Chapter 61

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Title: Killed


"Are you guys rebelling?" The Old man howled in anger. The four great protectors of the Fallen God Emperor actually tried to kill him, including the subordinates of the Vast Sky Emperor.

He was surrounded, and terrifying devilish might completely covered him. He would find it hard to escape even if given wings.

"Old Kan, you influenced the decision of his Majesty that day. His Majesty treats you as a good friend, and hence, he allowed you to do as you wish. But now things have already reached this state…In order to avoid the needless sacrifices that war would cause to both regions, you best give them a satisfactory answer." A protector devil king spoke.

It was reality that the Vast Sky Emperor was a level stronger in comparison to the Fallen God Emperor.

The battle in the air made this point extremely clear. If both side waged a war, the ones who died wouldn't be just a mere devil king. The entire palace would even be destroyed.

Hence, there must be someone standing out to give a satisfactory answer.

The Fallen God Emperor and the Old man were extremely close friends, there was no way he would be able to bring this up. Hence, his subordinates had no choice but to stand up and call out the Old man.

The other devil kings under the Fallen God Emperor didn't say anything but they didn't interfere to stop them.

Since the protectors already acted, there was no need for them to interfere in this. It was better to step aside or they might suffer the displeasure of the Fallen God Emperor.

If a war started, they might even lose their lives. Who wouldn't stand on their own viewpoint and consider things? In the face of everything, benefits were still the deciding factors for actions to be taken.

Back then, Shun was merely a talented junior. So what if he was unfair towards him? Given Old Kan's status, nobody would say anything more.

But now, Shun brought a emperor and army back here, how could things still be the same. Since the situation changed, the best solution now was to sacrifice the Old man.

As the protectors of the Fallen God Emperor, they naturally had to do their utmost for him even if he were to blame them for it later.

Let alone the fact that the Old man tried to sneak attack Shun earlier. Since Shun could bring an army here, it definitely meant that his relationship with the Vast Sky Emperor wasn't a slight one.

Once Shun died, the Vast Sky Emperor would surely be completely enraged and the consequences would be unimaginable. No matter what, the Old man had to die - this was the answer.

On the ground, Knal was completely pale. What was going on? A single Monoshiki alone was monstrous enough and now, there was another Shun.

Also, the commotion this caused was far greater than the commotion Monoshiki had created back then.

Black clouds now filled the sky, the pressure from the emperor-ranked battle was so great that it even had the power to crumble the emperor palace into pieces.

In the crowd, Old Charl glanced at the battle in the air, feeling extremely shocked in his heart. Luckily he didn't overly offend Shun back then or his ending would definitely be very miserable.

Why would monsters like Monoshiki and Shun suddenly appear here?

"Hahaha, you guys want to sacrifice me, Kan?" The Old man laughed crazily, his long hair fluttering in the wind.

"Since Old Kan isn't willing to do it himself, we can only offend you then."

A protector spoke. After which, numerous devil kings acted together, sealing the his pathways of retreat. Old Kan's maniacal laughter resounded out in the air.

A bright burst of devil light radiated from him as he dashed towards the four great protectors. He had walked tyrannically all through his life and was extremely good friends with the Fallen God Emperor.

Yet today, he would become a sacrifice because of a mere minor character?

The battle shook the entire island. The entire area was sealed by the subordinates of the Vast Sky Emperor, preventing the aftershocks from spreading.

The spectators from afar all felt their hearts shaking and this wasn't only because of the emperor-ranked battle, but was also because of how devil kings on both side had surrounded the Old man Kan.

"This world changes too fast." Many people silently mused. From afar, more and more people came here to spectate.

When they saw the army brought here by Shun, all of them were speechless.

The four great protectors were all fighting against Old Kan now. No matter how strong Old Kan might be, there was no way he could win. He went all out and injured two protectors while he received a critical attack, causing his organs to shatter.

"BOOM!" Another blast of destructive might slammed into him, causing him to shudder violently as blood flowed freely from his wounds.

Even his gaze seemed to dim, seemingly already on the doorway to death.

"I, Kan Mo, was able to move unhindered throughout my life. Yet I'm actually going to die because of a young brat at the chakra sea today. Ridiculous, how utterly ridiculous!" Old Kan roared loudly at the sky.

He was unwilling to, his heart was filled with an extreme reluctance.

He turned with difficulty and stared at Shun. This young man stood in the air and was coldly staring at him.

"You who came from the outer realms. Since you are so brazen on the Myriad Islands, you would surely die extremely miserably in the future." The Old Kan venomously cursed.

"Old Kan, you are saying that I'm brazen? Could it be that you still don't understand how you died? It's precisely because you have no one in your eyes! Tell me, who is the brazen one? At the celebratory feast you acted so imperiously, using your identity as an old friend of the Fallen God Emperor to influence his decision. The you at that time, have you ever thought that today would come? You sent people to hunt me down, thinking that I was merely a brat who can be killed anytime as long as you willed it. The you back then, did you ever think that this would happen today?" Shun's eyes were cold..

If any of his women saw the current him, they would find it hard to associate him with the ever smiling and peaceful Shun they've grown to love for over a century.

"Hahaha, you are just a brat, an ant in my eyes. Do you think you have the qualifications to lecture me?" Old Kan laughed loudly.

"Someone who is going to die still wants to talk big?" A look of pity flashed in the eyes of Shun. "Simply ridiculous. You must have offended plenty of people in the past. Once you die, I'm afraid your clan members wouldn't have another day of peace. They would all pay for the deeds you have done. Could it be that you feel no sadness nor regrets?"

The Old man trembled and coughed out another mouthful of blood, on the verge of death. He inclined his head and stared at the two emperors who were battling as he howled, "I'M NOT WILLING!"

After that, he slammed a palm onto his own heart, shattering it and committing suicide. As Kan Mo, even in death, he had to face it directly. He didn't want his body to be shattered from the attacks of others.

His roar of reluctance drifted through the entire space, causing chills in the hearts of everyone.

This young man who rejected the reward was too terrifying, coming back to kill the Old man because of a slight injustice. Nobody knew what methods he used, he actually managed to invite a emperor to come back here with him.

"OLD KAN!" In the air, the roar of the Fallen God Emperor echoed out. A thunderous boom rang out as a bright light pierced through the sky. After that, the spectators saw both the emperors descending down from the sky.

The Fallen God Emperor flew to the body of Old Kan and hugged his corpse, feeling extremely complicated in his heart.

An old friend of so many years has just died like that. In addition, his death was brought about by his subordinates. But even so, could he blame them? He knew that his subordinates were thinking of the big picture, and thinking for him.

"Well done." The Fallen God Emperor turned his gaze to Shun.

"Your majesty must be joking. If I wasn't forced to an extreme, I wouldn't have chosen to walk on this path. The decision of the Old man back then was extremely important to me. Also, he sent someone to hunt me down. Maybe, my life in your majesty's eyes isn't worthy of a single mention but even minor characters have a pride of their own. I naturally would want to seek revenge." Shun calmly replied. The eyes of the Fallen God Emperor turned sharp but he knew that Shun spoke the truth.

From his perspective, Shun was insignificant. But since Shun was almost hunted down, he naturally would want revenge. And now, he found the method of obtaining revenge, and here he came.

The Old man died because he underestimated Shun's methods and resolve.

"I think you are here today not only just to kill my old friend, right? What else do you want?" The eyes of the Fallen God Emperor were like sharp swords, directly staring into the eyes of Shun.

"Where is Monoshiki?" Shun asked.

"Some news from some islands was received, he set off to find an island of his choice." The Fallen God Emperor calmly replied, his words caused Shun to frown.

"I need Monoshiki and his followers found and brought back" Shun said.

"Are you giving me a command?" The Fallen God Emperor coldly laughed.

"I don't dare to, this is a just a humble request from me." Shun politely spoke.

"What if I disagree?" The eyes of the Fallen God Emperor turned cold.

"In that case, my army will be stationed here." The Vast Sky Emperor calmly added.

Earlier when they fought, he possessed the advantage. His strength was higher than the Fallen God Emperor. But if he wanted to kill the Fallen God Emperor, he was still not strong enough to do so.

If the Fallen God Emperor went all out, there was no problem for him to flee. If he pushed him so far, his own Vast Sky Region might be in danger. Hence, he wouldn't promise Shum to kill the Fallen God Emperor.

He has already said that he came here to be the support for Shun.

As to how things would be done, that would have to depend on Shun's own capabilities.

"Do what you will." The Fallen God Emperor took Old Kan's corpse with him as he walked into his emperor palace. The devil kings behind him naturally followed after. The eyes of the Vast Sky Emperor flashed, he turned to Shun and smiled, "Seems like the death of that devil king has thoroughly enraged the Fallen God Emperor. Things won't be so easily settled now."

Shun frowned. It wasn't an easy task to get an emperor to compromise.

"Fallen God Emperor, no matter you agree to this or not, let me make this clear first. If there are any devil kings in the Fallen God Region who dares to disseminate news to Monoshiki again in the future, I will kill that devil king for sure." Shun's cold words rang out in the air.

Even if the Fallen God Emperor didn't give him news, he wouldn't allow the other devil kings of the islands in this region to give any news to Monoshiki.

The Fallen God Emperor didn't bother with Shun. The Vast Sky Emperor merely smiled, "Station our troops here."

"Yes." All the experts here nodded and flew to the ground, stationing the army right at the side of the Fallen Emperor Palace.

The eyes of the crowd all gleamed, seems like there would soon be frequent conflicts between the armies led by the two emperors!


Hey guys, Author here. I don't know if y'all are enjoying this story so far but if you aren't then I apologize. I decided to use a hundred chapter to write a volume 2 to show a certain perspective in regards to the world outside the Naruto world.

This volume two honestly contains some cut and paste and I also apologize for that but I'm trying to show some of Shun's abilities before the main story commences as no one would really be his match in the Naruto world.

Also, I apologize for the lack of Japanese suffixes and weird names. I couldn't use Japanese names so I went for both Fantasy and some comprehendible Chinese names. I also apologize for that.

The MC wouldn't reach the peak of the universe before returning to the Naruto world. He'll hint that he's getting tired of the bullshit he'll be experiencing and hence return after a stipulated period of time.

Please bear with it and keep your support. Thanks.🙇‍♂️🙏🙏