Chapter 107

Read extra Chapters on my Patre@n


Title: Reactions and death.


Terror. Shock. Trepidation.

That was the feeling everyone in the know felt at that moment there floating castle in the skies showed itself.

For others, they just felt amazement, and that was it.

Moments passed and nothing happened, the feeling of everyone in the know changed from terror to puzzlement.

In the books they'd read, whenever this castle shoes itself, deaths and destruction followed, but this time, nothing happened or so they thought.

There was just that flash of purple light and that was it. From terror, there was puzzlement, and after that, doubt.

It felt like everything they've read of the past concerning this castle's appearance was all false.

However, not everyone thought the same.


Nearly one kilometre below what was now the Kanabi bridge, a wizened old man could be seen sitted on a rather large chair which could be mistaken as a throne.

This man had white hairs and wrinkles marred his face as he sat with his eyes closed, deep in contemplation.

"So you're telling me all the Uzumakis were erased?" He asked as a slimy substance wiggled beside him.

"Hai, Madara-sama, as soon as that palm landed, they all disappeared." It replied.

"And the Shinobi?" He asked.

"Some survived, some were erased, rather slowly." The slimy substance said with a little bit of terror in its voice.

"Rather slowly?" The old man asked as he opened his eyes which was purple with ripple patterns that spreads over the eyeball.

The slimy substance seemed to shudder under the gaze of the eyes said to be the greatest of all Dojutsus.

"It was similar to Mu's Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World Technique. However, it seemed to come from within as they were turned to dust in a slow manner." Zetsu replied. As he spoke, the terror in his tone could hardly be masked.

Anyone would think he was terrified of the sight is such techniques, but only he knew the reason.

"Who could ever release such a Jutsu, Zetsu? You were there right?" Madara asked.

"It was as we feared Madara-sama. The Tengoku clan had a hand in this." Zetsu said in a mix of hatred and fear.

"Oh?" Madara asked as he stood up slowly. A meaty ligament attached to his back fell off making him take a deep breath. "How I would love to dance with that person once more..." He said with a smile as a thick battle intent oozed off him.

He could still remember that look of both disdain and pity the two women whom he couldn't help but admire, shot at him on that fateful day.

"I wonder if I would stand a chance against her now with these eyes." He said as his Rinnegan glowed wildly.

'Yeah, right, not a chance, those two are no longer in the realms of humans.' Zetsu thought to himself. He had been keeping an eye on Madara ever since he awoke his Mangekyou Sharingan, so he knew almost everything that has happened to him, as well as his encounter with Tomoe and Izanami.

He was an arrogant fellow, Granted. But even he knew how fearsome those children of that 'Abominable fellow' are.

Moments later, he sighed as his battle aura dissipated and he turned to look at Zetsu, "Are there at least any surviving Uzumaki? All my plans shouldn't be in vain right?"

"Certainly Madara-sama. Before the attack on Uzushio, Ashina had commanded every Uzumaki unable to fight to transform and escape the island." Zetsu replied meekly.

"Good, keep an eye out for them, I need a pure bloodline of the Uzumaki clan. I fear only someone of that calibre can withstand the drainage these eyes bring." Madara said.

If Shun was to be aware that this was all part of Madara's scheme, he would surely be shocked. He wouldn't have thought that this entire debacle was all a ruse to get a Wielder for his eyes.

"At once, Madara-sama." Zetsu said and prepared to begin his mission.

"It's should also be a child that can be easily manipulated. We don't need idiots with naive Mentality on this mission of mine." Madara reminded in a deep voice which Zetsu secretly scoffed at but didn't show any outward reaction.

For all that was evil, he had been around for centuries, how would t he know how to make necessary plans for the completion of his mission?


In a dimly lit room, four figures could be seen sitted around a table as they perused the scrolls scattered all over the table.

One was by his lonesome taking deep inhalations from his tobacco pipe with his eyes closed in a bid to snuff out his frustration and massive guilt.

No one told him this position of his was going to be this heavy and wrought with hard decisions.

He had been forced to make several decisions against his better judgement on numerous occasions and this one was finally getting to him hard.

"You all can't possibly believe this nonsense right?" A middle aged man with a cross scar on his jaw asked as he threw the scroll on the table. "God? Such a being couldn't possibly exist. Even if it did, what does it have to do with us?"

"Danzo, we're not here to talk about whether this person written in all our clans special records exist. No. We're here to talk about the outcome of the Uzushio attack." The man inhaling said tiredly. "With this, we're sure that the Second Shinobi War has officially been started. All villages are currently involved in this mess and we also have to participate."

"Aren't we already participating? Orochimaru is holding the fort at Kagero already, and from the reports were getting, we're winning." The one and only middle aged woman amongst them spoke.

"I don't think that's what Hiruzen meant." Another man said. He was a bespectacled middle aged man with neat brown hair.

"Then what is he trying to say?" The woman asked again.

"That as Uzushio's allies, we need to take vengeance on the three other villages." The man said. "Isn't that right Hiruzen?"

Puff. Hiruzen blew out a puff of smoke and nodded. "Very much so. Although we feared the three villages turning their attention to us after the Uzumakis were exterminated and kept to ourselves, now that they're weakened, we should take the opportunity to attack."

"What do you think Danzo?" Hiruzen asked.

"I concur to this." Danzo said with a rare smile appearing on his face. "This way, we can show the other villages the might of Konoha and make them submit to us."

"Yeah... Whatever you say." Hiruzen said. "Summon Jiraiya back, this war would need him in it." He ordered.

"And Tsunade?" Koharu, the only woman amongst them asked.

Hiruzen looked at her for a few moments before taking in another sip of smoke. Exhaling it he said. "You know what connections Tsunade has right? She has made it clear that she serves the village and not the Hokage."

Bam! Danzo slammed his hand on the table. "Preposterous. That's treason and you all know it." He said angrily.

"So? What can you do about it? We...No, I know it, she knows it but so what? Lady Mito is still alive, her Godfather is apparently still alive in Rōran, and she still has her aunt Mikoto. We all know about her from Sensei... So what do you think we can do?" Hiruzen said as he took a sip from his tobacco pipe and sighed.

His frustration could be felt.

Koharu looked at the two men before saying. "Mah. Mah. Instead of discussing it here, why don't we just tell her Konoha needs her? She'll never, in good faith, not come to help."

"My thoughts exactly. I don't know why we need to think too much about it." Homura said as he sipped the tea on the table which no one had touched.

"You know, war has a way of breaking people, and this would be their First full blown war." Hiruzen lamented. The figures of the three Seven year olds he had the privilege of teaching surfaced in his mind.

"So? This is how the world is. Her grandfather fought in one, her granduncle did too, hell, even her parents did and died honourable fighting for Konoha, what's the big deal about it?" Danzo asked.

"Well... No matter how tough steel is, it will always have a breaking point." Hiruzen said and stood up. "This meeting ends here. Can someone send for Kagami? We'll be needing his efforts in this war."

As he said that, Danzo's eyes flickered with a strange light which he quickly hid and bowed before leaving the room.


At this very moment all over the world, the various heads of both clans and villages all went back to their clan records and found what the Castle in the sky seemed to represent.

For the Tri-alliance members that had the privilege of surviving the dubbed "Hand of God", some were horror stricken and some decided to directly quit this line of work.

An example was the young Jinchuriki of the Four tails. He directly decided to leave active duty to better understand the beast that was sealed within it.

Unfortunately for him, he wasn't strong enough to make such decisions and was captured and brought back to the village. However, due to his special constitution, he wasn't punished heavily and was rather isolated in a secluded part of Iwagakure.

Nobody knew his motivation but if anyone looked at the young Roshi, they would've mistaken him for an Uzumaki. Perhaps that was his reason, or perhaps it was his subconscious repulsion towards war.

Other Jinchurikis who participated in the war were surprisingly all spared from True death. No one other than the Tailed Beasts seemed to understand why.

They could recognise that chakra anywhere, anytime and knew that the Hand of God was their Aniki. As for why he didn't kill their wielders, it was probably due to not wanting to kill them.

Afterall, killing them now would mean they'd have to reincarnate somewhere else, probably where Hagoromo had built a temple for them.

As for the Kages, except for the Third Mizukage, both Ohnoki and A, were hardened men who had fought through the most dangerous World war.

So despite their initial terror, they recovered quickly knowing that they had a village to lead.

As for the Third Mizukage, he led his men back to Kirigakure where he would be attacked and enslaved by Uchiha Madara... That's a story for another time.


Shun's POV

Damn, what is this place? Don't tell me I have died once again... Well, I knew I could possibly die but actually dying? Nah... My main soul is already Undying and despite being a fragment, I still retain that undying property.

But that still beggars the question... Where the fuck am I? Around me, all I can see are glowing crystals..."wait are those butterflies? And why are they moving towards that direction?"

I tried moving but faced a kind of rejection. It was as if there was a transparent wall preventing me from taking a step forward. "How about backwards?" I said and tried only to move with ease.

"Damn." I said. Wait, crystals? Butterfly? Aren't those souls? Damn, no wonder I look this weird.

I currently had my original look, although naked but still, I had my full body.

But one thing I noticed was that the Crystals and butterflies seems to come in various types and sizes.

Perhaps it shows a persons spiritual strength when they were alive? Mah... I wouldn't know, I'm not really of this world now so...

Turning around, I found that there were lots of flowing crystals that seemed to form numerous branches of rivers all moving towards one sea.

The problem now was locating my body and returning... Nah, that wasn't a problem, I could do that easily, but the question is... Should I?

Should I return or should I begin a new life? This was an opportunity to actually isekai myself back into the Naruto world as anyone I please.

Minato's generation are currently still in the academy. Kushina should be joining soon... That mean Minato saving Kushina would also soon happen...

Wait! Would it still happen? Would A, be so terrified that he wouldn't dare think of kidnapping her?

Damnit! Did I just erase Naruto from existence?

I have to return, and quickly at that. There isn't anything a little use of Genjutsu wouldn't solve. Just put it in A's subconscious to follow his original directive and see how it goes from there.

But First, I think I need to talk with Yatsuyo, Tsunade, Ria and Hinami.

Yatsuyo and Tsunade aside, Ria and Hinami both left their clones back there so I need to ask them to also die and follow me and reincarnate.

This isn't me being selfish... No, they're putting up a front as old women already, so offing themselves due to the heartbreak of losing me wouldn't be so bad... Right?

Well, time to put on an Oscar winning award acting for both Yatsuyo and Tsunade.

With a thought, the faint connection I had with my body materialised in form of a blue thread showing me the way back to my body.

With another thought, I was moving at what would look like light speed as I immediately arrived over my body only to see Yatsuyo and Tsunade or rather Tsunade, running what I would say was a medical diagnosis on my body.

"How's Uncle?" Yatsuyo asked with trepidation in her voice.

Tsunade slumped on a chair nearby and sighed. "His organs have nearly all failed." She answered.

Oh? My organs have failed? That's new...

"But he's still breathing, right?" Yatsuyo asked to which Tsunade nodded. "One of his lungs is still manageable while the other is totally destroyed. As for the rest? I don't think anything can heal him. Even his heart is..." Tsunade stifled a sob as she said this.

She was probably feeling like it was her fault I was dying. After all, as soon as she came with Mito's request, I died.

Well, I hope this doesn't lead to her developing Hemophobia in the future.

Well, in other to prevent that from happening, I guess a farewell speech is actually needed.

But First, my wives, gotta tell them about my plan. Hopefully they'll agree to it.

Those two have developed quite the personality over these few years after all.

