Chapter 67

A/N: Hey guys. I know that most of you are bored of This Arc now...and I don't blame you. It's normal. But this is what we signed up for when I wrote 'Back in Ancient Times'.

The MC wanted to see or rather witness everything that would happen in the Shinobi world and that is what he'll be doing.

If you're still bored with it, just check out my Patreon. I am done with Overpowering Shun and actually showing the results of Shun's influence on the world.

Join my Patre@n at for Vol 3... 100+ Chapters ahead.


Title: Friendship and New Seal.


"You're right. My name is Mito Uzumaki." Mito replied.

For some odd reason, she found this girl Infront of her a little bit annoying but as someone with a mentality more mature than those her age, she merely smiled and asked. "Can you tell me about this place?"

"I can feel you're looking down on me for some reason but I'll overlook it as I'm the bigger person." The white haired girl said causing the muscles in Mito's face to twitch.

"As for this place, it is the greatest creation of our ancestor, the first Tengoku over 800 years ago." The girl said with reverence in her tone.

Mito looked at her as she would an idiot causing the girl to scowl at her and say. "I can see that look in your eyes. I know you don't believe me but I've got nothing to prove to you, you'll come to understand the greatness of my ancestor, unlike your brutish ones."

Mito's first thought was, 'How did she notice?' but then the comment on them being brute hit her different.

"Listen here you little girl, but I'll have you know that the Uzumaki clan are the most peaceful clan there is out there, you got that, whatever your name is..."

"Mikoto. Mikoto Tengoku."

"Yeah, that."

"Hmm, I see. I've always heard from aniki that the Uzumaki clan were quite the peaceful clan, but he also said they drew their practices from the Tengoku clan. Island, seals, village, amd unique hair colour." Mikoto said, "You all copied all that we are to make yourselves better than the majority out there. Perhaps one of your ancestors came here and read on something that pushed him toward that part."

Mito couldn't tell if she was being sarcastic, insulting or lauding this supposed ancestor of hers and as she wanted to retort back, Mikoto continued. "But as we have almost similar names, I'll allow you to be my friend and accompany me during this training period. Hopefully you'll be able to keep up, I heard the Uzumaki clan have a vitality even greater than the Senjus. Don't disappoint too much."

Mito swallowed back her words as she heard Mikoto. This was the first time someone was offering to be her friend, albeit forced, it made her feel somewhat sweet and being the noble lady she was, she decided to go with the flow.

Unfortunately, that marked the beginning of her discovering a new side to herself she didn't know she had.

Mikoto came to explain to her that this training dimension was actually created using the principles of Space time laws in tandem with the other elements.

At first, Mito doubted this but after explaining to her that since a static seal could make space in an area stand still, why couldn't it make an area move independently of the general time.

Although Mito didn't understand what she was saying, she came to acknowledge that perhaps the Tengoku clan had a much broader understanding on the art of Fuinjutsu.

She also found that the goal of initially creating this dimension was to train the indigenous people of this planet to be strong enough to stand up against a certain group of people, but as time passed, no one has been able to actually fulfill the conditions of this place.

She also learnt that the old man they met earlier was actually a puppet created and linked to the energy of this special dimension, as far as this place exist, he will remain alive.

This flabbergasted her as she thought of the prospect of this discovery. Doesn't that mean there is a possibility to live forever? But before her thoughts could develop on this, Mikoto said. "Don't bother, if you can think about it, do you think we would t have thought about it? Unfortunately, to live forever needs you to connect to an original source of power and that is impossible to come across."

"Original source?" Mito asked. This was a new term in her vocabulary.

"Hmm, an original source is something that exists beyond time and matter, that is space. Something created by nature itself... I don't understand much about it, aniki says there are only to sources in existence so...." Mikoto shrugged.

This led to her wondering who this Aniki of her was and how he came to know of these things, but seeing as even someone her age seem to be more knowledgeable than her, wouldn't someone older than this Mikoto be even more so?

This led to a feeling of inferiority sprouting from deep within the recesses of her mind, but remembering that Mikoto had said that books lost to the world are actually in abundance here, she vowed to bridge the gap between them.

Their introductions were cut short when the old man came along with someone with a sickly appearance, a young man to be precise. He had a pale skin and his chakra was constantly in flux.

The young boy merely nodded at them before going to a spot to sit down while trying to calm his chakra down with steady breath only to fail time and time again. Oddly enough, he didn't seem to be bothered by this and maintained his calm demeanor.

"He's from Hoshigakure." Mikoto whispered to her.

"Hoshigakure?" Mito asked puzzledly.

This was also a new term to her. How can a village be hidden in the stars? We're they living up there? But that's impossible, no one could fly not to talk of reaching those tiny dots in the sky.

"Yeah, a village that uses the enhancement brought by Star energy radiation. Unfortunately, it kills them before they can reach their full potential. Aniki said this village actually have potential to be 'cultivators', I also don't know what that means." Mikoto explained.

"Using Star energy to enhance themselves? That's..impo.. absurd." Mito remarked. She wanted to say impossible but this new friend of hers proved her wrong on numerous instances, so she settled for absurd.

"Nothing is impossible, after your stay here, I believe you'll come to understand that. Also, once you drop by by our island, you'll understand that the word impossible, is only a state of mind." Mikoto said sagely, shamelessly stealing the words of her aniki without batting an eye.

"Impossible is only a state of mind, huh? Interesting." Mito muttered.

Following that, they just walked around this paradise, drinking the crystal clear water and eating whatever looks edible.

With every drink and meal, they experience a feeling of sublimation, as if something heavy was constantly leaving them and something purer and lighter was taking its place.

This was a unique property of the Yang Layer of the training dimension. It was a place of nourishment, both for the body and soul(mind).

As they got to know eachother, Mito found that Mikoto was also a princess like figure, but unlike the Uzumaki clan, the Tengoku clan actually expect her to be the strongest in their generation. Aslo, there weren't things like gender superiority, if a lady is stronger than the male, the male just has to suck it up and get stronger.

Time passed and others began gathering around the paradisiacal area they were at, and some time later, the old man that directed them here appeared and coughed to get their attention.

"Ahem. Listen up you brats, I know that some of you are curios about where you are, some of you already knew before coming here and some of you have gotten the gist from your fellow trainees." The old man began.

"For those who don't know, let me give a brief introduction. This place is what is called a dimension, you don't have to think too much about it. It is a place originally created by a man 790 years ago to be exact. I know, shocking. It was created to give his children a decent training ground that will push them to the limit of what they could possibly achieve in both chakra and bodily strength."

"This place is separated into seven layers for every element, water earth, air, lightning, fire, yin and Yang. Where you stand in currently, is the Yang layer of this dimesion. This is a place of rest and recuperation, further in, you'll come across a library holding all the knowledge the creator of this place has ever held over his long life."

"This place, as you've come to understand, isn't for training but for rest, the others however will begin your training as soon as you step your feet in there. The Yin layer is prohibited to all of you except you've at least passed thr first plane on a single layer. Now you may begin."

The old man said and turned to leave only for Mito to call. "Um, Jii-san, how long are we supposed to stay here?"

"Hmm? The Uzumaki eh? Good question. This place is originally supposed to train you for a total of three years non stop, but the last time anyone has ever completed this was over two hundred years ago. So until three years from now, you can decide to train diligently, read diligently, while away your time diligently or leave as early as now." The old man said with a smile.

What he didn't tell them, was that, two hundred years ago, the various clan younger generation that were sent here were forced to stay here for three years.

"I see." Mito muttered and looked at Mikoto. "Are you staying here till the end?"

"What? No. I have an assessment to get to in two years time. At that time I'm out of here. Aniki said I probably wouldn't need it as I already have the basics mastered." Mikoto said casually but the pride in her tone couldn't be masked.

"Oh." Mito said downcast. Although she doesn't know what these basics were, she felt that it must have been ingrained in Mikoto from childhood.

Mikoto saw this and felt uncomfortable at seeing her new friend being downcast and consoled her. "Don't worry too much, as far as you already have your chakra control mastered, you'll pass the first layer."

"I see." Mito brightened up a little. She did have a bit of control over her chakra. Chakra control is one of the earliest things she was taught as it was important in Fuinjutsu.

"If you feel like you can't make it, just go into the library and read some books, the knowledge in there is to die for. Just know I will be leaving you in the dust after two years." Mikoto said in an attempt to rouse her fighting spirit.

This was one of the things her Aniki had always done to her and Yuri. Whenever one wanted to give up, he'd make certain remarks like, 'Guess you're going to allow Mikoto be the boss while you get to call her ma'am.' or vice versa.

And as expected, after hearing this, Mito looked at her with renewed fighting spirit. "Humph, it's you who'll be left in the dust after I catch up to you."

Mikoto snorted. "You'll first have to catch up to me then."


After that, Mito worked herself to the bone, since there was no sense of fatigue in this place, she poured all her energy into the first layer of every element (5).

In the period she spent in the Yang plane resting, she was reading up on the various seals that were deemed as forbidden. Forbidden because of their stringent requirements.

Mikoto however was already in the second layer of every elements and could already project her chakra outside her body.

She called it aura manifestation, and according to her, this was the first stage to awakening her domain.

Mikoto explained that due to their perfect chakra control, manifesting their chakra outside their bodies and still maintaining control over it was the basics of Domain Expansion.

She found this absurd as her knowledge of chakra was, "as soon as it leaves the body, it never comes back." This opened a new door to her.

During her time reading, she came upon a seal that could potentially make someone immortal and ehile reading up on it, the old man alleared out of nowhere. "Interesting book you have there."

She was startled at the sudden movement and punched out on reflex only for her to be paralysed in the next instant. "Violence isn't allowed in the library."

Waving his hand, she regained control of her body and stood up to see the old man looking at the book in reminiscence.

"This book is too dangerous for you, don't practice it." He said and dropped it and prepared to leave.

"How?" She asked before he left.

"It was created by my creator in a bid to leave forever, unfortunately this way wasn't optimal, so he used it for other purposes. Read on its requirements to understand more." The old man said.

"I've read it and it says the user has to have a balance between Natural Energy, Spiritual Energy and Physical Energy. Although I don't know what that means, I still find the seal to be useful." Mito argued.

"Hmmm. The seal sure is useful. Fine, do whatever you want but don't regret it. The Yin-Yang Nirvana Seal isn't something anyone can use again." The old man sighed but didn't leave.

"Why is that?" She asked.

"No one out there understands what chakra is again. All they see is something to facilitate Destruction. Back when chakra was still at its peak, people flourished, but now... Sigh."

"I've been here for centuries but ninety percent of those who come here always have one thing in common. The stench of death. This time, the only exceptions are you, the Tengoku girl and the Star energy lad. The rest all have killing intent oozing off of their bodies."

"Does that mean I can learn this?"

The old man looked at her for some seconds before shaking his head. "You don't have an affinity to natural energy, you'll die before you can even finish drawing the seal on your body."

Mito shivered in fright at the thought of this and looked at the book in horror, but the man continued. "But you can still derive some other technique from the seal in general, at its core, this seal is engineered to maintain ones cell in its optimal state. Perhaps something can come out of this."


Mito dreaded the thought that merely drawing a seal on one's body could possibly kill her but after pondering on what the old man said, she decided to give it a read.

From the book, she found what natural energy was and how deadly it was. Humans had only one percent chance of mastering it. One of the requirements of actually coming in contact with this energy is being at peace with yourself.

But then, coming in contact with it and being able to guide it into your body were two different things. Even if one could guide it into their body, maintaining a serene state of mind to prevent over absorption was another hurdle. And even when you can maintain the absorption, maintaining that state while doing other things was another milestone.

So in short, it was impossible to learn, but she didn't give up. She read through this entire book over and over again and found that the book describes the human body as a world filled with wonders.

Every cell in the body work toward a certain goal, as do chakra. She then thought, "What I could save up some cells and chakra in a particular area of my body? Wouldn't that be the same as Using those three energies to maintain the body?"


"I see you've made some progress." The old man's voice startled her again but as she was aware no violence could be done here, she kept her cool.

"You've got to stop popping out of nowhere." Mito remarked.

"But I'm everywhere. This entire dimension is me and I am this very dimension, so, in a sense, I'm everywhere." The man said proudly.

"Yeah. Yeah. Whatever." Mito said mot taking her eyes off of a book she was using as a practice book.

"Umu. I see what you're doing. Interesting concept you've got right there. I believe there should be a book that will help you with this." The old man said after giving her book a look.

Mito looked up excitedly. "Which book?"

The man waved his hand and a book floated from one of the shelves and on it was written. "All you need to know on biology"

"This is my master's research on the human body. You may see some questionable things in there but don't go around judging, Alright?"

Mito noncommittally nodded. The man chuckled and disappeared once again.


True to the man's words, there were lots of questionable things in this book.

How is it possible that there was a well detailed picture of human organs, brain, heart, veins, intestines, and other inner organs?

Remembering the man's word on not to judge, she pushed the thought out of her head and continued reading.

She came upon a topic that mentioned how the body and energy act with eachother but referred her to another book titled "The Metaphysics Of Humans and Chakra."

With a quick search, she found the book and also read through it. Combining the knowledge she had gotten from these two books, she discovered a way to turn her entire being into energy, the risk however, far outweighed the potential results, and remembering what the old man had said, she went back to the first seal sketch he had praised.

Her thoughts were, "Since the original Creator had all these knowledge and still didn't get what he wanted, who am I to get it?"

Unknown to her, the old man was breathing a deep breath of relief that she gave up on that thought, cause if she had succeeded, she would have turned into a new form of energy with no thought to guide it.


After many months asking both Mikoto and the old man on things she didn't quite understand, she finally developed a seal she called. "Yin Seal. Body Rebirth Technique.

This was seal that goes against the mitotic actions the cells in the body take by replicating the process by which a cell replicates its chromosomes and then segregates them, producing two identical nuclei in preparation for cell division.

Instead of undergoing that division, she steal one of those chromosomes as well as a potion of her chakra and store it in a space on her gate if healing.

This increases her base strength while also retaining her youth, but when this seal is opened, her already increased base strength is then doubled./1\

The unique thing about this seal was that she had to inscribe it in her body by herself with her chakra, so to increase her chances of succes, she doubled her effort in completing the first layer of each elemental plane.

Two years later. Mito and Mikoto could be seen sitting in front of the lake they met when they first came here. The atmosphere between them looked harmonious but infact, it was anything but that.

Mikoto had just told her she was preparing to leave and apply for the position of the squad Captain of the medical squad back in their village.

Mikoto was a good doctor, no doubt about that, even Mito's seal was completed quicker due to her input on how the body works so Mito didn't have much doubt in her heart that Mikoto would succeed.

Mikoto however told her that the criteria for passing was not just the knowledge and ability to heal, but also the ability to protect yourself while in the frontlines.

Mito had seen Mikoto fight and to call her a female god of war would be an understatement. She had eyes allover her body, Mito understood that this was one of the abilities of the Rikugan but she was still amazed at how well it helped in combat.

Mikoto had once offered her a seat in her head and the experience was trippy to say the least. To be able to see up, down, sideways, back and front at the same time wasn't something her brain could process.

This made her understand how dangerous the Tengoku clan was. Not their fighting ability, no, but the ability to handle all this things from broth and not run mad.

Mikoto explained that everyone in the clan basically matures from infancy and although she wanted to scream 'impossible' she held her lips tight as that may just be possible.

"So can we get to see eachother again?" Mito asked.

"Of course, you're things young missus friend, when you go back to your clan, show them who's boss. You've already ran from home for two years, when you go back, so so with a bam! Understood?" Mikoto basically ordered

"Yes, ma'am." Mito saluted jokingly.

This has been their routine since Mito became her friend. According to Mikoto, it was to help Mito come out of her shell of nobility.

According to her, when life comes for you, it wouldn't give two fucks whether you're a slave or king, it comes and goes and all that will be left will be your story.

"Seriously though, I'm here hyping myself up not to mess up this seal I invented and you're bailing on me. What if something goes wrong?" Mito asked worriedly.

"What? You can't be chickening out of it after two years of hard work, now can you?" Mikoto asked in annoyance.

Clasping Mito's cheeks in her palms, she brought their faces together and said. "listen here Mito, the mind is a powerful place, what you feed it can affect you in an even more powerful way. Just think about it, you've worked hard so don't let some nonsense like doubt block your potential."

Releasing her face, Mikoto snorted and said. "Well, you Uzumaki are just like that after all, that's why everything you ever create will always be a copy of ours."

Mito knew Mikoto was trying rile her up by insulting her and her clan as she had done over the last two years whenever she was lagging behind.

"Trust me Mito, even I am impressed by the concept of this seal, you basically have close to two hundred years of life, if nothing unexpected happens. That's pseudo Immortality right there you know. Don't go chickening out now, okay?"

Mito nodded as determination returned to her eyes. "The next time we meet outside, I'm going to kick your ass for sure."

Violence of any kind was prohibited in here. Only if you're fighting the elementals can violence be ignored.

"I can't wait. But this young miss would sit on her ass waiting for you. So better up your game, also, if you meet aniki any day, don't try sensing him for his emotions or chakra. He's weird." Mikoto said and pulled Mito into a hug.

"This Aniki of yours you always talk about, who is he?" Mito asked as she pulled back.

"The youngest genius in our clan. While I'm here still getting the grasp on my domain, he awakened his as early as seven years old. Imagine that." Mikoto said

Mito's eyes widened in shock. She already understood the basics of the Tengoku clan from Mikoto, and knew that although chakra control came easy to them despite their vast chakra, manifesting it and forming a Domain was needed a lot.

An according to Mikoto, his Domain was one where "Only he stands supreme." Whatever he wills becomes reality.

"I see." Mito simply said. Trying to understand these people was not something she wanted to waste her brain cells on. Uchiha? Senju? Uzumaki? Pshh, they're kids in front of these people.

"I'll see you through this process of yours, after that, I'll leave." Mikoto said causing a beautiful smile to appeare on Mito's lips.


/1\: Don't mind the biological stuff over there, even I myself don't understand what I wrote so just take it at face value.

Also, sorry for the long chapter, I just kept writing what came to mind and came out with this. Hope you'll all enjoy it. As for Mito's technique, I guess you all already get where I improvised it from.

Since Tsunade's Creation Rebirth Technique deals with stimulating the body's cells to regenerate despite the severity of damage done to it, her is to save up on this cells and replenish her damaged ones.

So Instead of using her life force in exchange for more chakra/power, the power comes passively while life force increases.

This is a fantasy so please don't judge too much.