Chapter 86

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Title: Monoshiki, Defeated


Shun made it in time.

The experts of the rival faction all heaved a sigh of relief when they saw Shun.

Although they hadn't seen him fight, his feat has been made known to them during their stay at the mountain.

Also, they were grasping for straws and beggars couldn't be choosers.

Monoshiki's pressure was just too overwhelming, able to insta-kill peak-level geniuses like them.

In their alliance, other than Katsushiki and Shun, there was no one else who could stand against Monoshiki directly.

Before this, Monoshiki just used a single strike and it was already sufficient to kill off an expert.

But luckily Shun made it here on time. His appearance was able to cause the hearts of his allies to stabilize.

"Monoshiki, your opponent is me." Shun stood in the air and coldly spoke.

After listening to Fenrir's words, he didn't go to beg the Devil Lords of the supreme halls to take back their order. Since Monoshiki wanted a war, he will give him a war.

This battle was something that was unavoidable in any case and in addition, the him now was confident that if they fought again, he would be victorious for sure.

The gaze which Monoshiki used to look at Shun with was no longer filled with the absolute confidence of the past.

His gaze was heavy, he had clashed with Shun twice before and in both times, Shun had always managed to surprise him.

This time around, Shun was already at the ninth-level, the same level as him.

He would definitely be more powerful compared to the past, and much harder to deal with.


Light flashed brilliantly in the sky, as spatial fluctuations covered all directions.

More and more weapon manifested, each gleaming with their own light and an unexcelled sharpness, terrifying to the extreme.

"You should know that an attack of this level is useless against me." Shun spoke in arrogance to Monoshiki.

Monoshiki didn't reply, he merely lifted a finger and stabbed out with it, causing the countless divine weapons to shoot out.

Each divine weapon contained an extremely fearsome attack, but the layers of defensive light on Shun were also terrifying to the extreme, regenerated as soon as each layer was broken apart.

"Allow me to let you feel my power then." Monoshiki stretched both his hands out as a blast of extremely violent and sharp aura engulfed the surroundings.

At this instant, the others in combat were all swept up in this windstorm.

The divine weapons manifested earlier all seemed to have been devilized.

All of them actually flew through the body of Monoshiki, melding together with the spatial light screen behind him.

Monoshiki's entire being was like an indomitable divine weapon, and at this instant, he was tyrannical and sharp to the extreme.

"Let me take a look at how strong your defenses are." Monoshiki coldly spoke.

Boundless spatial attacks rained down like violent storms. Each and every one of his attacks was like using the sharpest divine weapons to attack.

The humming sound of weapons echoed unceasingly, shattering the defensive seal characters revolving around Shun, breaking past the layers of light, as they attempted to slam into his body.

A sword materialized in Shun's hand, exuding an aura of destruction.

An aura of absolute destruction revolved around it as he slammed forth with it, reinforced by the power the breathing technique.

Sixth form: Havoc

An extremely fearsome all-devouring vortex began to swallow all the attacks launched his way.

"GET OVER HERE!" Monoshiki roared. Shun only felt the sword in his hand somewhat breaking free of his control, slowly being devilized by Monoshiki's will.

His eyes then gleamed with a devil light as a strand of his will gushed forth, expelling Monoshiki's will.

{A/N: Clash of conquerors Haki}

Monoshiki's expression turned heavy, as he folded hand signs with his hands, causing the devil might in the surroundings to be drawn to him, making his spatial light screen which fused with the countless divine weapons, to grow even stronger.

Monoshiki pointed out with his finger as devil might flooded the area, causing an apocalyptic scene. Boundless chakra and devil weapons lunged towards Shun, wanting to kill him.

Shun glanced at the sky and all of a sudden, taking a deep breath and a terrifying burst of devil might erupted forth from him.

A tyrannical devil will flashed in his eyes, resembling the will of the Myriad God Sovereign.


Shun gave a thunderous roar, shaking the surroundings as the devil might grew even more intense.

After that, he blasted out his palms rapidly, causing chaotic currents to form as they ravaged the area, destroying the divine weapons.


"These two individuals are so terrifying." More and more people were spectating the battle, including the countless devil experts who were here to attempt climbing the Celestial Mountain.

Before this, there was already a group of people who were curious about why these people who got down from the Celestial Mountain were battling.

After that, they discovered that the people fighting were actually all from the Celestial realms.

The two main leads of the battle were so terrifyingly strong to an extent that it would shock the heavens and earth.

They were basically at the extreme end of this realm.


After that attack, both Shun and Monoshiki halted, mutually staring at each other once again.

Monoshiki's gaze was heavy while Shun's gaze was cold.

Before this, Shun needed to activate his bloodline power and devil form before he could stand against Monoshiki.

But now, just depending on his original strength and level, he was already sufficient to stand equally with Monoshiki's, not inferior at all.

If he were to activate his bloodline power, he would possess an unquestionable advantage.

{A/N: They're mistaking his Fiend-god form as his Bloodline.}

Since he could think of this, Shun naturally could as well. This was why his gaze was heavy.

This was the third time he fought with Shun. He was always stronger when compared to the previous time.

This time round, he who had obtained an inheritance from the Saint Devil Hall, should be even stronger than before.

But this was the first time in which he had no confidence to defeat Shun.

Monoshiki folded incantations gestures and in that instant, nine silhouettes appeared.

A silhouette fused together with him and at this very moment, Monoshiki's Emperor aura grew even stronger, causing the spatial light screen behind him to glow even brighter.

Countless divine weapons inside merged together before fusing with his body.

Right now, he himself was like an extremely sharp divine weapon.


From Monoshiki's body, an ancient looking sword appeared.

When he slashed down with that sword, the entire void seemed to be torn asunder, seemingly able to rip everything in existence apart.


A supreme might erupt from Shun. His entire body was covered in a towering devil might as he took on his Fiend-god form.

Inclining his head, the sky changed color as the surroundings around him churned with so much devil energy that even the descent of the ancient looking sword seemed to slow.

God's Hand slammed out, the aura from this one palm shook the sky as a vortex appeared under this palm and enveloped the ancient sword, burying it in absolute darkness.

However, Monoshiki didn't seem to care at all. The remaining silhouettes all fused with him, causing the devil might he exude to increase in intensity.

The entire atmosphere was filled with an aura so sharp that wounds would appear on an ordinary Celestial's body just by them standing there.

Monoshiki drew in even more power until he himself became completely like a divine sword.

With a loud boom, he vanished from sight. Only an abundance of devil might and sharpness remained. A beam of omega destruction light then shot through the void.


A blast of immensely powerful devil might bore down on Shun, as it sparked off an intense sense of crisis in Shun's heart. If this strike landed squarely, it was powerful enough to kill him.

Shun, after assuming Fiend-god form, became much more terrifying than usual.

Both his eyes turned eerie red, and when that sense of crisis appeared in his heart, his sent out a burst of will attack, as a supreme Devil God's phantom on a throne appeared.

That Devil God phantom glanced at the divine sword as he merely called out a single word, "Stop!"

This sword, that could split apart heavens and earth, trembled intensely as its momentum slowed perceptibly.


Shun echoed with a roar of anger. He lifted his hand and pointed forward, congregating all the devil might to slam towards that sword.

Time seemed to slow and at this moment, Shun was like an absolute supreme Devil God.

With every breath he took, his aura grew even more terrifying. He lifted his palm as the angry roars of the demon phantom behind him echoed out, fusing into a shocking vortex that sought to devour everything, as it flew towards Huang Shatian, brimming with devilish might, capable of shattering all defenses.

Space, Darkness, sound and time all imbued into one attack.


The two attacks collided. Ceaseless explosions echoed out in the air.

Only to see that the attack flying towards Shun was flung through the air from the impact.

After that, a figure could actually be seen slamming into the ground, it was none other than Monoshiki.


He coughed out fresh blood as his face paled. Monoshiki's aura fluctuated wildly but no matter how wild the fluctuations were, it couldn't be compared to the fluctuations in his heart.

Defeat. He Monoshiki was defeated the second time. During the First battle with Shun at the Fallen God Island, they fought to a draw again.

But now, in their second battle, he Monoshiki was the one defeated and he had lost in a direct clash of attacks!

In addition, this was after he obtained the inheritance from the Celestial Mountain.

The two alliances watched the ending of this battle, feeling waves rocking their hearts.

Shun actually defeated Monoshiki. In that case, for the entire faction, who else could defeat him?

"Dang, dang…"

At this moment, the sound of melodious bell chimes rang out as a terrifying baleful qi permeated the atmosphere.

Shun turned his head back only to see a white tiger expert activating a divine weapon, launching an attack at him.

Shun didn't hesitate and instantly brandished the demon sword.

With a simple intent, his sword expanded to thousands of meters as the shadow of an angel appeared, blocking before him with its large wings.


The white tiger coldly roared. If Monoshiki died here, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Right now, they can only join forces and unleash their divine weapons in a bid to kill Shun.

Monoshiki stood up. A look of resolve flashed in his eyes. Since he was defeated, only by killing Shun would all sources of future troubles be removed.

In the next instant, as he activated his supreme treasure, a light screen of ten thousand feet appeared behind him as the sky changed color.

Monoshiki began to radiate an immensely radiant source of treasure light, so brilliant that it seemed as though he could destroy anything in existence.

The resplendent beams of light shot out, so blinding that people almost couldn't open their eyes.

Within the flare of light, a figure clad in boundless golden light appeared. This figure seemed to be a supreme emperor, clad in golden armor, with a supreme emperor sword in his hand!

Moments later, the blinding light died down and before people could get their senses in other, a lazy voice sounded out from behind Monoshiki.

"What a pain, Monoshiki, am I to take this as a declaration of war?"

As the voice sounded out, everyone turned to look at the new arrival only to see a lanky figure standing lazily atop Monoshiki's shoulder with a sheared katana on his side.