Chapter 4

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As the sound of his voice fell, Reality was torn assunder.

Veldanava for the first time in his Dragon form, widened his eyes and roared loudly as his Star Magicles poured out in max quantities to mend the broken time and space moving towards him.

Due to him being a creature beyond time and Space which subjectively means reality itself, he could feel the threat brought about by that sword strike and true to Shun's warnings, he had to survive.

Even after his efforts, he couldn't really overwrite Shun law over Reality as time and space around him gradually split and tore into his gigantic body.

In his [Thought Acceleration] he discovered two way to really survive this, which was to return to his human size.

Another was to use his control over reality to mend the broken reality but that would be counterproductive as Shun seemed to have already overwritten the laws of said planet.

With no other option he returned to his human sized and although the danger decreased, it wasn't entirely absent as even then, he felt space being torn apart around him.

Knowing when to give up, he said. "I give up." Immediately, the torn space began mending themselves as Shun seemed to suddenly appear from nowhere.

The planet began crumbling as the forces holding it together were torn apart by Shuns technique.

It was like an apocalyptic scene, seeing a planet destroy due to a battle between to individuals.

Said planet wasn't really a casual planet but one created by a God level individual for a God level battle.

Yet, it was still torn apart. It was Quite the scene.

"It's good to know when to give up. So? How was it?" Shun smiled as he walked towards Veldanava.

"First off, where were you?" Veldanava asked.

"Whatever do you mean, dear friend?" Shun asked with a poker face.

"Don't give me that. I noticed you also disappeared when you used that technique, where were you?" Veldanava pressed.

Shun pushed him aside. "Sheesh, that was a basic use of Space Laws. I call it Mirror Dimesion. It's literally the Mirror world of our current world. Only difference is that there's no one there." Shun said as his Fiend God mode wore off.

"Mirror dimension, Huh? Nice." Veldanava said before looking at the collapsing planet and asked. "What are we going to do with this? Dispose of it?"

Shun looked at it for a moment before saying, "Nah. Leave it to me. I'll run some experiments on it and see what it can give me in 10 day,"

"10 days?" Veldanava asked puzzledly.

"Yeah. Ten days. You see..." Shun wanted to tell him the principle of Time Flow ratio but held himself as he didn't know how that would end up affecting the Tensura world as it is.

"Nah... Never mind. I want to use it as a template to create a new world. Maybe the energies of us both could lead to some unique creatures spawning."

"Hmm. It'll be quite the unique being. Can't wait to see it." Veldanava said.

"Yeah me too." Shun said and teleported them both out of the crumbling planet and atop the space of the Cardinal world.

He then waved his hand and moved the planet into his chaotic sea of energy.

He smiled and moved toward the Star Palace where the audience were spectating.

"Well then, I believe our dance was quite eventful, Huh?" Shun said as he appeared behind the dumbstruck archangels and others.

Everyone startled and turned towards him as they looked at him with varying expressions.

Shun POV

The archangels had looks of terror, Luminous had a look of interest, Twilight had a predatory gaze which I decided to ignore for now and Ramiris literally had stars in her eyes.

Nope, not figurative stars but literal stars. How she does that even baffles me.

Gotta make not to ask her that later.

That Twilight gives me the creeps when he looks at me but as he's Velda's creation, I'll have nothing to do with him though.

After this, I'll begin my project of creating a universe and a good enough physical body that would better acclimatize with me Universal level chakra.

Hmm... I haven't seen the Seven Archdemons since I came over and I know Noir at the very least was close to Veldanava before his(Veldanava) death.

Well... I have better things to do and a family to get back to. God know how they feel around now.

Perhaps, seeing my clones still active, they would find a little consolation.


"Ne. Ne. Tell me how you became this strong." Ramiris hyperly asked.

"Well, I trained and trained and then I meditate and then train more. I guess?" I answered.

I mean, that's what I did, right?

"Eh??... That isn't anything." She pouted.

Well, the principles behind Magicles seem to be different from that of chakra.

Magicles and Techniques revolved around Will. With a will for something, a corresponding extra skill, unique skill or ultimate skill is given.

Rimuru, although Veldanava reincarnation, got everything he desired including Great Sage. Leom, Hinata, Chloe/Chronoa, and many others. Even Great Sage evolution was successful due to its desire to grow stronger to better help its master.

"Well, maybe Exercises like wasting your Magicles on a technique repeatedly and then recovering your Magicles over an extended period of time. I don't know." I said as I thought more about it.

"Well maybe ask Velda, he's the God here, I'm a visitor. My origin world's energy system is different from this world's."

"In my world, there's..." I wanted to mention the chakra pathways and other things but held myself at the last moment.

I wonder what kind of devil wants me to destroy this world's future trajectory.

Gotta keep myself guarded.

I then exchanged ideas on how to grow stronger with the people gathered.

And I gotta say, out of everyone gathered, only Dino gave me a good enough feeling as he wasn't bothered with listening to what I had to say and was staring blankly into space.

At least that's what any normal person would think. The angel was in a world of his own.

The others were all gutso about how to enhance their ability. Feldway respectfully asked me about the Chrono Stasis I used against Velda to which I happily explained the principle behind.

Luminous, despite behind all indifferent and all was quite the child deep down.

I mean she didn't have a father or a mother and Twilight wasn't doing a good job as her Creator and I don't blame him as he has to create a perfect human with the components Veldanava was looking for.

Honestly the guy was a good biologist and I was considering copying his records and handing them over to Orochimaru after he has gone down his bad phase and back.

What? You thought I'd help Orochimaru out and straighten him up? Nah. That ain't me. If it isn't something I desire to change, I wouldn't be bothered to interfere.

Anyways, back to Luminous and her control over souls with Unique skill Lust, I just told her to do more research into faith energy and see what will come out of it.

Faith energy comes from the soul after all and Veldanava hadn't yet created the Seven Virtue and Sin Series ultimate skills, so maybe this would give her a better foundation when she awakens Asmodeus.

I always wondered why she didn't have an ultimate skill despite being one of the oldest beings on the planet.

She did have an enormous pool of magicles to make up for it though.

Oh well, that's for them to research on. I've never felt that there was a need for me to help people in their walk of life.

I'd give you a direction, it's left for you to find the path.


POV Change

It had been 500 years since Shun Tengoku, the ancestor of the Tengoku clan was laid to rest.

To the world, he was a peaceful and knowledgeable man. He wrote books on many subjects of life.

Be it agriculture, philosophy, theology, political, economic and chakra. He was known to be vastly knowledgeable in these fields.

It was mentioned in the records of the Tengoku clan that the land they resided in was created singlehandedly by their ancestor after seeing the possibile effects the relationship between his brothers would bring about in the future.

He hoped that his clan would steer clear from the conflict that would arise between the descendants of his brothers clan.

It was also written that they should never side nor oppose any of these two clan as that was his promise to their father.

Whether this was true remain to be told, but as far as anyone was concerned, only the records in the Tengoku clan's Library remained intact till this day.

The passage of time as well as the ravages of war had destroyed all known records of the ancient past but no matter how many conflicts arose between the many clans and the Tengoku clan, the Tengoku clan always comes out stronger.

It is said that they was a secret realm containing a vast training ground as well as more sophisticated knowledge on basic subjects and chakra knowledge, but only a few lucky ones outside the clan are able to enter there.

The Tengoku clan however have a stipulated amount of people able to enter.

Two hundred years ago, the clan faced an internal strife that led to a civil war.

A particular number of descendants felt themselves more noble than others as they were able to use the blood line technique of their ancestor, the Domain Expansion.

After a series of small conflict, a civil war took place which destroyed the roots of the clan to its bare minimum.

Two unique individuals from the noble clan directly left the clan amd island entirely as they said they weren't in the mood to see fellow clan members kill themselves.

In a certain day, less than two hundred years ago, the whole world felt a stifling pressure, be they man or woman, children or adults, they all fell to their knees but the pressure was even more evident on the people of the Tengoku clan. They all felt like their bloodline was being suppressed.

Many died that day due to the pressure but for decades to come, no one was able to know the real reason behind this excepte for one individual.

Black Zetsu.

He felt a terror he had long since forgotten. A terror of being an ant in front of a higher existence. Inferiority. He hates this feeling. Loathed it even.

He dreaded that abominable human who took his mother's energy and made it his and even brought it to a level even his mother hadn't thought of.

Although he knew this being was dead, his gut told him he wasn't and on this very day, he felt that presence once more.

He felt he had come to be judged. Over the years, he had plotted for the eventual destruction of this clan that was nothing but a nuisance to his mother's resurrection.

They weren't supposed to exist. Their entire existence was an abomination to the world hence their destruction.

But even after all his schemes, this abominable clan ends up coming out stronger, as if they were made to strive in battle.

This continued until an opportunity presented itself. Some self important individuals felt they were more important than the rest and hence should be the noble line of the family.

With some sweet whispers here and there, a full blown civil war sparked.

His idea was; since no outsiders can subdue you lot, why not use your own hands to kill the lot of you?

This was going well until that pressure descended.

And like a scene from a fantasy tale, space was torn open on the skies of the Tengoku island and what seemed like a pupil appeared to be enlarging until an enormous castle came into sight and floated atop the Tengoku island for quite some time negore fizzleing out of existence.

With the descent of that castle several wails of pain and agony resounded throughout the whole world.

The sea and earth quaked. Tsunamis occured, the skies seemed to be shaken as well as thunder and lightning painted the entire skies.

That day was similar to an apocalypse for the people of the world and was recorded down.

To the people outside the island, they said the world was angry at the lawlessness of the people, and a warning was sent to them, but the people of the Tengoku clan, they wrote in their records that their founding ancestor who was a God was angry at their stupidity and felt the need to intervene seeing the near eradication of his clan.

Two hundred years hand passed since then and the islands had maintained a certain level of peace ever since.