Chapter 91: Title: Reunion and Summit

Title: Reunion and Summit


Support me on my Patre@n at for Vol 3... 100+ Chapters ahead. It's just $5. Also, I just began Volume 4. Which is Naruto Arc. I'm a couple chapters, I'll be finishing this FF. Stay tuned.


I wonder how Da and Fenrir are doing this days. Da's last message to me was that he was going to check out the savage lands outside the known continent of the Shinobi world which I was grateful for. Wouldn't want an element such as him affecting the plot any more than necessary.

As for Fenrir, due to having visited the Sage lands housing the Canids, I knew he was whiling away his time there while enjoying the treatment he was being given.

That was until a couple of weeks ago though. I wonder where he's at right now.

I just got informed that the Kage Summit will be held in Rōran as I had expected and the various Kages were on their way.

Due to the influence the current Kages had, this was big news around the world.

For five people to unite the five major countries was something unheard of for centuries afterall.

And to top it off, they were about to meet and sign a treaty of sorts. This will in turn, open up an era of peace... Or so they thought.

On this special day, Sebas came to inform me that one little brat was causing a Ruckus and claiming to be the son of the owner of this mansion.

According to Sebas, he couldn't bear him... No, the brat could've easily beat him but was letting him off due to feeling a familiar Chakra from him.

As far as I was concerned, I didn't have a children that were in their youth now. Izanagi and Izanami were already grown ups and were in their late thirties.

This was their eight life and if the information I'd gotten from Ria was correct, Izanami did create a technique that'll make them immortal after their ninth reincarnation and that was that.

I was proud to hear that of course, but for them to constantly run from me was upsetting. I wouldn't force them to meet me though, they were grown ups so they should have their thoughts on things.

Anyways, those two were my only children, and I'm pretty sure Hinami didn't get pregnant before she left so that only leaves one person.

As I was walking out, I heard. "-What? You lot don't believe this young master? Fine then, just know that this one wouldn't be leaving this spot till I see that old man...not like any of you can touch me..."

The voice sounded pouty but I could already guess who this 'Young Master' was.

Stepping out, I saw a white haired young boy around the age of 17 standing proudly with a white and black hand fan covering his face. His garment was a flowing white and blue robe characteristic of cultivators.

In all honesty, anyone looking at him may think he was truly my son if not for his lack of the Rikugan. His eyes pupils were red, which was good but his entire iris was white instead of black.

He was good... In terms of arrogant young master appearance, he was good, but...

"What the hell are you doing? How can a young master walk around like that?" I asked in disdain.

Hearing the question, everyone turned to me and had various expressions on their face. From relief to confusion.

But the young man looked at me with joy, before confusion set it.

"Where the hell is your entourage?" I asked again.

His confusion began to rise. He looked around and suddenly realised what was missing. "No wonder I felt something was off." He muttered to himself.

"It's good that you understand. Though I feel yo still misunderstand. I'm not talking about guards but-" I was saying before he interuppted.

"Yes. Yes. I know, boot lickers! A bunch of low ranked idiots that will agree to whatever bullshit I say." He said.

"Exactly. While you act like the noble young master, they act as your hooligans and support whatever you say, for example, as I was coming out, I heard you giving up due to not having support. If you had some, they'd chip in something like, "Yeah, just you wait till the old man comes out, he'll have your heads for this impudence." You get?" I said.

"Yeah... Damnit, I could've trained a couple wolves in this art and brought them along with me. I still have a lot to learn it seems, pops." He said.

"Of course you do, but like every rebellious teen, you think you know enough when you're just seeing what's in front of you and not beyond." I said while placing my hands behind my back and speaking like a venerable one.

"Hai... I had eyes but failed to see mount tai." The young man said, closing his hand fan and cupping his fist like any traditional Chinese guy, "This unfilial son has returned and begs for your forgiveness."

There was a moment of silence between us as he maintained his bowing stance. The people around wore confused expressions as they saw our exchange but who could blame them?

Walking up to Fenrir who was bowing down, I raised my hands and rubbed his head. "Sigh, it's good that you're back...not!" Before slamming his head into the ground.

Despite the layer of space he had placed around him, I still made sure it hurt while not destroying the floor of the mansion too much.

"Oi. Oi. Pops do you want to kill me? I could die from that hit you know?" He complained as his figure fizzled and he appeared some meters away from me.

"Oh? Neat trick you learnt, mind sharing?" I asked not bothered about his question.

"Oh this? It's nothing, its a space save and load stuff I created. It could even affect time but for some reason I still got hurt." Fenrir said.

"Ah... I see, so that's what that layer of space was... You wanted to leave your... Parallel existence while your real body goes undamaged. Neat trick indeed." I said.

"Parallel Existence... Mm, I like the name." Fenrir said.

"Is that so?" I asked with a smile which made him raise his guard. "Oi. Oi. Pops, you know this is child abuse right?"

"Whatever do you mean?" I asked with a frown filled with wrongness. Instantly, I created a parallel existence and teleported behind Fenrir and jacked him up before giving him a German suplex.

"Now that's for ghosting me for years." I said as I saw the twitching body of Fenrir who had his head buried inside the floor.

"Come now, I'm pretty sure Ria and Kaguya also missed you. You wouldn't want to keep them waiting, would you?" I said as I watched the Fenrir twitching fizzled out again and another one stretching his neck appeared beside me.

"Tch." I clicked my tongue. "You managed to dodge that one too huh?"

"Of course, I haven't spent the last few years indulging in my pleasures alone." Fenrir said with a proud grin.

"I see... Pray those two are more lenient than me. Even this ability of your wouldn't help against them if they truly want to hurt you." I said as I looked at in sympathy.

The technique he had developed was good, but as he had no affinity with time, it wasn't perfect. With time affinity, he could've created Izanagi-Pro-max.

Save a particular point in time, die or get injured, Load that point in time and everything goes back to the beginning.

I call it Izanagi-Pro-max because it would affect the entire world. Its a good thing he doesn't have it as it would attract unnecessary attention to this place if the entire universe time is rewinded all of a sudden.

Well, he could make it to only affect this planet but making it affect only on part of a whole would lead to an unnecessary catastrophic event.

"Ano... Shun-sama?" One of my maids called. "Hmm?"

"Is he...?"

"Yup, my very first born back when I was still a brat, I guess." I answered.

"I see." She said.

As everyone heard what I said, no one asked anything else but we're still marveled by this son of their creator.

Thankfully, Kageno, Mikoto and Fujirawa aren't here, I wouldn't know how to explain it to them.

"Alright, y'all should go about your doings, and get someone to do something about the floor. Sorry about that." I said sincerely in apology.

"No. No. Shun-sama, it's our duty, you don't need to apologize." One maid said.

"Kay then." I said with a shrug and walked back into the mansion where I could already hear several thuds and screams.

Turning to look at my maids and butler, I smiled and said. "I suddenly feel like enjoying the peaceful atmosphere around Rōran so I'm going to take a walk."

"Understood... I'll prepare a carriage-" Sebas said, wanting to prepare the car Ria created a few years back.

It was a horse driven carriage with good shock absorber so it wasn't all that uncomfortable but still, I wanted to just walk.

In case you were all wondering, "But there wasn't any mention of this in the anime." Then need I remind you that there wasn't a need for it as Shinobi preferred running. It was even rare for them to enter a boat while crossing the sea so...

During my trek, I couldn't help but feel like I was back to earth, only a little far back in terms of modernisation. The buildings were properly built, the well paved roads, the road side stalls and many other things.

Due to my constant illsuion on my body, nobody recognised me so I enjoyed the walk. I even saw Kageno and Mikoto being all lovey-dovey as I reached the park with their 2 year old Children doing what children do.

'Tch, now I miss Hinami. I wonder what she's up to.' I thought to myself as I looked up to see where she was outside the planet only to feel a strain not long after.

"Damn, creating this body of flesh and blood is annoying. Now I get to feel pian for the littlest things all over again." I said as I scratched my eyes.

'There goes my overpowered clairvoyance.' I thought, 'That's one neat perverted trick, pops, mind sharing the inner workings?' Fenrir's excited voice rang in my head causing my eyes to twitch.

"You done with your moms?" I asked.

"Yup, they're as caring as ever." He said with a laugh which I could feel was forced. The only thing I could say so as not to hurt his ancient pride was. "I understand."

"... Thanks pops. Truly. Thanks." Fenrir's shaky voice sounded again. "But that aside pops, the eye technique, mind sharing?"

"Yeah, I mind... If you can create one for yourself, good, but for me to teach you this 'perverted' skill... Fat chance." I said.

"Hehehe... I'll be taking that as a challenge then. Last I checked there was this clan that had this weird white eyes. Nami-kaa-san's clan, was it?" Fenrir said with hidden meaning which I didn't bother my brain with thinking deeper into it.

"Sure thing, help yourself out, just know I'll be snitching on you to Hinami." I said nonchalantly as I bought a couple of dangos.

While eating and savoring it's taste, Fenrir shouted. "No fair pops. Snitches get Stitches. Remember?"

"And who's gonna stitch me?" I asked back.

"Kuh... Fine, you win..."

"That's good. I'm not against you having this technique, but if you put in the effort to create one such skill, it'll be with you till the day you die and no one can take it away from you... You're already this old but you're still thinking so immaturely. Sigh.." I sighed in disappointment.


Fenrir was tendered speechless but as shameless as he was, he quickly waved it off the very next instant.

"On another note pops, I'm sure you know Shukaku and the others have been captured?" He asked.

"Mm... I'm aware... Wait, is that why you came here? You're one caring big brother huh?" I smiled teasingly.

"W-wha- that's not true, I was just bored of living repeatedly so I decided to get some fresh air." Fenrir defended.

"Yeah. Yeah. Like the air out here is nearly as fresh as the air in the sage lands."

"That's not the point, pops. What are we going to do about this?" He asked.


"Wha-What!?" He screamed inside my head. "Nothing?"

"Yup, nothing. It's part of their destiny. They've been too flippant over the centuries, and have seen humans as nothing more than ants deep within their subconscious. This would serve as a lesson on humility for most of them." I said.

That was the truth. The Tailed Beasts were all like that except for Isobu who had no time to care about the humans, Son Goku who was too honourable and stubborn to go against his father's and my initial wish for them, Chomei who was too hyperactive and Gyuki who was like the cool Aniki.

The others had their own arrogance and disdain towards humans.

"I heard they were all captured by one man, and from what I've discovered, he has Ashura's smell on him." Fenrir said.

"Yup... That's true, except he didn't capture them all... He only has eight. The other one was sealed away by the monks in the Wind Temple." I said.

"I see." Fenrir said. "And we do nothing to help them?"

"Yup... Nothing at all. It's all part of the grand scheme." I said Mysteriously.

"Is this about the child of prophecy bullshit that that smelly toad was going on about?" Fenrir asked.

"Unfortunately, yes." I said while nodding at his description of Gamamaru. It's good to know I wasn't the only one with a dislike for the toad.

"You believe that?" He asked.

"Of course I do... I've actually seen it as well so..."

"Is that so...?" Fenrir asked as his presence disappeared from my head.

Yare Yare. It'll be nice to leave office to another person and come here to just peek on everything that'll be going on. That was my initial intention afterall.

I just have to continually imprint the non interference policy into each and every Kage that'll come after me...

Wouldn't want them overly causing changes in the plot more than I already have. Atleast I have mine under control. Sigh... What a pain.


Time flew and roughly a month after coming to Rōran, the very First Kage to arrive in Rōran other than me was one masculine man over 2 meters in height with no shirt to hide his masculinity.

Following beside him was also another buffed up young man with blond hair carrying a rather exquisite axe on his back. The axe was made out of pure gold and shone with luminance in the afternoon desert sun.

As soon as he arrived, he directly walked into the city gates without being invited in or given a special permit.

Whether it was arrogance or due to him wanting to ascertain the legibility of the rumours he didn't bother listening to the call of his follower who stood outside the city gate with a wry smile as he saw his Kage unceremoniously barging inside...