Chapter 90

So.... I wanted to write one chapter on Shun encountering Kakuzu or at least seeing the God Tree Branch that formed the hero water but I'm currently down as hell and I'm not sure I can make sensible conversation and general plot, so I'm just going to make it fast pace till Hashirama's death.

Support me on my Patre@n at for Vol 3... 100+ Chapters ahead. It's just $5. Also, I just began Volume 4. Which is Naruto Arc. I'm a couple chapters, I'll be finishing this FF. Stay tuned.






The Land of Waterfalls or the recently named Taki-gakure is a village situated in-between the current four of the five major villages.

It is a village built around a huge tree which have been said to produce the hero water which multiples the chakra of whoever takes it by 10.

The only downside was the strain it causes was fatal enough.

Chakra as we know it is one's life force extracted by combining both your mental and physical energy.

The fact that something could increase your chakra by 10 simply means it is extracting your life force forcibly and the repercussion can be easily understood.

Although we all knew this story, and the fact that this village was practically impenetrable, no one could feel the foil air I was getting from the village.

The village itself wasn't bad but from the feeling I was getting, I doubt anyone in this village lives past 50 at the very least.

Why? You might ask.

Well, it seems like the God Tree Branch was absorbing little mental and physical energy from these people and every 100 years, it gives them a crystalised form of chakra in form of water.

This in turn, sends someone's chakra into overdrive and at the end, the tree takes the residual chakra and empowers itself.

I wouldn't be surprised if everyone here are stupid or easily deceived.

Well, they do produce specially skilled Shinobi. It isn't a wonder they managed to get Chomei.

Meh... I think I won't allow them to get one this time. They don't particularly deserve my little sister...

"Kuchiki-dono, are we going to go through the village or around it?" Fujirawa asked.

"Nah... We go around it. I don't have think time to deal with them." I said. I don't really have the time. Although I'm particularly meek, I could still be angered due to stupidity.

After all, this is a village that imprisoned one of their best Shinobi for failing to assassinate Hashirama.

It's either their stupid or they are just that stupid. I know the same think, but semantics, I guess.

"That'll take us three day in the least." Mikoto whined and I understood. Who would want their children to sleep outside when they were better ways.

I could build a Wooden house but we all know why I can't. As for an earth building... Meh, it's feels lackluster.

"Alright, we'll try out this new ability I managed to incorporate into my domain." I said and pretended to activate my domain...

"What ability is that?" Mikoto asked casually, normally she wasn't supposed to ask and I wasn't obligated to answer but alas.

"It is a space time technique I specially created to shorten my time moving after my retirement.." I said. If Ashura heard me now, I wonder what he'll think.

I was the one that specially created a Jutsu called 'Walking' so as not to rely too much on teleportation.

"How does it work?" She asked. "Well, I spread my domain as far as my senses can reach and simply will for me to exchange position with anything at any point I want."

Raising my hands like one iconic Doctor, captain, and Swordman, I said. "[Room]" and a physical dome signifying my domain being materialised into the physical plain appeared. Flipping my hands, I said. "[Shambles]" and immediately, we were on the border of the Land of Mushroom.

"Neat." I said. "That wasy first time doing that."

"What!?" Mikoto screamed.

"What?" I asked back in confusion.

"That was your first time using it?" She asked.

"Yeah... Didn't I say it? I just created it recently after all." I replied.

"What if something had gone wrong? What would've happened to the children?" She asked in agitation.

Oh... Now I see were the anger was coming from. I mean, I just used Law's ability as a cover up for my actual teleportation so she was scared for her children when I said that was the first time.

"Humph, your lack of faith in me is disturbing, Mikoto. Why would I ever use an ability I know wouldn't work? Plus, do I seem like a careless person to you?" I asked indifferently. "Yes." She answered without even skipping a heartbeat.

"Damn girl. We practically grew up together and that's what you think of me?" I asked. "Especially with kids involved?" I asked, this time in genuine hurt.

"Well... You can be goofy sometimes but..." She said before I interuppted her. "Don't mind it, I'm going to do it again, two more times and we'll be in the Country of Rōran."

Without waiting for any of the three to air their views or for the children to express their confusion, I immediately used teleportation two more times in succession while coating the children in my chakra to prevent any form of disturbance from the spatial and temporal displacement.

When I stopped after the two times, we were all in the desert. The wind was was moving at its own accelerated velocity as usual, the temperature was extreme as always, no vapour in the air and looking up, there were no cloud covers.

"Alright, I'll leave my domain active as we proceed. I expect to reach Rōran in record time." I ordered and they all nodded and followed behind me.


Arriving at the outskirts of the most modernized city on this planet as of now, my company couldn't help but Marvel at it in shock.

They've heard of it before but seeing was another thing to them. Right around now, they must be thinking that it is no wonder my 'father' and his 'father' before him came to this place after retirement. Me too.

From afar, it looked like any metropolis from Earth, but the land mass it covered was small ok comparison, yet, it was still the most prosperous country on this planet.

As we approach the humongous fence used to surround the village, I caught sight of Sebas and a few people in his entourage which I recognized as the Humans I created some time ago.

Of course, they were puppets with no actual humans parts, but to me, as far as they had breath and thought, they were fully humans.

"Welcome back, Young Master, we've been eagerly waiting for your return." Sebas said with a curt bow.

I could see the confusion on my company's faces except for Mikoto who had an excited look on her face as she looked around, probably searching for someone.

As for me, I casually waved my hands and said. "I'm no longer young, Sebas, and thank you for the welcome. How's my father doing?"

"Enjoying his retirement I must say." Sebas said to which I nodded.

"That's good, take us home." I said and he nodded before clapping his hands, signalling for the maids to form a sort of procession for us as we entered.

Throughout the entire short conversation, they never paid any mind to Fujirawa, Kageno or Mikoto as a matter of fact.

Quite professional to a fault if I must say.

As we walked, the citizens bowed slightly as they passed us and vice versa.

As we reached a certain mansion that was known as the home of the richest man in the world, we were ushered into inside.

(A/N: As I said. Nothing is coming to mind so I'm gonna make it fast paced except for something miscellaneous I'll be adding below.)


We spent the next few days enjoying ourselves, at least that's what Fujirawa, Kageno, Mikoto and the children were doing. As for me... I was having the time of my life with my women.

Today in particular, I decided to cook for them. I haven't particularly done this for some time so I was just winging it, but seeing the expectant look on Kaguya's stoic face and Ria's beaming face, I knew I had to do my best.

In front of me were different ingredients, fishes, carp, rice and wine.

And incase you're wondering, I got these ingredients from the little world that was being formed inside Eiengar. I know, weird. But that humongous Castle from before as begun birthing a world ever since Eien had that ordeal of hers.

One of the fishes had a faint blue glow surrounding its body; its eyes were moving about in a lively manner and had a perfectly shaped body.

The other fish was far more menacing; it had a bulging head and a pitch-black body with reflective scales.

I expressionlessly stood in front of the fish tank with my sleeves rolled back and stared at the two fishes. In a flash, both of my hands moved and swiftly entered the water.

In the moment ripples appeared on the water's surface, I had already caught the glowing fish in his hands.

The reaction of the fish was quick as well as it suddenly emitted a shockwave from its body to escape from m hands. After all, it was not an ordinary fish but a sentient spiritual beast.

That's what I was calling them. All animal that could gain even the tiniest bit of sentience were all spiritual in nature. Even though it was weak at fighting, it was still capable of struggling.

I tightly grasped around the body of the fish and it gradually stopped struggling. The fish was eventually scooped out of the water and placed on the chopping board.

The kitchen was renovated and prepared by me years ago. It had all modern components I could think of, so all sorts of kitchenware were available.

I randomly grabbed a kitchen knife; the knife glimmered menacingly but did not affect my movements. 'What was that? Don't tell me excess exposure to my energy also have this equipments sentience.'

"The Ice Sea Fish is a type of seawater fish. Its body radiates a blue glow, the meat contains cold energy and is also filled with spiritual energy. It is an excellent ingredient." I said out loud.

It was natural since having good ingredients was a necessity for cooking gourmet food. There would be a world of difference in the taste if poor ingredients were provided.

Guiding Chakra to my palms, I used the flat side of the knife to smack the fish on its head. The fish, that was still struggling moments ago, suddenly became still.

I proficiently handled the descaling and gutting of the fish. In a while, an Ice Sea Fish was successfully processed. I walked to the wine vat and opened it. After stuffing the belly of the fish with distillers grains, I shoved the entire fish into the wine vat to marinate it.

"The special wine vat can speed up the marinating process. Estimated time to finish is three hours," But who was I? Directly increasing the time ratio around the wine vat, three seconds later, the fish was good to go.

Stopping time on the wine vat, I began to prepare the second dish.

This time I scooped out the black and stout fish. After processing it, I cut off its head and started to cook the Fish Head Tofu Soup.

From the refrigerator, I took out a pearly white tofu and began to cook.

Thunder Silver Carp. It has a hefty head and plenty of flesh; the fish tastes refreshing with a slight prickling sensation. It is an excellent ingredient.

Ice-crystal Jadeite Tofu is made using Exquisite Spiritual Energy filled Soybeans. It is manually grinded and the manufacturing process is complicated.

As both the fish and tofu were extraordinary, I could not help but be filled with expectations for the fish-head tofu soup.

As I lifted up the lid, a rich fragrance with a faint scent of meat rushed out of the pot into his nasal cavities. I couldn't help subconsciously deeply inhaled and triggered a series of rumbling noises from my stomach.

I had a normal human physique now so I still needed the little things humans needed.

I had just scooped out of the fish-head tofu soup from the pot.

With just the milky white soup, a fat and tender fish head, and pearly white tofu, it was the most primitive combination of fish head and tofu.

The aromatic and appetizing Fish Head Tofu Soup was then placed onto the table.

A blue and white porcelain bowl contained the Fish Head Tofu Soup; fresh and tender fish meat was floating in the pristine milky-white fish soup, along with crystal-clear tofu that looked brittle to the touch.

The rich fragrance converged at the top of the bowl and exuded a captivating radiance under the dim lighting.

I satisfactorily took a deep breath as the faint fragrance of the fish rushed through my nasal cavities and spread into my limbs. The Fish Head Tofu Soup was actually a slightly difficult home-cooked dish as it tested a chef's control over heat.

However, with my culinary skills, that was naturally quite accomplished.

That was the only way to produce the pristine, milky-white fish soup.

After bringing the blue and white porcelain bowl out of the kitchen and placing it on a table, I took out a smaller bowl and was ready to personally taste the delicious Fish Head Tofu Soup.

But my self control took the driver's seat and I immediately stopped. Pouring the soup into several plates as well as the fishes, and everything involved in the full course meal.

I created clones that took them out and placed in front of the already salivating Goddesses.

Untying the ribbon that held my overflowing ponytail, I stretched my hands like one iconic chef and said. "Oagariyo."


A/N: That means dig in of you don't know, and as for the chef, I meant Soma Yukihira from Food wars.

I know this one was short but I'm actually lacking the mental strength to make conversation in my head due to my illness.

Anyways Enjoy... I'ma try writing the first Kage summit on the next chapter, as well as some miscellaneous stuff and then we're done with them.

From there it'll be Tsunade's birth, growing up, Hashirama's death, 1st Shinobi war which I'll skim over, Tobirama's death, Hiruzen becoming Hokage, teaching the Legendary Sanin, abducting them into the training Dimension, Jiraya doing some shit that'll still land him in Mount Myboku and Jiraya coincidentally meeting Shun.

Other spoilers will have to be read. So enjoy.