Chapter 96: Gold and Silver Brothers

Read extra Chapters on my Patre@n at for Vol 3... 100+ Chapters ahead. It's just $5. Also, I just began Volume 4. Which is Naruto Arc. In a couple chapters, I'll be finishing this FF. Stay tuned.


Title: Gold and Silver Brothers


With the death of Hashirama came the beginning of minor conflicts of interests. Minor villages thought themselves strong and attempted to seize lands and resources from the major villages.

Major villages saw this as an affront to their dignity and retaliated, not minding the civilian casualties in the surroundings.

With this, came the thought of expanding their territories by subduing the minor villages, and the only way that came to their mind was through violence.

A couple months had passed and this skirmishes were now even more terrifying. The various villages' First Kages had all died and their successors were now in charge.

Of the five major village Kage, the Second Mizukage, Gengetsu was quite peaceful and lax but his strength spoke for itself as he managed to properly unite the Myraid clans of the mist.

In the past, the various clans opted to live secludedly on different islands which the First Mizukage had no qualms with, as far as they knew their places, but now, Gengetsu spent his time coercing them to move into the major island by defeating them.

In his words: "You either move into the main island where I'll be able to contact you, or you leave. If you leave, you'll become the enemies of the village. Now choose."

Due to his giant clam, he was nigh invincible on the battlefield field and got no injuries on his person so the clan's respective elders obeyed.

On the side of the Raikage, he was quite friendly despite being the son of the previous Raikage who called himself 'God A' and carried himself akin with a special arrogance.

Due to his friendly nature, he always opted to seek for peace and had no ambition to conquer more lands for his village.

This led to a series of infighting within the village and the village were quickly separated into two groups.

The passive ones led by the Raikage who treasured their peace, and the extremists who wanted to show off their might, led by the Gold and Silver brothers.

This two were famed for having survived in Kurama's stomach for two weeks and survived on his intestines. This led to them having a massive chakra reserve toppling even Tobirama despite him being a Senju.

They were greatly respected in Kumo for their strengths so the Raikage couldn't do anything to them.

The Second Raikage was also quite peaceful as he was focused of maintaining his village and preventing the people within from collapsing.

With the fame Rōran had, they encountered many foolish enough people passing by hoping to conquer the famous city housing the richest family and having all that wealth to themselves.

Upon Reto, the First Kazekage being assassinated, Shamon succeeded him and became Kazekage. During his reign, he focused all his efforts on strengthening Suna's military power through the use of puppets as a replacement for shinobi due to his desire to keep his people alive.

Shamon took advantage of the surrounding desert terrain and the village's development of new ninjutsu, and developed a way for shinobi to fight with multiple partners.

Shamon, being a former monk, also researched the Tailed Beasts with the intent of controlling Shukaku. As a result of his military expansion, Sunagakure achieved ground breaking advancement.

Similar to Kumo, Suna practiced a form of monarchy which was reasonable as only the Kaze clan had the Magnet Release Kekkai Genkai and their ability to manipulate sands was a mark similar to Hashirama's Mokuton...

Due to Reto's invincibility on the desert, it was given that this system would be put in place.

The second Tsuchikage, Mu, spent his time actively trying to acquire other tailed beasts, having the Four-Tails and the Five-Tails already in its possession.

Due to both he and Ohnoki not having met Madara due to the first Tsuchikage, he held an arrogance that came with following to Truly Strong First Tsuchikage.

His strength was okay, chakra wise, but even skill-wise, Tobirama could take him.

Could... That's shows uncertainty...

He also had a great enmity with Gengetsu Hōzuki leading to them also participating in the war albeit a little.

The Battles the various villages fought together with the ones the Kages fought went on to devastate the Shinobi world. This devastation was even far greater than the devastation caused during the warring state era.

At least back then, major clans didn't ally themselves and combination Ninjutsus weren't created by then.

Due to this, The Second Raikage had contacted Tobirama with the intention of forming a peace treaty with Konoha.

That way, they'd have one less enemy to worry about.

Despite his strengths, he knew that his duty was to first and foremost, protect the people under him, that was what most didn't understand about him.


Tobirama had just received a scroll addressed to him by the Raikage about their point of meeting.

This was going to be the start of an alliance between two villages, and unlike the one initiated by Hashirama, this one was formed with the intention of protecting their interests.

"Hiruzen." Tobirama called out, and from the shadows, a figure flickered and fell on one knee. "Hai."

"Gather your teammates, we'll be departing on a mission an hour from now." Tobirama said.

"Hai." Came his reply before Flickering away.

"What a mess the world has taken a turn for, this wasn't the dream Aniki foresaw, but this was to be expected." Tobirama murmured to himself as he looked at the numerous reports he was getting.

Due to the skirmishes around the world right now, he had drawn his forces thin with missions and even that was still not enough.

Children in the academy were now being initiated into the wars once again. The very thing Hashirama created the village to protect against was now being brought into practice once more.

"Truly a mess... Hopefully, this treaty will give us a few more years of breathing space." He said as he watched the village through the Telescope Orb he created as a make shift Calogram he had seen in Hanagakure.

"How peaceful..."


"How disappointing, right Aniki." A mascular man man with flowing silver hair asked.

"Indeed so. aniki." Another muscular man with Golden hair replied, both refering to the other as their big brother. "To think that the successor of our God A, the First Raikage would be this cowardly, it is truly disappointing."

"Should we do something about this, aniki?" The Silver haired brother asked.

"What can we do?" The golden haired one asked back?

"We could kill him and be done with it... When we return, we can become the next Kage and take Kumogakure to greater heights." The silver haired brother answered.

The other brother thought about this for a while. "Nah... That isn't feasible."

"Which part? The killing or the Kage part?"

"The Kage part."

"Ah! I see. For a moment there I thought you meant the killing part. I don't think anyone currently alive can fight against any one of us, not to talk of us both, hahahaha!" The silver haired one said and laughed boisterously.

"Why would you ever think I would think of such a thing? Please, other than Hashirama and the past generation Kages, no one can hold a candle to us currently."

"Exactly. So what is the plan now?" The silver brother asked.

"We kill him and leave the village. The Young Master is capable and strong. He'll make a good Kage dontcha think?" The gold brother asked.

"That's true... But you know we'll be charged for treason after this right?"

"So? It's not like they can do anything to us. Kumo respects strength and it would be a shame on Kumo if such a weak willed man remains Kage." The gold brother said.

The two brothers were chatting happily, already imagining the Kage as a dead man in their minds.

To them who possessed four out of the five Special tools Hagoromo ever made, they didn't really have any opponent in the world right now, or so they thought.

"What are you two plotting this time?" A young voice asked as the owner approached.

"Young Master? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in training or something?" The brothers asked seeing the young man who entered.

He was a dark skinned young man with dirty blonde hair and green eyes.

"Or something? So you both forgot today was the team training?" The young man asked in annoyance.

"Team training? C'mon young master, you don't expect us to seriously train do you?" The silver brother asked.

"And why not?"

"It's not like there's anyone who can beat us you know? Also, you shouldn't really be talking to us this way, right? We're still your superiors." The gold brother said.

The young man swuinted his eyes at the two for a good while before huffing in annoyance. "I just hope you two wouldn't do anything that will besmirch the honour of our village." Saying that he turned and proceeded to leave. "Hunting you would be something I'll be happy to do."


"I did say he had it in him didn't I?" The gold brother said in delight.

"It seems so. So when should we begin?" The silver brother asked.

"I seem to have heard that he'll be meeting with that Tobirama, the fastest man in the world right now. What do you think?"

"What do I think? Nothing. Let's just attack them both, it's not like they can actually defeat us when we're fighting together right? Hahahaha." The silver brother said proudly.


The two began to laugh rather boisterously as they concluded on their plan that would put the Second Shinobi war to a stop.


Tobirama together with his six man team arrived at the designated spot where the alliance would be concluded only to see the Raikage together with his own team of Jonins waiting for them.

"You're late. You're quite slow for the fastest man alive, Hokage." Said the Raikage.

"We had more distance to travel unlike you, and like you, I wasn't alone hence the slow pace." Said Tobirama in defense as he scanned the area around them for any hidden Shinobi.

"Hahaha.... I know. I know. I'm just messing with ya." The Raikage waved his hands. "Let's get down to business. This treaty will ensure that we have no scuffles within our territories, right?"

"Indeed." Said to Tobirama.

As the both of them approached eachother, they suddenly felt a massive wave of heat rushing towards them. It was extremely huge stream of fire that could take them both

It was only now he realised he was surrounded by over 50 Shinobi with Jonin level chakra, with two being higher than his.

Without losing time, he used a Water Release: [Water Formation Wall] to try and stop the fire from affecting him and his team.

The collision produced a huge amount of steam but some of the fire or rather heat still hit the two Kages as they stood their ground in a bid to protect their subordinates.

"What's the meaning of this Raikage? Are you trying to ambush me in your bid to weaken Konoha!?" Tobirama screamed in rage.

"As if I would do something so shameless! This is not done under my orders, and from your reaction, it wasn't under yours too. That can only leave one party." The Raikage exclaimed.

"Who is it? Kiri? Or Suna? None of them would have such Strong Fire Jutsu." Asked Tobirama who still held some suspicions.

"I think it's Ginkaku and Kinkaku." The Raikage said with a grim expression.

"You don't mean...those two..?" Tobirama asked, his expression also turning grim.

As they conversed, they heard. "As expected from the Hokage, right Ginkaku?"

"It's undoubtedly a strong opponent and a Senju to boot. To create so much water without a source nearby, Kinkaku."

As their voices drew nearer, their silhouettes could be seen behind the steam covering them.

The Raikage seeing them blurted out in anger. "What is the meaning of this? What do you think you're actually trying to accomplish, Kinkaku, Ginkaku? I explicitly ordered you two to remain in the village."

The two brothers looked at eachother in confusion before turning to the Raikage and bursting in a loud laughter. "This is a coup Raikage! You leading Kumo does not please us, right Ginkaku?"

"And if we can take out the Hokage at the same time, then it's even better, right Kinkaku?"

"Is this how you truly want to go? We've been at peace for so long, doing this will plunge Kumo into a period or war and unrest. Is that truly what you want?" The Raikage asked while flaring his chakra.

"Of course. The previous peace was only there due to the presence of one man, since this man is dead, why should the peace remain, right Ginkaku?"

"My thoughts exactly, that's why Tobirama also has to die. C'mon boys, attack." Ginkaku ordered and all fifty Jounins attacked the party if 14. The two Kages and their six subordinates.

Tobirama gave a signal to the six behind him and they all joined hands to create a pathway behind them which they would use to retreat.

This wasn't a battle he could afford to let his pride take the better of him.

He could feel the Nine Tails chakra on these two, and even if he had the confidence to win, he didn't have the confidence to protect the younger generation behind him.

This was his duty as the Kage. To protect and that was why he ordered the retreat.

Turning his focus to the two brothers, he saw the golden haired one wave the fan he had been holding since he got here. A series of vibration shook the earth beneath them and due to not being aware of what this strange fan could do, he hesitated only to see a series of earth spike shoot at him.

With his quick reaction, he was able to dodge them by leaping high up in the air and without wasting anytime, Ginkaku sent an extremely strong gust of wind which Tobirama foresaw as he teleported to one of his marks beside his running team.

Looking back to his previous location, he saw that the power and range of the wind was so large that it destroyed the other places he had marked. They were either burned or broken by the two earlier attacks.

Another gust of wind was shot over and due to being beside his team, he couldn't dodge, instead he placed his hands on the ground and erected a massive wall which protected them.

"Go! Go! Kill your way out and continue running. I'm right behind you." He shouted. He wasn't feeling whelmed right now and these young men and woman weren't helping his case.

He looked over to see what the Raikage was doing but couldn't get a clear view. Shaking his head, he got his priorities straight and knew he wasn't in a situation where he could worry about others.

'I was so close to actually gaining us a moment of peace.' He thought as he grit his teeth.

Soon after, the wall crumbled and he threw out multiple kunais all over the place as he prepared to make a last stand, to buy enough time for his team to leave the area.

Making some seal, he condensed the most around into water and shit multiple water bullets all over the place which managed to skewer some unsuspecting Jonins but were blocked by a wave of Ginkaku's fan which shot out arcs of lightning.

"What the..." He exclaimed as the lightning came close to him but teleported before they made contact.

"As expected from the fast Shinobi alive." Ginkaku praised as he turned to where Tobirama appeared.

Realising that the weapon in his opponents hand wasn't any ordinary weapon, he brought out a scroll from his pouch. Performing hsi Summoning technique a pitch black sword and sheath appeared.

"Time for round two." Pulling it out of it's sheath, he felt a huge drain in his chakra but held on and ran towards Ginkaku while throwing a couple kunais at him.

Ginkaku laughed at what he assumed to be Tobirama's foolshness and waved his fan once more, Summoning winds to disperse the kunais and continued towards the running Hokage.

Tobirama made a hand seal and sank into the ground only to come out behind Ginkaku and swung his sword horizontally at the man.

Ginkaku turned on time to raise his fan to his defence but as soon as the too weapons made contact, the area around him was immediately reduced to ash due to the extreme heat that was released at the moment of impact.

Due to the fan, he wasn't over affected but his left leg and right arm were hit by the heat, effectively putting them in the same situation as the area around him.

It took him a few seconds to realize what was going on, or rather, it too his body a few seconds to process his current condition but as soon as realization hit him, he screamed at the top of his lungs while waving his fan frenziedly.

Tobirama who was feeling an extreme drain in his chakra at the moment managed to teleport to a make far from the place, dodging that disaster.

Looking at the sword in horror, he wondered how much chakra it would take to actually wield this sword without dying due to chakra drainage.

'And to think it was given as a gift... This must be one of those five weapons.' Tobirama thought as he admired the Zanka no Taichi.

Seeing that his opponents were in a state of disarray, he created a clone and left it behind to keep them at bay while he escapes.

Sensing one of the marks he placed on his team, he immediately disappeared.


And there we have it. Tobirama won't be dying as he did in the canon but something will still put him out of commission till he dies peacefully in the village.

Mah... No spoilers.... I don't even know why I always tell you guys these things. Maybe it's the excitement lol...