Chapter 53

I'm back guys. it's been a whole lot of stress this past few week with a lot of my stuffs shutting down and shit. Anyways, Join my Patre@n at for Vol 3... 100+ Chapters ahead.}


Title: Lost Temple


Country of Mist. This was the place that had the most amount of clan with varying Kekkai Genkai in the whole world, whether it is because Kaguya, Hagoromo and Hamura fought here, I have no idea but one thing was certain: they had lots of Kekkai Genkai.

It had been close to two months since I left the country of lightning and I had passed through a very interesting village, the Genjutsu Village.

This village was quite unique if I do say so myself.

They were hidden by trees that produced special gases that had a Genjutsu-like effect on Outsiders, thus protecting the village.

Without sufficient amount of chakra you wouldn't notice that you've been guided to go around the place, and even with huge amount of chakra, without a good chakra control, you'd still be made to go around the place.

I remember in one filler arc, Jiraya brought Naruto over to this place to hone his Genjutsu repelling ability.

It didn't have an effect on me tho, I saw the village as clear as possible and even entered the village, but as I didn't have anything to do with them, I hid my presence as I toured the place.

The inhabitants were just normal people who had little to no access to their chakra, so they were of no consequence whatsoever.

This severed to show that this world had more to show than just the five major villages and others. From the moon, there was also an unexplored region far east from the land of lightning and mist.

Even Hagoromo didn't reach there so they had no access to chakra and were also of no consequence whatsoever.

The area closer to the the land of lightning was the land of thousand Ice. Yup, that's the name. It was just an entire land of Ice mountains and nothing else.

Farther north from the land of earth was an entire land of volcanoes twice the size of the land of earth.

Farther west from the land of wind was the land of sand and the land of the Jungle.

The land of sand was just an extension of the land of wind but due to the humongous mountain that separated them, it was probably seen as the end of the world.

The land of Jungle was an island country of just trees as tall as the skies. One thing of note was that at the end of the land of wind, was a sea or more like a channel created by waves from the Usagi ocean.

The desert winds of the land of wind must have created that channel and also divided the land of Jungle from the land of wind.

That almost made me question whether the land of wind being barren was because of the Dragon vein or just because they were separated from a wonderful source of nature.

As for the land of water... Nah, calling it land of water is weird. As for the islands that made up the country of water, they were not even the only islands there.

There was another congregation of islands several miles from it facing the west. That made me wonder how strong Hagoromo and Hamura must have been to cause that much damage to the land of This and That.

Mind you, he was just using his base chakra to face off against Kaguya, the Ten Tails Kaguya. How absurd was that?

I wonder if I was to bring back the moon, would it patch up this entire area and turn it into another continent?

Meh. Thoughts for later.

This made me realize that unlike how the beauty and land mass/sea mass of the One Piece world was shown properly, This World just showed the relevant parts while leaving out the area that were inconsequential to the plot.

This made me glad I decided to come to this world. Perhaps I'd got to the world of One Piece after this one, just to admire the beauty. Maybe the world wasn't just all sea and island in the past, perhaps a world shaking battle occured between the Joyboy of then and some unimaginably strong enemy, causing lands to sink into the ocean or float up in the sky.

Hmm? There's A Lot of mystery to be found.

As for my next area of adventure before I meet up with Sebas and see how is task has been going, It's the Lost Temple under the seas near the Country of Water.

This place is a place even older than Chakra and was partly or the main reason why the chakra seed was planted here all those years ago.

Apparently, this temple housed four beast as huge as the current tailed beast all those years ago and as for the energy they used, it was natural energy.

Through some scrolls I, or more like my clones had discovered over the centuries, I found that, the were currently being sealed in four separate scrolls which were in my possession.

I didn't want this getting out as it could bring about some unwanted occurrences later on, after all it wasn't mentioned in the Canon so I would like to leave it that way.

As for why I was here? Simple, I was here to get myself an ancient relic. As for why there isn't a proper water temple in the land of water, I didn't know and I found that I didn't care.

Taking a dive into the sea I felt myself sink continuously without stop for miles on end till I reached an area where I felt a pressure that would crush any human acting on me.

Not minding it, I continued downwards without paying it any mind. But that made me think, how many years has it been since that incident for tit to have sunk till this extent?

But rather than that, something that had been bugging me was; how did that sealer, manage to do that all those years ago? Was there a civilization before Ishikki and Kaguya descended? Perhaps the sage animals would know?

Closing my eyes in thought, I continued to descend for some time as I wasn't paying attention, time has become completely irrelevant to a being such as I.

Moments later, I felt myself hit the floor bed of the sea, I wonder how many kilometres I am from sea level.

Without wasting much time to admire the sight which was beautiful to me as I could see in the depths despite the thick darkness, I spread my divine sense to locate the temple.

Getting a ping, I walked toward the area and saw a beautiful Chinese temple standing at nearly 25 meters in height. It was beautiful to say the least and despite the pressure on this level of the sea, it remained unaffected.

After admiring it for some time, I strode forward and pushed the door open.

I felt a slight resistance but with another gentle push, the doors were opened to me and low and behold, I saw the most beautiful thing this little planet had to offer.

Everything was made out of crystal, purple crystals to be specific. Crystal furniture, crystal ground, crystal bed... This sort of crystal shimmered with translucent light similar to quarts.

Just by touching it, I could feel a vast sea of energy within, as if the purest energy in existence was gathered in these crystals.


This thought inexplicably appeared in my mind. More than purple crystals, it was more appropriate to call this amethyst, and amethyst was the crystal used as Currency in this universe.

In a way, they were the spirit stones of this Universe and this room alone had the purest form of it as it's building block. It would be even more appropriate to call it Amethyst Origin Crystal.

"Could this be..."

As I was deep in thought, a faint voice reverberated within the temple.

"This place you're in is the house I built in the past using amethyst Origin Crystal as it's foundation. I named this place the Amethyst Divine Palace, but because the energy and heavenly materials required to refine it were far too much, I had to repeatedly shrink it in size. At the end, the final refined product was only several hundred feet in size."

This sudden voice possessed an ancient majesty, making one feel something inexplicable within them, listening to his voice, I felt my soul resonating with it faintly.

The reason for that, I didn't know, with all the data I have acquired during my time on this planet and off planet, I could only conclude on one fact.

This voice belongs to someone as strong, if not stronger than I am and there could only be one person stronger than I am in this entire universe.

"Welcome to my humble abode, I am Shibai, Otsustsuki Shibai."