Chapter 34

Join my Patre@n at for Vol 3... 100+ Chapters ahead.}


Title: Mount Myoboku


"Ah, Shun-sama, what brings you here again?" A tiny voice said to Shun who just appeared in front of the Toad's Sacred hall.

"Ah, little toad, ever the diligent attendant. Hows the old told doing these days?" Shun asked the little toad that had quite the amount of natural energy in that little body of his.

"Gamamaru-sama is still the same as always. He's currently sleeping. Surprisingly, he didn't expect your arrival." The little toad said.

"That's not surprising. If he did then I would have known something was wrong. I'ma go see him for a bit." Shun said and began walking inside. "Oh, and, if any of my wives do come here, please let them know I was never here. You know the drill." Shun gave a gentle smile.

"Shun-sama, I'm afraid that will be impossible even for me." The toad said and gave a wry smile.

This wasn't the first time this was happening, and in every case, he was always the one on duty and also the one to bear the ladies wrath.

"Don't mind. Don't mind. I'm sure you'll survive. If worse comes to worst, tell them I'm having a section with pops. They wouldn't dare be violent there." Shun said and vanished into the hall.

"Oi, Old Toad Gama!" Shun shouted at the gigantic toad that was dozing away in the Great hall.

This hall was close to a thousand meters in height as it was able to hold Gamamaru in his gigantified form. I bet even a tailed beast can't occupy much space here.

'Damn, even my castle halls aren't as high or spacious as this.' Shun thought.

"Hmm~? Who dares make such a ruckus here?" Gamamaru raspy and lazy voice sounded out. He looked around for a while before saying. "There's nobody here? It must've been my imagination then." And went back to sleep.

Shun stood there with an annoyed look on his face but as this wasn't the first time the old toad was playing this trick on him, he didn't explode in anger, instead...

"Since that's how you want to play, check out this new form of mine." Shun's body expanded till it was over eight hundred meters in height.

He then screamed. "Old toad, wake the fuck up! Oh shit."

Shun had just finished screaming when he picked up Hinami's chakra signature inside the Toad's dimension. In one fluid movement, he shrank to his normal form, said. "I'll get you for this you old geezer." and then tore into space and dived in.

The space behind him mended in a split second, this way, Hinami wouldn't be able to casually chase him down. As for why he is running, let's just say that women's anger is nothing to bear even if you're capable of destroying a universe.

"Damn brat..." Gamamaru opened his eyes fully and looked at the spot Shun disappeared into. This wasn't the first time this was happening, and as he knew Shun wouldn't visit him as old friends trying to catch up on good times, he could always feign drowsiness whenever he is here.

Moments later Hinami appeared with a badly beaten toad in her arms. She stood Infront of Gamamaru and bowed in respect. "It's been a while Gamamaru-san. Sorry for inconveniencing you with my husband's stupidity."

'Now that's how it's supposed to be.' Gamamaru thought to himself with satisfaction.

"Don't mind the lad, sometimes it's good to partake in a little mischief. Sigh, unfortunately my old bones wouldn't allow me such luxury." Gamamaru said.

Hinami smiled and shook her head. "You must be joking Gamamaru-san, you still have a lot of life in you to last over three centuries if you stop peeping so much into the future."

"It's a little sacrifice I have to pay to ensure the peace this world deserves." Gamamaru shook his head and said.

He was stubborn this way. Shun had advised him to stop this out of old time sake but the toad refused and said that if Shun stops whiling away his time doing nothing and guide these humans toward the right direction then he wouldn't have a need to do this.

Shun had told him that humans need to learn step by step. Nothing is ever perfect. If they don't see the error of their own ways, then no matter how much he guides them, they'll still fall back to that path.

This has been the bone of contention between the two and despite their friendly demeanor when meeting eachother, they were quite opposed to eachother way of life.

Gamamaru wishes to guide them no matter the cost, Shun want them to learn by themselves no matter the cost.

Hinami sighed. Although this old toad was a friend to her father and uncle, Shun was still her husband and that's who she'll side with.

"I'd better get out of your hair, Gamamaru-san." Hinami bowed slightly. Chakra light gleamed from her hand holding the toad and in an instant he was healed to full health.

"Haha. I never cease to be amazed by such display of healing technique. Even in our long history, we haven't been able to accomplish that." Gamamaru said.

"It's all Shun's research. I only learnt from him." Hinami responded and left the hall before opening a portal and walking into it.

"Sigh, of course, only that brat would think up this. With his help, Humans would go a long way." Gamamaru said to himself.

"Gamamaru-sama. How long have you known those people?" The little toad asked.

"Quite a long time now. You first met them a couple decades ago but you must know that those three are over 700 years old. That brat? He's practically the son of the now known myth. The Sage of Six paths." Gamamaru answered with a reminiscent smile.

"Then shouldn't he be an advocate for peace?" The toad asked in shock, awe and confusion.

"Sigh. He believes that I did wrong by making the two brothers, Hagoromo and Hamura fight their own mother and seal her away." Gamamaru replied with a smile.

When Shun first came here in his youth, Gamamaru had recounted to him the beginning of chakra and what led to the world being as devastated as it was then.

Shun after listening to it, said. "From a third person point of view, I don't see why they should have fought their mother. No matter what, their mother was probably doing everything for their own good. You didn't ask, you jumped into conclusions without having the proper information and that's what led to the world being devastated."

"Back then, I thought he was just a brat with his unique and immature outlook on life. Who would've thought..." Gamamaru said and closed his eyes.

The little toad who had just gotten several shocks that will last him Several decades to surf through took that as a signal and bowed before leaving the hall.


Shun had just left the Myoboku mountain and was currently on the opposite side of the world, the previously known Land Of That but currently acknowledged country of water.

This place was just a just cluster of islands, a mini One Piece world. The ratio of water to land here is probably 17:2.

Yes. Yes. I'm exaggerating, but still, this place is just islands and the distance from here to the main land will take a normal human close to month to sail through.

To someone with chakra though, probably a week to two weeks.

As for why I was here? Simple, running away from Hinami. Our current base was the future Country of Rōran and from my estimates it would dry up in 10 to 20 years.

The reason why I choose there as my base was because, it was the most developed country in the entire Shinobi World and that's something as they were a country of civilians.

Following them should be Country of Rain.

About that country, I wonder what happened to cause it to rain nonstop. From what I've checked, the place is still as normal as normal can be.

This is one of the wonders of this world and i'ma solve it. I've already solved one, this one should be a walk in the park./1\



Years passed a lot had happened in the meantime. Oh, did I mention that Hinami chased me for over a year just to have a go with me?

Yup, she did and ended up catching me.

After our little session of she hitting and me receiving, I came to know that her reason for this was simply because I was corrupting Eien's developing psyche.


That was your reaction too right? Me too.

I get she is or was a mother but c'mon, Eien is an AI. Eventually she'll come to understand that somethings are inevitable, also, with age comes knowledge and with knowledge comes directions, decisions and whatnot.

Anyways, that episode ended on a happy not with me apologizing and promising to be on my best behaviour when with Eien.

What? You thought I'd fight back? Please. She's my wife and knows that much. I'm her husband and also know that much, so we have boundaries we don't cross no matter what.


Interesting things happened during this short century. Our lives were peaceful, civilian lives on the other hand was hellish, children died willy nilly and time passed, uncaring about all this.

Me too.

I experienced a lot of things and I was struck with an enlightenment to write some history books.

With renewed determination, I created several clones and sent them all over to record some important things that will probably come up in the future.

One of the most iconic things I experienced was the forming of the famed country that always cries.

It was magnificent. To think that the cause of it all was a fight between two individuals.

And here I thought that only people at a certain level of power could affect nature when they fought.

I and to be there when the fight was at its climax. I felt that watching it from afar would be disrespectful to the two ladies fighting a single man to the death.

The fight was caused by the loss of a lot of lives to which I gave a short prayer for their safe repose, but it didn't destroy the land at all.

How? You may ask.

The answer to that is. I don't know.

The village or town was already a town that was technologically advanced as their blacksmiths could build building or metal.

It was good for a while but then came it's disadvantage. During the noon, no one can comfortably stay comfortably inside the houses.

People died because of this. People protested, they were angry, children, women, pregnant, young and old alike died due to heat stroke but they all assumed it was the error of the blacksmiths.

Yes it was their fault truly.

The protests led to the leading clan for the village to begin a massacre in the name of preventing unwanted disturbances.

They gave a rule: If you can't survive in our village leave.

This led to many people leaving and some who were bitter about it sought aid from prominent clans all over.

Unfortunately they were met with disregard. Which powerful clan would lead their people to war against another clan just for the sake of some civilians with nothing to offer.

No one. That's who. Or so they thought.

From an island far up south. A clan has been in recluse for so long that it's name was merely folktale at this point.

From this Island, two women took it upon themselves to bring justice to these civilians who had lost their families and friends to the oppressive rule of some random clan.


/1\: The first one was the Dragon Vein. It was only mentioned that there was a mass of chakra that could twist both time and space there but it was never mentioned how it was formed, so I came up with one. I'll be doing the same for the Amegakure.
