Chapter 16

{Join my Patre@n at for Vol 3... 100+ Chapters ahead.}


Title: Humbling Experience


Shun POV

Despite saying that, what kind of humbling experience should I give the little lass?

Genjutsu could damage her mind and while Ria's little pressure could humble her, it would also instill fear. Fear is a bad motivation to learning. Anger perhaps but fear is a big no.

Hmm. Maybe a trip to my universe for a lifetime could do some wonders. Nothing humbles more than knowing you're nothing but a puff of smoke in the grand universe.

"Alright, I've made up my mind, for your first lesson, survive as long as possible while also learning everything you can from your family." Shun said and closed his eyes for a brief moment.

Meanwhile, the little lass had a confused look as she wondered what this bo.. man was talking about.

"Alright it's all done, have a safe trip, we will see you in a minute." Shun said and tapped her crown chakra, the gate where the soul and consciousness resides.

The little girl's soul came out and with a nod, Shun pulled her into his palm and she was gone with her physical body still standing.

Shun looked back to see the girls looking at him weirdly. "What?"

"What did you do to the little girl?" Kaguya asked.

"Oh. I sent her to live in my world for a lifetime." Shun replied offhandedly.

"Eh? But you didn't allow us entry. Why did you allow her?" Ria poured and asked.

"What? You three are too strong for my universe to hold and some major disasters would affect my still budding universe with your presence. Also, even if it could hold you three, I can't physically be there. As for the girl, I sent her to a major family where she would have all the knowledge she would need but then, everything would be taken away from her on her eight birthday." Shun explained.

"Oh... Can we watch atleast?" Ria asked again.

"Of course. I had that in mind." Shun said and proceeded into the girl's house and with a snap of his finger, a projection of the girl came into view.

"She's already three years old?" Hinami asked.

"Yup. In a minute of our time, she'd have reached a hundred years in the planet she's in." Shun replied.

"Oh. Time manipulation." Hinami said.

"Yup." Shun answered and they continued watching the girls life in fast forward.


In a planet of Zexade, 200 years had passed since the previous calamity claimed the lives of various major clans, countries and empires.

A certain clan, Tulia, managed to climb up the world's hierarchy as their ancestor was quite quick witted and was versed in the art of illusion.

He was fortunate enough to gain an inheritance that further elevated his mastery over illusions which helped him carve out a portion of the land for himself and reign supreme.

Years passed and though he couldn't live as long as the Gods of the past era, he managed to open all seven gates enabling him to access the energy of the world.

Unfortunately, he was already old and couldn't further his strength.

On this particular day, the clan master of this clan and his wife welcomed their first child, a girl, and from the light in her eyes at the moment her birth, she was prophesied to be a reincarnation of a goddess form the last era.

With this information, the clan celebrated their future prospects with their little princess present in the clan.

Unfortunately, like all organisation or country, spies managed to get this information and like the saying goes, "A dead genius isn't a useful genius."

As early as a month after her birth, she was already being assassinated, thankfully, due to their clan's study of illusions, they were always able to apprehend all assassin sent to their princess.

This went on for years and the little princess grew to be as prophesied, a genius with no equal, all known techniques of their clan was mastered by her in record time and she was showered with praises and adoration.

Unfortunately, good time weren't meant to last as her father, the clan head, who went out to censure the ones after his daughter's came back poisoned and despite their efforts in curing him, died when the little princess was only eight years of age.

When the news of this got out, various other clans joined together and launched an attack in an attempt to destroy the Tulia clan to prevent the rise of someone who would threaten their place.

In the day of the attack, the young Tulia princess was waken up by reality once again as she saw the people who doted on her being killed by outsiders. Children her age, women, men, old and young were being killed despite how they struggled.

This scene made her go into hyperventilation but as her soul was quite strong, she retained her rationale while trying to find the last part of her family she had in this world, mother.

She ran around looking for her mother. When she found her, she was battling firecely against the various clan heads. As an experienced warrior in her 'past life' she knew that her mother's attention shouldn't be interrupted.

With that in mind, she hid properly while hiding her breath to avoid any form of scan and waited nervously for her mother.

Unfortunately, because of an attack, her location was exposed and one thing led to another, causing her mother to be injured and on her last breath.

"Well, if it isn't the little goddess of the Tulia clan." A man with a rough appearance boorishly said.

"She has quite the appearance. What do you say of crippling her and making her our plaything?" Another man said.

"Don't be stupid, no matter what, he's from the past era, she's dangerous alive." A gentle looking man said.

"Yeah. We could also extract all her memories before killing her, that way, we could know of some secrets." A short old man said.

While this conversation was happening, the little princess managed to reach her mother who was on her dying breath.

"Mother, it's going to be okay, I know of someone who can save us." The little princess said while sobbing.

"My little Estrade, it's useless, I'm going to die soon, but it isn't your time yet. I'm going to use a Forbidden Technique to stop everyone as far as my chakra can reach from moving for as long as my chakra can last. Use that opportunity to escape. And remember, where there is life, there's hope. Maybe you would be able to breakthrough the Seven Chakras and become a real goddess in the future. By then who amongst these old men could stand against you?" The mother gently said and she smiled. Her smile so beautiful that even the men who were about to kill them were mesmerized.

"Now, Estrade. Release: Forbidden Technique: Void Illusion." The mother said and before anyone could react, the vestiges of her life seemed to have been extinguished and like a wave, wherever her chakra passed, everyone froze.

Estrade was the only exception, she kept weeping. She wept so loudly that her voice seemed to reverberate throughout the still space.

Despite her sorrow, the thirst for revenge began to grow, it grew so much that her previously dark pupils took a reddish hue and with time it became darker until it became blood red.

Three Comas appeared on her pupils and began revolving. They revolved so fast that as she wept, her tears turned red as she wept blood, the three Comas joined and took the form of a four clovered flower before they stopped rotating.

Estrade suddenly felt weakness wash all over her and an urge to sleep came over her. Fighting that urge, she took a good look at the five frozen men and vowed in her heart that she would get her revenge even if it was the last thing she did.

Following that, her figure flickered and disappeared.


In the outside, Shun and the girls were silent for a good while before Ria said. "That's... intense."

"No. Cruel would be a better word." Hinami said while Kaguya kept silent.

Shun sighed and said. "It's just for the moment. She's my student and although this is a little bit cruel, I'll give her a reward if she's able to avenge her clan before she dies."

"You should." Kaguya finally said and Shun could feel she was happy at that thought.

They continued watching as the little Estrade went on to practice everything she knew over and over again, perfecting each and every technique she could get her hands on while also training her chakra.

As she was already versed in chakra control and refinement from the Naruto world, she didn't find it hard to gain and open the Seven Chakras before the age of 20.

With her Mangekyou Sharingan, she was a force to be reckoned with at the seven gates realm and singlehandedly, she laid waste of the clans that had a hand in the destruction of her clan.

After it all, she could finally sleep peacefully, knowing that the people who took everything from her had met their end.

She slept with a smile on her face and tears flowed down her cheeks.

When she opened her eyes again, she saw that she was in a familiar yet unfamiliar room but before she could get her head in other, she heard. "Welcome back. How was the journey?"

Looking at the young man looking barely the same age as her, Vario thoughts passed through her mind as various emotions passed her hearts. Suppressing all these, she smiled and said.
