Chapter 72: Tobirama's Thoughts

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Title: Tobi's Interlude


"This place is beautiful." That was Hashirama's honest praise after a long tour around the inner city of the island.

The island was naturally big but that didn't mean that the entire island was occupied, far from that, the fact was, only the centre of the island was made a proper city for both normal people and Shinobi, while the port was made mainly for the normal people with the protection of some Shinobis.

{I know using Shinobi here is weird but I have no normal name to call them. The word Shinobi was coined by Tobirama and he hasn't done that so...}

"Of course it is." Mikoto answered with pride.

"Has it always been like this?" Tobirama asked with his ever present frown.

Mikoto nodded before shaking her head. "For as long as I can remember, it has always been this peaceful and beautiful. I don't know when it started but it has been beautiful... Aniki did remodel somethings when he took over Futher enhancing it."

"I see." Tobirama nodded and kept silent.

Mito however wasn't even bothered with the sigjts and was taking in the various delicacy the mainncity had to offer. Unlike tje port city they came from that only had various forms of serving aquatic animals, the main city had various kinds with mixtures in between.

As an Uzumaki, despite being a lady, her appetite wasn't one to be easily satisfied. She did appreciate the beauty, she truly did, but it'll always remain there, the food however, could run out.

"How long are you all staying?" Mikoto asked.

"Can we stay forever?" Mito asked while stuffing her face with dumplings.

"Sure, you're always welcome here, those two however..." Mikoto smiled at Mito but looked at Tobirama and Hashirama with a frown.

"Hey! What's with that look?" Hashirama felt offended for some reason when she saw the look in Mikoto's eyes.

"It's nothing. Just that the mkre I look at the two of you, the more I feel you'll bring Mito-chan a lot of grief." Mikoto replied with her glare intensifying.

Hashirama slumped his shoulder in depression but unlike his usual self, he cheered up immediately and looked at Mikoto. "I've sworn that I'll do everything in my power to protect her and that is what I'll do."

Mikoto could feel an aura akin to Shun's oozing off of him that made her quirk her brows in intrigue. "I don't care about you, I've already said that if you make her sad for even a day, this big sister will have a long talk with you."

"Big sister?"

"What? You have a problem with that?" She asked with a menacing glare.

"Not at all."

"Mi-ko-to-chan, you're scaring my man you know?" Mito angry voice sounded, breaking their little stare off.

"Of course I am. As your big sis, it's the least I could do." Mikoto crossed her hands and said.

"Big sis? When did you become the big sis?"

"Since you couldn't defeat after so long." Mikoto said with a smug smile. "And don't think I didn't get that quirk about having a husband. I have my aniki."

"Is that so? How come you don't sound convinced about it yourself?" Mito asked with a smirk.

"Humph. Aniki just wants his grandpa's dream to be realised before he can marry, and apparently, he has high hopes for your husband and his friend, any one of them to lay the so called foundation he always talks about." Mikoto said with an annoyed tone.

"Friend? You mean Madara?" Tobirama asked with a gruff to which Mikoto nodded. "Yeah, the Uchiha."

"The Uchihas are cursed, how do you expect them to be able to strive for peace? Humph, it would be a fools dream-" Tobirama begun, but before he could finish, a dangerous aura locked in on him causing him to stop.

"A fools dream.. my Aniki's dream or his vision?" Mikoto asked, her red iris glowing dangerously.

Tobirama regained his calm and looked at her and answered. "The vision that the Uchiha would ever make peace."

The stood, glaring at the other with all their willpower in full display.

"I see... Aniki was right, you're dangerous." Mikoto reined in her aura and then looked at Hashirama, "You I admire, even if a little, so be careful of this one." She said while pointing at Tobirama.

"Why do you say that." Hashirama asked.

"From what info we've gathered so far, this brother of yours is intelligent, even aniki acknowledges that, but as he also said, not all intelligent people are wise. You? You're wise, Madara? The same but intelligent is something you aren't. That is why you'll need Madara... Argh!... It's so complicated but this guy..." She pointed at Tobirama. "Is a short sighted fool, but he's your brother so whatever..."

Mikoto ended and began walking again, leaving the trio in an uncomfortable silence. Mito looked between Hashirama and Tobirama and then at Mikoto and then the wiser choice by following behind Mikoto.

"That was harsh, Mikoto." Mito said as she caught up.

"I know, but Hashirama and Tobirama are both naive, Aniki said it and he's rarely wrong. If at first I found it to be none of my business, with you entering their family, it is my business, and from the way they both carry themselves, I can tell that whatever the two of them create will bear more pain than it is now." Mikoto said in a gentle voice while giving Mito a kind smile.

Mito looked down shyly. As someone able to feel the emotions of others, she could feel Mikoto's care for her, in a way, it was even stronger than the affection she gets from her relatives, her father excluded.

"But, they're my family now." Mito said

"I know, which is why it is annoying. You know, my brother puts family before all else and thought me to do the same. Sigh... What am I even saying. Come, let me take you to meet my other little sister." Mikoto said and turned, continuing to walk.

Mito paused for a moment before also following her.


"I told you that attitude of your was disturbing." Hashirama said while nudging Tobirama.

Tobirama merely glared at Hashirama making him to raise his hand in surrender. "But really, when you look at the people here, I see why they'll both think that way, considering your attitude."

"Look at that fellow, doesn't that look like the Chinioke Ketsuryūgan? With their visual abilities, they'd put the Uchiha to shame, wouldn't you think they'll be dangerous to keep around?" Hashirama asked as if stating the obvious.

Tobirama frowned deeply as he found reasoning in what Hashirama said. He wasn't one to believe that there was good in people, he only believed what he saw and knew.

The Uchiha were anything but good. They were a war mongering clan that enjoyed war and the chaos it yeilded.

Unbeknownst to him, this very mentality of his was his own undoing.

Weren't all clans involved in the wars?

Weren't all clans using the wars as a means to develop?

Even the Senju clan were just as war mongering as the Uchiha but he failed to see that because, to him, they were defending against the Uchiha and nothing more.

"Sensei always told me that humans fear what they don't have and understand, he then asked me, 'what will I do when I see something dangerous I don't understand or have in my possession?'" Hashirama said wisely.

"I told him I'll put it down if it'll bring the people around me any danger, until then I'll treat it as normal. Maybe if you find the answer to this question, you'll also understand why it is they find you... Hateful should be the word." Hashirama said and followed after Mikoto and Mito leaving Tobirama to his lonesome.


Tobirama POV

Peaceful. That was the only thing that could be used to describe the atmosphere in this village. The air here wasn't as tense as it always is in the clan.

Whether it is because we've grown snd gotten stronger or because we've changed something, the atmosphere in the clan seems okay to me.

I had always wanted to stand behind big brother, and although he wasn't the smartest person to have around, he was atleast dependable.

That was why I felt it was dangerous for him to always leave the clan compound sneakily to God knows where when we were kids.

I had followed him and found that he was meeting up with the Uchihas, the very same people that took the lives of my brothers, our brothers.

I tried to warn him but he wouldn't listen so I had to tell father about it. Coincidentally, the father and little brother of the Uchiha also appeared that day and they were forced to separate.

Brother wasn't same afterwards but he still retained his sunny smile.

As time went on, we fought a lot of battles, won some, lost some but brother's presence always made a difference.

Awakening the Mokuton, our victory became a thing to always look forward to, but then that Uchiha also awakened the cursed eyes of his clan.

A power that needs the death of a loved one to awaken, if it wasn't cursed then what was?

With the Uchiha present, our battles always ended in a tie as he was always able to keep up with Nii-san. Even his little brother with the same cursed eyes became a menace no one else but me could keep up with.

We grew up, became strong and brother stopped the involvement of the children into the wars. He made up for the lack of numbers with overwhelming strength and so did the Uchihas.

Nii-san always saw the best in people which I found to be a flawed outlook on life, people were the product of the environment they grew up in. There was no way they would change just because he talked them out of it.

On the day I met the Tengoku clan head and his escort, I felt it in my bones, these two were dangerous. They gave off an amicable air but my instinct had never lied to me.

They were dangerous, no doubt about that. That was the first time I was seeing a Tengoku, they were never involved in the wars happening in the mainland, and my initial evaluation of them was that they were either weak or were as peaceful as the Uzumakis.

I had had from Ashina-sama that the strongest person he had ever fought with was the previous head of the Tengoku clan and if not because it was a friendly spar, he was sure to have lost.

I doubted it at first as Ashina-sama was a monster of his own calibre, but seeing the young man the same age as me and Nii-san, I knew we wouldn't stand a chance.

Thankfully, they were peaceful so I decided to stay hidden and on guard against them. They talked about Nii-san's dreams to which he called Nii-san naive.

I also in favour of that judgment, Nii-san was a little bit too naive, but what he said about wars had me thinking. Was war a bad thing or a good thing?

I never really got to answer that as there was already a preconceived notion in my head. War was bad. No two ways about that.

It brought nothing but pain and suffering. Yet, a question still bothered me. Why do we still fight?

Was it fate? Destiny? Or were we meant to always fight?

I never got to answer that as I heard him mention me despite having erased every ounce of my presence.

After exhorting Nii-san on how dangerous they were, we heard a commotion going on in Mito's courtyard and reaching there, we Mito in some form of battle with a white haired beauty.

Having known the horror of Mito, seeing this girls chakra quantity and quality made actually question whether the Tengoku clan was even remotely weak?

This chakra was bothering Nii-san's, someone who I've always seen as the strongest. There must be something we weren't clear about concerning them and surprisingly, even after searching the clans archives, the only thing that I could dig up was a single warning. "Never go against the Tengoku clan and remain protected."

I also found that this warning was also given to the Uchiha regarding them. That made me wonder. Where they that dangerous that the Senjus of old strictly prohibited them from going against this clan.

But thinking deeply in this, things I once found confusing began to add up. Most of the battles we were close to losing ended up being in our favour.

This was before even Nii-san awakened his Mokuton. The only time nothing ever went well was when they went against the Uchiha clan.

It was as if, whatever protection was up protecting them was directly removed and whatever damage they caused themselves were up to them.

And for the first time in a long time, I felt horror. A horror so deep that I felt shame when the young clan head had to come to the Senju clan over a tryst that occurred between me and the white haired girl, Mikoto.

When he said their protection upon the Senju clan would be revoked, while the others felt it to be stupid, I felt like we've been exposed to the rain without anything to shield ourselves from it. Like a person stranded in a desert with no form of water or shed to hide under.

I instinctively felt like we've lost something precious and looking at Hashirama, I noticed he felt the same. How the others didn't feel anything made me realize we were likely as stupid as the ltjer clans that have disappeared throughout the long annals of history.

For the next month I delved into research on the various clans that have ever existed and the relationship between the Tengoku clan and the other clans.

That was when I found that together with the Uchiha clan, the Uzumaki, Hyuga, Hagoromo and Senju clan were clans as old as the records showed.

And unfortunately, the Hagoromo clan was mysteriously wiped out and all clues pointed to it being the doing of an astonishing force.

There was no way a clan as strong as the Hagoromo clan could be wiped out in the span of a day, no, even less than half a day.

The Senju and Uchiha clan couldn't do that so it left only yjr Tengoku clan.


After several weeks spent on research, I also found out about a special dimension dedicated to training young children all over the world without prejudice.

'Weren't they afraid of this training backfiring on them?' Was my honest confusion.

This made me want to see the place that could do all this and still remain strong while maintaining a peaceful outlook on life.

And the sight that I saw was the dream that Nii-san wanted to creat, already created.

"If they were already this strong and peaceful, why didn't they make the whole world peaceful?" I asked in an angered tone. A lot of deaths could be avoided if they just shared their knowledge.

But then an answer seemed to pop into my head. "No one would listen."

I for one knew I wouldn't. I would revolt against something that I didn't understand. Was that what Nii-san was talking about? Humans fearing what they don't understand?

Sigh... Perhaps I really am an fool. What good does my intelligence do if the world doesn't comform to the principles I've set for myself?


5 chapters Today. I'm feeling rather happy as yesterday was my birthday so I said I should release 5 chapters. Afterall, I have over 100 chapters waiting to be released on Patreon.

If you're still bored with it, just check out my Patreon. I am done with Overpowering Shun and actually showing the results of Shun's influence on the world.

PS: In any of Shun's battle, don't expect him to lose, and also don't expect him to win overwhelmingly

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