Chapter 97

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Title: Thirty Years


After his breakthrough, Shun returned back to the Evergreen Empire only to hear that the girls had gone on some sightseeing.

Some days later, Kaguya and the girls finally came back, returning to her manor.

When Shhn returned, he finally saw Kaguya. She was robed in white, exuding a transcendent aura as well as a noble elegance.

Right now, She was at the immortal king realm, her aura was more majestic than before.

Shun stared at the beautiful woman before him as he fell into a daze.

Kaguya quietly looked at him, although her expression was cold, deep emotions could be seen flickering in her eyes.

"Kaguya." Shhn walked up and held her hand, smiling as he stroked her hair.

"Mother went to the City of Ancient Emperors along with my other aunts and uncles." Kaguya spoke in a light voice, her words causing Qin Wentian to start.

This city was a city of ancient history where Godkings come together to hold meetings of utmost importance. The younger generation are advised to got there in times like these to experience the difference in strength and also create ties.

Places like this always tend to lead to disputes and as always, might makes right.

"Do you have to go?" Shun felt some reluctance.

"Do you want me to go?" Kaguya stared at Shun as she gently asked.

"No." Shun shook his head. He was really reluctant to be parted from her again.

It has been a years since they last met, he didn't want Kaguya to leave so soon.

In addition, the City of Ancient Emperors was an extremely dangerous place.

With such a beautiful wife like her, how could he set his heart at ease?

Right now, the Demon Beasts and supreme geniuses of the Celestial realms were all there, how would they care about her status at all?

"I won't go there then." Kaguya spoke in a light voice. Shun's eyes flashed as he smiled, "Kaguya, you are so good to me."

"How are you planning to make things up to Kaguya-nee?" Ria walked over as she mischievously asked.

"Kaguya, how about I offer my body to you?" A smile lit up Shun's face.

"You want to take advantage of her? No way." Ria pulled Kaguya along as she spoke, "Kaguya-nee, let's ignore this fellow. Shall we go and play instead?"

"Sure." Kaguya smiled as she nodded. As the two of them spoke, they started walking away side by side, leaving Shun alone here.

Shun rolled his eyes. His harem was in chaos...There was no way he could sit around passively, he had to take some proactive actions to control them.

Staring at the three beauties, Shun's smile become somewhat shameless. These supreme beauties, how would they know what he had in mind for them.

After several days, at a beautiful place surrounded by flower petals, extremely far away from the Evergreen Empire, the supreme beauties were dancing happily.

Hinami fashioned a tiara of different colored flower petals as she placed it on Kaguya's head. "Kaguya-nee you look really beautiful."

"You too." Kaguya smiled.

"Although the flowers are beautiful, the three of you are much more beautiful than them." Shhn laughed.

Kaguya happy, but Ria mischievously stated, "Kaguya-nee, don't be taken in by his flowery praises. Let's ignore him."

Kaguya turned back to glance at Shun. A smile appeared on her face, after that, she held hands with Ria and Hinami and ran forward, completely ignoring Shun.

This caused Shun's face to be filled with black lines. He was thinking that it seems like he must find a chance to 'discipline' that mischievous lass Ria and Hinami. How dare they be so naughty.

After several months, they were at the peak of a majestic mountain on a planet in the northern regions.

This mountain's height was tall, and at the foot of it, it actually connected with an ocean. The scenery could only be described with the words, 'nothing more beautiful can be imagined.'

A rising sun rose from the east. At the peak of that mountain, four tiny silhouettes could be seen quietly sitting atop a huge rock as they stared at the ocean.

The rays of the rising sun cast an orange-reddish hue on everything. Shun sat in the center and the three ladies sat on the center, left and right of him respectively, quietly leaning against him, enjoying these rare moments of tranquillity.

"How beautiful." A look of joy could be seen in Hinami's eyes. For some, it was easy if they wanted to see beautiful sceneries.

However, for the vast majority of people, their only aim was to increase their strength.

Only a rare few would be in the mood to enjoy the scenery. Unless they had someone they loved, most probably wouldn't spend the time to admire the scenery.

Although Hinami was also growing stronger gradually, she actually really missed the times she shared with Shun back when they were in the Shinobi world.

Those days were peaceful and sweet but after they came to the Celestial realms, opportunities like that were fleeting and rare.

Who wouldn't wish to spend more time with their loved ones?

This time, she truly felt very happy that Shun was willing to accompany them to roam the Celestial realms.

Shun had a gentle smile on his face, with three of his loved ones admiring the scenery with him, his mood was naturally extremely good.

Compared to one person admiring the scenery or doing so with those who were unfamiliar, the feeling definitely wouldn't be as sweet.

"Mhm." Hinami nodded gently as she leaned closer to him. If it wasn't for Shun being here, no matter how beautiful the scenery was, she wouldn't have the mood to appreciate it.

Shun saw that Kaguya had no reaction. He lowered his head and stared at the beauty leaning against him.

However, when Shun did so, he actually felt his heart trembling. He could see a tear flowing down from the corners of Kaguya's eye.

However, this tear wasn't because she was sad. A smile filled with warmth could be seen on her face, with a hint of gentleness in it.

"Hinami, Ria, Kaguya, I'm sorry." Shun blamed himself. He knew how much the three of them wanted to be together with him.

Even just by spending time idling together, they cherished such opportunities incomparably.

Shun lowered his head and kissed Kaguya's lips. She blinked her eyes but didn't resist it, allowing Shun to enjoy the sensation of the kiss.

"Gasp." A shocked cry rang out. Shhn pulled back, only to see a red blush on Kaguya's face, yet she was more beautiful than ever.

Shun stared with puzzlement at her, only to hear Hinami mischievously stating, "Do you need me to hide myself away first?"

"Hinami..." Kaguya rolled her eyes.

"Kaguya, tell me, do you think I should punish Hinami?" Shun grinned as he asked.

Hinami was getting too naughty for words, it was time to 'discipline' her properly.

"You should." Kaguya nodded. Hinami saw the 'evil' smile on Shun's face, she stood up and prepared to flee but how could she flee from the clutches of Shhn?

Shun easily pulled her closer to him and the sound of a resounding smack soon rang out. At this moment, it was Hinami's turn to go red.

This lecherous fellow actually smacked her ass and he did so in front of Kaguya and Ria...

"Nice." Shun silently exclaimed as he aimed another slap. He then shamelessly added, "Nami, if you are still so naughty in the future, I'll have no choice but to increase the severity of the 'discipline.'"

At this moment, even Kaguya was dumbfounded. What was this fellow doing? Would he 'discipline' her like this as well in the future?

When she thought of this, her body involuntarily trembled.

"Kaguya-nee..." Hinami cast a pleading look at Kaguya only to see her glancing away, "I didn't see anything."

"Do you still dare to be so naughty?" Shun asked Hinami as he smiled. Hinami's face was extremely red now, she hurried shook her head in a fluster.

"That's the obedient Hinami I wanted to see." Shun laughed. He then embraced her and leaned in for a kiss.

How could he be biased and only kissed Kaguya? He was a fair person who treats everyone equally...

When things got heated up, Hinami also let go of her shyness and passionately kissed him back.

Ria smiled when she saw this scene. With a wave of her hand, the flaps of their tent closed around Shun and them three.

There's no choice then, she better let Shun focus on finishing up his disciplining of Hinami...


Spring went by and autumn came. Time continued flowing, countless wondrous phenomena appeared increasingly in the City of Ancient Emperors and a second dao element appeared.

It was unknown how many geniuses were contending for this, preparing themselves to defeat the others as they climbed to the peak of this new grand era.

However, there was someone who seemingly forgot all about these.

With supreme beauties accompany him, this person traveled around the world, admiring the beautiful scenery as they went to countless places of interest.

In the blink of an eye, several years passed by. Shun and his companions were currently in a Celestial city located in the southern regions and had already spent many months in here.

There were no other reasons other than the fact that the environment here was peaceful and tranquil, with many mountains, lakes and rivers all around them.

At this moment, on a certain beautiful lake. There were boats floating about on the water.

Not only so, many pavilions around were filled with people. There were beauties playing zithers and dancing, leisurely spending their time away on this paradise-like place.

Right now, on one of the boats, there were several ladies rowing the boat.

At the forefront of the boat, a figure lazily lying there could be seen, admiring the scenery before him. Beside him, there were three flawlessly supreme beauties feeding him fruits.

Not only were the two of them beautiful, they both exuded a transcendent aura.

This caused the maidens rowing the board to glance at the young man lying there.

How was this fellow so fortunate? He actually had three supreme beauties serving him.

There were naturally many beauties who came here, but they had never before seen such outstanding ones.

This fellow even had a look of extreme enjoyment on his face. How would he bear to let two such supreme beauties serve him? How detestable.

"Hinami, are you tired? Do you want me to serve you instead?" Shun glanced at Hinami as an evil smile appeared on his face.

Kaguya who was also at the side, placed her hand before her mouth to hide her laughter.

Right now, she was no longer as cold before Shhn. She was smiling a lot more often than before.

"I'm not tired." Hinami glared at him. How would she dare to say that she's tired? From that time onwards, everytime she tried to antagonize Shun, he would 'discipline' her.

Her strength was far below Shun's despite also being a Chakra King and hence it was useless even if she resisted. After these few years, she naturally grew 'afraid' of him.

"Hinami, you are so nice to me." Shun shamelessly smiled.

Hinami had a face full of black lines but she still felt incomparably warm in her heart.

If she could spend her entire life with the two of them like this, she didn't mind serving him like this forever!

"Kaguya, since Hinami doesn't want it, let me serve you instead." Shun turned to Kaguya who was by his side. He directly sat up and moved behind her, embracing her from behind before starting to knead her shoulders.

"I don't want it as well." Kaguya replied. Shun smiled, "It's alright, there's no need to care about if I'm fatigued or not."

Hinami cast a sharp glance at this fellow. Who would worry about things like that? Shun clearly wanted to take advantage of Kaguya.

However, Kaguya didn't say anything and allowed Shun to do whatever nonsense he wanted to.

Under his administrations, her body softly leaned against him. Shun's hands didn't roam about dishonestly, he merely quietly hugged her with one hand and pulled Hinami over with the other.

Hugging the two beauties in his arms, he laughed, "This is such a beautiful scene, who wouldn't admire us?"

The boat continued floating on the lake, it felt extremely comfortable underneath the warmth the sun provided, as well as the gentle breeze of the wind.

"I wonder how are things in the City of Ancient Emperors." Kaguya mumbled in a low voice, as though she was reminding Shun.

Right now, the experts of the immortal realms mostly already gathered in the City of Ancient Emperors.

Yet as for them, they were leisurely touring the world. Although she loved such days, she was also worried that they might delay Shhn's growth.

Shun had gathered that in the past, the Skymist Empire pressured the Evergreen Emperor to marry off their previous maiden to a prince of their empire.

With the help of other empires, they managed to exact am even more pressure until they gave in.

With his presence though, a lot of things and changed and Shun could smell a war on the horizon.

Him going back to the Shinobi world now would be interpreted as him running from a battel, which would be too cowardly and would remain a stain to his reputation and conscience for some time to come.

"Kaguya, don't worry, I've not been delaying my training." Shun knew about their intentions, how could he not tell what Kaguya was worried about?

"Mhm." Kaguya nodded, she naturally trusted in Shun.

After touring for a day, they returned to the city to find an inn. In this entire inn, Shun and the three maidens were the only people living here.

When they decided to remain in this city for an extended period of time, Shun directly bought the entire inn.

To him, this expense was nothing, after all, as soon as he returns to the Shinobi world, all these energy stones he looted from the corpse of the unfortunate people he killed, would become useless.

In the most elegant courtyard of the inn, a resplendent natural energy cascaded down directly on Shun's room.

During these years, he crossed snow mountains and vast oceans, seeing the tranquillity of nature and the prosperousness of cities.

Although this method of comprehending and experiencing the world was naturally far from sufficient for him to further break through, he didn't pressure himself, choosing to follow the course of nature.

He had succeeded in creating a cultivation technique based on the breathing technique a while ago and currently, his energy reserve were now even purer.

Although he understood that this feeling of peace was only temporarily, he didn't begrudge anything and enjoyed every moment of it to the fullest.

He understood that as long as he was in the Celestial realms, there was definitely no way to escape the incoming storms of commotions. Cultivation was still the key to everything.


Hinami was in her room. She was cultivating earlier but she stopped because Kaguya came.

"Kaguya-nee." Hinami welcomed her into her room.

"Is he not around?" Kaguya asked in a light voice.

"He should be cultivating in his room." Hinami replied. "Nee, that fellow bullied you today. We should think of a method to fix him up for good."

Kaguya contemplated for a moment before shaking her head, "We shouldn't."

"Kaguya, you are treating him too well." Hinami smiled. "The softer your heart is, the more he will bully you."

"Who is speaking bad about me behind my back?" Shun laughed as he walked in, smiling at Hinami, "Nami, I'm going to 'discipline' you right now."

"You dare?" Hinami hid behind Kaguya.

"Why would I not dare to 'discipline' my wife?" Shun's smile widened as his hands grabbed towards Hinami.

"Kaguya-nee..." Hinami pleaded.

Staring at Kaguya who was standing protectively before Hinami, Shun laughed, "Kaguya, are you planning to help Hinami avoid punishment? Although we are not officially married yet, I've long treated you as my wife. I naturally can 'discipline' you too."

Kaguya naturally understood what Shun meant by 'discipline.' Her face turned red, causing her to be even more beautiful.

"You better discipline Hinami instead then." Kaguya spoke, effortlessly 'betraying' Hinami to Shun.

"Nee, you..." Hinami saw Kaguya stepping aside and directly pushed her towards Shun, causing Kaguya to collide with his chest.

"Kaguya, you came to me yourself." Shun hugged her lithe frame and stared at her beautiful face. He suddenly felt an uncontrollable urge and leaned in to kiss her.

Hinami giggled when she saw this. "Kaguya, I'll be sleeping in your room tonight."

The blush on Kaguya's face grew even redder as her heartbeat quickened.

Her lips were slightly opened as she realized what was going on. Shun stared at her dazed look as a tenderness flashed in his eyes.

Shun placed his hands on her rump, causing her to feel electric shocks as she trembled slightly.

After that, Shun carried her up and placed her onto the bed.

She laid there, staring dumbly at Shun before slowly closing her eyes, as though she was already prepared in her heart. If Shun wanted it, she naturally wouldn't reject him.

Staring at the beauty before him Shun slowly took off her clothes piece by piece with some foreplay.

Looking at her perfect figure, tenderness rose up in his heart.

"Kaguya..." Shun wanted to say something but he only saw Kaguya stretching a finger out and placing it on his lips, stopping him from saying anything.

Her eyes were still closed, but the redness on her face was slowly increasing in intensity.

Shun didn't say anything more. He leaned forward and started slowly kissing her, from her face to her lips, caressing every inch of her body.

In the silence of the night, there was a gentle warmth in both their hearts.

There was no need for them speak, both of them knew each other's thoughts and everything flowed perfectly together.

Outside the room, in the courtyard, Hinami inclined her head and stared at the stars in the sky as a sweet smile appeared on her face.

Turning back to glance at the room, Hinami laughed softly as the smile on her face grew even more radiant.

Sometimes, she would often think of how wonderful it would be if the four of them could spend eternity like this, roaming the world in leisure.

Naturally, she knew this was merely a fantasy. Unless Shun decides to return back to their home world, it will remain naught but a fantasy.

Her man, was able to be tender and soft as water, but was also able to peer down with contempt at all underneath the heavens.

Flowing time was like a dream. It has already been thirty years since Shhn left the Shinobi world and currently he had received three sets of information from his clones on earth.

One thing led to another and another thing led to some other thing and the descendants of both Izanagi and Izanami married and gave birth to children of which one had an almost perfect match with Shun's chakra.

According to the information though, there was nothing special about him. What all they descendants of that line had in common was that they could all use the domain ability.

Another tbingof note was that there wasn't any one able to awaken the dojutsu.

Their eyes remained red with their passive abilities of Reflection, 360° resolution view and nerfed thought acceleration being the most reoccurring.

Some developed in different areas but the core information was that this line became something akin to the royal Bloodline.

From the information Shun knew nothing good would come out of this but since he wasn't around, there was nothing he could do. Shun could only hope that something bad would happen and make them destroy that mindset.

Well, the clones where around and they should have his thought process so Shun stopped worrying and hoped everything would turn out alright.


In the perspective of the Celestial realms, thirty years was an extremely short amount of time.

To those powerful characters standing at the peak, it might just be the amount of time it takes for a single session of a meditation.

However, these thirty years was extremely long to Kaguya, Ria and Hinami.

This period of time was just too beautiful to them, it felt like an entire lifetime.

Right now, in a certain city in the Harikio Dynasty located in the eastern regions, snowflakes drifted through the sky, the scene was extremely beautiful and amidst the falling snow, there were two beautiful young ladies building a snowman.

They were both giggling, as though in a discussion about something.

After the snowman was finished, one of the young ladies glanced in the distance and called out with a laugh, "Kaguya-nee, Hinami-nee, and Ria-nee, look at the snowman, do you think that it looks like master?"

Kaguya, Ria and Hinami crossed the snow and glanced at the snowman. It did indeed resemble Shun a little. They couldn't help but to laugh out loud, "Yes, it looks exactly like him."

"Am I that ugly?" Shun rubbed his nose and stepped across the snow as he asked in a depressed tone of voice.

"Master is the most handsome person out there!" A young girl revealed a radiant smile.

She was only about fifteen years of age and was cute and vivacious.

She termed Shun as master yet she referred to Kaguya, Ria and Hinami as elder sisters.

"Yan-nee, am I right?" The young girl glanced at the other young lady who was about eighteen years of age as she asked.

"Mhm, since mistresses are the most beautiful fairies in the world, master would naturally be the most handsome person out there!" Yan laughed gently.

"Yan, Ran, the two of you truly have good judgement." Shun shamelessly praised them.

Hinami rolled her eyes, "What thick skin you have."

"My Kaguya, Ria and Hinami naturally are the most beautiful angels in the world. Am I wrong?" Shun smiled.

Yan and Ran are blood-related sisters and they were both orphans.

A few years ago when the two of them are out playing, they encountered Shun and the three others.

When they saw how adorable the little girls were, Kaguya and Hinami decided to invite them back to their residence to stay.

They didn't expect that the clan of this pair of sisters had been completely annihilated.

Both Hinami and Kaguya naturally felt their hearts going soft and decided to offer shelter to them.

Hence, the four of them stayed in this city for several years of time.

"Mistresses naturally are the most beautiful fairies in the world." Ran giggled. Shun and the others also started laughing.

At this moment, Shun glanced into the distance as he suddenly frowned. A few moments later, a frown creased Kaguya's brows as well.

Shun bitterly smiled and shook his head. He turned to Kaguya and Hinami, "Kaguya, Ria, Hinami, do you all still want to continue roaming the world? We might need to return soon."

"Let's head back then." Kaguya smiled at him. After accompanying them for so many years, they were already very satisfied.

Ria and Hinami also nodded her head with a smile.

"Master, are you guys going to leave?" Yan startled a little when she heard their conversation.

"Master and mistresses, will you all abandon us?" Ran's voice was slightly depressed.

This pair of sisters knew that Shun's group were here for leisure.

In the past, they were the ones who showed Shun around when they encountered him.

"Silly lass." Kaguya and Hinami tousled their hair. "We naturally wouldn't. Are the two of you willing to return with us?"

These two were the only two that had a motherly air around them as they both had experience.

Ria However was still all tomboyish despite the years.

"Mhm, we are both willing to!" The two young girls started to smile again as they nodded heavily.

However, when they saw the powerful experts flying over here in the distance, both of them started to panic.

The pressure this group of people exuded engulfed the city completely, terrifying to the extreme.

It felt like this group of people had enmity towards Shun, Kaguya, Ria and Hinami and was here for them specifically!


A/N: Damn. What a long chapter, 4K words, I think. Took me close to three hour to put this together. Hope y'all enjoy.