Chapter 70: Timeskip

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Title: Timeskip.


One full month had passed since Hashirama and Mito's marriage and a lot of things had happened during this time.

One peculiar events was a case of Tobirama and Mikoto hooking up on the very day Mito married. Whether Mikoto wanted to admit it or not, she was actually lost when she saw her friend and rival marry while she was still ship-less.

In her depression, she went and got drunk during the second part of the marriage at the Senju clan, and Tobirama being the ever dutiful brother he was, decided to keep her under watch to prevent any unsavoury events.

One thing led to another and Mikoto began pouring out her heart and mind to him. Tobirama being Tobirama wanted to use this as an opportunity to extract whatever information he could from her.

Unfortunately for him, she was quite a unique person specially trained by Shun since her teenage years and whatever Tobirama asked was just ignored while she continued pouring out her mind.

At the end, Tobirama carried a passed out Mikoto to her lodging. As he was about to leave, he was grabbed by a drunk Mikoto who mistook him for Shun due to his white hair and Red eyes.

It was at that moment Tobirama knew this lady was strong as hell. That night was one to remember for him as Mikoto practically raped him.

The very next morning was hell for the entire Senju clan as the moment Mikoto woke up and found a passed out Tobirama beside her nacked self, all hell broke loose as she went on a rampage.

Tobirama being Tobirama, managed to teleport away as soon as he got a bad feeling in his sleep. This was due to his years as a warrior. Things like instinct don't just warn him without a proper reason.

Thankfully, he managed to dodge a blow that destroyed the entire building she was in. This was a building built with Hashirama Mokuton by the way.

Fast forward some minutes later, Mikoto was finally calmed down with the combined effort of Hashirama with Mito trying to reason with her.

Anyways, this turned into a diplomatic incident as the foolish old men of the Senju clan thought it wise to use this incident to demand reparations from the Tengoku clan.

I paid everything they demanded while also stipulating that the Tengoku clan will have nothing to do with the Senju clan ever again.

Although I had some affection towards Ashura, his descendants were another thing altogether. It may have been a moment of greed that prompted them to demand things from us but nonetheless, perhaps I shouldn't meddle in things of this world any longer.

Hmm, maybe keep leash on the Tengoku clan to avoid them trying to go on some world domination.

Hashirama was peeved at the elders demand but as their clan head, he still had to listen to them on things of the clan. Even if he was all powerful, he still had to bend to the clan.

This is one problem with having familial fetters. Before leaving though, I still invited Hashirama and Mito to Hanagakure while Mikoto gave Tobirama the stink eye throughout the meeting.

I wasn't all that angry at the fact that Mikoto and Tobirama did the deed. No. I was angry his intelligence didn't give him the idea he should've teleported as soon as Mikoto began behaving weirdly.

Mikoto was a woman far past her marriage age according to this world's standard, and although she had an eye on me her entire life, I wouldn't be able to give her what she wants.

Maybe Tobirama could, but I hate the guys guts. I also had a ban on inter-clan marriage in the village. I wouldn't want to discover that someone had the Rikugan while also having the ability to control blood. Or someone with the Ketsuryūgan being able to use The Creation of All Things granted by the sozogan or vice versa.

Now imagine someone who has the Rikugan and Mangekyou Sharingan. Wouldn't that just make this world more complicated?

After that, I dragged an unwilling Mikoto away from the Senju clan.


Another important thing of note was Hinami's 'retirement.' she gave up her position as the captain of squad one over to Yuki who already had an impressive information network due to the improvement brought by Xin.

Yuki didn't return her as she said she would after spending a month with her. According to her, Xin was the cool onee-san she never had.

Hinami was the strict onee-san, while Mikoto was the annoying onee-san.

Xin became the cool onee-san after spending some time with her.

With Hinami's retirement, the Zero squad lost one of it's captains and squad and we were still deciding on the proper squad to be reinstated.

No more would I be having a Squad captain without squad members in it. It was a good thing that both Kageno and Toshiba began recruiting members sometime ago.

I had the thought of creating a science division but this world was still too young for that, I think...


Anyways, apart from that, another impressive thing was that just now, Mikoto came to report that Hashirama and Mito will be arriving shortly.

By shortly, I would estimate a couple hours, they were coming by boat after all.

"Any other person included?" I asked her while giving her an eye smile.

"Apparently, Tobirama is coming along." She answered with a grim tone.

"I see..." I nodded. "It's settled then."

"What's settled." Mikoto asked as a bad feeling began creeping up on her.

"You'll be the one incharge of their stay here for however long they'll be here." Shun replied much to her horror.

"No." "Yes." "No." "I said yes."

"Kuchiki-nii, I get you don't find me appealing enough to be your wife but you can't do this to me." Mikoto said sadly.

"Whatsm has this got to do with that?" I asked perplexed.

You're just pushing me to that Tobirama bastard are you not?" Mikoto asked

"Why would you think that?" I asked in a exaggerated tone. "Isn't Mito your friend? Who better than you to show her around? Plus, Hashirama and Tobirama are men, even if they get lost, nothing could happen to them, but Mito? Sigh... Poor girl being lost in an unfamiliar village, what do you think will happen?"

The tone I used made it seem I was genuinely worried for Mito of which we both knew was a lie hence the look she was giving me that meant. "Really?"

"Just take the mission, it's not like you have anything better doing. Ah. Ah. There's no wars that will require your immediate assistance, you're subordinates can handle every other injury, even an amputated arm or leg. Just take this as a break or whatever. You can even take some inspiration form me and play a prank on the Tobi guy." I reasoned with her.

"I don't want to be anywhere near him." Mikoto said

"Pshh... Yesterday's enemy, today's friends. For all we know you may even be pregnant with his child." I said offhandedly causing her to freeze.

"What?" I asked.

"Sigh, nothing." She said and walked to my desk to pick the scroll with the mission description and my stamp on it. "Hmm... You're even paying frommyour own pocket for this one, are you sure you're not up to something?"

"I certainly am not. Truly. You gats to believe me on this. You on the other hand... Are you alright? You're suddenly looking a little bit pale." I asked.

"It's nothing, I've just been spending some time doing some research." She answered as she folded the scroll back.

"What research?" I asked.

"It's nothing serious, don't mind it." She said and began walking out of the room.

"Hmm... If I find out it's serious and you didn't talk to me, I'm going to be angry." I said softly causing her to stop.

Turning to face me once again, she had tears in her eyes and from them I could see loss, anger, disgust, shame and many more worrying emotions.

This caused me to stand up in fright. What could have caused her to feel this way? This was the first time I'm ever seeing her filled with this much negative emotions.

Without saying anything, I went forward and gave her a tight hug, "it's okay, Mikoto, everything will be okay." I just said that while trying to sooth her with my chakra.

She began bawling on my chest to which I didn't mind. This was my little sister in this era or life, seeing her this way pained me deeply.

I had always made it a point to always look out for the people close to me so seeing her this way made me question myself a little.

Had I been neglecting her? Or was there something I overlooked? Whatever it may have been, I had always made sure to air my dissatisfaction with them while also praising them when there's a need for it.

"C'mon, Mikoto, cry it all out. When you're done, tell me what's bothering you." I said.


"This place is beautiful." A red haired young woman exclaimed as soon as she saw the sight in front of her.

A brown haired young man beside her nodded seriously. He was wearing a light green kimono and Haori.

This island was immensely rich in nature with grand flourishing forests where lush vegetation thrives due to clean rivers and sea brimming with various exotic fauna.

"This place is... Peaceful." Hashirama smiled. He took a deep breath while closing his eyes. "How I wish..." He muttered to himself inaudibly.

"You lot new here?" They heard someone ask, and turning around, they saw a white haired old man sitting by the side of the sea with a fishing pole in hand.

This area was kind of a port town. The town is more prosperous and renowned for fishing, because only 10% of the people in the town have the ability to use chakra. Like any port city, it has its own large marina, located in the southern part.

"Yeah. How did you know." Hashirama asked.

"You all have that look as though you've finally entered heaven from hell. Even the stone faced guy has the look in his eyes." The man said but didn't take his eyes off his fishing pole.

"How can you tell?" Mito asked before suddenly realising something. "You're from the Tengoku clan."

"Oh? What gave it away? The hair? Your friend over there has white hairs too." The old man said.

"No, it's the fact you can see us without looking at us. A friend of mine has that ability too." Mito said proudly.

"A friend you say?" The man asked startled, "you must be an interesting person then."

"Why's that?" She asked

"Because although we can see all around us passively, we don't bother telling others, they easily loose their trust is us as nothing can be hidden from us." He said with a sigh. "But since you know and call her your friend the either she's special or you are."

"How special?"

"Special, as in she doesn't care whether you like her or not. It's a rare disposition to have. What's this friend's name." He asked.

"Mikoto, Tengoku Mikoto." Mito answered causing the old man to raise his head and then chuckled.

"I see." He simply said. "A truly unique girl that one, oh, here she comes."

As soon as he said that, Mikoto figure could be seen coming from the inner part of town. As the two ladies saw eachother they both broke smiles.

Moments later, she was in front of them, giving Mito a hug, she bowed toward the two brothers. "Senju-sama, I've been tasked with ensuring your safety during this extended vacation of yours. I'll be sure to do better than someone."

The atmosphere that was already awkward became even more awkward as she greeted them in this manner.

Hashirama scratched his head and laughed in a bid to disperse the atmosphere. "We'll be in your care, then, Mikoto-san."