Chapter 85

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Title: Fighting Monoshiki Again


"That year, the young man in white from the Apostle Devil Hall invited all of us up to the Celestial Mountain. Now you actually want to expel us just like that, even defying the will of the Sovereign. We are all juniors from the Celestial realms and naturally have no way to object to the decision made by rulers of the Celestial Mountain. It's just that the Celestial Mountain is truly disappointing."

The people from the Katsushiki group knew that they had no way to change anything at all.

At this moment, the decision was made by major characters from the supreme devil halls.

How could their decision be so easily changed by a bunch of juniors from the Celestial realms?

Monoshiki obtained an inheritance within the Saint Devil Hall, and caused all the major characters on the Celestial Mountain to appear.

Hence, even if these devils had to defy the will of the sovereign, they still wanted to agree to Monoshiki's request, to obtain his inheritance.

"The Judiciary Hall has always lived in accord with the will of the Sovereign, by doing so, are you choosing to abandon the edicts of your hall?" An expert from the Myriad Ancient Devil Hall spoke, faintly helping these Celestials out a bit.

"I already said it, everything is done for the sake of making our Celestial Mountain stronger. How can this be considered as defying the will of the Sovereign? Even if it is so, my Judiciary Hall is willing to bear the taint on our reputation." The voice from the Judiciary Devil Hall rang out with resolution.

"Why are you guys not going down the mountain yet?" A domineering voice echoed from the Sky Devil Hall.

The experts from the rival group could only shake their heads and sigh, glancing at each other before they turned and prepared to depart the mountain.

The moment they got down the mountain, Monoshiki would surely lead his allies to vanquish them. They would all be in an extremely miserable state then.

Monoshiki stared at them. He then stepped out as the group of Celestials followed after him, also preparing to get down the mountain.

Clearly, he wanted to bring an end to this battle by killing all the members of the rival faction here. This way, their faction would be crippled in the future

The experts from the rival faction walked very slowly, taking their time.

It was tough to ascend the mountain but easy if one wish to get down.

No one would block them and there wasn't a need to take the test by the Myriad God Sovereign.

Monoshiki and his group followed closely behind, radiating an intense killing intent as coldness flashed in their eyes.

Finally, they came to the stairway leading up to the Celestial Mountain.

The experts from the rival faction had no choice and could only step on the stairway and descend it step by step.

Monoshiki and the others followed. Behind them, there were some devil experts following as well, wanting to see what would happen, or maybe they were there to monitor the situation.

On the peak of the Celestial Mountain, things grew quiet again. Fenrir felt goosebumps at the sight.

He stared at the Saint Devil Hall and cursed in a low voice, "Why isn't pops coming out yet? Monoshiki has seized the initiative now, things are extremely bad."

Fenrir felt how terrifying Monoshiki was. Monoshiki wasn't someone which he could deal with. Other than Shun, there was no one who could obstruct Monoshiki.

Maybe Ria and Hinami could but doing so now would be detrimental rather that helpful in the long run.

Ria and Da had already been included in the group being chased down the mountain and while Da looked pensive, Ria remained impassive.

She was sure she could still handle Monoshiki, be it before and even now he had gotten a little bit of a lower up. After all, she still had physics on her side regardless of energy.

Fenrir too could put up a good enough fight in the past but his instinct were currently telling him otherwise

This is especially true after Monoshiki exited the Saint Devil Hall with an inheritance.

He would only grow stronger and more fearsome than before. If he tried to help the rival faction now, that would only be courting death.

"Big brother, are there really no other methods to help?" Fenrir asked the expert from the Myriad Ancient Devil Hall standing beside him.

That expert shook his head, "The Judiciary Devil Hall already gave the command. Out of the six supreme halls, four have given consent, including the Judiciary and Darkness Halls. There's no way for us to change the situation at all. And if we act forcibly, we would be the unreasonable ones."

"Are there no solutions at all?" Fenrir asked.

"No. Unless that friend of yours also managed to get an inheritance. Maybe, that would cause the True-emperors to change their mind." The expert from the Myriad Ancient Devil Hall replied.

"Damn, how can there be such a coincidence for him to get an inheritance too?" Fenrir cursed.

Things were looking extremely bad, if Ria and Da and other friends of his were killed, that fellow would surely go crazy.

However at this moment as Fenrir was cursing, his gaze suddenly froze, staring at that familiar silhouette walking out from the Saint Devil Hall.

"Such a coincidence...?" Fenrir mumbled. This figure, other than Shun.

Shun also saw Fenrir, and upon seeing the strange expression on his face, he couldn't help but to hasten his steps. He then asked, "What's happening?"

"Quickly, you are almost out of time. Ria and your other friends ascended the mountain. Monoshiki came out before you and because he obtained an inheritance, he told the elders of the Celestial Mountain that he was willing to leave the inheritance methods behind in a bid for them to expel your friends from the mountain. Monoshiki and his group then followed after your allies. If you managed to get an inheritance as well, quickly display its power and maybe, the supreme devil halls of the Devil Mountain might change their minds." Fenrir hurriedly said.

Shun's eyes instantly narrowed. A terrifying aura erupted forth from him as he stared at that expert from the Myriad Ancient Devil Hall and asked, "Sir, can you bring me down the mountain immediately?"

"Sure." That expert nodded lightly. He grabbed Shun's body and stepped out, his speed was so fast that it was inconceivable, as they both disappeared in a flash.

At this moment, Monoshiki and the others already reached the foot of the mountain. The experts on both sides emitted a terrifying aura.

Monoshiki stepped out as a screen of light from his supreme weapon appeared behind him.

Fearsome weapons materialized from the light screen, exuding an unexcelled sharpness.


Many of the experts from the rival faction took out their weapons. They knew it was impossible for them to kill Monoshiki depending on their strengths. They could only make use of special weapons.

"Let me urge you guys not to waste your efforts." Monoshiki coldly spoke.

As the sound of his voice faded, the light screen behind him grew even more resplendent as a supremely powerful aura swept over heaven and earth, covering this entire space.

Countless gazes at the foot of the mountain all turned over as shock appeared on their faces.

These fellows who came down from the Celestial Mountain actually chose to start a battle here? What happened exactly.

"Powerful." The experts from the rival faction all turned ashen.

The supreme weapon behind Monoshiki was simply too terrifying, even space seemed to be about to fall apart.

Because Monoshiki's compatibility with it was extremely high, he was able to gain the inheritance power from it.

This was why the reigning Emperor decided to bestow this supreme treasure to Monoshiki, and its power was naturally terrifying.

"For this battle, since our chakra levels are roughly equal, just keep your divine weapons, I can give you all a fair chance to do battle, allowing you all to die with pride." Monoshiki floated up into the air as he arrogantly spoke.

The faces of experts from the rival faction all changed, they knew they had no way to withstand the attacks from Monoshiki's supreme treasure and could only listen to him and kept all of their divine weapons.

For characters on the level of Monoshiki, the entire Celestial realms only had a few.

Now that he obtained the inheritance of the supreme devil hall on the Celestial Mountain, it was unknown how much more terrifying he was now.

Monoshiki stretched his hand out, as that terrifying pressure vanished.

The experts behind him also listened to his orders and kept their weapons.

Although the adjudication battle allowed for any and all methods, Monoshiki was extremely confident and arrogant, he believed that there was no need for them to use divine weapons, they would gain victory all the same.

The people from Monoshiki's group followed his orders. Naturally, this was because of the overwhelming strength Monoshiki possessed.

If not, given the fact that these participants were all peak-level geniuses, how could they submit to him so easily.


Monoshiki waved his hand. In an instant, numerous manifestations of divine weapons appeared behind him from that screen of light, as they shot through the skies, emitting a sharp keening sound.


Da stepped out, his aura unleashed to the max as he activated the Battle Art.

A defensive light screen was generated as he blasted it forward. When the countless weapons clashed, rumbling sounds echoed out unceasingly.

Monoshiki took a step forward, his aura growing even more terrifying and with a loud bang, the defensive layer of light was shattered.

Behind Monoshiki, all the powerful experts stepped out and launched their attacks. In this entire space, a fearsome great battle suddenly erupted.

Monoshiki's law energy expanded and enveloped this entire space.

In this battlefield, no one's grasp of law energy was stronger than him. He stood in the air arrogantly, suppressing everything.


At this moment, Monoshiki's palm slammed down. In an instant, boundless light converged into a beam and shot towards an Otsustsuki.

That Otsustsuki did his best to defend but that attack was simply too quick and seemed to contain boundless might, capable of penetrating everything, piercing through all defenses as it slammed into the body of that Otsustsuki, killing him.

At this moment, Ria who had remained still, looked up the mountain and smiled. "He's here,"


From the air, a thunderous roar echoed out. Monoshiki lifted his head only to see Shun shooting through the air like a bolt of black lightning.

His eyes stiffened. He didn't expect Shun to appear at such a crucial timing. Seems like there was an opponent for him now.

He had already discovered that Shun had nothing to do with the supposed inheritance battle and his enmity had all been a misunderstanding, yet his defeat to a non Otsustsuki hurt his pride even more, and although he knew this, he still knew he was no match for him.


In an instant, a golden light covered Shun's body as he released his chakra. His breathing technique was activated, emitting rumbling sounds from his body as he slammed forth with his palm, his attack contained enough might to shatter space, and was so large that it blotted out the skies.

With a deafening boom, several Otsustsuki were directly slain, with just a single strike despite their efforts at defending.

"Ninth-level of Chakra sea." Some experts from Monoshiki group who knew Shun all had expressions of shock on their faces.

This fellow was merely at the seventh-level when they met at the Myriad Islands, how did he improve so quickly? What a terrifying speed of growth.

They all had ugly looks on their faces. Shun's rate of growth was too fast.

The him back then at the seventh-level was already so strong that he shocked all of them.

Now that he was at the ninth-level, he could even insta-kill peak level geniuses who were at the ninth-level.


Monoshiki pointed his finger forward as countless divine weapons shot towards Shum.

However, the phantom of a Demon appeared, enveloping protectively.

He stood within the protective screen of light and endured the powerful killing strike of Monoshiki.

Their gazes collided in mid air as both their battle intents started to rise explosively.

At this moment, Monoshiki's gaze stiffened as his expression grew a little unsightly.

Shun's growth rate was too fast. Although his own improvements have been great during these years, he still had not managed to break through this boundary and enter the chakra king realm.

Shun grew closer and closer to him in terms of cultivation and now, he didn't even imagine that Shun could step into the ninth-level of chakra sea so quickly!