Chapter 96

{Join my Patre@n at for full chapters of volume 2 and Vol 3}


Title: Chakra King


After leaving the hall, I had a get together with my family and told them what Kaguya's parents told me and also how and what it means to be a Chakra King.

According to them, at the Chakra King stage, one creates a Law Domain from the various laws that they have comprehended.

The strength of the Law Domain depends on how much of a law is comprehended, or which laws are comprehended.

According to them, most Otsustsuki don't need to understand a law to rank up, with just a Chakra fruit, they can acquire all the laws present in a world.

Kaguya for example has all elemental laws, space-time law, creation and destruction.

Even, poison, shadow, light and dark are elements one that eats a world fruit can acquire. How hax is that?

Well, after passing the info, we found that Hinami, Ria, Fenrir and me, all have the laws of all elements and their mixtures too.

Due to Ria's affinity with Magnetism, she could even go further to manipulate everything with a magnetic field. How hax.

As explosion wasn't an element per se, but a reaction of two volatile compounds or something, Hinami could imbue it into anything.

It's like saying, she spews water and upon contact with another object, it explodes. Also hax.

As for Fenrir, the bastard had an even greater affinity with space than all of us.

Now coupled with our dimensions or inner worlds in the case of Hinami, Ria and Fenrir, we could use all other higher elements.

Now, to become a chakra King, all we need to do, was make all these elements become a law in a space around us.

All of us including Kaguya already had a domain although compared to Real Kings, our could only be called primary.

Those three Devil Kings I had sealed probably underestimated me a little bit too much.

Oh well, I'll deal with them later, maybe make them fertilizer to the chakra fruit I'll be giving Vast Sky.

Weird name by the way. I was always wondering why they call themselves by their titles.

Anyways, back to the Chakra King realm. Each stage could be early or later-phase, depending on the deepness of one's Chakra sea and their understanding of laws.

Based on their path on the Chakra, Devil, or Demon way, anyone at the King realm are also called Chakra-king, Devil Kings and Demon Kings depending on which path they cultivate.

3rd POV

Dispelling all the random thoughts in his heart, Shun quieted his mind. He drew a deep breath and began his journey once more through his library to find novels based on domains.

Time flowed by, it has already been several years since Shun left the Shinobi world.

On this very day, Shun felt a wave of information being drilled into his mind causing him to stumble and grimace in pain.

Although his mind was already strong enough due to his battle of wills with the Myriad God Sovereign, what he just received was worth the pain.

A few moments later he took a deep breath and smiled before bursting into a full blown laughter.

What he just received was a hundred years worth of memory from his clone and right now, his hypothesis was already proven.

Shun POV

I had always wondered why Ashura and Indra's soul could reincarnate infinitely without losing their original Will.

I had first thought it was Zetsu that gave Indra some technique or something but after thinking it through I canceled that out as impossible.

After brainstorming for a while, I came to a conclusion which was that when ones chakra reaches a certain amount, their chakra can be inherited.

Indra and Ashura were the strongest humans after Hagoromo and Hamura and if Hamura was the weaker of the two and being in the upper millions in terms of chakra, then Indra and Ashura should be in the lower levels.

Anyways, the thing of joy now is that Izanagi and Izanami's chakra reincarnated and their will along with it.

The only disappointing thing was that their memories didn't reincarnate over.

That didn't bother me much though, if their intent and chakra were able to reincarnate, their memories must be there somewhere.

I wouldn't even be surprised if they both had a back up plan to regain their memories without my help.

They're my children after all.

Well, another thing is that I've spent ten plus years outside the Shinobi world and a hundred years has passed back there.

Although the day-night rate is quite skewered, this was quite the surprise to take in.

If this is the case, then I'd better begin my journey back so as to catch up with the warring state era at the very least.

This just means I've to become a chakra king as fast as possible, I can't afford to waste any more time.

Domains huh? According to Rhakho, I've already formed a primary level domain, what's left is to solidify it and make it a world of my own.

In the time I've spent searching through what domains are, I've come to understand that they're basically manifestations of power.

In some novels, they are centered around the Dao, and becomes stronger the higher you grow in power.

In short, a domain means I'm God within it.

An Emperor could make the world their domain and use the energy of the world however they please.

True Lords begin the transformation of their chakra sea into a world where their will is heavens will and no one who enters can leave without the permission of the owner.

So no one would stupidly enter the world of a True lord.

True Kings already have a world of their own, with life forms.

True Emperors could create a functional world.

Lord Gods could condense a divine spark with the help of the living beings in the world.

Godkings have a Divine spark and could gather the power of faith from the living beings in their world.

And according to rumors, a God Emperor would need the faith of fellow Godkings to become one.

While a True God would need the faith of God-Emperors.

That's just.... Wow.

Perplexed would not even describe what I felt at that moment.

But after all the bullshit I've seen in Chinese Wuxia and Xianxia novels, this was a piece of cake to take in.

But that got me thinking, since I already have a dimension waiting for me, wouldn't fusing with it make me a True Emperor?

The dimension was already a functional world and currently, it was even ten times bigger than the Shinobi world.

Shocking right? Seems like as I rank up it follows but with more results.

Anyways, creating living beings wasn't an issue, after all, I created Fenrir in there and I don't doubt I can do more.

With this sorted out, what I need to do now was to fuse with my dimesion's core.

Hinami's, Ria's and Fenrir's dimension's core was fused the moment their dimension was created which is a plus for them but mine was created when I was still young so I made a blinder I'm still regretting till this day.

Maybe I should bring this up with Kaishiki and Rhakho. They ought to know something about this.

Well I hope my parallel thought has come up with something on the King realm

Parallel thought POV

"Laws, laws." Shun mused. A destructive law energy in the air stirred according to Shun's will, flowing towards him before being absorbed into his chakra sea.

At this moment, Shun abruptly stopped. He opened his eyes as they gleamed with sharpness.

This was a long process. Shun used his divine sense to communicate with the laws in his dimension, wanting to form a resonance.

The formless flows flowed unceasingly, according to their own unique rhythm. Gradually, these law flows formed a connection with Shun's body, producing a resonance.

After that, a dark current of destructive energy flow appeared.

Although right now it was only a thin film, this could already be considered a major breakthrough.

Shun suppressed the excitement in his heart and steadied his mind.

He continued to focus. Right now, he was truly infinitesimally close to the Chakra king realm, just a tiny step away from it!

In the blink of an eye, a whole year passed. Shun was still deep in meditation and seemed to have forgotten everything in the external world, and was completely immersed.

At this moment, he was still meditating. Not far from him, a figure quietly lied there. It was unknown when this figure appeared. This figure was simply quietly staring at Shun.

At this moment, destructive law energy flow frenziedly circulated around Shun, akin to a long river of destruction, emitting churning noises.

It continued permeating the area and Shun's began to glow with destructive light.

His body shimmered with the rays destruction, causing nearby destructive energy to gather on his body.

Shun now resembled a god of destruction, evoking fear in the hearts of all who saw him.

"Not bad." A voice rang out. Shun felt his heart tremble and he was directly interrupted.

He opened his eyes, his heart was filled with unhappiness as he glanced at the mysterious figure beside him. "Um..."

"Enough, although right now you can only be considered a half-step Chakra king. However, don't be in a hurry to form your law domain. You should first evoke your other laws. Try to do this in a year's time." That mysterious figure spoke before disappearing again.

"The fuck?" Shun was directly stunned into speechlessness. He couldn't help but to curse under his breath, "Which Bastard is this?"

"Who are you talking about?" A voice suddenly echoed out, causing Shun's heart to shudder.

He then speechlessly replied, "Sir, I was cursing at myself."

"Mhm, although you are truly weak, you don't have to be unduly humble to the point that you scold yourself. If you can live on, you can still make a living pretty well." That mysterious figure spoke sagely.

Shun was flabbergasted when he heard that. This fellow... At the chakra king realm, although he could condense his other laws, but to rush him so...

For the next half year, he began to try his best and enter the chakra king realm fully.

He started to form his body of laws. Once the body of laws are formed, one would be the central core component of their own laws, and they could turn into the laws with just a thought.

He had to strengthen his body enough to handle the energy from his world's core.

Just as he wanted to establish his law domain, that mysterious figure appeared once more.

He glanced at that mysterious figure with some self-satisfaction and before he even said anything, Shun already spoke, "Sir, what do think of my achievements?"

"Mhm, barely passable I guess. After you managed to comprehend your first law-attribute, the following ones would be much easier. Luckily you are not a block of wood, or it would have been to boring to leave you alive." That mysterious figure calmly spoke.

Shun almost coughed out the legendary blood when he heard that.

He put in so much effort and achieve this but in the perspective of the mysterious figure, it was merely barely passable?

Shun could feel that this mysterious guy was actually watching out for him for some reason but for him to say that his progress was barely passable ticked him the wrong way.

Shun knew that any random person would take quite some time to be able to do what he was doing in a few months and that was with him infusing the destructive law to all his other elements.

In short, Shun was taking the protagonist route of mastering all possible combinations to form a perfect domain. Maybe that would help in a proper fusion with his world's core.

He had come to the decision not to tell anyone about his world and just take it as it comes.

Worse comes to worst, his body is destroyed while his chakra remains.

If it remains, he could always come back.

Some normal Chakra kings depended on a single type of law-attribute energy to reach the chakra king realm.

Shun shook his head and went back to meditating. Currently, in his sea of consciousness, numerous balls of energy were swirling around him in an orderly manner.

These balls were the amalgamation of all his world's elements, ranging from the normal elements to the supreme elements of life and death.

{A\N: I just thought this up on the fly.

Normal Elements: Five elements.

Advanced Elements: Kekkai Genkai

Top Elements: Kekkai Totà

Supreme Elements: Space-time, Life-death, Creation-destructio}

One thing they all had in common was that they all had a source they came from and whence they would return in a beautiful cycle.

While this was happening in the spiritual sea, his physical body was being continuosly tempered by all energies.

The inheritance he received from the Saint Devil Hall were also there emitting an even more splendour as though they were higher than the laws of a world.

In a sense they were, since they were the supreme laws the Myriad God Sovereign left behind.

This laws were the building block behind his God head and Shun was fusing with them all.

This continued for a while before all seven kinds of attribute energies congregated on his body, he was like a true fiendgod, simply unexcelled in the world.

Shun felt both a qualitative and quantitative increase in his chakra.

In his sea of consciousness, the various floating orbs began combining with his spiritual body(Soul), and with each fusion, Shun's soul began undergoing changes.

Outside, Shun's figure continued undergoing various changes and moments later, as his breakthrough was reaching an end, a slit appeared on his forehead.

At the same time, all the orbs fused with his soul and on his soul's forehead, an eye appeared.

When Shun opened his eyes, the slit on his forehead opened too and a terrifying pressure gleamed as he stared at the sky.

It felt like all his abilities were now tied to that one eye on his forehead.

Slowly, a smile then appeared on his face.

Clenching his fists, a clear sharp sound could be heard.

"To think that I would gain such a power from the Myriad God, I wonder how high his power was in his peak." Shum stared up, wanting to see through the void above him.

A hint of excitement appeared in his eyes. Earlier, he had been completely focused in meditation but now, he finally couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart any longer.

"Do you think that you are already invincible because you used that devil-attribute law energy to formally ascend to the King Realm?" A voice rang out.

Shun's excitement abruptly vanished as black lines filled his face. This freaky bastard. He came to pour cold water on him every single time.

"Do you believe that I can exterminate you with my little finger? Completely destroying your soul, leaving you with nothing but a corpse?" That mysterious figure spoke.

He then continued, "You are still weak, law-attribute energy will only grow stronger along side with one's Chakra level. But with your current level, no matter how high the quality of your law-attributes are, what's the use?"

Shun eye twitched. It was true that his strength was insufficient now or he would definitely violently beat up this death-deserving mysterious figure!

But compared to this guy he didnt even need to compare as he didn't see the need.

He could feel that this guy was advising him while knocking him down a notch, but as he didn't explain himself well, Shun didn't retort or thank him for his advice.

And with that, Shun formally became a Chakra king.


A/N: I'm kinda rushing things here and I hope you didn't find this chapter lackluster.