Chapter 52

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Title: God Enel


"I... I fight to protect." Enel answered with a determined look on his immature face.

"Oh?... Protect what?" I asked.

This was a very clichéd answered but there was a very thin line between good and evil, when protection is mentioned.

"To protect... I don't know. But I know that I don't want my sister to be a victim someday." He answered.

"Hmm. Your sister is a woman, I don't think they'd send her to war right?" I asked, this era was still in the Edo era rip off, except there were actual Ninjas instead of samurais.

At this time, women are seen as something to be kept at home due to their supposedly weak physique.

"I've seen an entire clan be wiped out by the hands of my clan members before. Men, women, children, old and young. That isn't something beyond our clan. Some clan may feel we've overstayed our welcome in this world and launch an attack similar to that of the past. I could protect myself but what of my sister? She's too innocent for that." Enel deeply said.

Wow, look at him sounding all Itachi-like.

"So you want to protect your sister? Why only her?" I asked another question.

"Because she's family." He said succinctly.

"Family, huh? Aren't your clan members family?"

"They are but they aren't as important as Mina-nee." He said with a smile as he mentioned his elder sister.

"I see..." I said with my eyes closed. I bet he's probably thinking, 'But your eyes are closed.'

"Family is good. Then what if you decide to make your clan your family, would you protect them? What about the entire country of lightning, would you still protect them if they were family?" I asked my last question.

Whether he answers this or not, I'd still train him to be strong. What I needed from the people I was thinking of making the first Kages, are people with principles, and not people with a brainwashed mind, following the stupid doctrines inculcated into them by their clan.

Humans are creatures of freewill, if you can't exercise that little freewill of yours then you weren't worth my time.

"Why would they be my family? All I care about is my sister. She's the elder sister and mother i have in this world. My only true blood. What do the others have in common with her?" He asked with his head raised to a tilt.

"Good question, brat, good question, and maybe someday, you'll be able to answer that question yourself. I'm but an old man at the end of his journey in this world while you're still at the early stages. But as a random word of wisdom from me to you, Enel; Family is where home is, wherever someone thinks of you is home and those that think of you when you aren't around is family. Never forget that." I said with my signature grandpa smile.

Following that, I stood up and gradually walked away, leaving the contemplating Enel to his thoughts on family.

Stopping abruptly, I turned and, "Here, have this, it'll help you in becoming someone strong." and threw my walking stick to him.

"Wha-?" In the time it took him to catch the stick and look back at me to protest, I was gone.


"What a weird old man, how will this piece of wood help me become stronger? Also, how would that old man walk without his stick?" Enel said to himself. "he looked like he'd fall off without it."

"Maybe he's really about to die?" He thought. "Better find him and return it.. but he did give it to me so there must be a reason right?"

He was torn between his reason and emotions. One demanded he returned what wasn't his and was useful to the owner, the other demanded he saw what made this stick unique enough that the old man will say, "It'll make you someone strong."

Shrugging his shoulders, he ran toward the direction Shun had gone in search of him, his emotional side won in the end.

After searching for some minutes if not hours, he found something weird.

No one remembered the old beggar who had always been sitting on one spot asking for alms.

He felt it was weird, at one point he almost lashed out at someone who called him a brat seeking attention. Why would he seek their attention in the first place?


Thankfully, he stopped before the issue escalated.

Returning to the spot the old man sat, he saw a writing on the floor. "This staff belongs to a great man from a time far away. Commanded lightning strong enough to destroy an island, make use of it well. Pour your chakra into the stick and all will be revealed."

'Hmm? How is this possible? Wait.. am I on drugs? Adults did say some inexplicable thing would happen when you take in those things.' Enel thought in terror.

'Nah... I didn't take anything other than what sister gave me, so this must be the old man's trick. I bet this stick is nothing at all. Humph.' Enel thought and made to throw away the stick only to pause mid-swing.

"But what if it happens to be something that could help me?" The young boy said to himself while eyeing the stick suspiciously.

"Sigh, it wouldn't hurt to give it a try, just pour some chakra and that's it." He said before pouring channeling his chakra towards the stick.

And at that very moment, his world went dark.


Power and Might. That was what could be used to describe the figure floating above in the Golden City in the skies as Streaks of Lightning and Rumblings of thunder could be heard.

With a command, Bolts of lightning answered his call and struck whatever was in his path. He moved unhindered in these skies with no one daring to question his sovereignty.

With his senses he could perceive whatever went on in this domain of his and met out divine punishment when he deems it necessary.

He was power personified in this skies.

He was God Enel.

He stood barechested with a majestic air around him. Upon his back, stuck centrally into his shoulder blades, is a large gray ring and attached to it four wooden shime-daiko drums set next to and above his head, each with cream-colored drum skin depicting a black mitsu-tomoe on the front and back, which could be used as a medium for his Lightning Generating powers.


Flashes of scenes were shown to the young boy's spiritual consciousness. In a mere moment, he saw all there was to see about the man who shared the same name as him.

Although an illusion, the shear might he felt from his namesake opened to him another whole reality on lightning.

Speed. Power. Strength.

Speed rivaling that of light. Power to destroy all foes and strength to go fight with his physical body.

All these beckoned to him. Desire. A thirst for such power called out to him.

They were all in front of him. Easily accessible to him. With these strength comes tribulations of all kinds. He knew that.

But in the deep recesses of his mind, he knew, the moment he was brought here, he only had one path to follow.

The path to being the strongest there was in the skies and all that lay beneath it.

As he watched the figure of that God like figure unleash an attack that seemed to want to tear apart the world, the vision was brought to an end and he was back to where he stood.

The only thing different was that he was covered with sweat and the stick had turned into a golden staff similar to that of the one held by God Enel.

The staff weirdly enough fit properly into his hands.

Twirling it around his hand and then back, he chuckled and bowed deeply toward the spot Shun and sat in heartfelt gratitude.

Despite his young age, he knew to offer gratitude where gratitude was due. He also knew that this whole thing was able to happen due to that old man.

Perhaps he was God Enel? Young Enel thought to himself.

"Good boy. Live up to the name you carry and make the land of lightning a country of gold. Whatever you feel gold is to you. Family? Wealth? Peace? It's all up to you, young Enel."

The writings on the floor changed once again.

"As you said Old man, I'm still at the beginning of my journey, I'll see to it that I protect what I hold dear to me." Enel bowed even lower and said with passion.

And so, the tale of the first Raikage, God Enel, began. What will the future hold for him? Well, only the future could tell.


In a room filled with nothing but darkness, where no light was able to penetrate, a viscous lifeform laid. This room? was wide, as wide as an entire island.

No. Hall would be a better word for it.

In this hall, numerous number of roots laid around, numbering up to tens of thousands, if not hundreds of Thousands.

Black Zetsu.

An immortal existence as old as chakra itself. Even our resident Immortal is but a youngster in front of him.

A being who had planned the course of the entire planet with nothing but his wits.

At this very moment, this very being spread it's viscous body around the central spot of the massive roots in the hall, a moment later he converged into a human figure, one half white, the other black with an extension covering up its head looking like a Venus flytrap.

When his extensions were open and his head is visible, it is revealed that Black Zetsu has short green hair, yellow eyes. When he splits into two the plant like extensions go down the waist and now have the appearance of spikes.

"Seems like a fresh reincarnation just awoken his will, good I guess it's time to begin my plan, this time, not even that abominable human would stand a chance." He said in a coarse voice.


A/N: I'll be going on a short break for now. Some technical issues came up and I've lost chapter 53 to 153. It'll take some time to retrieve them so bear with me.

You can always visit my Patreon page if you don't want to get left behind.

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