Chapter 95

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Title: Evergreen Empire and Meeting


The Evergreen Empire spanned countless planets in the eastern region, and Everpeace City was one of its largest main cities in one of the bigger planets.

A regiment of powerful troops were stationed around the planet, and they guarded the eastern side of the Evergreen Empire.

Everpeace City was extremely prosperous and had countless experts. It could be considered the hegemon of this region within the empire.

The Evergreen Emperor bestowed the title of Everpeace Marquis to the Grand General stationed to guard this place.

This man was also an extremely powerful True king character.

At this moment, in the airspace of the Everpeace City, a strong gust of wind billowed, accompanied by intense spatial fluctuations.

Countless people tilted their heads upwards, only to see quite a few figures seemingly materialize out of nowhere. Naturally, these people were none other than Shun and his companions.

The eyes of Shun and his companions flashed as they stared at the city below.

The powerful formation of spatial transference wasn't very precise; it would only transfer them in the general vicinity of a preset location.

Hence, it was possible to appear anywhere within the region that array was connected to.

But it was still an mind blowing experience for Shun, Ria, Hinami and Da who just moved from one part of the universe to another.

The Evergreen Emperor smiled at their amazement, "This is one of the main cities of the Evergreen Empire. The head of the major power that governs this place is a person named the Everpeace Marquis."

"We've actually arrived in the Evergreen Empire." Da's eyes brightened, turning back to glance at Shun and Kaguya. "Seems like your luck is pretty good."

"Everpeace City is still a distance away from my home, but the city lord's manor should possess an array of spatial transference connecting to it," Kaguya said quietly.

Shun POV.

To say I was fed up would be an understatement. Right now, what I needed was a long l, long sleep. Probably a century long sleep.

This adventure although mind opening, was still too much for me to handle.

I mean, c'mon. Be it in my past life or this one, peace and quiet is what I actually desire the most.

Well, familial love and all those love are also among them but now, what I ajve experienced this past 10 years alone make me feel like I've lived for almost a century.

Right now, along with the the Evergreen Emperor and his troops and alliance members, Vast Sky Emperor and his daughter, Kaguya, Hinami, Ria and Da, we went to the city lord manor to 'take a rest'.

Not physical rest but mental. I don't doubt any one of us could stay active for days on end but the mental fatigue will always be there.

In the city lord mansion, lots of things happened to which I shut of my main consciousness and allowed my parallel thought to do the thinking and talking.

My parallel thought was all logic and no emotions so I was cool headed throughout the reception shit.

And by city lord, I meant on a planetary level, imagine that. I just found out that his divine sense can scan this entire planet and it's neighboring space.

Imagine that.

Right now, what was on my mind was to end all this shit and go back home to the Shinobi world. I'm quite fed up now and I doubt either Hinami or Ria think otherwise.

Maybe become a Chakra King and see how my domain would improve? Well, that for the future.

The whole thing went on well, and we set of to the main planet the next day.

Oh, did I mention that the concept of time is skewered in space? I don't even know how long has passed in the Shinobi world as that world has a 24 hour a day time ratio.

Out here, there isn't even a measurement for minutes, hours or days.

Sigh... Anyways, we arrived at an enormous planet as big as a normal sun, which also gave me the feeling of being artificial in a way.

Kaguya introduced the place as the core of this part of the universe and further went on to say that it was formed by her aunts.

At the mention of this I felt even my logical parallel thought shit down for a few seconds before rebooting.

After much thought, I threw it to the back of my head while thinking, "Well, I could create dimensions so what's to stop a Godking from doing so as well."

As we entered the planets atmosphere, I felt a wave of divine sense scan me and immediately my entire body screamed danger before the feeling subsided.

Before I could get myself in order, a calm voice sounded out. "Hmm... I'll be taking the young ones from you for a while,"

"Yes, Miyuki-dono," The Evergreen Emperor said with a bow.

Before I could even retort, I felt space twist around me and in the nest second, I was in front of seven figures.

Out of instinct, I sent out my divine sense to scan them and the feed back almost melted my brain if not for the parallel thought and thought acceleration that kicked up in that split second.

"Hmm? Did he just try to scan us?" A childish female voice sounded out.

"I believe he did," another female voice replied.

"The guts he has. Such impudence." A rough make voice said.

"Well, I doubt he had any bad intentions in doing so though." Another female voice said in a calm tone.

The voices kept ringing I'm my head despite the thought acceleration activated to the max.

I felt myself losing consciousness before another female voice I was familiar with said. "Mother, aunties, uncle and father, stop it. That's my husband you're bullying."

Immediately, I felt a soothing energy entering my body and went straight to my sea of consciousness, calming my raging spiritual energy.

After what seemed like hours, I opened my eyes to take a good look at this masses of energy I stupidly tried to guage.

Sitted in a straight line were seven figures, two men and five women.

Two women sat in a higher throne in the middle, one giving of an indifferent air and the other giving off an imposing aura.

Beside them were the three other women with the men at the right and left end.

One of the men was barechested and one ridiculous thing was that on his chest was a red Tensei-Sharingan. None on his forehead though.

The other man had had a Tensei-Sharingan on both his forehead and his chest.

The rest had a Tensei-Sharingan on their foreheads with horns curved back ward like that of a ram.

One of the female sitted in the center had four tiny ones though with a tiny dot on her forehead.

From what I could make out, these were the Godkings I've heard about from Katsushiki and that must mean one of the men and women are Kaguya's parents with the rest being close to her to a certain extent.

Gathering myself together, I bowed slightly and said. "I apologize for my rude actions just now. I promise it won't happen again."

Right now, no matter what I do, I can't ever antagonize these beasts, Even scanning those True Emperors didn't give me this feeling.

It felt like even their hairs were enough to obliterate me from existence.

I mean, if the True Emperors had a vessel to hold in their energy, these Godkings in front of me felt like they were energies given form.

"At least he's polite. Alright you're forgiven." The female beside the man with two Tensei-Sharingan on his head and chest said.

The one with the childish voice then said. "But to actually use your divine sense on us and survive is also impressive, as expected from an anomaly."

At she said that, a pin drop silence fell on the room.

As for me, "Anomaly?" I asked.

"Tee-hee" She said and disappeared.

The woman on the center sit sighed and stretched her hands in the air.


Space cracked and she stretched her hands into the crack and pulled out the lady who just disappeared and threw her back to her chair.

"Miyuki-chan, you'd do well to curb your childish impulses when I'm around, alright?" She asked with a smile that didn't reach her cheeks.

"Hai. Vishnu-nee" The childish girl, Miyuki replied.

The now names Vishnu then looked over at me and said. "Sorry about that. Why don't we start with a proper introduction."

"Yes. My name's Shun, Surname Tengoku. A easier to meet you all." I replied politely.

"Tengoku, huh?" She asked in amusement.

"Well, where I come from, I was probably the strongest existence." I answered shyly, after all, the name sounds arrogant in a way.

"Well, that's a good name. You just have to live up to it." She encouraged.


"Now, about you being an anomaly, I'm sure you have your doubts?" She asked.

"Yes, I am." I answered, well ot really, I'm quite the anomaly since I'm sure my presence has caused a butterfly effect on a universal scale.

"Well, Miyuki here foresaw the destruction of this planet were currently standing on and the one who seemed to be the culprit was a shadow of you." She started.

"At first my sister here, Uuyuki, tried searching for you through the entire universe but couldn't find you until you left the Myraid islands."

"I'll have you know that only the will of the Sovereign can actually block her senses. Anyways, the point is that as soon as you left the Myraid islands, we caught sight of you. Little Katsu-chan already told little Evergreen about you as well as Kaguya's information about you we decided to betroth Kaguya to you."

"What do you think?" She asked.

What kind of question is that? Is she expecting me to say something like I refuse? Please, as a reincarnator, I know when the odds are against me.

Also, I'm not appalled at their idea, after all, it's the better option. Even if they decide to kill me, I have 0.000 percent of escaping.

I mean, this Vishnu could literally tear space apart and pull someone at the same power level as her out of it.

What of me then?

I bet she only needs a sigh and I'm dust.

"Of course I'm not against this plan. In fact, Kaguya and I are already close enough to be called husband and wife so there isn't any issues whatsoever." I replied.

"Good. Then you should probably get meet her father and mother." She said while pointing at the man and woman at the left end.

Turns out Kaguya's father was the one with the Tensei-Sharingan on both his forehead and chest while her mother was the gentle looking woman.

After saying that they all disappeared leaving only us eight there.

Kaguya and Katsushiki, Hinami, Ria and Da. Me and then the parents.

"Kaguya dear, why don't you take our guest to their lodging while we have a chat with our dearest son-in-law?" The woman said with a gentle smile.

"Yes mother," Kaguya said and nodded reassuringly at me before taking the girls and boys away.

An eerie silence fell on the room as neither of us spoke to eachother.

Their eyes never left me but as there where six pair of eyes boring into me while I only had my two pairs, I didn't know who to keep eye contact with.

The two Tensei-Sharingan aside, their eyes emitted a formless pressure on me.

Looking closely, I noticed that the mother had the Tenseigan while the father had the normal Byakugan.

Guess Kaguya inherited his genes while Hamura inherited the mother's genes.

"Ara~ no need to be nervous Shun dear, we're family now so dispense the nervousness." The mother said.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Ara~, you can call me Rhakho while you call my husband Kaishiki."

"Hai, Rhakho-sama." I replied. This woman was making things difficult for me on purpose.

How should I call such a mean looking man by his name so casually?

"Seems like you don't like us too much eh? Kai-chan, he doesn't seem to like us very much." She said and complained to her husband.

Hold up woman, how did this become that... I knew it, she was just making things difficult for me.

As she complains, the husband frowned and an enormous pressure fell on me to which befor ei could crumble on the floor, I quickly said.

"Rhakho and Kaishiki, pleasure to meet you."

"Ah... Seems like I was mistaken then. Husband, let's forgive him." Rhakho said and immediately, the pressure disappeared.

"Now then. Why don't you tell me about yourself and how you met my daughter. From what I know, she went with that little bastard Skymist's spawn. Kaguya already told me what happened but I want to hear your own story." Rhakho asked.

"Oh, about that... It all started close to a hundred year ago, at least in my home planet's time frame..."

I then went on to give my own part of the story. And during the story time, it felt like I became close with them.

Due to some questions and answers I came to know that Kaishiki was quite a softie despite his appearance.

I did avoid the topic of Hagoromo and Hamura as I didn't know what effect that would have on them.

I didn't know If she told them that she's already given birth but with her body as it is, I doubt there is any reason to even say that in the first place.

After what seemed like hours, I was finally excused. They were quite good company.

Right now, my next course of action was to level up me Chakra level to the rank of Kings.

I've already gotten the gist of what being a Chakra-king entails. What's left is to make sure both Hinami and Ria rank up together.

I'm having a premonition that although I won't be an enemy to them, something bad would surely happen that will force me to do exactly what they saw in that vision.

Welps, first up, I gotta rank up.