Chapter 88

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Title: Questioning the Devil Experts of the Celestial Mountain


Sorrow radiated from Monoshiki. Death wasn't terrifying, it's just that he felt an extreme reluctance in his heart.

He had always believed that his accomplishments wouldn't lose out to ancient God Emperors of the past, he would bring forth a new era, and become the king of that era.

That, was his goal, as well as his conviction. But now, someone of the same generation actually suppressed him so badly, a non Otsustsuki no less. This was the reason for his sorrow.

Shun could also sense the sorrow. From a certain perspective, Monoshiki was indeed an opponent who was worthy of respect.

Ignoring the situation they are both in, just based on strength alone, he was absolutely a top-level genius.

However, since they were both born in the same era, it was as they were fated to be enemies.

One of them would die if the other wanted to survive. There was no need to doubt this point.

Hence, Shun wasn't softhearted at all, he unleashed his full strength as he attacked.

The spectators outside couldn't seem to see the battle clearly, these two peak-level chakra sea experts both had supreme treasures.

Their strength had already exceeded the boundaries of peak chakra/devil-sea. In fact, even ordinary Chakra and Devil Kings might die to them.

Just their attack radius alone, already encompassed a terrifyingly vast area.

"Enough." At this moment, a thunderous voice boomed. The crowd shuddered violently and a moment later, as they stared in the air, an incomparably gigantic palm of darkness that made Shun's own seem like a child's manifested, blotting out the sun.

It directly entered through the screen of swords and broke apart the attacks of both Shun and Monoshiki.

The gigantic palm was too terrifying. Devil might ravaged the surroundings as it forced Shun and Monoshiki apart.

With a flash of light, Shun kept his treasured cauldron, having no intentions to expose its secret.

Lifting his head, he glanced up at the air with an extremely cold expression, while radiating an icy intent.

Evidently, there was an expert from one of the supreme devil halls who forcibly intervened to stop the battle between him and Monoshiki.

"All of you, get back up to the Celestial Mountain." A voice rang out, ringing with force of command, and unquestionable authority.

Shun coldly replied, "The Celestial Mountain failed to safeguard the safety of my friends, forcing them down the mountain. This is already defying the will of the Myriad God Sovereign. Now that we are fighting a fair battle to settle our grudges, an elder actually intervened and stopped us. I don't understand, what do you all mean by this?"

Everyone turned their gazes onto Shun, silently musing at how audacious this fellow is. For true geniuses, their guts were naturally extraordinary as well. He actually dared to question the experts of the Celestial Mountain.

"Then, are you going up the Celestial Mountain or not?" The voice of the expert rang out again, directly ignoring Shun's question, still as domineering as ever.

Shun's gaze turned cold. Should he ascend the mountain or not?

All of them were already at the foot of the mountain. What sort of entity was the Celestial Mountain? The powers there could kill him effortlessly.

Also, Hinami was still on the mountain. He had to go back there no matter what.

Shun had no choice.

Since he had no choice, he could only laugh bitterly. He didn't say anything more and headed towards the path leading to the top of the Celestial Mountain.

He was extremely decisive, he didn't even bother to glance at Monoshiki.

Evidently, since the Celestial Mountain wanted to interfere. It was impossible for him to kill him now.

Everyone was staring at Shum's back, while musing silently about what he was thinking in his heart.

Katsushiki appeared beside him all of a sudden and tapped his shoulder and giving him a nod to which he nodded back.

Katsushiki's group of experts all followed after them. Their countenances were unsightly as well.

The situation of the battle earlier was extremely advantageous to their side.

If the battle continued, Shun was highly likely to be able to kill them.

Yet, at the critical moment, the experts of the Celestial Mountain had intervened and even asked them to get back up the Celestial Mountain. They were naturally unhappy about this.

Monoshiki still stood there. He had an extremely complex look on his face, tinged with disappointment and melancholy.

Experts on his side also had looks of complication as they stared at Monoshiki.

From a certain perspective, this inheritance battle is a battle between them both. Although Shun wasn't Otsustsuki, he has already been mixed into the fight.

Both of them was simply too strong, a level higher compared to the rest.

They were kings of this chakra sea realm and whoever gained victory between them, was highly possible to be able to dictate the ending of the adjudication battle.

There wasn't even a need for Katsushiki to be involved and his faction would win.

Yet, the unexcelled Monoshiki of the past, was actually defeated in this battle today.

Shun and his group once again stepped on the stairway to ascend the Celestial Mountain.

There was no longer any obstruction, their silhouettes flashed and they arrived at the peak of the mountain very quickly.

They only stopped after arriving at the area outside the Saint Devil Hall. Those people from his side who were expelled earlier all came back.

This caused the eyes of many devil experts to flash, and right now, experts from the supreme halls were all moving towards here as well.

Shun and Monoshiki were actually the same, both of them exited the Saint Devil Hall with an inheritance.

But after he exited, Shun instantly rushed down the mountain to aid his friends.

"Which inheritance did you obtain from the Saint Devil Hall?" A voice drifted over from the void.

Clearly, it was a supreme expert from one of the devil halls at the peak who asked. Katsushiki who was beside his opened one eye lazily, inclined his head and stared at the air, "Elder, are you integrating a prisoner?"

"Or maybe, the Celestial Mountain has never respected the will of the Myriad God Sovereign before. Everything was a lie, to plunder the inheritance power granted by the Myriad God Sovereign."

"Insolent!" A cold voice rang out, emitting majesty. A heavy pressure descended from the sky and directly bore down on Katsushiki, who simply stood there as lazily as before, showing no reaction to the pressure.

Shun beside him suddenly began to laugh uproariously, in an extremely condescending manner. "Did he say anything wrong? My friends were all invited here by the white-robed apostle and they have all passed the test of the Myriad God Sovereign, complying with his will as they ascended the mountain. However, simply because Monoshiki obtained an inheritance, all the supreme devil halls coveted it and defied the sovereign's will, forcing my friends to get off the mountain. Is this the respect the Celestial Mountain has for the Myriad God Sovereign?"

"And as for me, I came out from the sacred ground yet I was immediately under suspicion. I, who is under the light of the God Sovereign, am now being treated like a common criminal. Is this the attitude the supreme devil halls have towards inheritors? Does anyone really respect the Myriad God Sovereign at all?" Shun explosively shouted without fear.

Sometimes, one had to act more insolently. If you endure, others would want a foot while you gave up an inch, giving you no path to retreat.

As the sound of his voice faded, countless gazes from the devil experts stared at Shun. The atmosphere here was cloaked in silence.

"The Judiciary Devil Hall as the protector of the Myriad God Sovereign's will, you should be in charge of law and order, as well as judging everything fairly. Now, is your behavior protecting the sovereign's will?" Katsushiki added in a lazy tone.

"Even if you gained an inheritance of a certain supreme devil hall, you are not qualified to be this arrogant. You are merely a junior who ascended the Celestial Mountain. Even if we really kill you, do you think the Myriad God Sovereign would blame us?" An icy voice rang out, originating from the Darkness Devil Hall.

"Ehh? I don't know about him but I don't think you would be able to kill me. I left various avatars back in the Celestial realms. If the Celestial Mountain acts against me, this mean that the devil halls on the peak of the Celestial Mountain are all traitors, betraying the will of the Myriad God Sovereign."

"I naturally will ensure that the inheritance I obtain wouldn't fall into the hands of these traitors. Not only that, I will make sure to circulate the inheritance to every corner of the Celestial realms, and make Celestials come all the way here to hunt the traitors of the Celestial Mountain." Katsushiki's voice turned extremely domineering and cold.


"How dare you!" Cold voices thundered out.

"If we kill you instantly, your avatars would also fade away. Are you courting death?"

Katsushiki's arrogant words stirred the anger of these supreme devils as all of them spoke at the same time.

"Is that so? Can you all be so sure that I don't have an avatar outside? Or perhaps this is an avatar. There are so many cloning/avatar creation techniques in the Celestial realms, and for some of the more powerful ones, even if the original body dies, the avatar can still survive."

"It's easy if you all want to kill me, however do you all know which inheritance I obtained? If I had obtained the inheritance of the Myriad God Sovereign himself, what would happen if I circulate that all around the immortal realms? Will the Celestial Mountain still be the Celestial Mountain then?"

Shun added, already mentally making the preparations to die. As the sound of his words rang out, the hearts of those powerful experts from the Celestial Mountain all shuddered.

"Are you threatening the Celestial Mountain? Wanting to spread our inheritance outside?" A cold voice replied.

"What a joke. The devil halls on the peak of the mountain were prepared to betray the will of the God sovereign again and again. What face do you have to say that the inheritance of the Myriad God Sovereign belongs to you all? The reality should be whoever manages to obtain the sovereign's inheritance, shall be the successor of the sovereign's will."

"Let me ask you, are you willing to train on the Celestial Mountain?" Another voice rang out. However this time around, the tone of the voice seemed to be compromising.

"No." Shun and Katsushiki directly replied.

"Since you are not willing to stay on the Celestial Mountain to cultivate, you have to explain how and which inheritance did you obtain exactly." Another voice rang out.

"You want to plunder it away? I acquired the inheritance of the Myriad God Sovereign, but do I have a need to report this to you? Are the devil halls on the peak of the mountain already climbing up the head of the Myriad God Sovereign?" Shun laughed.

"What do you want then?" They didn't expect a junior to be so tough to deal with. Audacious, challenging the prestige of the supreme devil halls in public, simply lawless to the extreme.

"I can't even see you guys personally. It's I who should ask what do you all want to do with me?" Shum quietly stood there.

No matter what happens, he will remain standing there unmoving in his stance.

If he compromises too easily, even leaving the Celestial Mountain might be a problem.

The tension in the air was real. This Shum was arrogant, insolent, neither falling for soft nor hard tactics.

Katsushiki smiled and looked at Shun with his half opened eye in admiration.

These devil experts all coldly stared at Shun. This was the first time someone dared to challenge and provoke the prestige of the supreme devil halls so blatantly. In addition, this person was merely a junior.

Shun didn't care about what they thought. Since no one was saying anything, let there be silence then.

Devil might fluctuated intensely and after that, several figures appeared in the air.

They all floated there, akin to unsurpassable hegemons, and every step they took caused an unexcelled might to exude forth, as they walked closer and closer to Shun.

Their auras alone demanded reverence but to Shun, this had no effects whatsoever.

He who had personally sees death, met God and came back wouldn't be so easily pressured by such aura.

As these devil experts came to the area Shun was in, every devil expert here all bowed. Clearly, the identities of these people were extraordinary!