Chapter 89

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Title: Apology


A powerful devil expert walked before Shun and spoke. "Now, can you tell us?"

Shun glanced at the person as he smiled, "May I inquire your identity?"

"I am the devil true lord of the Darkness Devil Hall." The expert before him began to emit a terrifying aura. For Devil True Lord characters, this was a rank a Child of Darkness could evolve to.

They had truly terrifying authority and with just a command, the entire Darkness Hall would move.

It wasn't an exaggeration to say that the anger of a Devil True Lord could cause the entire Myriad Islands to tremble.

"Grand Priest of the Judiciary Devil Hall." Beside him, a terrifying character in blood-colored robes spoke.

The vibrant redness of his robes were even more noble-looking compared to Hinami.

The position of a Grand Priest was naturally higher in comparison as well.

These people here were all lofty characters. If not, they wouldn't have the authority to expel Shun's friends from the Celestial Mountain.

From a certain perspective, the will of these people here, if united, was able to represent the will of the entire Celestial Mountain.

The other figures were all experts with towering amounts of authority from the different halls, with positions equal to the Grand Priest and Devil True Lord of the Darkness Hall.

Shun glanced at them as he suddenly laughed in a mocking manner. "So it's all of you who gave the order, defying the will of the sovereign, expelling my friends from the Mountain?"

"You ask us to show ourselves. Is it merely just for this matter?" The Darkness Devil True Lord glanced at Shun.

Just a glance from him would cause fear in the hearts of many people.

"Naturally not. By asking all of you seniors to come out, I just want to ask if those who defied the sovereign's will and forced my friends down the Mountain, should they give an explanation for it or not?" Shun stated.

A terrifying pressure instantly bore down on Shun as the devil experts stared at him.

Had this man gone mad? He actually wanted a Devil True Lord and a Grand Priest to give an explanation?

"You are truly audacious." The Darkness Devil True Lord coldly spoke.

On the entire Mountain, those who would dare to ask him for an explanation were only a rare few, countable on one hand.

"It isn't me that is audacious. It's just that I believe since this is the Mountain, if there are any seniors who commits a mistake, and defy the sovereign's will, he should have courage and step forth to admit it. If not, I wouldn't dare to be sure if everyone here are traitors to the sovereign's will and how would I dare to tell you all matters regarding about my inheritance then?" Shun bowed, appearing extremely polite.

But within the facade of politeness, there was no doubting that he was truly audacious.

Shun wanted the powerful experts from all the supreme devil halls to give an explanation for their actions, using the matter of the inheritance he obtained to force them.

"What explanation do you want?" The Grand Priest asked.

"The Judiciary Devil Hall as the executor of the sovereign's will, naturally understands that it isn't me who needs an explanation. Rather, it's the fact that the sovereign's will needs to be respected." Shun spoke.

Even facing these powerful characters, he was as calm as ever.

One couldn't help but to be impressed and praise his courage.

"Monoshiki isn't willing to remain on the Celestial Mountain to train. In order to ensure that the inheritance he obtained can continue to remain on the mountain, a little sacrifice is nothing. Even if you say that we've defied the will of the sovereign, I, the Grand Priest of the Judiciary Hall, am willing to assume responsibility for this. I don't think our actions are improper. If you also obtained a brand new inheritance and are willing to hand that over to the Celestial Mountain, you can also make the same request." The Grand Priest spoke.

"Truly impartial." A mocking smile appeared on Shun's face.

Able to sacrifice his friends so easily with a single sentence. If he didn't have an inheritance from the Saint Devil Hall, these supreme devil experts wouldn't even appear before him. If they did, they wouldn't waste time talking to him, and would directly kill him instead.

"All of you don't feel that you all have defied the sovereign's will because what you did was for the sake of the Celestial Mountain. However from my perspective, in all of your eyes, the sovereign's will is something that could be tossed aside, and even trampled upon simply for the sake of convenience. Since this is the case, please forgive me for being unable to trust any of you. Your earlier actions showed a high possibility that you all might kill me in order to simply seize my inheritance, all for the sake of the Celestial Mountain. Am I not right?" Shun sarcastically laughed.

Clearly, he didn't intend to compromise. Even now, nobody could find any clues in his words.

What inheritance did he obtain from the Saint Devil Hall exactly? Or could it be that he didn't acquire anything but was merely boasting?

This was a deadlock. The experts of the supreme devil halls were in this deadlock with Shun.

A brat actually dared to behave so domineering before them, not wanting to compromise at all.

"The qualifications to speak is obtained by strength. If you really managed to gain an inheritance from the Saint Devil Hall, I will make them apologize to your friends." As the situation entered a deadlock, a misty voice suddenly rang out from the void. This voice sounded very ethereal, yet there was an undeniable will in its tone.

From the tone of his voice, it felt like if he wanted these supreme devil experts to apologize, they would need to do so no matter what.

Shun furrowed his brows as he glanced at the horizons.

"You should know that these people, as the Grand Priest and Darkness Devil True Lord, they are also experts who obtained the inheritances before. Even if you obtained an inheritance, it doesn't mean that your status would be higher than them. After all, you are merely a junior." That voice rang out again.

Shun could understand the meaning of the words spoken by the voice.

Even if he obtained an inheritance, his status wouldn't be as valuable as that of the Grand Priest and Darkness Devil True Lord.

However, the owner of the voice was willing to make these people apologize and compromise, it wasn't because his status had changed after he obtained the inheritance.

The voice wanted to tell him that even if he used the will of the God sovereign as his excuse, he also needed sufficient talent and strength.

Staring at the changes of expression on the Grand Priest and Darkness Devil True Lord's face, Shun suddenly felt that the person who spoke should be the master of a supreme devil hall, with status even higher than them.

He then smiled, "You all can choose a junior to fight against me."

The Grand Priest turned his head. After that, the male priest who was together with Hinami that time in the past, walked out.

He coldly stared at Shun, his eyes flickering with killing intent.

Shun frowned as cold intent appeared in his heart. He only saw the male priest radiating a strong devil might which permeated the surrounding as a blood-colored judgement spear manifested in his hand.

With a wave, the spear split into numerous spear shadows, all of them shooting towards Shun.


Devil might also gushed forth from Shun, causing the area to churn wildly.

His red eyes were terrifying to the extreme, and the Miasma in the surroundings seemed to draw towards his body with every breath he took.

His body was now like a black hole that was frenziedly gathering devil energy.


With a word, the blood-colored judgement spears began to explode and shatter.

However, the male priest recovered quickly and actually stepped out and appeared before Shun.

From his body, the light of judgement erupted forth with a terrifying judgement will which blotted out the skies, and enveloped everything, including Shun's body.


From the void, blood-colored streaks of lightning rained down as an apocalyptic scene appeared.

The lightning formed from crimson judgement power ravaged this entire space.

This was the true power of judgement, able to judge if something lived or died, able to judge fate.

That priest stood there, immersed in the lightning storm as he coldly stared at Shun. He then said out a single word, "Judgement!"

As the sound of his voice faded, the boundless lightning within the storm all shot forth, engulfing everything as they targeted Shun.

This space turned to a world of judgement, everything following the will of the judiciary priest.

Shun inclined his head, the devil might exuding from him churned wildly.

He took a deep breath with his mouth, instantly devouring all energy from the devil path, including the judgement energy as a supremely terrifying devil will erupted from his eyes.

{A/N: Conquerors Haki}

At this instant, the power of judgement slowed immensely, almost crawling to a halt.


Shun stepped out. With this step, the heart of the priest trembled.

The Shun at this moment seemed unexcelled in this world, an aura of absoluteness that demanded obedience, with everything having to bow down and submit to him.

With him at the center, terrifying devil seals manifested. These seal contained so much power that they were capable of unifying everything on the devil path.

At this instant, the power of judgement stopped entirely. That priest howled in rage, yet he couldn't do anything.

Shun blasted out his palm. In that moment, all the energy from the devil-path in the surroundings were united and controlled by Shun.

A terrifying judgement power shot out from him, aiming towards that judiciary priest, intent on eradicating him.


A terrible scream of misery rang out. The face of the judiciary priest was painted with despair but right now at this moment, the Grand Priest stepped out and waved his hand.

The power of judgement vanished while the judiciary priest was sent flying far away.

What remained, were only the droplets of his blood falling from the sky.

The looks on everyone's face were filled with shock as they stared at Shun.

Power of judgement, he actually could control the power of the Judiciary Devil Hall and used it to almost kill a judiciary priest. This was simply unbelievable.

This was an inheritance power which the Celestial Mountain didn't have.

It was a brand new kind of energy. Shun was the same as Monoshiki, the inheritances they obtained were different from the currently existing seven supreme devil halls on the peak.

The devil might dissipated, Shun was still floating in the sky.

Monoshiki stared at his figure as he sighed in his heart. Earlier when they fought, Shun also faintly used this power, but he didn't fully unleash it.

The strength of this might was absolutely not inferior to the inheritance power he gained. In fact, it seemed even superior.

"Apologize to him." All of a sudden, a voice thundered through the air, ringing with imperious force.

At this instant, the faces of the Grand Priest and the Darkness Devil True Lord also changed.

But when they thought of the owner of that voice, the Grand Priest stared at Shun and his group and then bowed his head, "Forcing you guys down the mountain was my mistake. I apologize for that."

After he spoke, his eyes twitched. As a Grand Priest, he actually apologized to a bunch of weaker beings.

"I was in the wrong as well." The expression of the Darkness Devil True Lord's face grew incredibly unsightly as he spoke.

Those supreme characters of the devil halls who were involved also apologized one after the other. This was an unprecedented matter on the Celestial Mountain.

"You can casually train anywhere you want to on the Celestial Mountain. If you are willing to stay here, you have the authority to access any of the supreme devil halls and get the seniors there to provide guidance."

"If you chose to leave the Celestial Mountain instead, no one here will be allowed to obstruct you." That voice echoed out once more with unquestionable authority, This time around, even Shun himself had a look of bewilderment on his face!