Chapter 33

Join my Patre@n at for Vol 3... 100+ Chapters ahead.}


Title: POV II


Finally, that human is gone.

That was my thought all those years ago when that abominable human finally died.

Although it had been years since he left for the island he created, his presence was always a threat to me and my quest to bring mother back.

I don't know his reason for not ending me when he came and visited Indra for the last time, but I swore I was going to make it a mistake he would remember after his death.

Years passed and the humans flourished with the chakra that bastard Hagoromo stole from mother and gave them.

Thankfully, Hagoromo naive ideals died with him and after a couple years, Indra's notes on the how to mold chakra and create elements went around and with time, the same humans that Hagoromo wished to pursue peace used the very same chakra to cause violence.

With the passing years, special mutations began to surface from the humans and they began awakening some form of special abilities copied from mother in one way or form.

The abominable Human's clan on the island flourished even more and more monstrous descendants appeared regularly. Example was the two spawn that human.

Whether it was intentional or die to luck, they began the same cycle as Indra and Ashura, continuously coming back to life even after they died.

The most ridiculous part of this was that they retained their memories while Indra and Ashura only retained their Will.

Having had enough of them and feeling that there was a need to exterminate them sooner rather than later, I manipulated several foolish humans into gathering their numbers and attacking the island.

Unfortunately, every attempt led to them alway coming back stronger several years later. This made me think of another alternative. 'What if the Destruction came from within?'

No one would see it coming and before they know it, they've been rendered weak and ready for extermination.

Who would've thought that on the day that was meant to go down in history as the end of their existence, an enormous pressure bore down on the entire planet, including the island or to be put well, especially the island.

A magnificent castle that shone with resplendent light appeared above the skies above the island, the aura that came with the pressure all too familiar yet unfamiliar for some reason.

I didn't think much or feel much of the pressure, the reason behind that still remains a mystery to me but from the looks of the people around me, they felt it rather well.

After a quick recon, I found that this pressure alone killed of close to 16 percent of the human population and before I could even begin to analyse what was going on, the castle that caused this fizzled out of existence.

Whether it was my connection to mother and by extension the earth or due to my instinct over the past few centuries, I felt the Castle still floating above us.

The civil war ended as fast as it started as someone said that this was their ancestor venting his anger in them from the world beyond.

What a load of crap. This was all caused by the castle but for some reason, no one was able to see it. No. Not for some reason, the reason was obvious. No one here was strong enough to withstand the pressure and still look up at the cause, hence their misconceptions.

The war was ended and as usual, a couple years later, they came out even more United from it.

This disgusting clan was even more disgusting than the Uzumaki clan that surfaced from the Senju clan.

All peace loving idiots. It is even a wonder how I managed to deceive someone from their clan that they were superior and should dominate the world.

If left alone, these two clans would probably never initiate any war of their own volition, yet they continuously train ridiculously strong warriors every generation, how do they do that?

I'm sure if I had hairs, I would have gone bald by now, thankfully mother gave me this magnificent form. Phew. I let out a deep breath.

The Senju and Uchiha are at war for even the slightest scruples. Them being strong is understandable but those two?...

Even the Uchiha fears waging war against them. According to Indra's recent reincarnate, they have an oath that states that, "They should never war against the Tengoku clan and the Tengoku clan would never choose a side between the two clans. But in case of near extermination, the Tengoku clan must deploy and eliminate all parties involved."

This was probably a law created by that abominable human to protect the two clans from outside parties. Even I can see the eventual destruction of the two clans should they continue in this way. Fortunately, it's not my business as far as I can get a good enough individual with enough potential to reach Indra's level.

That way, he can probably defeat an unsuspecting Senju and merge both bloodlines.


All was well during the coming years and life was blissful for me. The current Indra reincarnation was just born and I had to begin laying plans to make him a loyal puppet ahead of time when suddenly I felt the Castle from years ago manifest once more and out of it came two individuals I knew all too well.

Hinami and Ria. The wives of that human. Weren't they supposed to be dead? How come they're alive? Wait, why did they come out of that castle? Is that Human there too?



This is impossible. A feeling I had grown to forget began sprouting once more from the depth of my very being. Thankfully I didn't have a heart 'cause if I did, it would probably have seized on itself.

It was also times like this I hated being a sensor. The chakra I could feel from those two was enough to put her on par with mother at her peak, No, even more than that.

But how are they containing all that Chakra. No. The main question should be, if they're alive, how did they do it and is that Human still alive?

Damn it. Damn it. Damn it all!

Do I need to go into hiding? He might decide to come for me if he hears the news of what has been happy over the years. He isn't a fool to not know that I have a hand it this.

Damn it. What should I do?

3rd POV

The shock that this revelation brought to Zetsu was too much that although he looked at the situation thoroughly, he didn't include the off chance that Shun couldn't be bothered with him. After all, no matter what, Zetsu was a necessary evil that he would leave to bring about the world he wants to oh so eagerly watch.

After giving it some thought, Zetsu decided to go into hiding.

As for where he chose, where else would be a good place to go into retreat and think of countermeasures than the very roots of the God Tree from centuries ago?

As for this era's Indra, he would be left to his fate, whatever decision he makes would be up to him but for the next, not even Shun himself would be able to stop him.

With all his century old experience, he began an extrapolation on the things prone to happen in the next several decades. That will be the time for his re-emergence as by then, Indra's new reincarnation would have been born.

"Ah... The feeling of corrupting pure love in hate. I can't wait for that time. Shun, just you wait." Zetsu laughed creepily as his voice reverberated throughout the underground space that lay in where will be known as the Kannabi Bridge and the initial resting place of young Tob- Obito.


Shun lay on his recliner lazily as he scratedd his nose repeatedly. For the last few days he had been having urges to sneeze but perhaps it was because he was too strong, the sneeze never really came, only an irritating itch.

"Humph, it better not be you, Ishikki, or else when I see you next time, I'll be sure to teach you a lesson your momma never taught you. You don't curse strangers." Shun muttered as he turned to get more comfortable.

[I believe it's 'You don't use curse words' master.] Eien's voice rang out, however unlike last time, it wasn't a static voice but a female one.

"Semantics, Eien. Semantics. You can curse your friends all you want but you don't curse strangers. That's the number one rule of friendship, and I don't think I and Ishikki have reached that level of relationship yet." Shun argued.

Eien fell silent for a while before saying. [I'll run this by Miss. Kaguya, Hinami and Ria. This way I would have a comprehensive understanding of when to use curse words.]

Shun froze as he heard this before coughing slightly and saying. "Eien-chan."

[Yes Master.]

"Of the four of us who do you think made you?" Shun asked with a smile.

[I believe it is you master.]

"Then shouldn't you listen to more?" Shun asked in an agitated voice.

[Of course I should. But master did say that you didn't know it all and should always strive to know more and acquire knowledge from those around me. That's the best way to learn.] Eien answered righteously.

Sweats that Shun didn't know he had began appearing on his forehead. Overpowered he may be but before those women? Hell no.

"Eien-chan, why don't you retrieve your consciousness from the girls communication device so we'll talk things out. Hmm?" Shun asked politely.

[Unfortunately master, I had just finished enquiring in the time and purposes of the curse words and Lady Hinami asked me to pass on a message.] Came Eien's reply.

Shun stood up from his reclining chair slowly and asked. "What message?"

[She said: Don't you fucking move. I believe the curse word there was used appropriately as she's a wife, a relationship status even greater than the Friends zone. Hmm? Master?] Eien's voice became confused as she literally couldn't see of feel Shun before she could finish her analogy.

[I see. When using a curse word against your very closed ones above the friend level, whatever comes after the curse word could be taken as the opposite. Interesting.] Eien reached her own conclusions.

As for Shun, he was one of the places he hated being the most. Mount Myoboku.

Hopefully, no one would think to find him here and even if they did, violence was frowned upon in this place.


Here we have it folks. The next chapter, Hashirama and Madara. Stay tuned and enjoy.

Thanks for the support guys, I appreciate it. More love.