Chapter 54

Join my Patre@n at for Vol 3... 100+ Chapters ahead.}


Title: Summary and End.


I could feel the Temple resonating with this voice making it even more majestic and ancient than its supposed to be. I don't know how it's supposed to be, mind you, but I feel like the Amethyst Origin Crystals have something to do with it.

"Greetings, Otsustsuki God." I greeted, "I've heard so much about you in this world."

This man was the focus of worship to all the Otsustsukis. The number one under the heavens. *Snicker*

"I'm..." I wanted to introduce myself as usual but something struck me, why do I even still use this name I gave myself all those years ago?

Yes, thr name was good but I had casually given it to myself. Velda, has he own badass name and title, this Shibai does too. I, as a universal level being should also have one right?

Sigh, I don't have any suitable name for myself, I'll just settle for.. "The Supreme One. Atleast that's what my children call me."

That's the truth, that's what my servants and children calle in my Universe. As they know I'm even beyond the Heavenly System, they began calling me The Supreme One.

"Mm... It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Weird name by the way, but I've heard worse. Haha." Shibai said in humor.

"I too find it weird, but it's okay, it's a title that demands respect when heard, similar to your monicker as the Otsustsuki God." I smiled back.

"Pshh... Being called the Otsustsuki God is nothing. Some ofy clans men saw me doing things they deemed impossible and just gave me the name." Shibai said, his voice nonchalant.

We exchanged some pleasantries before I then asked. "So where are you now?"

"Hmm... Dead, I suppose." He answered. "Or more like the majority of my body has been integrated into this planet. This Amethyst Origin Palace, is the cornerstone or more like my heart, this I had to come here..."

Shibai's majestic voice echoed in my ears. His body merged with this planet? To say I was bewildered would be putting it lightly but after a moment of thought, "I find that hard to believe,"

Shibai's body was found by Ishikki and then handed over to that Scientist who cultivated his genes and implanted it into some Artificially created being, effectively creating pseudo Otsustsukis in the Boruto series, him saying this entire planet is his body...

"I know you have many questions in your heart, I also know that you didn't come here to ask questions, but to take away this temple of mine, unfortunately I can't allow you to do so..." His voice sounded out, this time, every trace of casualness had been shed.

I squinted my eyes at that bold statement. I had maximum respect for the man. Being able to become God from a nobody goes to show how dedicated he was when he was alive.

He did destroy an entire region of the universe on his quest for power so taking him lightly would be arrogance on my part.

"Why do you say so?" I asked, picking a fight with him would bring me no advantages.

"Well, if you do, then you'd be destabilising the core of this planet, and I know you wouldn't want that, would you?"

Umu. Fair enough, I didn't even see the need in coming here now that I think about it.

"Alright then, I'm out, sorry for bothering you." I said and turned to leave.

"You're someone on par with me at my peak and still growing, I'm sure we'll meet again someday, young God." His voice sounded out as I stepped out of the temple. "For now how about I give you these..." The voice said and shot something toward me which I didn't defend against as I didn't feel anything malicious from it.

The temple shut behind me and without even looking back to ask about the information in my head, I flew back to the see surface.

Time to round up my adventures and go back to picking good younglings to train into Kages.


Illac Rennin, the Desert Temple Oasis, is located deep within The Sand Sea which surrounds where will be known as Sunagakure, where a weather resistant rock formation seal runs the length of the desert for nearly 15 miles until its elevation meets the floor once more.

It is in between a noted anomaly of the formation, a fissure well camouflaged, that the entrance to this hidden oasis lies. Walking between the cleft in the high rising cliff face, the path twists and turns only wide enough for a single person to pass.

This opens out onto a verdant value of palm trees, date trees, and stranglehold of trees.

Having planted themselves centuries ago, the tree's serpentine roots pry apart the ancient stones of the ruins of an ancient civilization now long departed.

A pool of water lies upon the eastern face of the ruins and divergent animal life abounds. Here, Nomadic Bedouins tribes have been know to make a base of operations from time to time.

Within the temple itself strange tracings, that are laid out in intricate designs upon the stone surfaces throughout the structure, fluoresce with a blue light when chakra is surged into their workings.

This artificial light provide illumination for all who would explore the interior of the temple complex.

Each statue was unique from the others alternating from male to female until each gender totaled six in number. The thirteenth statue was smaller than the rest appearing to be androgynous in nature, giving one the impression it was neither male or female but perhaps both.

The eyes of all thirteen, however, gaze forever toward the center of the circle upon a large stone altar. Intricate carvings cover the sides of the stone altar while the surface remains smooth and unadorned save for the thin tracing lines that provide light for the temple throughout.

Within the carvings though, upon its sides, are large recesses numbering nine in total. It was learned unique gemstones had been used to key specific powers to which the alter was put to use.

The leader of the Nomadic Bedouins, Kaltrix, brought the first of the gemstones that would be used to power the altar, a blood red garnet the size of a man's fist.

He then imparted his lore concerning the other eight gemstones, though they had been scattered cross the lands during the end times of the Al-Kahtar civilization.

Then the desert had been a lush and verdant land and the ancients ones of that long forgotten era had flourished well.


This was the last place I went to during my shirt tour of the Shinobi world once more.

These informations were the very ones Shibai had given me as a parting gift. Knowledge of a civilization when he first got here. That is to say, that chakra wasn't really discovered after the time of Kaguya, but was probably erased from the mind of people till they devolved to using cold weapons to war.

I'm suddenly getting the feeling there is a void century in this world similar to the void century in the world of One Piece. My adventurous spirit is eager to find out all about it but my common semse is telling me otherwise, and I'm definitely going to be listening to my common semse kn this one.


As I was already in the land of wind once more, I decided to find someone that will become the first Snad Emperor, Desert King or Crocodile?

There's a lot of people, iconic people who had sand as their super power and it's hard to decide whose template I'm going to use in Training up the first Kazekage.

That Ajeem guy, or was it Ajeel? From Fairy Tail, Iggy from JoJo, Snatch from MHA, Crocodile from One Piece, Scorpio form Fairy Tail and then Ganju from Bleach... Nah, forget that guy, he ain't gonna make the cut.

Alright, i'ma do this the simplest way I can. I then wrote their names on some wooden sticks and then threw them up and kept my hand open, the one that land in it makes the cut.


A stick made contact with my hand and lo and behold, it was Crocodile's template, luckily.

I did have some ideas on how the other techniques work but the Suna Suna no mi is quite explainable and adaptable to chakra.

Just have a chakra pool large enough to to control the mass fo vectors of all the sand in the Desert and we'll have our very own resident Sand Emperor or Desert King, whichever one it is.

As for the template for the Mizukage, I had a lot of options than the Kazekage. I had, Aokigi, Brook, Gray, Esdeath, Rukia, Hitsugaya Toshiro, Isaac from FMA, Todoroki and Judar from magi.

They all made Ice look like a godly ability, Esdeath could stop time with ice, Gray and Rukia could do the same by bringing the area around them to absolute Zero.

There's Todoroki and Isaac, they're good but according to this world standards, they're just okay, atleast in my books.

There's Toshiro and Judar that used their I've abilities to become one men army. A single attack could literally obliterate thousands. Untrained thousands, mind you.

Then finally, there's the guy that uses his ability to ride on the sea with an ice bicycle. I don't think I need to elaborate on the guy as be could even freeze a tsunami. Aokigi.

Unlike the lucky throw I did for the Kazekage, this time, I simply chose the one that was appropriate for this world, and that was Aokigi's.

Aokigi's ice couldn't freeze time or induce death in seconds due to reaching absolute zero, but he could do what the others could and more so with his template, the first Mizukage should be strong enough.

Maybe he could branch out later and discover how to freeze time with ice.

Velzard, Veldanava little sister could do it. Studies even showed that Ice could be used as a means of teleporting, so I guess imagination is the limit.


It didn't take long to find a suitable candidate who wanted to actually make life better for the folks living in the Desert. The boy had a pure soul that was easy to corrupt with the right pushed but I still have him the template.

After that, I began my journey to the land of earth to find someone to train to become the Tsuchikage.

I want giving out any template this time around, I was only going to give my basic understanding of earth manipulation from back when I was following the Earth Bending rules of the Avatar world.

As for the process of selecting, I only needed a pretty stubborn and calm guy and my problem is solved.

Earth manipulation has to do with ones basic understanding of the earth beneath their feet.

Waiting and Listening to the earth, following whatever directive it gives without question or hesitation.

In a way, Earth Manipulation was just plain old geokinetics. Pour your chakra into a rock, will your chakra to take over and control your chakra to take whatever shape, size or mass you desire and earth bending is at the palm of your hands.


That also, didn't take long and quickly enough I found a boy named Ishikawa who despite not being calm, but quite dedicated to his ambition of transmigrating his clam over to prosperous lands.

His Kamizuru clan was doing well, but he was intelligent enough to realise that should the wars continue, they too, would begin having shortages of many resources.

Well, he had a dream so I have him my knowledge on the art of earth manipulation and left him to his devices while I set off for the future Kiri.

I met up with Sebas and he gave me a debrief on the talented kids of the Yuki clan as I asked him toa snout if all of them, the most talented was actually a lazy bum.

After observing the kid for two days, I approached the boy and asked. "Hey there, Yuki-san, I couldn't help but notice you being idle here while others are training."

"Why?" He asked.


"Why did you notice? You said you couldn't help but notice, why couldn't couldn't you help it?" He asked with half lidded eyes.

I was dumbstruck at the stupidity of the question as well as it's astuteness.

"Why did you only ask that but didn't answer why you're here lazing around?" I asked back.

The boy was confused for a moment before looking at me and then turning around and saying. "It's such a hassle to think too much. Leave me alone,"

"Sure thing kid, but I'm pretty sure you clan elders will come to disturb you after I'm gone, and here I was thinking I could help out a kindred spirit." I said sadly and turned around to also leave..

"Wait, old man," the boy called out. "Yes?"

"What do you mean? Do you have a way out?" He asked to which I nodded. "It's quite simple really, get stronger than them all and then no one would be able to tell you what to do, simple right?"

I said and shrugged like it was the most easiest thing to do.

"Take this, eat it when you make up your mind." I said and threw a blue colored peach over to him.

"What's this?" He asked. "This isn't poison, is it?"

"Please, if I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead as soon as I laid my eyes on you." I waved my hand and turned ti leave for real.

"Make sure you're the only one around when you eat it, else you die during your power up." I said from afar.

The boy stood there looking at my silhouette before looking at the peach snd Muttering, "What a weird old man."

Saying this, he threw the peach into his mouth only to close his eyes to savor the sweetness of the fruit.

Opening his eyes once more, he found himself Infront of a man standing aloof in an island facing a raging sea.

The man stretched out his hands and said, "Ice age." And the entire body of water was frozen over.


Well, that settles it. Now, I just have to wait for these brats to grow up and form the villages, also, I wonder how Tomoe is doing right around now, hopefully, she doesn't go around picking fights with whoever she comes across, the Tengoku clan can be quite something in a one Vs one hand to hand combat, hopefully she would fare well....