Old man and spoke, "Old Kan, just kill yourself."

The countenance of the Old man turned extremely ugly to behold.

He also could tell that his old friend, the Fallen God Emperor was now at a disadvantage, trapped within the frenzied attacks of the Vast Sky Emperor.

He, the famed Kan, was to commit suicide?


The Old Xia Devil King suddenly burst out, speeding towards Shun.

However almost at the exact same moment, beams of devil light enveloped Shun's protectively.

The devil kings under the Vast Sky Emperor acted, standing around Shun to guard him as they launched their attacks at the Old man, and also, at this very moment, the subordinates of the Fallen Devil Emperor also moved.

However, the target of their attacks was actually the Old man!

"You guys…" The Old man roared in anger. The subordinates of the Vast Sky Emperor attacked from the front while the subordinates of the Fallen God Emperor attacked from the back. He had no way to evade.

Under the joint-attack by so many devil kings, how could the Old man resist? The attacks all slammed into him, causing a thunderous boom as the Old man screamed in agony, coughing out blood.

From afar, the spectators were all extremely shocked when they saw this scene. Even the protectors of the Fallen God Emperor acted against Old Kan. How could he still even hope to live?

Because of the slight injustice caused by him at the birthday celebration banquet, the Old man was actually going to die here. How ridiculous-sounding was this?!