Chapter 72

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Title: Shamelessness is Also a Kind of Talent


The Celestial Mountain was in chaos. Shun brandished his sword and continued his way to the peak.

There were countless devil experts standing on the pathway, yet no one could obstruct him.

The sword in his hand gleamed with a black light formed of his dark chakra, with the destruction attribute.

Everytime he swung out, it was augmented by his constant breathing technique, granting him immense strength.

So what even if the elites of the Celestial Mountain were standing before him? None could block him.

Shen had an unsightly expression. The dark dragon he sat on roared fiercely, as he stared helplessly at Shun fighting his way up.


At this moment, Shun swung out with his sword again, injuring another expert.

He looked up and coldly spoke, "You yourself are merely nothing but a defeated loser, why must you send others up to be defeated as well. Even the Myriad God Sovereign is willing to accept outsiders, yet a bunch of devil sea trash overrate themselves and are acting like ant trying to stop an elephant? How shallow are your perspectives?"

"You are saying that all the devil experts on the mountain have shallow perspectives?" Shen roared in rage.

The words spoken by Shun caused the devil might radiating from the other experts to grow even stronger.

However, when they looked at him as he continued proceeding upwards, they couldn't help but to feel shock in their hearts.

Seems like Shen was right. This young man must definitely be a genius who stood at the very peak in the Outer realms, and originated from an extraordinary background.

Why would the Myriad God Sovereign allow an outsider to pass his test?

"If any of you continue to block me, I will show no mercy." Shun's voice was extremely cold.

However, numerous devil experts on the pathway before him glanced at each other as their gazes turned cold.

They knew that it was impossible to obstruct Shun one on one. Seems like they have to join forces to block him.

When he saw this scene, his chakra surged, causing resplendent glows to clad his body. Shadows of wings appeared behind him, granting him immense speed.

In an instant, he transformed into a beam of light and shot forwards.

Everywhere his sword passed by, sword lights manifested, wreaking havoc in the surroundings.

A terrifying vortex of destruction appeared at the tip of the sword.

Just by staring at it and sensing the aura it exuded caused all the devil experts here to feel chills in their hearts.

They trembled in fear as the attacks they launched all shattered into nothingness.

Shen's face changed, when he sensed the power of the vortex, the absolute devouring strength within, he knew that most probably, no one here would be able to stand up to it.

For those devil experts who came into contact with the vortex, they were drawn in and heavily injured before being flung out through the air. Shun didn't kill any of them.

The devil experts ahead of him couldn't help but to open up a path for him.

Numerous statues broke apart as more and more devil experts were injured.

When the wing's shadow dissipated, Shun finally stopped. Behind him, all those who attempted to stop him were now lying on the ground, groaning in misery.

Shun didn't turn back. He stared at those devil experts who were still before him. Waving his sword, he continued on his way up.

When he passed by a devil expert, that devil expert simply stared at him in shock but didn't do anything.

Shun walked step by step calmly up the mountain. No one blocked him but right now all of a sudden, a devil expert suddenly sneak attacked.

When Shun passed by him, his saber suddenly slashed out with extreme speed, like a black bolt of lightning.


The devil saber slammed into Shun, but it felt like the saber had slashed into a wall of steel. The saber actually had no way to continue slashing down.

After all, that devil expert launched a sneak attack without sufficient time to gather his entire strength. How could an attack like this break past Shun's bodily defenses?

Now, at the peak of chakra sea, Shun's defenses have already reached an extremely shocking level almost comparable to Emperor ranked experts.

His sword flashed, slashing through the air. At the instant the saber came into contact with his body, his sword already slashed through the devil expert, heavily injuring him as that devil expert narrowly survived.

Yet Shhn was like he wasn't bothered by it at all. He continued his way up, and no one else tried to sneak attack him.

Everyone seemed to understand that unless the devil hall right at the peak sent out numerous experts, it was impossible to block this man.

Since an outsider passed the Myriad God Sovereign's test, he truly did have shockingly outstanding talent.

Shen had an ashen expression. He finally understood Shun's combat prowess clearly.

This fellow who came from the Outer realms was extremely powerful, even geniuses who were at the peak of devil sea from the Celestial Mountain might not be able to defeat him easily. He could only watch on as Shun continued ascending.

Although fights were not forbidden on the Celestial mountain, Devil Kings are prohibited against making a move towards Chakra sea characters in ordinary circumstances.

Right now, Shun already stood on top of the mountain. Since this was the case, it was impossible for Shen to command those devil kings to deal with him, unless he managed to first defeat Shun himself.

There was no one before him. The road might be long, but he had eventually arrived.

Shun was now very close to the absolute peak of the mountain and he finally could sense the vast and majestic auras from the Devil Hall at the peak.

Eventually, the road became broader, with different locations.

Each direction led to a different devil hall and when he stared upwards from below, he saw the devil halls lined up in a straight line. But now when he was viewing them at close-range, the Devil Halls were spaced very far apart.

At this moment in a certain direction, a figure walked over towards him.

Shun also saw this person and when he fixed his eyes on this man, he couldn't help but to freeze as a look of pure bewilderment appeared on his face.

Finally, when this figure arrived before him, that figure patted Shun on the shoulder and spoke, "I long knew you would come here, it's just that I didn't expect you to be so slow. The Myriad Islands truly aren't any good place, it's the same here, at the top of the Celestial Mountain."

"When did you arrived?" Shun asked in astonishment.

"About two plus years ago." That person replied.

"Two years?" Shun's gaze stiffened. He then asked, "How long did you take to ascend the mountain?"

"Hmm, one day?" That other party replied.

"…" Shun blinked, staring dumbfoundedly at this person. This Wolfman actually used only a single day to ascend the Celestial Mountain?

So it turned out that this man was none other than the Human form of Fenrir.

He said that he only used a day to ascend the Celestial Mountain.

"Are you lying?" Shun had a face filled with suspicion.

"Why should I lie about this to you? Don't you feel the test is too boring? Tell me, do you think if the Myriad God Sovereign is sick in the head? What bullshit test is that, pops? The God path, the Devil path, what does both of them have to do with me? Whichever allowed me the best chance or survival, I would simply walk that path. And just like that, a day later, I open my eyes and found myself at the top of the mountain. Is that really even called a test? Even an idiot can pass that."

Fenrir somewhat depressedly cursed, as though he was treated like a retard by the Myriad God Sovereign for giving him such an easy test.

"…" Shun whole face twitched, feeling his heart convulsing. How could there be such an idiotic son in the world.

"What wrong with your face pops? Don't tell me you spent a few years to ascend the mountain?" Fenrir saw Shun's face twitching as he couldn't help but ask.

"How can that be?" Shun saw that slight contempt in Fenrir's expression and hurriedly spoke. If he said he used three years of time to ascend the Celestial Mountain, he didn't know how much contempt would appear in the heart of this shameless Dog.

"Really?" Fenrir seriously regarded Shun.

"Yup." Shun nodded back, just as seriously.

"I naturally believe you. If you are the same as those useless people who needed half a year to a year to ascend the mountain, it would simply be too trashy." Fenrir spoke in a light voice, and he intentionally repeated, "Yup, all those are really trash."

"This shameless dog." Shun cursed silently in his heart. Was this dog saying all this intentionally?

"Pops, do you think that I'm right?" Fenrir innocently asked.

"Yup, yup, yup." Shun nodded and hurriedly changed the topic. "You've been here for two years already, are you doing fine? How's life here? Any news from your mothers?"

"Let's change the topic. These people who put their faith in the Myriad God Sovereign must have gone slightly crazy. The people of a Devil Hall told me that I'm very suitable to inherit some devil thingy that can allow me to gain the sense of an ancient devil beast. However, I'm a pure chakra beast, how can I be suited to train in the devil path? Those fellows said that it was precisely because I'm a pure chakra beast that I'm suitable, wanting me to stay in their hall to accept the inheritance there. They even want to pass the position of master of the hall to me. Tell me, don't you feel they are a little crazy?"

Fenrir spoke in a low voice. Shun blinked his eyes, "So did you choose to train there or not?"

"Are you talking nonsense? As a proud beast man, how can I refuse to cultivate devil path techniques and arts since I'm already here? Only by understanding them can I slowly convert them. If I don't enter hell, who will? Right?" Fenrir spoke with a straight face, his voice tinged with the feeling of righteousness.

Shun really almost coughed out blood, unable to tolerate shamelessness of this extent.

Shun had known he had a knack for being Shameless, but he didn't expect their short separation would have him enhanceing his shamelessness.

Maybe, shamelessness was also a kind of talent?

"Are you not worried that Hinami and Ria would scold you?" Shun asked again.

"What? If you don't scold me why would they? Plus, I'm a grown man... Wolf... Wolfman. Yes a full grown Wolfman and I have the right of choice. You said it, right?" Fenrir said.

"Little brother, are you talking about me?" At this moment, a voice rang out. A powerful Devil King walked over here with very fast speed. "Little brother Fen, why are you not training properly? You ran out here again."

"Big brother!" Fenrir instantly turned and respectfully called out with a smile on his face.

Earlier, he just said that these devil experts were a little crazy but his attitude instantly did a 180 degree turn, refreshing Shun's knowledge about the extent of his shamelessness.

"I had some breakthroughs with regards to training recently, hence I took a break after working hard." Fenrir gently spoke.

"I see, I see. This is?" That Devil King glanced at Shun.

"This is Shun, a friend of mine. Although his talent is a little inferior to mine, he can still be considered a top-tier genius." Fenrir smiled.

That Devil King nodded, "Being able to be praised so much by my little brother, his talent most assuredly isn't too bad."

Shun stood there, he suddenly felt an impulse of wanting to punch somebody.

How did he ever get acquainted with this shameless dog?

Oh, I guess I did create him. Sigh, what a blunder.