Chapter 71: Talk

Join my Patre@n at for Vol 3... 100+ Chapters ahead.}


Some of you may find this chapter cliché but it is what it is. Also, judge less read more. Thanks.


Title: Talk


After calming Mikoto down Shun proceeded to ask what was bothering her to make her such intense negative emotions to which she began.

"You don't love me, do you?"

"What? Of course I do..."

"No!" She interrupted. "You don't love me, no one does..."

"Stop it Mikoto, talk to me, what's wrong?"

"Sniff. Sniff. After everything that happened in the Senju clan, a month, aniki, a month and you didn't do or say anything about it. You always said you'd protect us no matter what but what did you do? Tobirama had his way with me but you not only let them off with a non-interference threat, you even paid a large amount of money to them to, to.. 'bail' me from them. You could've simply laid waste to the entire clan but you chose your peaceful approach as usual. What should I do with myself now? Huh? I've already been pregnant for a month now but no one, I mean no one, bothered to check up on me... Uwaa..." Mikoto continued crying after saying what was on her mind, or at least part of the things on her mind.

Shun didn't talk and allowed her to cry out everything she could possibly cry out.

After some minutes, he said. "We both know that's not true. I care about you enough to ask you on a daily basis if you were alright, but you always waved me off with a 'what could possibly happen to me'."

"Whether you accept it or not, what you went through was not of your intentions or his. You both were under the influence, at least you were, so don't twist the story."

"About me destroying the Senju clan for you, have you forgotten your best friend is now a Senju? Do you want her husband to develop an hatred against you? Against us? Do you want her to have to chose between you or her husband?"

"C'mon Mikoto I taught you better than this, didn't I? Say we or I decided to war against them? The Uchiha, Senju and Uzumaki will be on our island in no time, Madara and Hashirama are friends whether they want to accept it or not."

"And in so doing, wouldn't the peace and tranquility we managed to safeguard for so long be ruined?"

Shun poured out his own thoughts on the matter while also questioning Mikoto's reasoning.

"Sniff.But I love you, I've always loved you... Don't tell me you didn't even know that, Aniki. Sniff." Mikoto asked in tears.

"I love you too Mikoto, but I'm sure you know I only love you and Yuri as little sisters. I've made that abundantly clear over the years we've been together." Shun replied with a short smile.

"I know, I know, it's just... I expected more from you... I felt dirty after that incident, I couldn't look you in the eye, I was disgusted with myself and I also knew Tobirama wasn't at fault... I'm sorry. I'm sorry... It's just... It hurts aniki." She said while sobbing.

Pulling her into a hug, once more Shun whispered. "Everything will be okay, you've got me here, nothing could ever go wrong."

"Hmm." She hummed while still crying silently. They remained in that position for a while before she said. "I've always wanted you to hold me like this, who would've thought it'll take this to achieve it."

"I'm sorry. And I'm glad you enjoy this." Shun merely said while still rubbing her back consolingly.

Soon, Mikoto was back to normal, and Shun asked. "So what is it you've been working on?"

"It's nothing serious..." She said only to interuppted by Shun. "Here you go again with the 'nothing much' excuse."

"I know you've been trying to find a way to transfer the child, you don't want it?" Shun asked

"Nice you already know why bother asking." Mikoto asked not really surprised Shun had found out.

"It's always nice when others ask things, that way there will be a reason to give them things. You know the saying 'ask and you shall receive,' right?"

Mikoto raised her head and gave him a deadpan look. "but it doesn't always work that way right?"

"No, it doesn't."

"Hahahaha." She laughed happily causing all her remnant negative emotions to gradually dissipate. "And yea, I was looking for a way to transfer this child before it takes deep root in me. I don't think I'll be able to live it properly."

Shun looked at her and saw from her expression that she really didn't want this child. He would have advocated keeping it as life new life was sacred but bringing it into this world unwillingly was being harsh on Mikoto.

"I know a way, but it will prevent you from ever conceiving ever again. Do you want to proceed." Shun lied, he could immediately take the baby out of her womb even if it was already due for birth not to mention now it was less than a month old, but actions do have consequences and Mikoto needed to learn that.

"Is there a but after that sentence?" She asked.

"But perhaps you may be able to heal yourself later on if you deem motherhood as important." Shun said. He wasn't going to permanently maim his little sister just to teach her about actions and consequences. He wasn't that harsh.

"Then do it." Mikoto said resolutely without missing a bit. "Can you tell me your reason why?" Shun asked.

"You're still childless, I can stay by your side now that onee-san isn't around, maybe you'll get to see me in a different light." She said with a hopeful expression

"Not happening." Shun directly said. "Hinami will be back and then, we'll have our child, but you have to know that women are like fruits, the younger they are the fresher and appealing they are, the older they are the less appealing they become. You're old enough to make life changing decisions, don't mess it up. You only live once." Shun said or lied again.

People like her get to live twice, the second time in his universe but they didn't need to know that.

Only people who aren't important but are unfortunate deserve such treatment, hers and people close to him are a different case altogether.

Releasing her from the hug, hebput his hand in is Haori and pulled out a scroll. Passing it over to her, he said. "This here is a foetus incubator, you can decide what to do after reading the manual."

Mikoto looked at the scroll and then at Shun's Haori and wondered how he always pulls things out from there. She had initially passed it off as a storage seal but this was something else.

Accepting the scroll she opened it to see some inscriptions that took her a while to get a grasp on. "This.... this should be a Kinjutsu."

"Of course, I created it." Shun said proudly.

"No, seriously. With this, our female soilders wouldn't want to retire any longer. No wait, with this, I could even extract female eggs from their ovaries and by inseminating them with sperm cells, there will be no need for intercourse any more." Mikoto began talking excitedly.

"Well yeah but unfortunately for you and them, as soon as you're done with the seal, it'll erase from existence, don't forget, I did make this." Shun folded his hands and said arrogantly.

Mikoto looked confused for a moment. Why would such an innovative solution be destroyed? Wouldn't this create an Optimal system in which there won't be a need for females endangering themselves while with child?

"It's exactly because of what you're thinking that makes this bad. I wouldn't have agreed to your request if we weren't close, but know that the act of fucking, is sacred. That process means a lot more than you can imagine, both physically and spiritually. The same applies to the nine months a child is carried and given birth to. I repeat, I'm only allowing this because we are familiar with eachother, let the study of whatever you've gleamed from that scroll reach my attention, am I understood?"

Shun tone when asking this wasn't warm at all, instead, he sounded like a king giving an order to his subordinates causing Mikoto to involuntarily salute and say "understood,"

It's good that were clear.." Shun said as he walked back to his chair, only to stop in his steps. "Ohya, what do we have here. Seems like your mission is due to commence now."

"They're here already?" Mikoto asked, refering to the Senju/Uzumaki husband and wife.

"Hmm.. together with an acquaintance of yours." Shun giggled mischievously giving Mikoto an idea of who was with them.

"I see." She said in a grim tone, "I'll be on my way then."

Saying that, she left the office, leaving Shun to his lonesome.

"Sigh, I wonder how many years is remaining," he muttered to himself as he sent his consciousness to Eien who was going through an evolution.

Eien had discovered the Unique universe shunnjad created during one of his trips in his universe. As his creation, Shun held no reservation with her and told her all about it.

Having Heard from Shun about a unique existence superior to her known as the world's system, she thought she could do better since she was already developing emotions.

Shun's parallel thought was all about his reason and wisdom, no emotional attachments whatsoever was birthed with it and added with his Omniscience, it could better analyse and judge what should be and what shouldn't be.

It was the perfect Heavenly Dao with no favourites except Shun himself decides otherwise.

Against Shun's better judgement, Eien used his connection to the world's system to infiltrate its core in a bid to see what her master's universe has to offer.

Unfortunately for her, she was just an artifact spirit or technologically speaking, she was just an AI similar to Vision but without the Mind stone.

She had high computational abilities, and direct control over everything that goes on in her body, the Eiengar, but when compared to Shun's mind, although passive, she was akin to a speck of dust in an unremarkable planet at the corner of space.

In short, she was less than an ant and as such, she was obliterated due to the shear amount of information being processed by the world system per nanosecond.

Shun knew this would happen but didn't do anything to stop her as she was akin to a child trying to impress it parents and as a good father, he'll let her try her best and learn from her mistakes.

After she was obliterated, Shun directly gathered her residual consciousness and brought her back to the Eiengar floating in the skies of the Shinobi world.

This was her body and as she was in a state similar to a coma, what better way to help her recover than combining both her body and soul back together.

In doing so, he also mixed in the astral energy surrounding his universe hoping it'll help her evolve further. Although she could last a nanosecond of information gained from a universe, she still lasted a couple picoseconds which was a lot.

With that much information she was sure to become a planet destroying level AI.

One had to know that the amount of things that happen in a single planet every second was a lot, think about the air that blows, the rivers that flow, the insects that flap their wings, the earth that crumbles the humans that breath in and out, the movement of planets sprouting or dying. Babies given birth to, people that die, cry, laugh, scream, all in a second across a planet then multiply it by the amount of planets in a solar system, then the amount of solar systems in a galaxy and then multiply by 3000 galaxies in Shun's universe.

Even lasting a femtosecond was a lot for a little child that is Eien.

Fifteen years had passed since then and she was still in her recovery process. Shun estimated that in an unfortunate situation where he is killed, she could protect his soul and reincarnate him into his universe to live like those Invincible Protagonists who think they don't have any cultivation while system accompanies them, teaching them Physics, chemistry, biology and stuff like that.

That way, any move he makes will seem like the world favours him.

"Meh. The world system would t even allow it to happen. At most, it will turn a blind eye as it doesn't threaten the Universal balance I had set."

Shun had given The World System and the Tribunal some rules to follow. Similar to the living tribunal of the One Above All, my world system and tribunal will not interfere with anything that isn't deemed as a universal threat.

For all I care, galaxies can be destroyed as far as there are humans to create more from their inner world.

"Now that I think about it, in sixty years, the ten thousand years period will reach for me to organise a universal level calamity. How should I go about this?"

"Those three Devil kings are still sealed away, that Blood Emperor guy too. Perhaps use them to wreck havoc?... Nah, that not original. Hmm, there's this Manga about an Emperor who had a technique that could devour all things in existence. Heaven Devouring Battle Law was it? It could lay waste to a star system, nah, it did lay waste to a star system in the novel. Perhaps I could create a similar technique and give it to an unfortunate and power hungry person."

"Hmm, but this way, I will have to create special herbs like in the manga to help stave off the insanity that comes with devouring all things. Veldanava's all devouring abilities is good but is too Overpowered, maybe create similar lotuses one for the mind and soul, the other for the body."

"Stainless Pure Lotus and Soul Warming Lotus. The first constantly purifies and strengthens the flesh body, bones, blood, everything that has to do with the body while the other purifies and strengthens the soul and mind. It can even heal a damaged divine soul. Tsk, Cultivation worlds and their Overpowered stuffs. Wonder when my universe will start producing Overpowered stuff by itself."

Due to having copied the world system design from Veldanava's, his universe couldn't create things like the natural occurring heavenly Dao laws of Cultivation worlds Instead, plants, stones, metals, trees, and equipments become more powerful the more they're exposed to high levels of energy.

So apart from the 'Demon Sword' he had created on a whim to fight of Monoshiki, and Kans subordinates back then, only his recliner could be called an origin artifact.

The demon sword was literally used to create the universe so it stands undisputed as the strongest existence in my Universe. Even the Archangels and Archfiends wouldn't be able to use it for more than a swing and that is due to them even having Shun's original energy.

The cosmic beings however, could use it at the cost of their existence. They're born to hold authority over certain laws, so as far as those laws exist, they can't die, but that doesn't mean they could abuse A weapon older than the universe itself.

"What a drag. After I retire, I'm gonna be putting a clone in charge, I can't keep being doing this with my real body, maybe pay a visit to Veldanava before he foolishly offs himself." Shun planed.

"Oh well, after the first Kage summit, I'll be retiring.. oh shit, I did want to me the Sanins in their childhood, hmmm, a clone it is then."

"During the Kage summit, they'll be sharing Matatabi-chan and the rest, Shukaku has already been sealed by the monks of the wind Temple, wonder how that happened. And Kurama, sigh, I hope he atleast learnt how to handle the Sharingan's Genjutsu. I've always warned him about it but his pride wouldn't allow him to learn proper chakra control. Well, whatever. We'll take care of it when we get there."


(A/N: A millisecond is one-thousandth of a second; microsecond, one-millionth of a second; nanosecond, one-billionth of a second; picosecond, one-trillionth of a second or one-millionth of a microsecond; femtosecond, one-quadrillionth of a second or one-millionth of a nanosecond)

Also, later chapters will be the death of Iz***, Hashirama and Madara peace Treaty, Kon*** establishment and Ma**** going rouge.

In case you're wondering why nothing will be changing despite my involvement then I'll be explaining it in later chapters.

Also, someone said I was releasing at the same pace as I am on webnovel to which I'll be telling y'all this now. After I finish the volume 2 on webnovel, the frequency will be dropping to once or twice a week, while I'll try remaining consistent with one or two per day here.

Hope y'all are enjoying this Fanfic, have a nice weekend 🌞🌞