Chapter 66

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Title: Training Dimension


"Nani!?" Hashirama raised his voice.

"Why the bug reaction?" Shun asked looking confused. "This isn't the first time I've met you, you know? If we take it according to order of seniority, as my grandpa's students, you should call me uncle."

"What? How is that possible? And by grandpa, who do you mean?" He asked.

Shun looked at him weirdly before his eyes lit up in understanding. "I see, you must have forgotten it seems, after all, he only taught you and Madara for less than a month."

"Less than a month? You don't mean...?" Hashirama's eyes widened as he finally realised what this wired young man was talking about.

"Yup, so how's my other little brother doing?" Shun chuckled and asked.

Hashirama immediately looked downcast, Madara was a sore spot for him afterall. "After that day, we haven't had time to sit and talk like back then,"

"Is that so? But I've heard of your earth shaking battles, you two have fame even greater than our reputation..." Shun said in praise.

"Eh? Really? I didn't know that hehehe." He chuckled shyly and scratched his head.

Punching him lightly on the chest Shun said. "It don't matter. How's that dream of yours coming along?"


"Yeah, dream. Gramps did say he found two brats who dreamt too big and were naïve. I did come around to see you two struggling to climb up Gramps mountain once in the past and found you two hilarious." Shun laughed as he thought about it.

"Why do you say so?" He asked.

"Because it's a normal routine for all kids to run round the field at least ten time in the morning before classes, mah, don't mind that. How's that dream coming along?" Asked Shun.

Pondering on what Shun said and not understanding it, he shook his head and then smiled. "I'm still working on it."

"Oh? How long do you think it'll take?" Shun asked intrigued.

Hashirama sighed sadly "I don't know, but if Madara could just agree to a peace treaty, all other neighboring clans would join in on the alliance and war would cease to exist."

"Hmm, interesting theory but I must say, you're still as naive as Gramps said." Shun nodded with a comment.

Hashirama frowned and asked. "How so?"

"For you to think that war would cease to exist. That's naive. War is always vied negatively, you see, but what many fail to forget is that freedom, peace, harmony, are all products of war." Shun said seriously but then smiled. "But with war comes suffering, despair and pain."

"What are you trying to say?" Hashirama asked, his frown deepening.

"What do you understand about peace? What do you know peace is? When you find the answer to this question, you'll understand why the Tengoku clan, despite being strong, hasn't gone out of their way to bring an end to this warring era." Shun answered mysteriously.

"Form you see... Conflicts are an integral part of human existence, it proves whose ideals are stronger, and violence? That is the purest form of conflict and the defender of one's ideals. Therefore, the stronger is Right while the weak is Wrong." Shun said and turned to leave with Hinami who has been standing silently beside him.

"After your marriage, do come to the Tengoku island for a vacation with your wife. You can bring that brother of yours hiding at the corner over there too, I can tell I won't like him but still bring him along. Gramps did give him our book of forbidden knowledge after all."

Before his words finished, his figure had already disappeared along with Hinami's. How that happened even Hashirama had no idea.

He was already immune to all forms of Genjutsu due to his Senjutsu chakra and he didn't feel any form of environmental distortion caused by Genjutsu.

While he was still trying to figure out what was going on, a figure flashed and appeared beside him.

"That man is dangerous, the woman even more so." He said.

This figure was fair-skinned man with silver, shaggy hair and dark-coloured eyes (depicted as red in the anime, whatever you wish). He had three red markings on his face, one under each of his eyes and one on his chin

He was garbed in a ceremonial all-white haori with a blue kimono underneath.

"Of course he is, Tobi, it's the Tengoku clan after all, even I have read about them in our clans Library." Hashirama nodded and said proudly.

"Hmm," Tobirama nodded nonchalantly. "But we should be careful."

"Stop it Tobirama, if even I have read about them, then you too should have done so too. According to our records as far as none of the four clans, Senju, Uzumaki, Uchiha and Hyuga are under threat of extermination, they wouldn't partake in any form of war." Hashirama pointed out.

"Hmm, that's true, but just recently, they exterminated the entire Hagoromo clan with only a few tens of soldiers. That should tell you how strong they are. We should still be careful." Tobirama stated.

"I know, I heard and it's terrifying to think about it." Hashirama nodded and kept silent, suddenly he said excitedly. "We should visit the island after this marriage, he did invite us after all."

"Didn't you hear a thing I've said now brother?" Tobirama asked.

"Mah. Mah. They're friendly. He even specifically invited us, and guess what I heard from Mito-chan? She even has a friend from the clan. I've never seen Mito so excited in her clan except when she's talking about her. I'm sure everything will be fine." Hashirama said with a tone of finality causing Tobirama to sigh and back down.

"Atleast I'll be following along." Tobirama muttered to himself.


As a woman born during these times, you were either trained from young to learn how to manage the house, serve others or have an air of nobility.

Whether in the semi peaceful clans or the war mongering ones. The Uzumaki, being a rather peaceful clan wasn't exempted from this practice.

Mito Uzumaki was both fortunate and unfortunate to be born into this clan and worse still, as the daughter to the head, Uzumaki Ashina.

From a young age she was trained to always dress prim and proper and present herself with a certain grace as the young miss of a clan as noble as theirs.

Girls her age treated her with respect and boys her age feared to get close to her, and in so doing, she grew up with little to no communication with people of her age.

This led to her maturing earlier than children her age. She picked up the hobby of reading while also training in their clans famed Fuinjutsu.

In so doing, the clan Library became her second room when she wasn't being taught etiquettes a lady should know.

With time, she learnt a lot about the many clans outside this little island of theirs and also learnt of a clan so ancient that it stood in the same pedestal as the Uchiha and Senju clan.

This knowledge intrigued her and she went on to search on more things in this clan. In doing so, she discovered that their clan took an example from them and secluded themselves on an island, similar to how this Tengoku clan had done centuries ago.

This clan was strong in every aspect they trumped the other clans. They had a dojutsu slightly superior to the Sharingan of the Uchiha, a vitality on par with the Senjus and Uzumaki, beautiful snow white hair finer than the Uzumakis red hair, no, wrong, adeptness in seals better than the Uzumakis.

This sounded unbelievable at best so she asked around and her father told her it was the truth. He even made mention of a friend of his who has always been his rival in everything.

She then found that the special Dojutsu of the Tengoku clan had six Abilities of which the Domain Expansion was the rarest and most powerful of them all.

Her father had developed a special technique to counter this by placing seals over an area to contain his chakra in which he could control at will.

A Seal Array, he called it. It was labelled as Kinjutsu as it was dangerous for anyone without a strong soul and chakra control to use.

This happened when she was barely a teenager. Years passed and she met with the young clan head of their sister clan, Hashirama Senju. He had this unique air to him that made people want to follow him.

He had this dream, a dream so naive that she passed him off as a braggart, but a certain light in his eyes made her want to see him accomplish this dream of his, an gradually, love was born after spending some time with him.

When she was fifteen years old, in a bid to escape a forced marriage, she ran away from the clan compound and as someone with no knowledge of the outside world, she was quickly lost.

While trying to find her way around the forest, she stumbled across a weirdly shaped wooden plate with weird engravings on it.

She was familiar with seals but this lines made no sense to her so following the basic principle when activating any seal, she poured her chakra into it and in the next instant, her sight blurred.

When she could finally see again, she found herself in a place that could only be described as paradise.

Taking a deep breath to calm her beating chest, an intoxicated expression appeared on her face. "This place is filled with pure vitality."

Looking into a lake by the side, she saw fishes that swam in crystal clear water. The beautiful green plants beside the lakes also constituted to form a beautiful picture.

"You seem to be new here," a voice interrupted her from her reverie.

Turning around she found the figure of aged old man standing aloofly.

"Yes." She bowed nobly and asked. "May I ask who you are?"

She had a unique Kekkai Genkai of the Uzumaki clan, the Kagura Mind Eye and could sense people's emotions from a mile away. This old man in front of her felt like a sea of calmness, no form of negative emotion could be felt from him.

"A noble lady I see," He said as he stroked his beards, "You don't need to know who I am, just know that you're lucky enough to come here. Follow me."

As the man said that, he began walking to which Mito followed. As they walked, she discovered that despite his steps being slow and steady, the gap between them gradually grew causing her to hasten her steps.

She hadn't had any form of physical training but her chakra control was good enough for her to maintain a certain distance from the man.

"We're here." The man suddenly said and stopped abruptly causing Mito to bump into him.

The man looked at her and shook his head. "You're way too tender to be here, but I guess there must be a reason you were chosen."

Pointing his stick to the front he said. "Only you two have appeared since the token were spread, get to know each other, you may eachother's help in the future. Oh, another one's here."

As the man said this he turned and left in another direction and in less than 3 seconds he was out of sight.

"How does he do that?" She muttered to herself.

"He's one of the oldest beings in the world and has been tasked to be the guide of this special dimension, of course he'll have a trick or two under his sleeve." The other person said casually but a tiny of pride could be detected from her tone.

"Oldest beings? Dimesion? How's that possible? No wait, who are you and how do you know these things? How are you even calm?" Mito asked, her noble demeanor long gone by the absurdity she had experienced over the past couple minutes.

"Yes. Yes. Very possible. Mikoto Tengoku. I read them up and I entered here knowing this." The young girl answered casually, causing Mito to be a little peeved by that attitude of hers.

"Nice to meet you, from your hair colour I should call you... Uzumaki."


A/N: Hey guys. I know that most of you are bored of This Arc now...and I don't blame you. It's normal. But this is what we signed up for when I wrote 'Back in Ancient Times'.

The MC wanted to see or rather witness everything that would happen in the Shinobi world and that is what he'll be doing.

If you're still bored with it, just check out my Patreon. I am done with Overpowering Shun and actually showing the results of Shun's influence on the world.

Join my Patre@n at for Vol 3... 100+ Chapters ahead.