Chapter 3

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Title: Dance with Veldanava


3rd POV

As the fire Exploded, Shun didn't bother using any sort of probing attacks and immediately used his strongest skill.

With a wave of his hand a gigantic black hole formed in the sky above them and went towards Veldanava.

"Oh? A devouring and... Sealing? attribute fused into an attack. Interesting." Veldanava smirked.

As the back hole approached, he raised his hand and a similar looking black hole appeared in front of him and gradually enlarged.

The devouring vortex from Shun halted it's advance as it noticed a similar attack with an even more threatening effect.

The two black holes seemed to be in a dead lock but Shun kept pouring in more Energy into the black hole while Veldanava did the same.

This continued until a fissure seemed to appear in the space between them and they both knew that this was becoming pointless.

Shun ceased supplying chakra to the black hole and instead, spread his chakra throughout the entire planet and said,

[Chrono Stasis]

Immediately, time stopped and the black holes seemingly seized their devouring.

Shun knew this Time Stop wouldn't possible affect Veldanava so his main reason for using this attack was to stop the devouring of the two black holes.

Veldanava raised an eyebrow seeing his black hole seize to work due to the time stop before smiling like a kid who just learnt something new.

Shun didn't give him any chance to settle his thoughts and punched through both his black hole and veldanava's while also releasing the [Chrono Stasis].

To the spectators, it seemed like the black holes seemingly stopped for a split second before Shun's punch appeared before Veldanava.

Veldanava, raised his right hand to create a barrier which blocked the pinch for hitting and swung his left hand toward Shun.

Shun's instinct flared and he immediately flashed aside as he felt a threat to his being.

At the spot Shun was standing, a spatial fissure appeared and rendered that spot assunder.

"This isn't a death match, you know?" I said softly.

Without much of a thought, Shun punched out again and again with Veldanava blocking with his infinite barrier while also counter attacking.

This went on for a while before Shun moved further back, brought out his sword and said. "This will be getting dangerous now Velda, take care."

"Come," Veldanava smiled and said. "An origin level weapon, huh?" He thought.

Shun began with his first form of Heavenly Sage Breathing Technique. Cleansing.

This was a form created for creating a domain around Shun.

With this, he would have more control over the subsequent forms.

Veldanava frowned before he smiled and his eyes showed an intense battle intent.

Shun followed up with the second form. Devastation, as he swung the sword vertically.

With the swing, Veldanava felt chaotic might nearing down on him with an intent to destroy.

He then brought out a sword of his own and swung horizontally to counter the chaotic might nearing down on him

At the moment of contact, the part of the planet they were on shattered and lava poured out from the deepest crust of the earth.

Without letting up his momentum, Shun swung his sword as he went into the third form, Destruction.

Veldanava finally frowned and didn't block but dodged as he flashed back.

The strike seemed to be honed on him and followed after him.

Veldanava, noticing this, set up numerous barriers around him to block the strike.

The destructive might of Shun's sword strike shattered numerous barriers and finally struck at him, drilling into his body, bringing with it destruction.

Veldanava winced and flared his aura to disperse the destructive energy in his body.

With the help of his [Infinite Regeneration] he recovered pretty quickly and Shun, knowing of his capabilities didn't let up and went for the next strike. Desolation.

This strike carried with it a desolate aura, making whoever was faced against it to feel a deep seethed despair and emptiness.

Wherever there's destruction, desolation comes after. That was Shun's initial thought when coming up with these forms.

These form were never made for one person to bear them all as only one was enough to lay waste on any opponent.

This fight provided Shun the opportunity to try them all out on one person.

This was a technique focused on one's state of mind. It was engineered to kill off the opponent as soon as said opponent falls into this state of mind.

Veldanava flared his Gods Haki and dissipated the might of this form as he used the opportunity to blast Shun with a fullpowered Dragon roar fueled by Star Magicles.

Shun didn't bother defending but followed up with the next Form, Chaos.

This strike brought an even more destructive might than the other strikes.

This chaos was the accumulation of all the first four forms in one strike.

Devastation. Destruction and Desolation all in one strike.

Veldanava's Roar was scattered by this sword strike as the remnant continued forward towards him only to be blocked by his barriers.

Shun saw this and smiled happily. He finally saw the effects of his seord forms after so long. He didn't get to use them all against those Chakra True Kings and Emperors back in the Shinobi universe as he was pressed for time

But right now, he had used them to their fullest potential.

"There's two more strikes left Velda, can you keep up?" Shun smirked and asked.

"Sure, keep them coming." Velda smiled back.

"Good. Sixth form. Havoc." Shun shouted as he swung his sword once more.

The energy from this strike tore through the earth's atmosphere and land altogether.

Widespread destruction spread throughout the entire planet and Veldanava wasn't exempted from it

With a roar, he transformated into a gigantic large dragon with cyan scales similar in appearance to Veldora from the anime. He has four legs, two large wings, and smooth spines going down his neck and onto his back.

His aura flared and covered even his scales as he resisted the destructive energy from the sword strike without any intention of striking back.

As the destructive energy from the sword strike decreased, Veldanava waved his claws and ripped space apart as his claw appeared Infront of Shun and slammed him into the ground.

The force behind that hit shook the planet and almost ripped it in two.

Shun continued falling until his body fell into a sea of lava, but with his regeneration, the lava had little effects on him and as if knowing of his regeneration, the lava increased in intensity.

Veldanava who was above smirked at this and increased the gravity as well as reduce the time around Shun.

Shun felt his movements slow to a crawl as both the heat from the lava and the gravity pressed down on him.

Utilizing all his energy he tried to break free from the effects of the gravity.

Although he was resistant to pain to a certain extent, he wasn't all that resistant yet.

With no other option left, he went into his released from as an aura of pure dominance spread throughout the entire planet and into the Cardinal world for a split second before it was restrained.

All living being felt a need to fall on those knees in worship at that point in time.

Even the archangels, Ramiris, Luminous, Twilight and the Archdemons in the underworld felt this.

"Impossible. This is impossible." An erratic voice broke the silence in the room where the fight between Shun and Veldanava was being spectated.

Everyone turned to look at the owner of the voice and noticed him panting heavily as his eyes looked bloodshot.

"What is impossible?" Feldway, the leader of the archangels asked. "This isn't surprising as we've felt this once before when he woke up from his slumber."

"No, that's not it. You guys wouldn't notice as you aren't me but I felt it. The moment that aura spread, I felt it. A deep desire to kneel." Twilight said.

"Uhh... I believe we all felt it." Ramiris said.

"Yeah, I know but I felt something else. Something like an urge to kneel before my ancestor. But that's impossible I'm the very first of my kind." Twilight said as he walked around the room

"Well, he did say he wasn't like Vel-chan, but became as he was due to some circumstances." The fairy queen said.

Twilight froze for moment before laughing maniacally. "So that's how it is. That's how it is. Hehe"

"Maybe I can devour him and become a being similar to Veldanava." He thought to himself.


In the near destroyed planet, Shun's figure could be seen in all its glory. Currently he had grown close to 3 meters in height, two dark horn protruded upwards from his head, on his back, a beautiful pair of wing reaching almost 30 meters in width spread from his back.

His eyes were pitch black with a red pupil. On his forehead was an eye gleaming like the night sky and at the center of the eyes was a black hole in form of a pupil.

Shun took a deep breath an steadied his aura before looking at his wing and frowned.

He instinctively felt a deep dislike towards the wings as they felt beneath him.

Perhaps it was due to seeing them on the archangels who were servants to Veldanava but he felt having wings were demeaning to him.

Flapping his wings for a while and getting reacquainted to them once again as they were different from his former ones, he looked toward Veldanava and smiled.

With a flap of his he immediately appeared on the space above Veldanava's head and levied a punch with his left hand.

Veldanava reacted too late and recieved the full brunt of the punch and was slammed to the ground.

The planet shook again and a loud cry resounded as if crying over its death.

The wind was anything but calm as any casual gust of wind was enough to reduce any of the archangels to dust in an instant.

Shun felt this and so did Veldanava.

With a roar, Veldanava flew up once more as they continued their fight.

The more they fought, the more Shun got used to his energy and became more flexible as he fought.

In comparison to Veldanava who was born strong, Shun grew strong while also fighting and growing steadily, so he had more combat experience.

Veldanava wasn't also one to be left behind, although he didn't have much of a combat experience as Shun, he acclimated to the battle and learnt from Shun.

It was unknown how long they had fought before Shun flapped his wing and appeared far from Veldanava.

"Velda, it time to end this, don't you think?" Shun spoke as he brandished his sword.

"I guess." Veldanava replied.

"Well, this is my final sword strike, I know you'll survive but still, be careful." Shun said solemnly.

"Come on." Veldanava raised his eyebrows and said. Something that Shun felt was dangerous enough to warn him to be careful really raised his expectations.

So far, all of Shun's attack were dangerous enough but still not something that could injure him enough to be taken seriously, so this really raised his expectations.

"Here I come then. Final Form." Shun said as he held his sword in a traditional Japanese stance. "Void Reality"