Chapter 69:

Join my Patre@n at for Vol 3... 100+ Chapters ahead.}


Title: Eh... No idea, I guess?


Not after Shun stepped out of the room, Hinami appeared too looking all elegant and graceful, acknowledging her presence with a nod, Shun went towards the place Mikoto's Chakra was running rampant.

Not minding the crowd, Shun directly walked to the place Hashirama and Tobirama was standing and spectating the duel between the two ladies.

"Fancy meeting you here again Hashirama." Shun greeted and turning to Tobirama, he nodded and said. "And you too new guy."

"It's Tobirama, Tobirama Senju." The new guy said in a strict tone.

"Yeah, whatever you say new guy." Shun waved not bothering to continue looking at him. "So who do you think will win?" Shun asked Hashirama.

Seeing Shun directly snubbing his brother, Hashirama didn't exactly know how to feel but hearing Shun's question he immediately forgot about it and said.

"Although I don't know what's going on between them exactly, I think Mito-chan will win." Hashirama puffed his chest proudly as he said this causing Shun to chuckle and Hinami to giggle much to the surprise of Hashirama.

"You look beautiful when you smile, you should smile more often." Hashirama said and smiled sincerely in praise.

"Apologies. But my smile is only for Kuchiki-sama." Hinami put back her stoic face and answered. She was just caught off guard by Hashirama's familiar attitude as compared to Ashura's when he was praising Kanna.

Surprisingly, whether it was Kanna or Mito, they seemed to be the dominant one in the marriage. Although similar to Ashura, Hashirama was strong, but both Kanna and Mito looked like women who took no nonsense from anyone, including their husbands.

"Don't mind her too much, she just felt you're underestimating Mikoto a little bit too much." Shun said dispersing the awkward atmosphere.

Hearing Hinami addressing him with -sama, was arousing in a special way but it was nothing his self controlll couldn't overcome.

"Hmm? How so?" Tobirama asked in his gruff tone but to Shun, he knew he was trying to fish for information. Fortunately, he didn't mind at all.

"Mito is strong, both in mind and body. Aside from some special Uchihas, I dare say no one can beat her mental capabilities, unfortunately, she's up against a Tengen, and worst of all, one who has already awakened a domain. It's only a matter of time before she loses."

Hashirama nodded with a look that says, 'I see.' but everyone could feel he had no idea what Shun was talking about.

"So Mito is stronger than some Uchihas?" He asked to which everyone looked at him weirdly. Was that all he got from that explanation?

"Mm." Shun nodded, she's at a stage where any Uchiha without the Mangekyou Sharingan would stand no chance against her. Also, even some Mangekyou Sharingan abilities may not work on her but that's hearsay."

"Has she used her domain yet?" Tobirama asked to which Shun shook his head. "Why would she use her Domain in this kind of fight? Her domain has nothing to do with this."

Saying this he looked at Tobirama weirdly. Does this guy think Domain is some kind of almighty ability simply because it was compared to the Mito who has a heightened perception?

"B-but you said Mito stands no chance since Mikoto-dono has a domain." Tobirama stuttered as he felt Shun's gaze on him. Why that was, even he had no idea.

"Yeah, awakening a domain is merely an end product, fool, it's the process that matters. Take your elder brother as an example, he has the Mokuton, but does it mean he's all Powerful? No. It just means he has affinity in three basic elements at its peak." Shun gave a casual example not bothering to notice the look of shock on Tobirama's face.

"The domain of my clan is something anyone can obtain as far as you can make your chakra leave your body, and keep control over it with both your will and Chakra control." Shun continued.

"I get the importance of chakra control but in my studies, I believe once chakra leaves the body, it can come back, not even with perfect chakra control. How is it possible for someone to still maintain control over it after it leaves their body?" Tobirama asked with a frown.

To his knowledge, he was an intelligent man, he had created several seals and techniques after having gotten some knowledge from the book his brother gave him when he was young.

About said book, it suddenly disappeared a week after his brother gave him and that had been bothering him ever since.

Shockingly, he just got to know that there was a possibility that this book actually belonged to the Tengoku clan. If that is true, doesn't that mean that his intelligence was only a fraction of what they actually possessed.

"What do you think is the pinnacle of chakra control?" Shun asked instead of answering his questions.

Tobirama frowned while Hashirama had long since left the discussion and was now cheering for his wife to be.

"When you walk on water, chakra control is used to keep yourself attached to the water while remaining afloat. What do you think will happen when you can actually remove the mass your body has with that same line of thought." Shun continued.

"Why do you think your body floats on water when it should sink? Gravity is a rule that states that whatever has mass when thrown up must fall back down and bouyancy is the only thing that contradicts this rule only in water, albeit a little bit."

"Why do you think chakra helps us stay afloat? Now let me ask again, what do you think water is? The elements, what are they? How do we have the ability to spit out earth and lightning from our mouths?"

"Sigh. You're one ignorant brat, you know that?" Shun shook his head looking at the speechless Tobirama. "And you think you're enough to play..." Shun cut off his words as suddenly he heard, "Take that you white haired demon!"

"Oh? Mikoto lost? Interesting." Shun said with a smile.

"She probably wanted Mito to feel happy as tomorrow is her day." Hinami transmitted her voice to him.

"Yeah..." Shun nodded.

"I see you had a good talk with the kid." Hinami's voice sounded again.

"Yeah, he's good, only his thoughts process needs a little work. Like I said, with the way he thinks, he'll make several decision that will put both the Senju Uzumaki and Uchiha clan at risk of extinction, tell me, what should i do?" Shun asked.

"Teach him?"

"That's out of the question, no interference, you know that."

"Yeah, but you're already interfering a lot, you know. You could just go and accompany Eien through her evolution up there but you still remain." Hinami said gently.

"Whether you like it or not, you're already attached to this world and like Kaguya, can see the future of this world. Kaguya not interfering is understandable as she doesn't give two fucks about what happens to these people." She said while using Shun's curse words causing Shun to gasp at her.

Not minding him, she continued. "We are different, Ria is eccentric in her own way, you and I, both grew up with the people that have this world it's genesis and in all honesty, I believe, Uncle shouldn't have spread chakra after what I've seen, but there's always light at the end of the tunnel. The time will come when all wars will end, I believe that and I believe Hashirama and Madara will bring that to fruition, you either do your part and guide them well, or wait another era for Ashura and Indra to go at it again. Unlike me, you're their brother and while I don't like seeing their Will being corroded for a spat that happened centuries ago, I still want to believe your method is right."

Both of them were in their own little world while locking eyes with eachother in the real world.

Mikoto came towards them grumbling alongside a cheerful Mito. Hashirama and Tobirama were with Shun and Hinami so they just came to meet them together.

"What's wrong with them?" Hashirama asked seeing the two staring intently at eachother without saying anything.

Mikoto sighed and said. "Don't mind them, they're in their own little world... Literally. They'll snap out of it soon."

Looking at Hashirama, she asked. "And you're supposed to be Mito-chan's husband?"

Hashirama blushed and laughed abashedly while scratching his head. "Husband to be but yes," Tobirama elbowed him in the ribs causing him to realize the situation he was in. "AHEM, you must be Mikoto-san, Mito has told me a lot of things about you."

"Humph, I'm sure she has, and I hope she really did tell you everything about me, cause if you for one second make her regret marrying you, I'ma pay your clan a visit and see who amongst us have higher regeneration." Mikoto squinted her eyes at Hashirama who looked serious at the moment and gave a grave nod.

"I swear on my clans' name that I'll never hurt Mito, be it emotionally or physically."

Tobirama however frowned his already deeply frowned face and asked. "Are you threatening us?" Causing Mikoto to flare aher chakra. "Huh? So what if I am?"

Tobirama wanted to flare his own chakra to match hers only for Mito to knock her on the head.

"Ouch. What was that for?" Mikoto asked.

"You're threatening my family here Mikoto-chan." Mito pouted angrily.

Mikoto waved her hand and said, "You're still too green Mito. What I'm doing is setting ground for you to stand on in the future. By showing your brother-in-law who's boss, they wouldn't dare bully you when you get to their clan."

Mikoto said righteously with a serious tone and expression causing Hashirama to sweatdrop. Them, bully Mito? Wasn't she thinking too highly of them? How could they even think of that when this red haired Demon could even beat him safe for his Mokuton.

"Hmm?" Mito looked at Hashirama with a questioning gaze causing him to look to the sky and whistle.

"What's it?" Mikoto asked.

"It's nothing, for some reason, I felt someone insult me just now." She replied.

"I see. Anyways..." While they were talking things out Shun and Hinami were having their own heartfelt discussion.


"Babe... That's deep. I didn't know you felt this way." Shun said with a sad look on his face. "But don't worry, I already thought of this when pops told me Indra planned on reincarnating till he achieves his dream."

"What did you do?" She asked skeptically.

"Fufufu, I would have said it's a secret but as this is a serious discussion, I'll tell you. You see, Ashura and Indra are my brothers who I've spent a longer portion of my life with and there's no way, I'm going to juts let them be erased due to their folly. Although they're both being manipulated, I've already put something in their souls to retain their core memories and experience. Their souls are being protected while their will keeps pulling it for every reincarnation."

"I see, but what's this about them being manipulated?" She asked as dangerous aura began seeping out of her body.

"Control yourself now, remember where your body is. As for them being manipulated, I discovered it sometime after Indra became detached from us back then." Shun explained shortly.



"And why did you do anything about it?"

"There was nothing I could do."

"I feel like you're lying."

"Yeah I'm lying. Sigh. Just leave it Nami, it's all in the past now, and through this, the world is going towards a good end, as for my now interference policy, I'm keeping to it till the very end." Shun said curtly making Hinami understand he wouldn't change his mind.

"I see." She smiled sweetly which for some reason caused Shun to feel some heartache. "I'll be leaving soon after this, maybe fake my death or something."

"Mm. Do you have anywhere in mind?"

"No, but I'll leaving this planet to see what this part of the universe has in store. Maybe...." She said and stopped midway.

"Maybe what?" Shun asked.

"Nothing." She shook her head after which she stopped the transmission, breaking the eye contact and looking at the two ladies and two men facing eachother with different expression.

"Mikoto-chan, you're here." She said to which Mikoto nodded. "Been here for a while. You two spent so much time in that little world of yours that you didn't notice us coming. I won by the way."

"Hey!" Mito protested to which Mikoto silenced as she asked. "So what did you two talk about this time."

"It's nothing, I just wanted to see more of the world after living this life." Hinami said casually.

"You're retiring?" Mikoto asked in shock.

Hinami nodded with a smile. "I guess seeing your friend get married made me realize I wasn't getting any younger."

Looking over at Mito who was by the side, she bowed and greeted. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you Mito-dono, Mikoto had told us a lot about you."

Mito bowed back and greeted too.

While this was going on, Shun had snapped out of his daze and was looking at the girls exchange with a calm look on his face. The fact that Hinami was finally making her own choices after all this while was both reassuring and painful.

Although he had suggested it, seeing her say it with that look didn't sit well with him.

For all he knew, Hinami wouldn't go against him when it really matters and maybe the shock of his death hit her harder than Kaguya and Ria, that prompted her to remain constantly with him even though he didn't particularly need her there.

"Is something wrong, Kuchiki-dono?" Hashirama asked

"Hmm, nothing at all, Hashirama-san, well then, I wish you all the best in your marriage, we'll see again tomorrow. Unfortunately we can't accompany you to the Senju clan to consummate your marriage properly." Shun smiled.

Bringing out a scroll from his Haori, he handed it ove RTO Hashirama and said. "This is one of the great weapons forged by our ancestor, similar to the Trident of the Hoshigaki clan and the Axe that absorbs sun's energy in day time to boost the strength and chakra of the weilder, in this scroll is the sword, Zanka no Taichi."

"In the scroll is a manual on what to know about this sword. Use it with discretion. Don't say I didn't warn you."

"Is it dangerous?" Tobirama asked.

"Depends." Shun nodded.

"On what?"

"Depends on who's holding and who's facing it." Shun nodded while looking thoughtful.

"That doesn't explain anything." Tobirama frowned.

"Well, I've always been a cautious person so I've never really tried it out, maybe you can, but make sure to read the manual before doing so." Shun gave a cheeky smile while giving a peace sign.

Saying they he turned away and walked away.

Tobirama frowned deeply as he looked at the scroll, but as he was about to say something to Hashirama, Hashirama waved his hands and said, "Don't bother, this is a gift from a friend, I'll see what it does when we get back."

Tobirama wanted to argue but seeing Hashirama looking serious he dropped it with a 'Hn'


Shun who was Several meters away from them suddenly froze and turned around and looked at the direction that sound came from.

That nostalgic sound that always made him want to pull out Indra's throat and push it up his arse.

Over the many years, he had heard lots of Uchihas make this sound but they weren't as nostalgic as Indra's but this one, this one had the essence of it all. A 'Hn' that contains numerous meanings. Words, sentences, intents.

Locating the source of sound, he immediately flashed and appeared in front of Tobirama again and asked. "Did you just make that sound now?"

"What sound?" Tobirama asked.

"That sound from your throat. You should know it, you just made it now. Come on, out with it. I wanna hear it again." Shun asked looking seriously at Tobirama.

"Tobi, I think he means that 'nn' sound you always make when you don't want to talk." Hashirama nodded from the side.

"Yeah. The 'Mg' sound. Even you can't say it properly right?" Shun asked Hashirama.

"Yeah. I only hear it from Madara but Tobirama seem to do it even more fluently than him."

"You don't say." Shun looked genuinely shocked. From his knowledge, only reincarnations of Indra should be able to make that sound fluently. Sasuke was a very obvious example.

Giving Tobirama a piercing gaze, Shun asked. "You aren't Uchiha, are you?"

Hearing this Tobirama frowned even deeper and wanted to retort, but before he could say anything, Hashirama added. "Yeah, I always wondered why you had red eyes, you wouldn't be..."

Hashirama gasped in shock as this thought came into his head.

Tobirama looked at the two in front of him with a helpless look. He didn't know if they were being serious of messing with him. Even his brother who's usually stupid wasn't this stupid. And Kuchiki didn't appear stupid, then what was wrong with them?

"Hn. I see." He finally said.

"Ah! He did it again." Shun and Hashirama screamed in tandem.

Thankfully before they could raise a scene, two different hands landed on their heads knocking them both to the floor.

"GAH. Mito-chan/Nami-chan, what was that for?" Shun and Hashirama asked.

Hinami bowed to Tobirama and apologized Before pulling Shun by his Haori and left the place. As for Hashirama, Mito's gentle smile didn't leave her face at all.