Chapter 5

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Title: Happenings In The Shinobi World.


Two hundred years had passed since that apocalyptic incident happened in the world and it eventually became a fairy tale to scare children as time passed.

Lots of interesting things had happened during this span of time.

On the moon, some Otsustsuki there felt a need to interfere with the world and change their ideals as they found them too barbaric while some thought otherwise as their clan purpose was to guard the moon while protecting the earth.

Subsequently, a divide was created and the few who felt they were the chosen decided to come down and live amongst them.

Unfortunately for them, their pride was squashed when they discovered that their nobility were nothing in front of absolute power.

And with the increasing state of wars, they were forced to claim a portion of land as theirs and decided to live amongst them.

This was the begining of the Hyuga clan.


Another interesting thing of note was the mutant son of the Senju clan.

He was born with an exuberant vitality rivaling any Senju but different from their normal, brown or blonde hair colour, his was red.

This fellow had a huge amount of chakra but wasn't able to properly control it, hence was often bullied and ostracized in the clan.

Coupled with the fact that he hates violence, he decided to leave the clan once and for all.

Fortunately or unfortunately, this fellow fell into a rift in space and was transported into a hellish dimension where he met varying kinds of demons attracted to his exuberant Yang natured chakra.

Fortunately for him, he met a kind enough demon who felt that merely taking his chakra was both a waste and stupid act in general.

This demon offered him a contract in which she'd teach him the arts of sealing in exchange of his chakra. This young man despite being a man of peace offered a counteroffer.

He proposed that he'd have the ability to summon said demon to help him fight his battles and also capturing souls of opponents as an exchange.

This demon agreed but mentioned that it could only be summoned with his chakra. Should anyone with a different chakra signature summon it, it would take both the opponent and the summoners soul as payment.

This was said to prevent the young man from teaching the summoning art to anyone else.

With the deal done, they both signed the contract and came under a pact that would last for generations to come.

This young man went on to learn everything the demon had to offer like a sponge to water and with time, perfected his control over chakra and was able to create a bloodline for himself.

He was able to manifest sealing chains from any part of his body to seal every and all entity it comes in contact with.

As he wasn't one to bite the hand that fed it, he went on a rampage in the hellish dimension and defeated all the previous demons who made an attempt in his chakra and sealed them away in masks of various kinds, according to their appearances.


People of of various walks of life began manifesting special abilities and eyes.

Various kinds of Dojutsu began surfacing. The Rikugan, Sharingan, and the Byakugan apart, eyes like the Sōzōgan, and the Ketsuryūgan appeared.

The literal name of the Sōzōgan was Creation Eye. It's special ability was the ability to create anything the user can think of with his chakra.

The downside of this eye was that it could only be used for 10 minutes each day.

The user can create anything from nothing, well, not nothing as their chakra is consumed to create any object, physical or illusion.

It was basically a Yin-Yang Release: Creation of All things rip off.

When the user activates this dojutsu, their lenses becomes green and the pupils are replaced by a black spiral.

The Ketsuryūgan was another special Dojutsu which could rival the Sharingan Genjutsu ability or even surpass it, whether Mangekyō Sharingan or the normal Three Tomoe Genjutsus.

Another special ability of this dojutsu was its ability to control or manipulate all iron content, especially in the blood.

They were basically blood benders but deadlier.


The world was as usual in choas as wars ravaged the lands but on this day, something special happened and every living being of the world saw this.

It was better seen by the people residing on the Tengoku island.

Different from the masses, the Tengoku clan had maintained a peaceful mentality ever since that incident and to better cultivate the minds of their younger generation, the clan head after that war made an order that all children of age 12 must leave the island and travel the world for three years while keeping a record of all their actions.

Due to their improved intelligence, they matured quickly and with that comes a suppresion of their ego as they find it had to make decisions of their own.

With them learning everything there is to learn in the clan from infant till their adolescent age, their travel would helo them develope their ego in a more broader way.


On this particular day, the fairy tale told to children to keep them in order manifested once more and different from the previous one, it didn't come with a world shaking pressure.

Instead, it emitted an aura that made the world fall completely silent as if welcoming it's lord.

Everyone in the Tengoku clan all knelt down instinctively as the aura washed over them.

The clan head however, swuinted his eyes at the floating castle before smiling as he noticed four figures flash and appeared from the castle.

There was a buff man, two Elegant looking lady and a wolf as talk as the ladies.

These four looked down at the kneeling mass in front of them before looking at the clan head and nodded at him, following that, they vanished.

The clan head nodded as he received a message from them before looking at his kneeling clan members and said. "You all should stand, our visitors have already left."

Pointing at an elder at the side he said, "Get me one of the tokens kept in the treasury and as of now, you're in charge till I get back."

The elder was first confused, before shock and disbelief and finally resolution appeared on his face. He bowed and left to do as he was told.

Many may not know but he knew that this clan head of their was a once in a century genius with unmatched knowledge and chakra to directly conquer this entire world.

Although he didn't know how this young clan head of their had managed to reach this level of power, he still had utmost respect for him.

Minutes later, the c elder came back and handed over a wooden token to the clan head.

The clan head received it and then looked at the clan members and said. "I'll temporarily leave my duties to the clan elder. Treat him as you'd treat me and he'll do the same to you."

Removing a token from his Kimono, he handed it over to the elder and in front of the clan, he poured chakra into the new acquired token, and with a flash he disappeared.


Under a pavilion in the Yang area of the training dimension, two beautiful ladies could be seen sitting casually as they admired the sight in front of them with a tranquil smile.

If anyone were to look at them, they would think they were looking at a picturesque scene.

A buff man was standing behind them like a butler while a dog lay lazily on the ground.

"It's been a while, hasn't it, Shun." One of the ladies said as she noticed a slight fluctuation from an area behind them.

"It sure has been, Hinami, Ria. Who's the new guys? And is that Fenrir?" The clan head or better yet, one of Shun's clones walked up to the pavilion and took a chair.

The new guy went on one knee as soon as Shun took his seat greeted. "Shun-sama"

Shun was caught off guard and almost fell off of his seat and said. "Whoa. Whoa. Hold up guys... I don't know what had happened in the past couple centuries, so why not fill me up so I'll know what's going on? Hmm?"