Chapter 17

{Join my Patre@n at for Vol 3... 100+ Chapters ahead.}


Title: Perfecting Izanami.


"You're one hell of a teacher." The Uchiha lass said before breaking down in tears once more.

Shun sighed and approached her. Pulling her into a hug, he said. "Let it all out, it helps."

Honestly, he felt quite bad. He may have given her a Priya lesson while also teaching her lots on the illusions but he had damaged her psyche no matter how you looked at it.

"Father and mother... they're both gone... my friends... Everyone is gone..." The little girl spoke I'm between sobs.

Shun projected a calming aura that enveloped her and said. "It's alright. You don't have to worry about them. As a reward for learning under me for 20 while years, I'll give you a reward. Wish anything from me and I'll fulfill it, no matter what it is."

Weirdly enough, Shun never asked of the girls name despite accepting her as his student and neither does she know his name.

Shun wasn't bothered by it though. He was a passerby in her life at first but now, she wasore than that. She was his student and for putting her through that experience, he had to reward her.

After all, ROB always gives his clients some sort of cheat to live their lives comfortably in the next world. Her's however, would be given as she's back.

"Anything?" She asked with hope filled eyes.

"Anything." Shun replied with his gentle smile.

"Then I wish for what I went through to be real. Everything. I know it was a illusion of some kind but even so, I feel that it was more than that. My one and only wish is for everything to be real." She spoke anxiously while observing Shun.

Shun's smile never left his face as he had already expected that from her. She had spent a sizeable portion of her life with parents who loved and doted on her like she was the center of their world. Who wouldn't want such an experience to be real?

"Granted. But that would only happen after your death. Live your life here to its fullest and at the moment of your death you would return to the very day of the disaster. This time, with no disasters whatsoever. I'll also give you a perk as my first ever student. You will retain the abilities you had after growing up in that world." Shun declared.

"Really? I'd remain an Uchiha?" She asked.

"Of course, it's a minor matter for me to do. I'll just have to change somethings in your genetic makeup. Your clan can be quite the cheat if not properly checked." Shun said.

"Thank you. Thank you. Really. Thank you." She knelt and thanked him profusely as tears of joy fell uncontrollabl from her eyes.

"Well, you still have someone to best in the art of illusion. I wouldn't want to imagine that the great Estrade couldn't even beat a mere reality altering illusion." Shun spoke carrying a hint of provocation with it.

"Humph, that half-assed technique my brother created is just what it is. Half-assed. I can create even more Powerful and terrifying illusions than those. Creating a counter for it would be nothing but child's play." The little Uchiha who Shun came to know as Shōto said.

"Good. I and my wives would watch you do so. After that, you'd do well to properly instruct your clan in ways of life, morally, economically and otherwise. I hope you didn't spend the 20+ years of your life only focused on increasing your strength right?" Shun asked rhetorically and disappeared before his voice could fade.

"Humph, who do you take me for," Shōto muttered under her breath before looking outside.

Her puffy red eyes regaining a determination like no other. The aura around her became one of tyranny and domination. Her mere presence demanded domination in all who laid their eyes on her on a subconscious level.


"Nice going," Kaguya said as Shun appeared in front of them once more.

"Right?..." Shun asked rhetorically while gazing at the little Uchiha girl. "She deserves it. I guess j was too harsh on her now that I look at it. Haha. Well, I did get good data from this anyways so I guess spending some energy to rewind time back on her planet wouldn't hurt me too much."

It took Shōto less than two days to create a perfect version the Izanami technique and this time, instead of Copying and pasting three different scenarios into the opponent's to form a loop, this time, she could add special effects like pain, sorrow, and other little emotions.

Also, she could literally trap one in there forever and no matter how long time passes in the loop, that amount of time would be reflected on the person's soul when they're released from the technique.

"Quite interesting." Shun thought. "Even your Mugen Tsukuyomi doesn't have that effect." He said to Kaguya.

"Of course it doesn't. The Mugen Tsukuyomi is engineered to sustain a living being for as long as possible in their respective dream world while utilising their chakra. If their brains were to die, where will I get the spiritual energy to make chakra?" Kaguya clarified.

"True. But still, for them and the future... Warriors, this will be a technique to avoid. Probably, it'll become a forbidden technique due to it difficulties in perfecting. I bet the cost would also be an eye permanently gone." Shun said.

"There's a price to pay for power. Didn't you always say that?" Hinami said.

"Well, that's true. There's always a price to pay for power, especially one far beyond your plane of existence." Shun said with a mysterious smile.

True, great power always comes with its own repercussions. Currently, Shun had the urge to go see the old toad sage and discuss somethings with him.

With a little effort, he could look into the future, and give some random bullshit prophecy but as someone who has a natural distaste for anything to do with prophecy he avoided that ability like a plague.

Similarly, he could influence the entire world into following a set plot line but where was the fun in that? He had already fucked up the entire Naruto plot but as a universal level being, he knew that there was something that not even a horde of butterflies could affect.

Marvel comics called it, Nexus points. Points in time that 'Will' occur no matter the changes made in the timeline.

The creation of Izanagi and Izanami to counter it, the reincarnation of Indra and Ashura till they resolve their quarrel, the eventual genesis of the Shinobi era which will change the Free For All method of fighting to a Ranked Match method of fighting which will then culminate into the original idea of the word 'Shinobi'.

Lots of twist but still leading to an eventual end. Destiny and Fate, two concepts that not even Gods can fight against.

Fate is the future scenario, which cannot be determined by decisions an individual will make. However, Destiny is about the present, where every decision an individual has made has led them to their present scenario.

Kind of like Karma, Cause and Effect. The decisions of Yesterday will create a reaction that will come back to affect you tomorrow.

Yesterday being the cause and Tomorrow being the effect.

"Hmm. Maybe Ria could be my Universe Fate and Destiny as she could gain access to Casualty Manipulation. It's one of the components of Vector Manipulation afterall." Shun thought to himself as he watched the little Uchiha girl put the reincarnation of Indra into a mental timeloop.

"Guess he didn't meet Ashura in this era, huh?" Shun thought aloud.

"Yeah. Coz if he did, I doubt he would be in such shameful appearance." Kaguya said.

"Right? Either Ashura would put him in order or he'll be occupied duking it out with eachother. Well, guess our time here has come to an end." Shun replied.

"Yeah. It was quite eventful." Ria said as she smiled looking towards the Uchiha lass dragging an unconscious young man.

"She was interesting, think we'll meet other interesting people?" She asked.

"Of course, my clone met quite some interesting people and that's the area were going to next, you don't have any objections, right? Shun." Hinami asked.

"Of course not, but might I ask how interesting these people are?" Shun asked.

"Hmmm... On a scale of 0 to 10, I'd say 7." Hinami answered after giving it some thought.

"7, huh? That's quite interesting then. Anything I should be aware of?"

"Nope, not really. As for what makes them interesting, you'd have to wait till we arrive." Hinami said in a mysterious tone.

"Then we'll be in your care then." Shun said and braced himself only to see The girls looking at him weirdly.


"Were walking dear. This is a tour, remember? We have all the time in the world." Hinami replied.

"Oh.." Shun smiled awkwardly.

"Then which direction is it then? Why don't you lead the way?" Shun asked to cover his embarrassment.

"Of course I will. Alright then, off we go." Hinami said and picked a direction before walking elegantly towards their new adventure.