Chapter 98

{Join my Patre@n at for full chapters of volume 2 and Vol 3}

Not the First one, this one above... I'll stop posting on the initial Patre@n page on the 31st and continue on this one above for those interested.


Title: Already Matured


Shun inclined his head and stared at the incoming wave of experts.

They were actually a group of Otsustsuki kings and there were quite a few peak-stage kings among the group.

Clearly, this wasn't an ordinary group of people and wasn't a force a city would be able to muster.

Also, they were clearly here for them and considering the location they were in, it was very clear where these experts came from.

They must be from the Dynasty.

"To think that Kaguya-hime came here to the territory of our empire, why didn't you greet us? We would be sure to take good care of you guys." An old man among them laughed, his eyes gleaming with a bright light.

Clearly, they were here because they knew of Kaguya's identity.

Kaguya's expression was cold, she didn't say anything. This Dynasty was in the same alliance as the Skymist Empire and had joined the war against the Evergreen Empire in the past.

They were clearly here with malicious intentions, wanting to capture her.

"Little friend Shun came from afar and is surrounded by a bevy of beauties. How admirable." That old man then glanced towards Shun as he smiled.

"Today, my group came here coincidentally and when we saw you guys, we specially came to invite you and Kaguya-hime back to our dynasty."

"Invite?" Shun laughed. Sending a group of powerful kings to 'invite' them back?

In addition, there were several peak-stage Chakra kings here.

Such a powerful group, it seems like they were only lacking Emperors.

"There's no need. I'm used to roaming around alone, there's no need to bother with the invitation." Shun smiled.

"Friend Shun and Princess, it's so rare for you all to come to our dynasty, how can we as the host feel at ease if we don't throw a welcoming banquet and bring you around? Please reconsider." That old man continued.

Although his words were polite, arrogance was plain on his face.

"I said there's no need to. Are you deaf?" Shun's eyes flashed as he coldly replied.

The expressions of the Kings in the air all turned frosty. That old man continued, "Friend Shun, are you planning to make things difficult for me?"

"The snow scenery here is a beautiful one. I don't wish to spoil the environment. Fuck off." Shun spoke.

He long had a grudge with this Dynasty as they had bad blood against Kaguya.

However, the thirty years he spent here had a calming effect. His heart was as tranquil as nature, and there were also young girls beside him now.

Hence, he didn't wish to start a massacre and told these people to scram instead.

"I heard that after the Celestial Mountain incident, you broke through to the mid-stage of the Chakra King realm and became extremely self-confident." That old man who was a peak-stage Chakra king sneered coldly.

There was an arrogant light in his eyes but his understanding of Shun's strength was based on common sense.

Indeed, after that battle on the Celestial Mountain, Shun had vanished without a trace.

It was only later on did someone else discover his traces in the central regions. After that, Shun disappeared once more.

When things reached this point, Shun knew that although he didn't wish to start a massacre, it was no longer possible.

He couldn't help but to ask, "Since we came here, we have never once exposed our identities. How did you guys find me?"

The four of them roamed the world, using thirty years of time to visit all places of interest in the Celestial realms but had never exposed their identities before or make any moves.

They had been extremely low-profile when they stayed here, yet they were actually discovered.

The old man glanced at Yan and Ran who was standing beside Shun. He smiled, "These two dolls you saved, their old ancestor is a someone of our dynasty but because they broke some of our dynasty's rules, they were annihilated. When we sent our men down to confiscate their properties, we discovered that the three of you were extraordinary and couldn't be seen through with Divine sense. We then made some guesses and came out to verify things. To think that it was truly none other Princess Kaguya and the prince consort of the Evergreen Empire who came to our Dynasty."

Yan and Ran's countenances drastically changed when they heard this.

Their clan was also considered an extraordinary one and they naturally knew of some of the reasons why their clan was annihilated.

During a battle to contend for resources, their old ancestor killed someone, but he didn't expect that the someone he killed to be from the royal clan of the Dynasty.

"Even if our old ancestor committed a mistake, why is there a need to annihilate my entire clan?" Yan's eyes instantly turned red, tearing up.

She was still very young back then and didn't know how cruel the world could be.

"Since he did something he shouldn't have done, he naturally had to die for it. It's fortunate that the two of you are with Princess Kaguya. You two can come along with us as well." Another expert from the dynasty spoke in a commanding tone.

"So it's like this." Shun silently mused.

"Master, mistresses." Ran thought of her clan's extermination as she started sobbing as well.

Shun gently patted them on their heads. After that, he glanced in the air, "Since this is the case, there's no need for you guys to leave any more."

The expression of that expert who spoke turned stiff. After that, he smiled coldly and the aged peak-stage Chakra king laughed as well. "I've long heard of how extraordinary Shun is, but those were only rumors and I didn't really believe them. Able to kill Chakra king's at the Chakra sea realm. Impressive if I might add."

"Right now, there are so many experts that are gathered in the City of Ancient Emperors, contending against each other to climb to the peak. You, who is so infamous actually spent several years here hiding in this city."

"When countless other geniuses are aspiring to climb to the top, you are actually relaxing and enjoying yourself. Are you hiding from something? You truly fail to live up to your reputation."

As he spoke, he waved his hand as a terrifying pressure bore downwards. A number of Chakra kings started descending down from the air.

"After so many years of peace, it's about time for me to go back." Shun mused to himself. He inclined his head and stared in the air.

From his eyes, a sword beam instantly erupted, shooting through the void.

A moment later, a scream of misery rang out. The eyes of a Chakra king started bleeding, pierced by the sword light as he fell from the air.

Shun stood there, holding the hands of both Yan and Ran. An invisible energy enveloped them, including Hinami, Ria and Kaguya.

Everywhere he glanced at, screams would erupt unceasingly. Numerous Chakra kings fell one after another, they couldn't even endure a single glance from Shun.


The numerous peak-stage chakra kings all had unsightly expressions.

Even before they started the battle, so many people from their side already died.

Even for mid-stage chakra kings, they couldn't even withstand the pressure of a glance? When did Shun become so powerful?

Shun pulled the women along as he slowly rose up in the air. Divine light flared resplendently, he was like a divinity, unexcelled in the world.


The old man unleashed his law domain. The other peak-stage Chakra kings all respectively acted.

In an instant, chaos rocked the entire area, as all the buildings below crumbled into dust from the pressure.

Shun glanced towards a Chakra king. With just a single glance, that expert only felt that in this entire world, only Shun's eyes existed.

After that, the powerful sword light gushed forth like a bolt of thunder, straight into his eyes.

He roared in anger and retreated explosively while closing his eyes but he discovered that this action was useless.

The towering sword light had already reached his mind.


A scream echoed out. He only felt the sword intent piercing into his very soul as well.

His body convulsed violently and an instant later, his consciousness dissipated and he turned into a corpse, falling from the air.

With a wave of his hand, the Otsustsuki corpses were stored away.

Even peak-stage Chakra kings couldn't withstand the pressure of a single glance.

"How can this be?" The other experts trembled. They turned about wanting to flee but how could Shun give them such a chance?

Numerous experts then died one after another. These powerful chakra kings from the Dynasty were like ants before Shun, dying within the span of a few seconds.

At the very end, only one person survived. However, that person's chakra sea was already crippled. He stared helplessly at Shun who was rising up in the air as despair and terror was etched on his face.

The trembling of his body was a trembling felt in the depths of his soul.

How many years has it been since the Celestial Mountain incident?

It has only been a short few tens of years. At that time, Shun was only at the peak of Chakra sea, but after such a short period of time, he actually became so terrifying?

They thought they already had overestimated him by sending out such a large group.

They came here to capture Shun and Kaguya, yet their ending was so miserable.

Shun didn't even act, he merely destroyed all of them with a single glance.

In this grand era where all the experts of the Celestial realms were gathered in the City of Ancient Emperors, Shun was leisurely touring places of interests instead. But despite this, why was his abilities so powerful?

"I shall spare your life. Go back and tell your Dynasty that I still have something doing today and won't be going back with you. However, if there's a chance to do so in the future, I'll personally pay a visit to your True Emperor." A voice rang out from the void.

That expert's countenance turned ashen as his heart trembled violently, filled with incomparable despair. He suddenly felt cold, very cold.

After some time, more experts flew over from afar. When they saw blood stains without any corpse as well as the crippled figure lying on the ground, all of them felt their hearts shaking.

Shun and his group had long disappeared from this area.

Among these newcomers, there were some who was acquainted with Shun from the Celestial Mountain.

However, none of them expected him to be so terrifying and domineering, daring to kill them in their own territory. In fact, none of the experts in the earlier group could withstand a single one of his glance.

After that, a terrifying pressure engulfed the area. The leader of this new group of experts descended from the air and stood before the crippled Chakra king.

After checking his injuries, the expert knew that this king's chakra sea was already crippled and nothing could change that.

He then fed the crippled figure a pill, waiting as color returned to that crippled figure's face.

"What's going on? We sent out so many people yet we can't even take down a single person? Did he have reinforcements?" That leader asked.

The crippled figure on the ground trembled. "He alone... using nothing but glances, he wiped us all out. Shun...invincible. Our dynasty has to kill him at all costs!"

When he heard this, the person who asked the question felt his heart trembling violently. Shun wiped out the entire group using nothing but glances?

"What level has his Chakra base reached?" That leader asked again.

"Peak-stage Chakra king." The crippled figure replied. With a loud boom, that leader released his aura.

Peak-stage Chakra king? That chakra sea ant back then who caused shame to various True Emperors has already reached the peak-stage of the Chakra-king realm now? How many years has it been?

"We have to kill him as soon as possible. If we wait any further, our entire dynasty might not survive any longer." That crippled figure spoke, his voice still tinged with despair and fear.

The expression of the leader turned ashen. Was Shun really so terrifying? This crippled figure was a peak-stage Chakra king before he was crippled, yet he actually gave Shun such a high evaluation.

Seems like Shun had already matured.

Shun POV

Sigh. This feeling of invincibility is quite underwhelmed.

With mere glances, aged and experienced men like them couldn't even stand against a little mental manipulation and soul attack.

What have they been living for so long for?

Maybe I should check out that City of Ancient Emperors. According to Kaguya, real God Emperors did exist once upon a time but we'll either felled by Shibai or left.

The story isn't clear but something important to note was that in there, opportunities that could change one's life exists there.

Also, this city appears once in a while and then disappears for a long period of time. Thousands of years if its anything to go by.

Gotta check the place out.

3rd POV

Shun and the five maidens returned to the Evergreen Empire.

They had spent thirty years out there roaming the world.

During these thirty years, although they had fun, he didn't forget to train.

By having different experiences, his state of heart was further tempered, resulting in him having different insights in the laws of the world.

A few years before, he smoothly broke through to the peak-stage of the chakra king realm.

But even so, he still continued roaming the places of interest, not letting himself worry about the pressure of war at all.

And now, they finally returned to the Evergreen Empire.

Fast forward a few days and Shun left the girls in the empire and set out to the City of Ancient Emperors to see what life there was like.

As expected, this wasn't a city but an entire planet bigger than what Shun had ever seen.

Not letting this affect him, he directly flew inside the planet. With what he had seen these past few years these wouldn't phase him much.

Fast forward a few months and Shun had experienced the full glory of this planet along with its mysteries.

Apparently, the moment you enter, you would be teleported to an area for those of the same level.

Meaning that there was an area, for Chakra sea realm experts all the way to Godking realm experts.

Intriguing, would not describe what Shun felt.

Unknown to Shun, the moment he was recognized as having entered the City of Ancient Emperors, news about his whereabouts circulated throughout the universe.

News about him being an anomaly destined for destruction also surface and with this news, many experts tried to gleam into his origins and came out blank.

Unknown to him, a storm was brimming on the horizon with no one aware of when it would arrive.


A/N: Two more chapters to go guys. Sorry for all that's been happening, the area I'm at is poor in both electricity and Cellular network.

I'll try to finish them up by tomorrow at the latest.