Chapter 94

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Title: Betrothal


Numerous areas outside the devil gate were stirring with spatial fluctuations. At this instant, the gazes of every expert were turned to there, as they held their breaths.

"Katsushiki!" One of those figures were extremely inconspicuous.

When they glanced over, all those experts who appeared were actually all from Katsushiki's faction.

The eyes of the Evergreen Emperor and his allies flashed before they started laughing.

Today, was the last day before the deadline. Just when they believed that it was possible for both sides to not appear, Katsushiki actually led so many experts of his alliance to exit.

This means that there was only one possibility, Katsushiki and his group has been guarding the entrance leading back out to the Celestial realms, not allowing Monoshiki's group to step out.

Another possibility was that Monoshiki's group had been entirely massacred. But that probability was extremely small.

All the Chakra Emperors were intelligent people, they instantly thought of this possibility.

However, the people from the Rival faction weren't willing to believe so.

Their expressions kept changing, especially for those experts from the Nine-Emperors Empire.

Their faces were etched with disbelief. All of them knew how powerful Monoshiki was, and in addition to that supreme treasure he was bestowed with, who else could obstruct him?

In addition, the number of experts their side sent in was higher. Why would Katsushiki and his group dare to guard the entrance, depriving access to Monoshiki and his group?

Unless Katsushiki had successfully managed to borrow external aid.

But since this is something Katsushiki could do, there was no reason for Monoshiki to not be able to do so as well.

Very swiftly, everyone from Katsushiki's faction appeared as they walked towards the Evergreen Emperor side.

All of them seemed to be in glowing spirits as victorious smiles appeared on their faces.

This further reinforced the thinking everyone had. The adjudication battle had already concluded.

"Katsushiki, how are things?" An Emperor, Thousand Hands Emperor couldn't help but to laugh. He was in a pretty good mood when he saw Katsushiki's appearance.

"We should have already won." Katsushiki smiled lazily

"Haha, excellent." The Thousand Hands Emperor Lord laughed.

The eyes of the Evergreen Emperor flickered with a smile as he spoke, "Thank you for your efforts." He then looked over at Shun and squinted his eyes before diverting it.

Kaguya beside him directly sped over as a sweet smile appeared on her face.

She stretched her hands out and held onto Shun's. Despite the silence, her smile had actually already indicated the emotions in her heart.

"Kaguya, I've finally found you." Shun moved one of his hands and gently stroked Kaguya's's hair.

"Mhm." Kaguya lightly nodded. "I've been expecting you." Just like how she was in the past, she was a woman of few words.

"There's still one more day of time. Things have not concluded yet." The expressions of the rival faction were extremely unsightly.

This inheritance battle was a stage for them to cripple the foundation of the other faction and if this result is anything to go by, then their most promising youngsters had all fallen during the trial.

This was basically a repeat of the past trial.

Katsushiki turned his eyes to the Skymist Emperor who said this as a mocking smile appeared within.

"It's true there's still one more day worth of time but I'm afraid you will be disappointed. Not one person of their group will be able to come out on time."

"What do you mean by that?" The Skymist Emperor coldly spoke.

"Nothing much, just speaking the truth." Katsushiki replied. After that, he lifted his foot and entered deeper into the area behind the Evergreen Emperor.

As he passed his brother, he stopped for what seemed like seconds but Shun felt the space time around the two suddenly shift before resuming once more.

As time resumed, the Evergreen Emperor looked at Shun with a large smile but said nothing else.

Because this was the last day of the grace period, various True Emperors were here. These were all from various groups within the faction as their young ones participated in the inheritance battle.

They saw Katsushiki bowing to them, "Thank you for the help from all elders. There are some members from our faction who died within during the ten years, I am extremely sorry and would like to apologize to all of you."

"This can be considered a tempering exercise, and in ordinary cases, many geniuses of our Celestial realms would lose their lives while tempering themselves in the Myriad Islands. This cannot be blamed on you."

"In addition after you all gathered together, no one else died. In fact, our friend Shun, even defeated Monoshiki. If you didn't do so, the battle would still have some suspense. You've already done a great job." A female Otsustsuki who was at the side spoke.

Everyone nodded in agreement. In truth, this inheritance battle was a battle between Monoshiki and Katsushiki. But later on, it became one between Monoshiki and Shun.

The three of them had the power to decide the victor, while the others had a tempering exercise on the Myriad islands.

"He defeated Monoshiki?" An Emperor from the Nine-Emperors Empire coldly spoke. "Stop bragging, how could Monoshiki be defeated by him? Also, who is this? Why haven't I seen him before?"

"At the foot of the Celestial Mountain, everyone had seen the result of their battle. Monoshiki was defeated and if it wasn't for some bigshots of the Celestial mountain interfering, Monoshiki would have already died there and then." Another female Otsustsuki spoke mockingly, causing a great burst of might to gush forth from that Emperor of the Nine-Emperors Empire.

"You can't afford to lose?" The Evergreen Emperor shot a glance over as he coldly spoke.

"The battle hasn't concluded yet. I'll wait one more day." Although things were already very clear, they had been waiting for ten years and all of them thought that there was virtually no chance for them to be defeated.

Hence, they were unable to accept the fact so suddenly. This was why since there was still a strand of hope remaining, they would still prefer to hold on to it.

"Elder sister!" Katsushiki went over to Shun's and Kaguya's side with a smile.

Kaguya smiled and raised her hand to ruffle his hair. "Look at the little Katsu-chan from back then all grown up."

"Stop it nee-san, you're embarrassing me in front of brother-in-law." Katsushiki smiled shyly.

Everyone laughed at the scene after which they began chatting and catching up with eachother.


This time's inheritance battle was as high profile as possible and although there wasn't any form of reward at stake, a great deal of reputation was in play here.

This time around there were too many peak powers involved, causing such an intense commotion.

If he wanted the enemy side to retreat just like that, many of those Emperors would surely be feeling extremely unwilling in their hearts.

However, no matter what will happen in the future, with the victory of this battle, their side already possessed a great advantage.

This last day felt extremely long to the people of the Skymist Emperor.

But eventually, they were still disappointed. After one day passed, Monoshiki and his group have yet to exit.

This meant that the inheritance battle was officially concluded.

The Skymist Emperor, Violet Emperor and Eastern Sage Emperor all deeply glanced at Shun.

This little fellow who was nothing but an ant and could be smacked to death by them actually brought them this amount of shame.

Although he was still pitifully weak in comparison to them, he was strong enough to affect the battle in the Myriad Islands.

The killing intent in the eyes of both the Violet and Eastern Emperors grew more intense.

Shun suddenly had another intense premonition of death and looked around.

Catching sight of the ones with the killing intent, he sighed and smiled wryly. "i didn't sign up for this shit."

The True Emperors had the look that said, "Seems like they can't allow this young man to live on any longer. He would definitely become a source of trouble for them if they allowed him to mature."

Typical point of view of those in power when they face an embarrassing loss.

The people from the Nine-Emperors Empire were the ones who were the most unwilling to accept this outcome.

They actually lost despite Monoshiki participating. Monoshiki was someone who obtained their founding emperor's inheritance and everyone in the empire had high hopes for him.

In addition, they initially hoped that Monoshiki would become the hegemon of this generation, not only in their empire, but in the boundlessly vast Celestial realms, becoming a God emperor character.

The loss of the inheritance battle doesn't mean anything but from a certain perspective, it meant that Monoshiki lost to Shun, an unknown individual.

They were all experienced and with minor probs, they knew he wasn't Otsustsuki despite the unique resemblance.

For experts who could reach the peak, they were able to use all methods and eliminate their opponents as they ascended.

From this defeat, it could be said that Monoshiki wasn't the main character of this era. It should be Shun or Katsushiki instead.

The experts from the Nine-Emperors Empire all glanced at Shun, their eyes flashing with killing intent.

Once a person died, he was destined to never become the main character of an era.

Shun's frown deepened. At this instant, he could sense numerous unmasked malicious gazes levied on him.

A cold intent appeared in his heart. He was just a tiny character with a Chakra sea level yet he actually induced killing intent in the hearts of all these Emperors.

He didn't know if he should be proud or depressed.

At this moment, bright light flashed as another True Emperor, Emperor Yu suddenly appeared.

He laughed, "The deadline for the inheritance battle is up. The Evergreen Alliance is victorious and hence, the result for the false inheritance battle earlier is hereby abolished."

Not only did they win this battle, they had a perfect victory where not a single junior from the rival faction had exited.

Such a result was truly a mockery to the Skymist Empire.

In this battle, other than the peak powers of the Eastern Regions, many other True Emperor-ranked powers were involved as well. Was this storm going to end just like that?

Reluctance was plain in the eyes of those True emperors.

"Skymist, the results might have disappointed you a little." The Evergreen Emperor spoke, with intentional mockery.

"Even if my side lost the adjudication battle, do you, Evergreen, really intend to destroy the agreement between our Empires just like that?" The Skymist Emperor coldly spoke.

"You actually still have the face to bring up that dogshit agreement? Ridiculous to the extreme." The Evergreen Emperor was extremely unhappy, resulting him in using coarse language.

He then icily spoke, "If my aunts were here I wonder who amongst you would be talkimg like this. The result of the adjudication battle is clear. I believe the Skymist Empire will stop their nonsense and stop harassing my empire?"

"Now, I, Evergreen, shall formally announce that on behalf of my uncle, I will betroth my beloved cousin, Kaguya to Shun." The Evergreen Emperor solemnly stated.

Words from a True emperor were unshakable, and undeniable.

This undoubtedly caused the Skymist Emperor to stop all thoughts of getting Kaguya to marry into his empire. He had already lost one Ishikki and he couldn't press the issue without knowing who would side with him.

After the victor was decided, the Evergreen Emperor instantly announced this wedding betrothal to am unknown.

Could it be that the Skymist Immortal Emperor would break his promise in front of all these peak powers?

And as expected, the face of the Skymist Emperor turned black.

The Southern region Phoenix clan and Matriarch Ji, as well as the other Emperors all, turned to stare at the Evergreen Emperor.

Seems like Evergreen something must have happened that they didn't know about that made Evergreen believe in Shun very much.

This definitely wasn't something he said in a moment of impulse.

The person in the limelight currently, had a flabbergasted look on his face as he didn't know what in the nine hell's was going on.

But with his thought acceleration, he kept a poker face adorned with a gentle smile as he held hands with Kaguya, the two of them sharing a smile as their bodies moved closer together.

Right now, the Evergreen Emperor has already announced this to the world.

There was nothing else which could obstruct them from being together!


Alright. I wasted time writing this chapter because I had to come up with a lot of entirely new characters and setups.

In this vast Universe, there is a division of the Western, Eastern, Northern, Southern, and Central regions.

The Myraid islands rule the entire Northern region.

The Evergreen Emperor, Matriarch Ji and Thousands Hands Emperor rule the Eastern region under the banner of the three sisters I amde mention in the chapter 'Anomaly'

The Nine-Emperor Empire rule the entire Central regions.

The Skymist Empire and Violet Empire rule the entire Western region.

Why the Southern region is ruled over by beasts of various kinds with no particular hegemon.

The phoenix clan being a clan I like more is in the same boat with the Evergreen Empire.

One thing they all have in common is that there must be a Godking in a region before you say you rule an entire region.

So far, the Eastern region has ***** Godkings. No spoilers yet.

I'm already ending this volume soon so there's no particular need to pay attention to them, just read over them is possible.
