Chapter 24

Join my Patre@n at for Vol 3... 100+ Chapters ahead.}


Title: Catching Up.


I spent some time chatting with the tailed beast as they reminisced about old time while I listened. Afterwards, I told them about my journey outside and to say they were surprised would be an understatement.

Pops had told them their origin, yes, but even he didn't know the full story. Hearing of my escapades outside brought a new outlook of life to them.

To them, they were unique beings formed from the Ten Tails. The beast of destruction... Not Kaguya, It, the Juubi, so knowing there were people who were countless times stronger than them was an eye opening experience.

Hopefully, this would mellow them down when they will be captured and imprisoned.

I kinda feel complicated concerning this issue. On one hand, they're my siblings and on the other hand, they're necessary pieces to this world's development.

For a moment, I was torn on not allowing them to be imprisoned but I quickly squashed that thought.

This was a necessity. Whether or not Gamamaru saw the future with me involved or not, he still have Hagoromo the same prophecy which means that I will either allow it to happen or something would happen to me that will hinder me from meddling.

I'll go for the former, I doubt anything could make me say yes when I want to say no in this entire universe.

Anyways, I continued telling them about the interesting things you could find in the vast world outside but I didn't mention Kaguya as for them, she was probably the source of all evil.

"Ah, that reminds me aniki, there's this incident that happened centuries ago that threatened to actually destroy this world, thankfully, your descendants intervened and put a stop to it while it was still in its early stages." Gyuuki said after I finished my narration.

"What incident?" I asked. A lot of shit had gone down during my absence and the few that were related back to me we're just the first 300 to 400 years of my absence. The rest were cut off as I died for a while back then.

"You mean that incident with the old man's seal?" Matatabi asked warily.

"Mm. Exactly." Gyuuki nodded.

"That incident brought a lot of chaos with it. It a good thing Aniki's descendants are quite skilled in the art of sealing, if not, I abhor to think of what kind of horror could have affevted this world." Kurama said seriously, even Shukaku who would always oppose him looked serious.

"Sigh. Since you all know what this incident is, why don't you tell me about it? Huh?" I asked with a raised voice. This fellow aroused my curiosity and they left me hanging, who does that?

Gyuuki nodded and began telling me about the incident of years ago.

As it turns out, Hagoromo built their respective temples at strategic locations for a certain reason, which was to seal away the chaotic chakra of the Ten Tails, the aftermath of Kaguya's battle with her children.

At the center of these chaotic chakra, a Dimensional crack existed that connected this planet to a place that Hagoromo had no idea of, but due to his feeling of danger, he used his Truth seeking orbs to create a cube to act as a lock to block off all forms of intrusion from that plane to this one.

Unfortunately, certain individuals with lofty aspirations thought it wise to harness this dark chakra to strengthen themselves and conquer the world.

Unfortunately, this energy had the characteristics of inversion. Whatever comes in contact with these energy gets their basic nature inverted for the worst.

Good becomes bad, and bad becomes worse.

These individuals with lofty aspirations were filled with even more desire to conquer and with this new energy, they launched a frenzy of attacks towards the clans of back then while also converting many to their cause.

This went on for a while till an individual from the Tengoku clan stepped forth to deal with these individuals.

He managed to drive back these individuals with the help of his self proclaimed sister for a while until the energy in these individuals suddenly gathered and gave birth to a being similar to the Tailed Beasts. A beast that went by the name Satori.

After a long battles, they managed to defeat this being as he was absent that fed off of the fears of its prey, unfortunately for it and fortunately for the two, they held little to no fear towards It.

The battle lasted for close to an entire day before they managed to seal it back into the seal. After that, the two stayed around the area to guard this box.

As time passed they grew old and took in a family to pass on their unique sealing technique that would only work as far as they stood on the area the seal covered.

After that, nothing was heard of the two. According to Gyuuki, they were both dead.

It was an interesting story and if anyone with the right knowledge were to wish to waste a few brain cells to think in what caused it, they would probably end up with the same conclusion as I have.

Black Zetsu.

There can only be one being that is crafty enough to instigate fools to open a can they have no idea what is inside.

Well atleast, I probably know who these two outstanding individuals are. Izanagi and Izanami. Their reincarnation that is.

From what I know if the original canon, This was the Box of Ultimate Bliss that would grant you any one wish if you could get it open.

The individuals that wanted world domination were probably the ancestors of Kusahakure, the land of grass.

Hmm? But if they were the Kusa ancestors, who did Izanagi and Izanami teach then?

Well, it was also mentioned that there were two factions in the clan, one that advocated a peaceful method toward reviving their clans former glory, the Flower Group, and the other, who advocated the use of weapons, the Box of Ultimate Bliss, the Grass Fruit group.

"What stupid names." That was first reaction as I recalled this plot in the future and from the looks of things, one thing would lead to the Hozuki castle incident happening all over again.

Not like it's my problem. When that time comes, someone would surely arise to the situation.

"So all these thing happened in my absence? It really is a good thing it was ended early. Who knows what could've happened if the Tengoku clan didn't send out those two." I said in a deep voice as a grimace appeared on my face.

I gotta act the part, you know. Also, this is my spiritual plane so who would know I was pretending?

"Yeah. That Satori couldn't really be handle by conventional means, you could only defeat him if you're an idiot or a retard." Shukaku said in his characteristic loud voice.

"Can you tone it down for once you damn racoon!" Kurama berated with his own scream and before long, they were already at loggerheads with eachother.

"Sigh. Shukaku can you tell me why you said that?" I sighed and broke their arguement.

"Oh, that? It's simple. It can read both the heart and mind of his opponent, this means that you'd have to be an idiot who doesn't think while fighting and a retard who doesn't know when they're clearly outmatched." Shukaku answered in his very rare moments of being smart.

"Something's weird, Shukaku shouldn't be this intelligent." Kurama said in a low voice but everyone heard.

"What did you say you damn fox? This great me should be the most intelligent of us all, it's just that I couldn't be bothered to let you know. Humph." Shukaku snorted and must crossed his arms over his chest.

"Yes. Yes. Our little Shu-chan is a actually the wisest if us all," I said to blow on his ego. That was the only way to subdue someone like Shukaku.

"Tell them, aniki." Shukaku murmured.

"It's just that he can be stupid and bratty sometimes. You guys are siblings, you need to better take care of eachother okay?" I added causing Shukaku to deflate.

"Hahahaha." Everyone laughed at this. After that, we continued talking about the minor and major things of the years and finally, I decided to leave and wake up.

"Alright guys, you guys go and do your own things, I have some things I need to take care of. See you guys next time." I said and immediately disappeared.

I smiled as j opened my eyes. Conversing with others that aren't Hinami, Kaguya or Ria felt really good. It's been long since I had anyone close to talk to.

Maybe I should take a trip back the Myraid Islands and see if I can get in contact with some friends over there. Juyu, Xin and and Princess.

Hmm... Come to think of it, I don't have a male friends outside my family. Everyone I know on a familiar base all women.

Well, Veldanava is a man but he's in a other universe entirely so, he doesn't count.

Oh well, we get want we want but lose some shit together with it, life moves on and we get new experiences. Better get back to our Tour there's still places left to be seen.


A\N: Sorry for the late release guys, some stuff came up these past few days and I haven't been able to sit down and focus on writing alone. Please bear with me as everything would be sorted out soon enough. Thanks.