Chapter 95: Burial

Read extra Chapters on my Patre@n at for Vol 3... 100+ Chapters ahead. It's just $5. Also, I just began Volume 4. Which is Naruto Arc. In a couple chapters, I'll be finishing this FF. Stay tuned.


Title: Burial.


Shun's POV.

As of now, I've uncovered 5 wonders of the world as it pertains to the World. And I'm currently going to ascertain the sixth today, which is: On the death of every important person, rain must fall.

On this very day, the funeral started in a sad and gloomy atmosphere, but the interesting thing was that even if he was the God of Shinobi, the funeral was quite simple.

Unfortunately there wasn't any signs of rain. There was dark clouds though but no rain.

Near the centre of the cemetery was the coffin that housed Hashirama's corpse, covered in white clothing with a photo of him along with lots of white flowers around it.

Almost, if not all of Konoha citizens were present, dressed in black. On the front row was Mito and her children, Tsunade beside her parents, Mikoto who was beside Mito and Keshiro and Yatsuyo beside Tsunade.

Although the two brats didn't know exactly what was going on, seeing Tsunade said made them sad too.

After all, she was the closest to Hashirama.

Tobirama being Hashirama's brother and the current Hokage was the one performing the rites of passing and all whatnots.

As for me, I was standing inconspicuously at the side. This wouldn't be the last I would be meeting the man so I wasn't all that bothered by his death.

Although he is the only reincarnation of Ashura I had interacted with more, we weren't that close to call us close friends, we were friends and that was it.

Tobirama began his speech and detailed all of Hashirama's deeds when he was alive, including the formation of the village while conveniently erasing Madara's part in the story.

When he was done, the crowd were almost entirely crying and sobbing.

He was the God of Shinobi so he was loved by everyone in the village since he made it possible for them to have a semblance of a normal life.

After a long minutes of silence, the crowd left, leaving only the relatives behind to say their final farewell.

Tsunade began bawling her eyes out once more since there was no one unfamiliar around anymore. She was the Princess of Konoha so she had to act strong Infront of Outsiders... Or so she told herself.

Keshiro and Yatsuyo knelt beside her and consoled her. Yatsuyo being a girl also began crying seeing her friend cry but Keshiro just stood there with a gloomy face.

'At least he's manly enough not to cry.' was my honest thoughts.

Hashirama's children all left one by one, even Tsunade's parents. They knew they hadn't been in her life much and couldn't really comfort her as much as Mito would so they left.

Mikoto was by the side also consoling Mito. "You know, you could take a permanent leave and stay at Rōran or Hana."

Mito smiled sadly. "Unfortunately, I don't think that's possible anymore."

"Politics?" Mikoto asked with a frown.

"Politics." Mito smiled sadly. "Although I could force my way out, I don't want to be the trigger to the wars that Hashirama fought so long against."

It took a few seconds for Mikoto to say anything and when she did, "I understand."

Tobirama walled towards them at this moment, bowed to Mikoto and said. "I'm truly sorry for you loss, Mito."

"You too, Tobi. So what now?" She asked.

"Now, we prepare for war." Tobirama said gravely. "The only reason we have been able to maintain this peace for 33 years now is only due to brother's strength. With the news of his death spreading, war is sure to be ignited once more."

"33 years huh? That was almost a person's lifetime in the past." Mito said in reminiscence.

"Truly." Tobirama said.

"You do you then... Just know you aren't getting any younger." Mito said.

"I'm never to old to protect this peace we fought so hard to get." Tobirama said and then bowed towards Mito and Mikoto before turning towards my direction and giving a curt nod before Flickering away.

'Humph. Like that would make me like him.' I thought childishly. Yes, I know.

Walking towards Mito and Mikoto I said. "He was a good man."

Mito nodded. "He called me his best friend on his death bed..."

"Did he say anything about me?" I asked noticing her hesitation.

Mito nodded and said. "He did say that although he hasn't experienced much with you, he feels like you're more like a brother to him as Tobirama."

Smiling at that as I looked at the sobbing Tsunade in pity. "Only that?"

Mito shook her head. "He did say if you wouldn't protect his clan, you should at least protect Tsunade's home."

"That's quite a way to put it, Mito. Home is where your loved ones are, as far as Rōran and Hana stands, Tsunade has a home, No?" I said looking at her in curiosity, wanting to know how she would argue.

"The people of this Village love her as much as we both do, Kuchiki-nii, please do right by her." Mito said.

"Wha-? Now you're calling me Nii and then using Tsu-chan on top of that?"

She just smiled sweetly but didn't say anything.


"I feel like you just thought something rude now, Aniki." Mikoto said.

"It must be your imagination." I countered. "But I'll see what I can do in this lifetime of mine, the rest will depend on her fate. You haven't used the tokens given to you by Mikoto and Yuri right? Those can go a long way."

"I understand."

Nodding at that, I went towards the trio of Tsunade, Yatsuyo and Keshiro.

"Hey kids, how you doing?"

Keshiro was the first to answer. "Ne. Ne. Oji-san, Tsu-chan won't stop crying."

"Is that so?" I asked while ruffling his hair. "That's what happens when you lose a loved one. It hurts so much that you can't stop crying."

"Is it painful?" He asked.


"Then can you heal her? Mama said you're a much better healer than she is. You can heal her right?" He asked with so much hope gushing from his eyes. Even Yatsuyo perked up at that.

Chuckling at this, I knelt to their level and said. "This is a special type of pain which can only be healed by special people..."

"Are you not special, Jii-san?" Yatsuyo asked.

"Of course I am, but by special, I mean people special to her. Can you tell me two special people close to Tsunade that you know?"

"Ehh..." They looked at eachother in confusion.

"Haha. Don't look all confused. I'm talking about you two."

"Us?" They asked in confusion.

"Of course. You two are very special to Tsunade and you two are the people that can help her heal. If your mama bans you from leaving the house, wouldn't you both be happy when she comes around?"

They both nodded. "That's exactly what you should do, but don't treat her like a vase. She's a strong girl so just be there when she needs it, okay?"

They both nodded again. "Promise?"


"That's good then."

After that, I turned to Tsunade who I had kinda paused intime so she wouldn't hear our conversation and said. "How are you holding up kiddo?"

Turning to look at me with tear filled face, I felt her emotional state get slightly better as she inclined towards me for support which I gave in form of a hug.

"It's gonna be alright, Tsunade.."

"Uwaa... Grandpa... He left with...out saying... goodbye" she said and sniffed. "He only...told me...he was.. rest...and then..he fell...asleep."

"Oji...I don't want go... Uwaa..." She cried as she rubbed her tears and snot on me.

"Sorry about that, Hime, Hashirama truly went to rest, but I'm sure he was proud of his strong and gallant grand-daughter, he wouldn't be happy if he finds you crying like a baby, would he?"

"He can't...see me now...he's gone." Tsunade said, not falling for it.

"Whoever said that he's gone. You still remember the times you spent with him right?" I asked to which she nodded.

Pulling her away from me and looking her in the eyes, I said. "Then that's all that matters. The fact that you remember him proves that he still lives on in you, in here." Pointing at her heart, "and here." Pointing to her head.

"Really?" She asked.

"Of course.... When you sleep at night and think of your grandpa protecting you, I'm sure you'll sleep pretty well." Pointing to the gem hanging on her neck. "He did leave that for you right?"

She nodded.

"Then that's his chakra right there. Whenever you're in danger, I'm sure it'll surely protect you. Isn't that great? It shows that even when he's resting, he'll always be watching you. So... Do you want Hashirama to laugh at how weak you are now or laugh proudly at how powerful and gallant you'll become in the future?"

I don't know whether it was due to my Godly soul or something but she was quite captivated by my speech and cleaned her eyes and said resolutely.

"I want him to laugh proudly at how powerful I'll become."

"That's the spirit. Become Strong. So strong that you'll be able to protect your father's Village the same way he did when he was alive, okay?"

"Un!" She nodded cutely.

"And so you know the first step to that?" I asked.

"Train very hard." She answered to which I shook my head. "Then what?"

"The answer is to make as many friends as possible, and grow stronger with them, so you'll make a formidable squad, capable of protecting this village."

"Ehhh? Why can't I do it alone? Grandpa did." Tsunade asked.

"Who told you that? Your grandpa had your Grandma, your granduncle, his cousins and friends. You? Who do you have?"

"I have you, my grandma, granduncle-." Tsunade began.

"Wrong!" I interuppted. "Us from the past generation are excluded. Now, you have only Keshiro and Yatsuyo, your work now is to make as much friends as possible in the academy. You'll be graduating this year right?"

"HM." She nodded.

"Then before you graduate, make everyone in your class your friend. Is that possible?" I asked.

She looked unsure at that prospect and I understood why... Her class was pretty unique in the truest sense. Out of all 32 of them, only she, Orochimaru and Sakumo, were truly Strong and treated her normally. Jiraiya too but he wasn't a genius soo...

"I'll try." She finally said.

"Then that's all that matters. Whenever you feel tired, don't forget you have me and Grandma Mikoto over at Rōran waiting for you. If you need help, don't hesitate to ask, okay?"


"Why don't you go talk to Keshiro and Yatsuyo, they seemed pretty worried about you."

"Okay!" She shouted and left happily, but not before throwing a look at the spot Hashirama was laid and clutching her necklace.


"She'll be okay right?" Mito asked.

"Of course she will, I personally consoled her after all." I said, quite proud of myself. They were probably feeling like ther were threading on thin ice with the little lady but me? I couldn't actually give two fucks so...

With that, the spark that will lead to the beginning of the 1st Shinobi world war was ignited.

During the ceremony, I could feel Madara's chakra atop Hashirama's head, extending my senses to him, I heard him saying: How foolish of you to believe you could achieve peace through kindness, very soon, the very nations you trusted will attack as their element of fear is gone. Sigh... Perhaps I was wrong as well, but no matter... I'll achieve True Peace and End The pain and suffering. Preventing others from ever going through the same experiences."

It was quite deep and if not for the subtle manipulation Madara was under, he could've been the Main Character of this World. Alas...