Chapter 71

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Title: Fighting His Way Up


"I'm not interested in joining any of the Devil Halls." Shun suddenly spoke.

The expert beside him had a puzzled look on his face. This guy came all the way here to the Celestial Mountain and he actually said he didn't want to join any of the Devil Halls?

"In the Fallen God Region, I met a white-robed young man from the Celestial Mountain. He told me that if I want to find those I'm searching for, I can come to the Celestial Mountain. Now, I've arrived, but how can I find those I'm seeking?" Shun asked.

"White-robed young man?" The eyes of that expert flashed. Shu extended his chakra and formed a projection. After that expert saw it, a smile appeared on his face but he shook his head, "I truly have no idea."

"No idea?"

"For those who came from the Celestial Mountain, they shouldn't lie to me right?"

"Since he said that, he naturally has a reason to do so. However, the time isn't right yet." The person smiled. After which, his silhouette flickered as he left, leaving Shun to himself.

Staring at this Celestial Mountain and at its vast land size, there seemed to be millions of Palaces here. A single glance couldn't take in everything at all.

Shun reckoned that this Celestial mountain alone was twice as large as the Shinobi world in land size.

"Maybe, those few Devil Halls at the top can give you your answer." A misty voice drifted into Shun's mind. He inclined his head and stared at those Devil Halls at the top. Would there be an answer there?

Shun lifted his foot and walked over there. The island of ten thousand devils were said to have ten thousand Devil Halls.

However, were there truly ten thousand powers? Clearly it was impossible, since this place was a sacred ground for the devils, those at the peak shouldn't be too many. Maybe, there would only be a single hall at the very peak.

Heading upwards, Shun could see statues of devils by the side of the path. For every Devil Statue, they contained great charm and were extremely life-like.

Shun could even feel the will of the devil path emanating from them.

As Shun continued up, more and more streams of devil will entered his eyes.

The chakra he used wasn't suitable with it. Hence, he closed his eyes and continued with a fast speed, wanting to ascend to the peak as soon as he could.

He was filled with curiosity with regards to the devil hall at the peak. He also wanted to see what sort of place that was exactly.

For the Devil Halls on both sides, there would be divine senses sweeping out over Shun, surveying him.

However, he didn't really care so much. Although it was tough to ascend the Celestial Mountain, there were countless numbers of geniuses attempting it everyday. It wasn't strange to occasionally see someone make it up here.

At this moment, a dragon roar shook the sky. Shun turned his gaze over, only to see that a dark dragon could be seen among the clouds, descending from the air.

Shun frowned, the young man on the dragon seat was actually someone he knew, Long Shen.

Shen's responsibility was to patrol the Myriad Islands. Now that he is back, he just so coincidentally ran into Shun who had ascended the Celestial Mountain.

Shen's eyes gleamed with a mischievous light when he saw Shun. After that, a loud roar shook the skies as the dragon sped right towards him.

Not long after, the Imperial Dragon Army and that darkness dragon were staring at Shun right in the face, exuding a dangerous aura.

"You actually ascended the Celestial Mountain?" Shen's eyes were like ice. That battle with Shun was his humiliation. However, this opponent of his actually climbed up the Celestial Mountain.

Just like what he had said before, if one day he managed to ascend the mountain, would he be a God or a devil?

Shun smiled at Shen. Shen was acting so imperiously even on the Celestial Mountain. Most probably, the Devil Hall he belonged to should have some level of authority.


The sound of a dragon roar rang out. On both sides of the path, more experts appeared in the air, staring at Shun. Shen seemed to have a grudge with this young man who just came up the mountain.

"You are truly audacious." Shen's voice was cold. "You come from the outer realms and an Otsustsuki no less. What's your purpose for coming up the Celestial Mountain?"

"From the Otsustsuki clan of the outer realms?" Everyone was astonished.

"I'm planning to head to the Devil Hall right at the peak." Shun calmly replied.

"Haha, planning to steal our devil techniques and pry into our secrets?" Shen's eyes were like ice. "If it wasn't for the fact that there can be no slaughter up here, you are already dead at this moment. Get down the Celestial mountain yourself and scram as far as you can."

Shun glanced at Shen as a mocking smile appeared on his face. "I've passed the test of the Myriad God Sovereign and managed to ascend the mountain. Why do you give me the feeling that you are the master of the Celestial mountain instead? Also, using this attitude to speak to me…Have you forgotten the humiliation of how the imposing you back then was defeated by me?"

"The Imperial Dragon Saint lost to him before?" The crowd mumbled.

In this generation of devil sea experts, although Shen wasn't the strongest, as the young lord of the Imperial Dragon Devil Hall, there was no need to doubt that his strength was extraordinary.

The Shen now was already at the ninth-level, yet he was defeated?

"If you know how the word 'shame' is written, just fuck out of my sight." Sbun lifted his foot and continued forward, not bothering about Shen and his army.

"ARGH!" Shen roared. "If you guys allow an outsider to walk to the Devil Hall at the peak, that would be the shame for all of us on the Myriad Islands."

As the sound of Shen's voice faded, numerous figures appeared before Shun. Their levels were all at the peak of devil sea. If they weren't at this realm, they wouldn't come out to obstruct Shun.

"You are an outsider. In that case, just get down the mountain." A devil expert spoke coldly.

"The Myriad God Sovereign allowed me to come up here. How can I fail to go up there to take a look?" Shun quietly spoke, as he continued walking forward.

"From this point all the way to the peak, do you know how many devil halls and how many devil statues there are? Do you think you can really accomplish it?" The voice of the devil expert grew colder. More and more devil experts appeared, intending to block Shun.

At this moment, Shun could be even more sure that different people would have different tests when they attempted to ascend the Celestial Mountain.

The Myriad God Sovereign posed to him the question of God or Devil. However, the test he had for devil experts should all be different.

The hearts of these people might always be opposed to chakra users and the tests might be designed in a way for them to always be wary, giving them a sense of danger so they will continue working hard.

"Even if there are a million devil halls, a million devil statues using their devil will to obstruct me, I will walk through them all ultimately one day." Shun calmly spoke.

He lifted his foot and continued, as his aura and chakra gushed forth, enveloping the atmosphere. Such a powerful aura gave the surrounding experts an indomitable feeling.

In Shun's hand, a black sword sparkling with black destructive light appeared.


The devil experts all radiated fearsome auras. Shun's silhouette flashed as his sword stabbed straight forth.

Terrifying chakra gurgled as the devil expert who spoke earlier was flung through the air from the impact, causing a devil statue to crack and crumble.

"This man is a genius who stands at the ultimate peak in the outer realms. He must have some unfathomable motives for coming to our Celestial Mountain." Shen stood atop the darkness dragon and icily spoke, causing more and more devil experts to appear to block the path.

Everyone who could ascend the mountain would undoubtedly be elite experts.

But today, this young man who stood before all of them, was someone who came from the outer realms.

Shun was a terrifying existence who could slay peak chakra sea when he was just at the seventh-level. Not to talk about now he was also in the tenth level.

His sword stabbed out again and again. Everytime he stabbed out, sword lights flashed out. Shun used these to withstand the attacks and continued forward.

"Even if the devil experts blocking me are countless in number, they will never be able to block my will which seeks to advance." Shun's sword released a towering pressure.

At this moment, Shun seemed more like a character from the Devil Halls. Everywhere he passed by, no one was able to block him.

As he advanced towards the peak, numerous devil experts were flung through the air, heavily injured.

Devil king characters didn't interfere and no one in the chakra sea realm was able to block.

Everyone already knew that Shu defeated Shen before, they knew he was strong, but they didn't expect him to be this strong.

In a certain Devil Hall at the peak, an old man smiled as he stood there, staring at the scenes below. He could see Shun, and he couldn't help but laugh in a low voice, "Didn't I ask you if you wished to kill all those who came here? But you actually told them all to ascend the mountain instead."

The person he was referring to, was naturally none other than the white-robed young man with ordinary features. Right now, he had already left the Myriad Islands and was currently in the outer realms

"However, seeing an Otsustsuki ascending the pathway, sweeping aside those who obstructs him with his sword, is also an extremely interesting matter." The old man continued to mumble to himself as a smile appeared in his eyes.

This young man wasn't the first from the Otsustsuki clan who ascended the Celestial Mountain.

Century after century, more and more outsiders, Otsustsuki most especially always ascended the Celestial Mountains.

Also, about two years ago, there was also another man who used only a single day to ascend the Celestial Mountain!