Chapter 65

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Title: Meeting Hashirama


We don't through the woods quickly and in next to no time we arrived at the Uzumaki Clan. The crowd was bustling with excitement and festivity.

This was still the evening and preparations were already being done kids run around decorating the houses, women were also doing their part together with the men and showing safety.

Looking around Shun discovered that they where is the only foreign clan invited, the Yamanaka, Nara and Akimichi clan were around, the Kurama clan too and some other minor clans.

As Hinami had said before, this was just a ruse to make people think twice before waging war on them.

As Uchiha and Senju were blood enemies, they weren't invited to the wedding, and even if they wear they would have faced the scorn of almost all the clans around.

One had to know that the Uchiha clan were the direct opposite of the Senju clan, where the Senju are welcoming, the Uchiha are distant, where the Senju are forgiving the opposite is the case for the Uchiha.

This wasn't saying that the Senju clan was filled with merciful people. No. Far from that. They also had their fair share of battle hungry individuals.

"Looks like we were even late," Shun commented lightly as they walked through the streets of the little village.

Similar to the Tengoku island, this village wasn't just filled with only Uzumakis but some other minor clans lived there too.

"Hmm? Isn't that the Yuki clan?" Mikoto asked in surprise as she sighted a group of handsome men and beautiful women.

One characteristic of the Yuki clan was that all of them looked both beautiful and handsome at the same time, but that was just a deception as they were quite deadly in their own rights.

Shun looked in the direction and caught sight of someone familiar. The Yuki brat he had given the Aokigi template some years back was actually leading the party of five as they walked around.

Probably due to feeling an intense gaze directed at him, the Yuki guy who Shun never bothered to ask his name looked sideways and caught Shun smiling at him.

Not feeling any ill intent from Shun, he smiled back and nodded in greeting to which Shun reciprocated.

"Seems like the Uzumaki clan is one close terms with a lot of clan." One of the escorts said from behind Shun.

"Of course, who do you think provide seals for the other part of the world we aren't able to reach?" Shun asked as he followed the Uzumaki leading them.

"That's part of the reason why our two clans are always at loggerheads, one wants to prove their better in the art than the other." Tatsu said with a hint of pride.

"Yeah, partly. The other is because of what my father did when he was young. I heard he had some.. differences with Mito's father, Ashina-dono." Shun said casually making up a new figure he had put in their memories.

"Oh? I heard about that when we were in the academy. Did Ashina-dono really injure Kurosawa-sama?" Another guard asked.

"Umu~ I was around during that battle, Kurosawa-dono felt he didn't have to rely on his domain to defeat Ashina-sama, unfortunately for him, Ashina-sama was already prepared, whether he used his domain or not, and in one decisive blow, Kurosawa-dono was injured severely and despite our best medics doing their best, he wants table to recover his injured lungs." The Uzumaki guard leading us answered before Shun could even repeat the scenes he had fabricated some time ago.

Shun nodded noncommittal to the explanation. Perhaps they thought he would be angry or displeased with the man praising Ashina while tactically calling his 'father' a man who lost due to his arrogance.

As someone who has the wisdom of a Universe level being, he wouldn't leave any loophole in his origin story so with one perfect Jutsu, he had placed various stories that would align to him being the chief at such a young age.

As for where this father of his was, he was in Rōran enjoying his normal life amongst normal people.

"We've arrived at Mito's quarters, Mikoto-san, if you would." He motioned for her to enter.

Mikoto looked at Shun for permission to which he nodded, after which she smiled sweetly and her aura suddenly changed to one going to war.


After saying that she took deep steps into the courtyard not minding the attention she drew to herself.

Shun however was beaming with pride, "At least someone knows how to address themselves."

It's not every day you get to see someone referring to themselves in the third person.

Unlike the Japanese version of refering to themselves in the third person, the Chinese version is meant to add a certain level of gravitas to what they're saying.

Hinami however glared at Shun and said. "Your influence finally rubbed off of her, eh?"

Shun didn't seem to be bothered by her glare and shrugged, "What can I say, it was supposed to be in the blood right from time. I mean, I'm their ancestor so..."

He transmitted the last part to her telepathically causing her eyebrows to twitch.

"So am I Shun, so am I."

"Well, perhaps your gene died somewhere along the line, who knows." He shrugged as he followed the Uzumaki guard motioning at them to follow him.

Reaching another larger courtyard, the guard stopped Infront and bowed curtly. "This will be where I stop, inside are the various clan heads, forgive us for not preparing enough rooms for your escorts."

Shun didn't mind it, after all this was still the ancient times in a sense, who gives two fucks about the guards when the person in charge is already settled?

"Is there a chance for two people in one room at least?" Shun asked while giving the place a scrutinizing look.

"Of course, the room is large enough to handle any form of activities, the same goes for the futon." The man nodded.

"Good enough, I guess." Shun said and turned to the escorts. "Y'all find something to do, you should be intelligent enough to know how to make your life easier, don't bother guarding me till we're prepared to leave."

"Hai." They all saluted and flashed away. They weren't conceited enough to believe they needed to protect this Sonchō of theirs. This was someone even stronger than their respective captains, not to mention he didn't say anything to the first squad Captain beside him.

Their experience in the field already let them know what that means so without souch as a protest, they left.

The Uzumaki guard looked very puzzled at this exchange but didn't say anything. It wasn't his place to do so.

He had seen his fair share of arrogant samurai but this was the Tengoku clan head, he wasn't someone he could judge based on common sense.

"Alright, Nami dear, we got a room all to ourselves for sometime now, isn't that great?" Shun said as he strode into the courtyard.

Hinami followed behind and said. "We're in someone's home, so we should act accordingly."

"Pshh. Who said this is their home? Have you forgotten this was were we first went to all those years ago we were traveling together with Ria." Shun said. "If I said it's my land, who's gonna say it's a lie?"

"The many people of this island and their allies. Except you want to tell the whole world, 'Hey look, a 900 year old geezer still lives amongst us.'"

"Why would I do that? A minor Genjutsu would do the trick." Shun waved her comments off.

"Shun, dear?"


"Please enjoy the festivities, Kay?" Hinami asked with her motherly smile.

Shun gasped in mock shock and said, "Where did the stoic Nami go to?" Only for her smile to leave her eyes while her lips remained smiling.

"But since you asked, I'll be on my best behaviour." Shun finished seamlessly with a serious expression.

Hinami smiled sweetly again and stepped on her toes and gave him a peck on the lips. "Why don't we find somewhere to place some Silence Seals around and do some exercise, huh?"

Shun looked at her as he manipulated tears to fall from his eyes, "Have I ever told you how much I love you? No? Well, I do,"

"Aww. Why do you love me then?" She asked coquettishly. One has to know that Hinami currently had the body of a young girl in her early twenties with flowing dark hair.

She looked almost identical to the bitch Hinata from that one movie Naruto ended up in a Tsukuyomi with Sakura.

"You just get me, Nami, you just do." Shun said impatiently as his hands began ravaging her body, but before he could continue...

"Ahem... Sorry if I'm interrupting something but may I ask if you're Tengoku Kuchiki-dono?" A shy deep voice asked from behind Shun.

Both Hinami and Shun glared at the man who yelped at the aura we were emanating at that time.

"So what if I am?" Shun asked in displeasure.

"Well, I'm Hashirama Senju, the head of the Senju clan, I just wanted to see if you were from the famous Tengoku clan?" The man introduced himself to be Hashirama.

Shun looked at him for a good while, marveling at how dull he had to be to ask that question. Internally though, he wasn't much surprised, if Hashirama turned out smart then something must have gone wrong down the line.

Sighing, Shun turned to him fully and asked. "What is the famous characteristic of the Tengoku clan?"

"Umm... White hair and Red eyes?" He asked back to which Shun answered. "Yes. Yes, it is. Now you see someone with white hair having a private moment with a lady, what do you think you're supposed to do in that situation?"

"Ehh... Leave?" He asked.

"Yes. And stop answering me with questions." Shun rebuked and Hashirama visibly deflated.

'What the fuck?' Shun thought but couldn't bring himself to be angry at him.

Hashirama too, despite being rebuked by an outsider didn't feel the least bit displeased or angry, instead, he felt it is as it should be when a senior brother rebuked his little one.

"Sigh. Yes, my name is Kuchiki Tengoku, I've heard a lot about you Hashirama, especially from my grandpa, and I must say, he didn't misplace his trust." Shun walked and came Infront of Hashirama.

"It's nice to finally meet you little brother."



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