Chapter 87

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Title: Someone Better Who Outshines You at Every Turn



That was what everyone one including Monoshiki felt at this very moment.

In a setting where all manner of experts were gathered together, no one noticed the owner of this voice until he spoke.

"How powerful."

Great waves of shock arose in the hearts of everyone. Before this, they all felt the fearsomeness of Monoshiki's divine weapons, the absoluteness of Shun's attack, but now, this new arrival seemed to be even more terrifying than them both if he could move around unperturbed.

Monoshiki recovered rather quickly and said. "This does not concern you any longer, Katsushiki, it is now personal."

"Hmm~? That doesn't seem to be what I heard when I came out. I remember you sending my people out to be hunted as I wasn't around. Isn't that right?"

"And I don't seem to see how that's a problem. If you were in my shoes wouldn't you do the same?" Monoshiki asked.

"Hmm... That's... Wrong. I couldn't care less if I was in your shoes. If I'm not wrong, you did this to satisfy your vain ego of superiority which I don't seem to give two fucks about. You see, unlike you, I was forced to come here because I could protect my people better and I seem to have failed in that regard,"

"Tell me, how should I demand recompense?" Katsushiki asked. His tone shifting from his usual lazy tone to an imperious one.

"I believe your people also killed a good amount of my people too. Right now, this isn't about our two factions anymore. This is about me and him," Monoshiki spoke, pointing at Shun.

"Ah. The unique one, huh? I see." Katsushiki spoke while scratching his head, seemingly confused.

"Sigh, what a pain. I didn't sign up for this shit." Looking at his people, and then at Shun again, he said. "Thank you for taking care of my people while is was out. If you weren't here, then I reckon a good amount of them would be dead."

"How do you want to deal with this?" Katsushiki asked.

Shun looked at Katsushiki with vigilance as he too didn't even feel or sense him coming, and currently, his instinct were telling him that fighting against him now would end in his defeat. No two ways about that.

"How about we finish our duel then, you can take your people away from here while also preventing anyone from interfering." Shun said.

"Hmmm... Good. Then you two carry on." Saying this, he disappeared and with him, every unrelated individual disappeared too. Ria however remained.

Shun's eyes flashed in amazement as he felt a subtle spatial domain he hadn't felt since Katsushiki's arrival when everyone was teleported.

And in that instant, Ria seemingly overwrote his control over her in the domain before she could be teleported.

Shun leveled his gaze at her only to see worry visible on her face to which he smiled and gave her a reassuring nod before she nodded and disappeared too.

At that instant, Shun felt the domain covering them disappear which have him another shock.

Seems like no genius Otsustsuki is as simple as he had imagined.


As the domain effect was lifted, the people in the surrounding didn't seem to have noticed what happened as they were still in shock as they felt up at Monoshiki's aura.

They had felt his weapons fearsomeness before, but now in Monoshiki's current state, they felt how terrifying the weapons are even more astutely.

The blinding light pierced their eyes, the spectators fought to open their eyes to watch on.

The ancient sword in the supreme emperor's hand radiated light to envelop this entire space.

Monoshiki's killing intent melded with the emperor as his entire being was immersed in boundless chakra light.

Monoshiki obtained the founding inheritance of the Nine Emperors Empire and including with it, was this supreme divine treasure, an Emperor-ranked weapon.

His strength grew more and more, allowing him to unleash even more terrifying might from the weapon.

If that emperor-ranked weapon was utilized by a Chakra Emperor, it truly had the power to split apart the sky and earth.

Clearly, as a genius of the absolute peak in the Celestial realms, Monoshiki was simply preeminent and his empire nurtured him with all they could, with hopes of grooming a future successor.

Several strands of devil sense from the Celestial Mountain were spectating the battle.

Even those supreme powerful devil experts felt their hearts trembling in shock, sighing at how strong that Emperor-ranked divine weapon was.

Shun's countenance turned heavy. In the past during the battle in the Fallen God Region, Shun already knew that Monoshiki had an absolute supreme treasure on him.

Today, this was the first time Monoshiki decided to use it and truly, it was so strong that it could only be described by the words 'extremely shocking.'


A bright light flashed as a cauldron appeared before Shun. Shun directly pressed his palm onto the cauldron, and at that instant, an immense demonic qi gushed forth, manifesting countless demonic beasts which surrounded the cauldron.

This was the cauldron Shun had created and sealed the three Devil Kings who hunted him back then.

At the same time, Shun waved his hand, the demon sword expanded, radiating boundless light which enveloped this space.

The shadow of a gigantic bird appeared this time, forming a screen of swords with its feathers, blocking everything out, even the probing of divine senses.

He wouldn't allow anyone to see this treasure of his no matter what.

Even if he unleashed the might of the cauldron during his fight with Monoshiki, people might be able to see the existence of two powerful treasures.

But there was no way he would expose all of his cards before the eyes of the Celestial Mountain.

Those powerful characters on the Celestial Mountain weren't people who were worthy of his trust.

"Demon sword, seal this place." Shun spoke. The demon sword expanded even more, transforming into a gigantic sword that was terrifying to the extreme.

Sword lights from the birds feathers sprinkled outwards, enveloping this entire space.

The unceasing flowing light was extremely resplendent and beautiful.

"The Celestial realms already have me, Monoshiki. Why does a character like you, Shun, even need to exist?" Monoshiki stared at Shun, the killing intent in his eyes extremely intense.

One him was already enough, with Katsushiki it was barely manageable, but now with Shun, he felt an intense need to eliminate him.

He pointed his finger forward and in an instant, the sky changed colors as boundless weapons blotted out the sky, shooting towards Shun.

Monoshiki's voice was filled with the tone of a sigh, as well as hints of disappointment.

Naturally, an intense resolution could also be heard within. He wants Shum to die, no, he needed Shun to die.

Since the Celestial realms already have both Otsustsukis, Shun was not needed. With Shun existing, where would there still be a place for him?

Shun's palm pressed down on his cauldron. At this instant, the shadows of demonic beasts revolved around him.

The size of each beast was over a thousand feet, the entire space was engulfed by them.

{A/N: One thousand feet is approximately 304 meters.}

The crowd has already retreated to an extremely far away place, but when they lifted their heads, they could see a shocking sight which stole their breaths away - numerous gigantic beasts as well as countless divine weapons.

The divine weapons shot out, intending on slaying the beasts, tearing them apart. However Shun's palm blasted out again and the beasts transformed into a terrifying vortex which shot out, wanting to swallow all things in existence.

Even though their battlefield was already very huge, the scene of their fight was even much vaster than that.

The terrifying gargantuan vortex replaced the entire sky, wanting to absorb Monoshiki and his divine weapons into it.

Only to see Monoshiki inclining his head, staring up in the air. His eyes were cold, he transformed into a giant and stretched out his hand, placing them on the sword.

As he pulled out, a world-shaking might swept through the surroundings, causing the void to tremble as space shattered.

Every wisp of his aura was like a divine weapon themselves, all of them shot outwards, intent on annihilating everything.

That simple action was akin to millions of weapons attacking at the same time.

A terrifying crack then appeared on that vortex, but it recovered swiftly.

Countless silhouettes of beasts spawned as they rushed towards Monoshiki.

However right now, Monoshiki was extraordinary calm. He knew what he was wielding in his hand.

If he lost even with this supreme divine weapon, he could only die then.

A character like him, even in the face of such a huge battle, he was able to see through death calmly.

What he pursued was the peak of the world. In this process, even if he was defeated miserably or even died, he wouldn't complain.

Shun stared at the shocking commotion. Back then when he killed Devil Kings, such a terrifying scene didn't even appear.

The all-devouring vortex actually had cracks appearing on it unceasingly, filled with countless holes.

As a peak chakra sea expert naturally although he created this Shinjutsu in a life and death moment, in a normal base, he couldn't really control this technique when unleashed with the cauldron.

He had no way to unleash the full power of this weapon, but even so, just a small portion of the power unleashed was already so terrifying to the extreme.

Monoshiki was clad in layers of supreme emperor armor as he slashed out with the emperor sword.

The vortex frenziedly cracked, the blow of his was infused with spatial energy and eventually managed to shatter that terrifying vortex.

Monoshiki didn't hesitate and slashed out another strike. As this sword strike descended, everywhere in that space was filled with cracks.

Shun stood on his cauldron, his body flowing with divine light as he poured more power into his Fiend God form, transforming into a real demon god.

As he unleashed his strength, Countless attacks filled with boundless energies collided with each other in mid air, the aftershock creating a scene like an apocalypse.

"Since you were already defeated, even if you depend on the power of a supreme divine weapon, you would still lose if I do the same." Shun roared.

After that, he actually sped forward with the cauldron together. The beats around him wrenched open their maws forming another devouring vortex.

The apocalyptic vortex seemed capable of devouring everything as it shot towards Monoshiki.

Monoshiki didn't say anything, he was the same as Shun. It was simply too exhausting to use such a powerful weapon.

Even if he perfectly complemented that weapon, unless he steps into the Chakra Emperor realm, it was impossible to fully control it.

What he could do was simply to send his energy in to activate a small portion of might within the divine weapon.

This was an ironclad rule. All divine weapons have to be activated by energy from their respective realm.

Monoshiki's law energy frenziedly infused his supreme emperor sword. Space-attribute energy, sword-attribute energy, earth/metal-attribute energy, all of these were infused into the sword completely.

Another slash descended through the air.

This sword strike didn't aim for that vortex, didn't kill those greater demons. Instead, this sword strike flew straight towards Shun who was on the treasured cauldron. He wanted to kill Shun.

As long as He died, the person controlling the weapon would vanish, and at that point of time, no matter how strong a weapon is, it would only be a useless object.


Another loud noise rang out, the cauldron manifested countless seals, revolving with extreme speed while unleashing a powerful attack to block that ancient sword.

The sky grew darker and darker, that vortex grew increasingly stronger, even engulfing the sword of Monoshiki, wanting to make it sink so deep that Monoshiki can no longer extricate it, before it destroyed the sword.

Staring at Shun who was on n the cauldron whose defenses were so strong that his strongest attack couldn't penetrate through, he then glanced once again at that vortex of destruction as Monoshiki suddenly sighed.

This sigh seemed to penetrate through space and time. He, Monoshiki, was already an extremely outstanding individual during his youth.

Everyone doted on him and he strove unremittingly for self-improvement, and had never been inferior to those of the same generation before.

He was the one with the highest potential in the entire younger generation of the Nine-Emperors Empire.

He used to be invincible and was extremely famous in the Celestial realms.

All this lasted until the day where he met Shun.

He failed to kill Shun in their first battle, that was his greatest mistake.

After that first battle, he actually could no longer kill Shun.

Until today, he was sorely defeated.

Since there already was a Monoshiki in the Celestial realms, why is there still a need for a Shun? Even now, his heart was filled with boundless reluctance!