Chapter 18

{Join my Patre@n at for Vol 3... 100+ Chapters ahead.}




Shun's POV

During the walk, we met a lot of people, people with special abilities and groups with a bloodline limit.

We came across the Hyuga clan but Hinami was disappointed as they already had slave seals on their head. Wasn't the reason for their coming down here to avoid such treatments? Why would they end up doing the same thing to themselves?

She spent some time perusing their memories of the past few decades and what she saw left her disgusted. She almost went on a rampage to destroy the branch clan but we held her from committing a sin she'd come to regret, after all, these were her brother's descendants.

No matter how she looks at it, they had her blood flowing in them, so disappointedly, we left and continued towards the place Hinami said she met someone interesting.

During this time, some minor changes were occuring in the world and Shun was left unawares.

In the location where the Inuzuka clan resided, a certain young man appeared on their gate and with a slight fluctuation of his chakra, they all felt a suppression from their bloodline.

This young man had white flowing hair with a wild aura around him, as he walked, everyone felt the urge to prostrate to him as if he were their God.

This young man was Fenrir. After Shun yeeted him to a random part of the planet, he walked around aimlessly till he came upon a group of people that had a slight connection to him.

With nothing better to do, he decided to check it out and see if there would be any interesting finds, after all, his father did instruct him to explore and discover new things.

He came to discover that this clan was the Inuzuka clan and they had a bloodline connecting them to Canines and him being an originator in a certain sense was their ancestor.

With that knowledge, he decided to live with them while also teaching them some of his arts and Techniques.

One thing led to another and another led to the other and before he knew it, he had sired an heir to his name, the first ever half man half wolf, a werewolf.

This incident that will lead to many divergence in the timeline that Shun had in mind was unknown to Shun as he and the girls finally arrived at the location Hinami met the interesting individual.

A Fishman.

Hinami had discovered a stray Fishman and was taking care of him. She could have returned him to his people but the little boy said he didn't want to go back. According to him, the surface land was more colourful.

Shun and the girls decided to take care of the young boy while Shun personally saw to his training.

Fishmen were naturally attuned to water and Shun was versed in all elements but most especially, he had an idea on creating a Fishman karate that would work well with this world's chakra principles.

They spent nearly a year with the little boy, Shun decided to name Kisame. They taught him everything they could about the world, nothing dangerous, just the common sense while Shun taught him an improvised Fishman karate.

As far as he stands on water, he was literally invincible, well, to people of his caliber but still.. he was good. He could even connect with the water vapour in the surrounding to punch someone a good distance from him.

During this period, Shun suddenly had an idea. Why not send his clones to look for the prominent clans worth teaching a thing or two that were nerfed in the canon.

The clan he had in mind were, Nara, Yamanaka, Yuki, Tenshido{Mabui's clan that uses Heavenly Transfer Technique} and finally and the Iburi clan.

These clans had potential that weren't properly excavated in the canon series.

The Tenshido clan had potential to be walking nukes and the Iburi clan could be top notch assassins if their clan defects were properly addressed.

The Nara, Yamanaka, and Yuki are obvious. Shadow, Mind and Ice. Another group of top notch assassins, group of Psychics and group of Aokigis.

Imagine the prospects. Although I have grander plans for the first generation Kages, training the few I'll be training soon would be similar to laying a proper foundation for them.

"What are you thinking about sensei?" The young Kisame asked seeing Shun lost in thought.

Shun looked at the little Fishman and said. "I'm thinking of prospective training buddies for you."

Shun then turned and looked at his wives and told them his ideas. After that, he said. "Think of it as training some select few while also seeing what this world has to offer. Pretty please?"

Shun knew he was just satisfying his vanity so he had to ask for their permanent first. They were the people in charge after all.

The girls were rather displeased but seeing Shun's sincere expression they faltered and Hinami being their spokesman said. "Just this once. I know you always have something going on in that head of yours and it wouldn't hurt to let us in on it every once in a while."

"Just know what you're doing." Kaguya just said.

"Well, I don't mind some little kids calling me big sister." Ria also said.

"Thank you girls. I owe all of you one." Shun said and immediately sent out clones to Search for these clans. He also created additional clones to bring along people with interesting abilities.

It would be awesome if you could get someone with the light release, and Dark release. Anyone with any of his specially created weapons were also among the people to be brought back.

Shun left out clans such as Uchiha, Senju, Hyuga, Uzumaki and Tengoku clan. These five clans were the most ancient of clans in the Shinobi world and they didn't need his help to properly manifest their clans abilities.

If they can't do even that, then they were on their own.

After that episode, Shun called little Kisame and said to him. "Brat, you've learnt all that I can possibly teach you-"

"That's not true, Sensei!" Kisame interrupted


Shun punched him on the head and said. "No interruptions when I'm talking. Haven't I been teaching you that for the past year?"


"Well, with the way you punch him on the head, perhaps his intelligence is being affected." Ria quipped from the side.

"Now, that's just mean, Ria-nee, my intelligence is just as it was sinc the very beginning." Kisame retorted.

"Oh... No wonder, so you hadn't developed for over a year then?" Ria asked sarcastically. "Quite pitiful."



Shun punched him again. "Pay attention."

"Bu-" Kisame tried to reason with Shun

"Hmm?" Shun raised an eyebrow at this

"Nothing." Kisame relented.

"Good. Now, as I was saying, I've taught you all that I can during this past year, all that's left is for you to practice in your own and develop your own techniques and theory on chakra. Remember, chakra is like a weapon in the hands of a warrior, your mastery over it determines how far you'll go as compared to your peers. Now, I'll send you to a special place, whenever you feel like quitting entirely, just say, I quit, and you'll be brought out of the special place. Understood?" Shun said.

"What's this special place? Would I still get to see you and big sisters?" Kisame asked.

He felt that this may be a long separation from the tone of Shun, and due to the care and attention he had received from the four, he was reluctant to leave them.

"Maybe, maybe not. You see, young Kisame, life is like a journey. No, it is a journey. You meet some people who leave a lasting impression on you, be it good or bad, you'll also meet some who'll leave nothing to remember them by. What's important is that, at the end of it all, did you leave a lasting impression on them? Did your presence change anything in their lives?" Shun said as he looked up to the sky.

"What we've given you sure did, whether you like it or not, our presence here affected not only you now but you of the future and the world at large. Now don't ask stupid questions and just do what I say. Whether we see eachother again or not, is up to fate." Shun finished and rubbed his head.

Before the kid could say anything else, Shun yeeted him into the training dimension. "Hopefully, he'll be able to get the Trident. I wonder in whose hand it'll will land into by the time the Canon arrives." Shun thought to himself.

Turning back to look at the girls who had small smiles on their faces he said, "Alright ladies, next on our agenda, training a bunch of brats and yeeting them off to the training dimension."

"That's not our agenda but yours." Hinami said.

"Hehe, but you all enjoy the feeling of passing on your skills to the young, don't you?" Shun chuckled.

During this year, it was not only him who had taught Kisame a thing or two.

Hinami taught him about precision, Ria taught him about the human body and Kaguya taught him how to apply other elements into his karate style.

All in all, they all took their turns in tutoring the young Fishman. "I wonder how the dimension would be with all the brats I'll be sending in there by the end of the year." Shun mused aloud.