Chapter 94

Read extra Chapters on my Patre@n at for Vol 3... 100+ Chapters ahead. It's just $5. Also, I just began Volume 4. Which is Naruto Arc. In a couple chapters, I'll be finishing this FF. Stay tuned.


Title: Doing God things and....


In a garden in an unknown location, a white haired man could be seen sitting with his eyes closed. In front of him was a canvas and on the canvas was a painting, a painting of a drop of water.

Beside him was a woman who looked at the painting with awe.

"This is the ultimate samsara cycle. One which all living being must undergo."

If any ordinary individual, No. If any human saw this painting, all they would see would be a drop of water suspended in the Void. Around it were little stars and other Celestial bodies that didn't seem to pale in comparison to the drop of water, yet were miniscule in conceptualisation.

"Rain the convergence of water vapours from all longs of life. It's life was to grow in the clouds high in the skies, and it's death was to fall into the earth, fall into the sea and return to the world..."

"...It's life is extremely short. A single drop of rain water was also insignificant."

"But the endless rainwater nourished all things. It nourished life. Flowers and birds, insects and beasts, all thrived because of Rain. A single drawing of a raindrop seem so simple, but in it is contained the Concept of Endlessness..."


"Un... If a life is born, death naturally follows. Death is the home where all life returns to."

"There is no life that could live forever." Shun said.

There was a moment of silence between the two as they mulled over their conversation.

"What is a concept?" The female asked.

"A concept is a rule. In this world, nothing could be separated from these rules. From the passing of years, the changing of stars, from when a seed grew to a tree, from a mortal's life and death, everything, every change, is inseparable from its corresponding governing rule...."

"...A drop of water. A grain of sand. Everything contained the power of Laws. Something that seem so simple yet not always simple. As long as one unravels the basis of these simplicities, all complexities could be reduced."

"But you're Immortal, Master."

"No... This isn't Immortality... I'm merely Undying. Should I meet someone who is at a higher dimension than I am, I would be lucky to survive." Shun said with a smile.

"Thankfully, there aren't many of them running around."

"Luck? What's that? What quantities Luck?"

"Luck is only a part of Destiny. Talent, will, perception, Mentality, soul - all of those are equally important parts of destiny... Luck only provides opportunities, whether one could grasp those opportunities depends solely on themselves." Shun explained.

"But that very thought is impossible, master. Does that mean you're also under the influence of Destiny?"

"In this place known as the world. A place where sentient beings live, there are far too many impossible things that occur, but in fact, every impossibility is reasonable and fair, and the so-called 'impossible'is merely something that exists In a person's heart." Shun said.


"You don't really understand, do you?" Shun asked and the lady shook her head.

"Haha. Good, them think about this. The day you first gained sentence, would you ever have thought there was a higher plane of existence other than the one you were born to?"

The lady shook her head.

"Exactly... Our minds decides what is possible and what is not,"

"But the mind is part of the soul, does that mean that is what's holding me back?"

"True again. Ones soul is composed of Pure memories and a spirit mark. This is a person's 'characteristic of life'. Their experiences, thoughts, emotions, pain, and all whatnots. If a person loses that, even a speck of dust from that pile, then the person would lose their sense of self and become nothing more than a puppet." Shun explained.


"Yup, even pain. Pain comes from the body, but it actually reflects in the soul and mind..."

"What is this Spirit Mark then? How can I identify it?"

"Simple for you to do now. Look inward, into that mass of energy moving at speeds you can't hope to comprehend. Those tiny filaments that thoroughly penetrate every nook and cranny of your being, those are your Spirit Mark." Shun said.

"You mean these tiny things? Really?"

"Of course? Where do you think a normal humans spiritual energy comes from? Their body alone contains 30 trillion cells, and that's for a normal person." Shun said. "Powerful individual may have varying amounts in their bodies, and that's just the physical body. The mind and body work in tandem to keep human alive, that should tell you a lot right?"


There was another moment of silence between them. Shun out away the painting of the rain drop and brought out another canvas and began drawing.

"Have you ever had a dream?" Shun asked.

"Dream? What is that?"

"This is a succession of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that usually occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep."

"I don't understand..."

"Hehe, I would be worried if you did." Shun said and then motioned for her to look at the painting.

"One's mind has the potential to create a whole new world. From an idea to anything your imagination deems as a limit. A dream, a place you let go of all control and common sense and just immerse yourself in the boundless imagination - losing yourself to the fantasy of your own creation." Shun said as he watched the girl's eyes glaze over.

She was in a dream, induced by the painting he had just finished and he sat these waiting for her to disinvolve herself from it.

Moments later she gained back clarity in her eyes and asked in shock.

"What was that?"

"A dream. There is solidity in dreams, akin to reality. But whether it was real life or fantasy, it all depends on the dream-will of the person dreaming, the person who created the dream." Shun said.

"The distance between the sky and the earth can be traversed within the span of a single thought. That makes you wonder, what are dreams really? Reality or illusory? Genuine or Forged? Interweaving Truth or Fiction; Everything depends on the power of one's imagination."

"This is where the saying: 'your imagination is your limit' but to me and you, it should be our starting point." Shun finished.

"So the difference between things like Illsuion, dream and realty is just a matter of perspective?" She asked.

"Exactly. Why don't you try bringing your dream into this reality?" Shun offered.

"Really?" She asked with stars literally in her eyes.

"Of course, this place belongs to you, no?"

"Hai. But you're still my master so..."

"Don't mind it, you just do you." Shun said.

The lady giggled happily and then closed her eyes in deep concentration which made her look cute and moments later, figures of animals began taking form all around her.

By the time she opened her eyes there were already a lot of them beside her and she immediately dived into their midst, forgetting Shun who was here moments ago.

Shun figure appeared in the sky of the plane they were at and sent out his senses as he's always done for the last years.

"Eien should be waking up soon... These chats in her mindscape should help her a lot in stabilizing the chaotic energy she was emitting." Shun said to himself.

This was was spacious too spacious infact but who was he to complain? It was a good thing for the Eiengar to have its own separate dimension.

A 30 by 30 mile square plane could fit a billion people and if divided into levels, it could fit dozens of billions or even hundreds of billions of people.

That... Is the amount of space in this World Palace, Eiengar.

Despite Slumbering for so many years, Eien wasn't ready for that final step into evolving, so, every now and then, I send my consciousness into her mindscape to keep her company.

Thinking of one more thing, Shun projected his thoughts to her...

"A world in a drop of water. Where my energy exists, everything and anything can represent the Laws. You can also do this as well. You can integrate your Laws into anything in this world of yours. For example, flower petals, tree leaves, spears, sword...Everywhere your energy exists, they would be the representations of your Laws."

"Humans then, are the true source of the Laws?" She projected her thoughts back.

"Hmm? Why do you think that?" Shun asked in genuine curiosity.

"Because they're the ones that embodies all elements, right? From the earth they were made and there they shall return, the blood and the fluids in their body represent the water laws, the bio-electricity in them represent their Lightning and destructive Laws. The Air they breath in and out, the Air laws, the emotions, represent the Fire Laws and then their Genders represent their Yin and Yang Laws." Eien reasoned.

"... Mm, nice outlook on life little Eien, but no. Every living being is the source of all Laws. It's a perpetual cycle. Living beings need the law the same way the Laws needs the Living Beings..."

"That should be enough for now... Why don't you take your time... When you fully awaken, you can experience all these by yourself."

"Un... Master."


Damn! That was tiring... Other than my pseudo divine soul, every other part of my very existence is totally drained. Who would have thought I was so overpowered in the past? Now, I can't even draw a concept without dealing some damage to myself.

And I had created a couple of them some time back... Sigh. Life, we win some we lose some.

Turning invisible, I flew back to Rōran just to enjoy the breeze on my face.

Stopping down on the mansion, the maids bowed and Sebas, dressed all prim and proper came out to welcome me.

"Sup Sebas."

"Welcome back, Master."

"Un... Any thing I should be aware of?" I asked as we walked inside.

"Nothing major. Just the passing of Hashirama Senju." Sebas said.

Damn... Then that's important, man...

"That's... A pity. When was it?"

"A little bit more than a week now." He answered.

Hmm? A week? Wait a minute.

"How long was I gone?" I asked dreading the answer.

"A little bit more than three years."

And there it is... Damn!

"Three years!? Now that's long. Is Mikoto around?"

He shook his head. "Lady Mikoto left to be with Lady Mito some time ago and took the young master and miss with her."

"I see."

Now that's quite considerate of her. The two brats, Keshiro and Yatsuyo had been introduced to Tsunade a couple years ago before I left to attend to Eien.

Due to both Tsunade, Keshiro and Yatsuyo always coming here once a year, they got along quite nice due me being their God father.

"Is my presence required?" I asked, trying to find a second opinion and support not to go.

"I don't believe it is, but it is customary, as humans, to be in attendance when an acquaintance passes." Sebas said causing me to stop and look at him.

"That wasn't what I needed to hear, man." I shook my head seeing him confused and continued walking. "And Fenrir?"

I didn't have any hope of him being around as that would take a miracle for that to happen. I wasn't also worried about him affecting the plot anymore than he already has due to him looking down on all humans as weaklings which I don't fault him for.

"The Young master left on a quest, he said he should try living as an 'eminent monk' once again, or something along that line." Sebas said, his words laced with his own confusion.

"I get what you mean man, I do." I looked at him sympathetically. Not everyone could handle Fenrir and his choices of words and action.

"He must have been a handful, Eh?"

"Not at all, Master. Young Master Fenrir was of the optimum behaviour when you weren't around." Sebas answered.

"I see." Probably had something to do with Kaguya. Ria wouldn't have the time to make him understand pain as Kaguya would.

"Ria and Kaguya?"

"Madam Ria left a clone of herself behind and went off-world with Madam Kaguya, they said they'll come back when it's time."

"Oh... I see." What the actual fuck? Where do these ladies think they were all going leaving me here?

"They said it had something to do with you going off-universe while they stayed couped up on this little planet." Sebas intoned as if understanding my thoughts.

"Ah!... Now I understand..." This wasn't my main body afterall, he's probably chilling with Veldanava right around now... That's if Velda is still alive. He's a good guy...and fun too.

"Write me a letter, addressed to the Senju clan and tell them about my immediate arrival." I ordered.

"At once." Sebas bowed. "Should be letter be sent over manually?"

"Nah... Bring it to me. I'll directly send it to Mito." I said. "She's probably the one in charge now."


Standing at the rather spacious little dimensional mansion, I suddenly felt bored... It wouldn't be too late to initiate that plan of going into a slumber now, would it?

This body doesn't even have access to natural energy as the former one, but it should still be an easy matter to access it again.

Mm... The mantra for this one should be something like... "Only with a clear and pure heart can one see the Truth. By embracing the truth, one can see reality as it is. Seeing reality without being stained by it, leads to a state of True freedom. When we are truly free, we can be in harmony with nature."

A worthy cultivation technique for learning and cultivating natural energy. Hmm, nice gift, maybe give it to Mito... Nah, Tsunade. Hopefully she could incorporate it into her future Creation Rebirth - Strength of a hundred Seals.

Tsunade... Quite the name Hashirama gave his granddaughter. One who is like the young thunder, confident, and assertive.

I look forward to how you'll grow with Mikoto and Mito's influence looming over you. Not to mention mine.