Chapter 108

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Title: Goodbyes.


"Yo!" I greeted as I popped out of nowhere in the midst of the three old looking ladies doing absolutely nothing but relaxing in a shared dimension in our mansion in Rōran.

"Oh... You're here." Came Kaguya's impassive reply. For a moment I felt like I could feel disappointment dripping off of her.

"We felt you die so-" "Kaguya thought your original body would be making a trip back." Hinami began but Ria completed.

"I see." I said, then turning to Kaguya, I said. "Sorry to disappoint dearie just a little bit more and we're out of here."

"Humph." She snorted and looked away.

Another thing I noticed was that they weren't actually transformed into old women, instead, they used a very strong Genjutsu to make themselves look old.

I guess no woman would willingly make herself look old.

"Well, I did die, my physical body at least...and I came to tell you all that I'll be reincarnating!" I said with a wide smile.

"So you'll isekai yourself?" Hinami asked. "Yup. Anyone interested?"

"Nah." "Nope." "Nu-huh." Came their collective reply.

"What!" I shouted. I couldn't resist doing that. Who wouldn't want to reincarnate when given the choice? "Why? Aren't you all bored out of your minds right now? Imagine the prospect of being born again. You'll get to train all over again, learn new things and beat arrogant people thinking they're something."

I said hoping to pull them in only to get their previous impassive stare go up a notch.

"That's a pain."



Hinami, Ria and Kaguya said respectively.

"Wha-!" I literally stumbled. If I was in my physical body, I would probably be looking pale right now. "Well, I can't say I'm not disappointed, and here I thought we could get to have more sex in a normal human body."

I peeked to see their reaction only to receive the same look. "We literally had a lot of sex in this body. What more can we ask for? When your main body returns, then it would be even more pleasurable." Came Hinami's reply to which the other two nodded in agreement.

"But imagine... Have you all forgotten that pleasure? The pleasure of being human? The pleasure-" I stared. "Shun dear?" Kaguya called. "Hmm?" We're not interested."

"...Well... I would have spat blood if I had a physical body alas..." I said with a melancholic tone.

"You know we've been with you for centuries right?" Hinami asked. "And?"

"And your acting are already known to us. Not even your 'Oscars' is good enough at this point." Ria said with a mocking smile.

"Humph, whatever. I'm out of here. Gotta go say my goodbyes to those two lasses. You three also have to play your part and die sometime soon... I know you're all going to remain here so I guess I'll see you three in a few years." I said and moved towards my body.

I guess a proper goodbye is in order. And judging from the state of my body, I won't be able to talk properly before my heart gives up on itself.

Guess it's the other way then. There's no better way of passing information than this method afterall.


"Gasp!" Tsunade let out a loud gasp startling Yatsuyo who was by herself reading a book she picked from the mansion's study.

"What?!" Yatsuyo asked. "He's awake. The old man is awake." Tsunade said as a little rear if joy began forming up on her eyes.

"What are you getting all teary eyed about? We both know he won't. W able to make it." Yatsuyo said.

"We're not sure yet. Grandma and your mother are both better than me, I bet they could do something about it." Tsunade said looking at Yatsuyo in a little anger before turning to Shun lying feebly on the bed. "I've already sent out a messenger hawk to both of them, they'll surely be able to help."

Her voice was dripping with unadulterated hope and convinction, something Yatsuyo wasn't feeling at the moment. With her Dojutsu, she could see the internal working of Shun's body and knew that it'll take nothing less than a God to actually save him.

However, she couldn't bring herself to say this to Tsunade. "Suit yourself."

"What's all this noise about?" Shun's weak voice asked. "You two can't even let an old man like me die in peace? I was almost on the other side and then your voices awakened me... Sigh. What a pity."

"Uncle!" "Old man!" Tsunade and Yatsuyo came over to Shun's side with happy expressions in their face. "Don't talk Oldman, you body can't handle the stress."

"What are you talking about? I'm already dead Tsuna-chan." Shun said with a sad smile.

"I'm so Sorry pops, I'm really sorry." Tsunade cried as she bent downwards.

"Don't... Don't be... I've been trying to make this happen for a while now." Shun said with a struggling look on his face. The struggle wasn't actually faked, his body was giving up faster than he thought.

"Just please... Don't leave me....I don't wanna die... without an audience." Shun said.

"We're not going anywhere." Yatsuyo said as she squeezed Shun's hand.

At that moment, Hinami, Ria and Kaguya walked in with their Genjutsu still on.

"Ah!... You're all here... Perfect." Shun said with the same struggle. "Oh God... I can feel my body giving up...." Saying that Shun rested his head and breath his last.

The three old women in the room closed their eyes at the same time, so to people observing, they would think they were mourning their now dead friend.

Tsunade and Yatsuyo however, began actually crying at the sight.


"Before I go, Cough." Shun said. "Sorry, I've got a bit more in me to go on for a while. Yatsuyo." Shun called out and gave her a ring, "I want you to have my current life greatest invention. My Spatial ring, it has a lot of space in it, it's the real secret behind the sleeve thingy... And hey, Tsuna dear, c'mere." He said while wiggling his hand.

Tsunade came closer to him and he whispered. "I liked you better with pig tails."

"Wha-?" Tsunade asked in confusion.

"Hi Hinami!" Shun called out again.

"Hi Kuchi." Hinami replied with a smile.

" Himeko!... I haven't always been the best friend to you but you've always been that to me, so thank you. Hey wanna say 'Fuck you' with me? C'mon, it's no big deal, let's go... it's Fu- fu-"

"Fuck." Kaguya said.

"Wow!" Shun exclaimed looking at the others. "Enjoy hell, haha. And you, Ria, I want you to get back to you family... And when you get there... I want you to promise me one thing... Just one... That you'll stop judging people by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character."

"By God." Ria muttered softly only for a hand to be placed on her shoulder. Looking at the owner she saw it was Hinami shaking her head at her. "Sigh."

"And hey, Tsuna... You're a full fledged Shinobi now, baby girl, and it's high time I gave you a present for that." Shun said as he clutched her hands tightly. "This one is yours." He said motioning to the clothes he was wearing. "You might wanna get it steam cleaned, trim it a little bit, especially around the waist hahaha."

"But hey." Shun said and looked at straight in the eye. "Family... It's not just an F word. There will be one out there waiting for you, just keep looking, okay?"

Tsunade nodded and said. "But I have a family."

"Don't mind it, one day you'll understand what I mean." Shun said and turned to Yatsuyo. "Girls, for a second there, we made a very good team..." Shun said and slowly out his head down.


The initial pain of watching Shun pass was actually reduced which was noticed by Hinami and co. But they kept their silence.

"Damn!" Shun awoke again. "It's so hard to go... Sigh... I just love you guys so much, sniff... So so much sniff... Oh, I can feel it now, here it comes, yeah... I can feel the soul exiting the husk, yeah... Can you see it?" He asked as he gazed into the nonexistent horizon.

"Can you see that beautiful white light? There it is..." Shun said as he put his head down again. "... Oh, that's the Sun outside, don't...don't stare directly into that, it's dangerous. Sniff, I'm just...just gonna leave you with a few words...'s just have to wait for it... Pain... you'll experience a lot of it...but that's what will make you both strong... Living, ageing, sickness and death... That's life, so don't mourn me after I am gone, celebrate me... Celebrate the life that I lived..." And finally, Shun put his head down...and for reals this time.


The sound of the machine keeping check of his vitals beeped to show the lack of waves been transferred through it. This showed that the man known as Kuchiki, a friend to many, brother to some, father to few and enemy to quite a few had left this world.

Whether, Shun's play was meant to lessen the pain of his passing or he was just playing around, only he knew, but the effects showed as the two young ladies weren't bawling their eyes out as it was supposed. Instead, they were smiling while tears ran down their face.

This wasn't a sad passing. Instead it was a rather peaceful one. When news of his passing was made known to the populace, a lot mocked, many wept, few rejoiced and others celebrated a life well lived.


Days after Shun's death, Yatsuyo was looking through a lot of his things that was left behind. They were quite a lot and she didn't even know where to begin.

Shun didn't have any children, meaning there was no one to inherit what he left behind. The three old women who he lived with said they should sort his things out and take whatever they wished.

She knew one of them in particular. Aunt Hinami. She was the big sister figure of her mom and Aunt Yuri in their childhood so although they weren't as close as she was with Shun, she still respected her as a part of her extended family.

Both Mikoto and Mito had managed to make it to Rōran but they were too late and didn't get to meet him or hear his last words. These led to them being a little bit sad and reclusive.

Since then, it was all on her and Tsunade to sort everything out.

She couldn't help but look at the ring he gave her. 'The secret to the sleeve thingy.' she thought. She had tried a lot of things but couldn't access it.

Used a lot of 'magic' words as he called it when he was alive all to no avail.

As she was about giving up for the day, she heard. "It's your spiritual energy."

"Hmm?" She turned to look at the owner of the voice to see Mito walking into the room. "Aunt Mito." She bowed toward the red haired woman.

"Don't do that. How many times have I told you that?" Mito rebuked with an angry tone.

"Well, you've not been in the best of moods soo..."

"I guess that's right." Mito said as she placed her hand on her cheeks. Smiling a bit she said. "I'm alright now. You should try using only your spiritual energy, that's the only way to open a spatial ring."

"You know about this?!" Yatsuyo asked. "Well of course... I was intrigued by Kuchiki-nii's sleeve being all encompassing back then, and after pestering him for a while, he taught me how to make one." As she said it, she showed a bright red ring on left hand middle finger.

"I see." Yatsuyo said and tried it only to be drawn into a starry space for a few moments where she barely saw anything before returning to reality.

"Well? What was in there?" Mito asked calmly.

"Nothing." Yatsuyo said.

"Nothing?" Mito asked.

"Yeah... Just a piece of paper folded neatly." Yatsuyo said.

"Can you bring it out? It might be important if Kuchiki-nii left it in there for you." Mito said.

"How?" "Just will it to come out." "Oh."

As soon as she did so, a well folded envelope appeared in her hand. "Wow... Now I see. So this how the sleeve thing worked."

Mito smiled and nodded. "We'll take your time." As she said that, she left the room.

In the room, Yatsuyo looked at the envelope for a few seconds before sighing and opening it. On it was written:

Ya-chan... If you're reading this, then I should be dead and I am sure the cause of my death must be related to you and Tsu-chan. I've watched yoy two and your brother grow up and I know that you'll move on rather quickly as compared to her.

Well, she'll move on but this will leave a scar on her heart. Whether she believes it or not.

Why I am writing this is to remind you of the promise you made the day Hashirama died. You said you'll protect her when she can't protect herself. You promised you'll be there for her when she is weak.

Weakness, as j believe you should know by now, comes in many kinds. Just make sure you're there for her when she needs it. I know I may be asking a lot but do me this favour.

Take this ring as a gift from me for becoming a Captain at such a young age. I know you're competitive but don't forget the people around you on your way up.

The higher you go, the harder the fall. Just make sure there will be people around to cushion your fall.

Never forget that after your immediate family, I should be the next person that loves you the most, you're my Ya-chan, so although I don't want you being overly high up in the politics of the village, I believe you will make a good leader wherever you are.

You're that charismatic. Keep that in mind.

Now give the next part to Tsunade, I wrote this part for her. She'll need it."

Yatsuyo sniffed and cleaned her eyes that was already red.

Although this letter was short and was mainly asking her to look out for Tsunade, she still felt the love and care Shun had for her in his advice for her.

Shun has always been the kind of person that'll allow them do whatever they wanted as kids, and when they failed or hurt themselves, he would be the first to be there to console them, after that, he would follow up with a long and annoying sermon on how they shouldn't do things like that.

His most used quote was: You don't learn from winning, you learn from failing.

No matter what, he would make sure they understood why they hurt themselves so that they don't do it again.

"Tsuna!" She called out.

"What?" Came Tsunade's reply from the side room. "Uncle left a letter for you."


The wall demarcating the rooms was destroyed as Tsunade flashed beside her and asked. "Where?"

Yatsuyo looked at the destroyed wall and then at the excited Tsunade and just sighed before passing her the letter.

:Hey there Tsu-chan... Lemme guess, you destroyed something just now right? Hahaha. As expected of my daughter.

Tsunade looked at the destroyed wall, then at Yatsuyo who returned her gaze with an impassive one before looking away and blushing.

:And now I guess you're blushing... Don't mind it though, I'm sure the wall will be repaired by my trusted butler.

So... I'm dead huh? I'm pretty sure I made sure you wouldn't be blaming yourself for it before I die but I still have to write this in case...

You see, Tsuna, the path your grandfather introduced to this world was both a narrow path to peace and a wide path to pure unadulterated chaos.

In this path, you will see a lot of death. You will save a lot of lives, and you'll also take thousands. That I assure you. It is a natural law that he or she who lives by the would die by the Sword.

Even if death don't catch up to you due to the amount of lives you've saved, it'll catch up to those around you, so I want you to promise me something. Don't lose heart. A day will come when there would be no need to kill eachother over petty things as money, resources, border and all that nonsense that causes wars.

Live to that moment and I'm sure you'll see me again. He'll, you'll even meet your grandpa again and I personally don't want to see a weak ass woman when that time comes.

I'll leave you with a few sentences. You like to push forward in the things of life... You're assertive, aggressive even... Always remind yourself to slow down. Life it meant to be lived as it comes.

You're a real charmer, with a sense of warmth and devotion, you also feel things deeply this can lead to overly dramatic reactions and intense inner life. You got that from your grandmother's genes.

PS: Tell her the Uzumakis are alive and well.

You also have a give and take kind of life. You might earn a lot only to lose it eventually... You might even be broke even.

You're a 'think outside the box' kind of person, creative and original. You're also strong-willed with the opinions to match. That's why I like you, but you'll surely meet obstacles. You can either resign or make a way for yourself.

You're your own person, a natural leader, ambitious and freethinking. Don't ever lose that.

You're grounded and pragmatic. You have a great system in place for getting things done, which is great, because your sense of determination is strong.

You're freedom loving, sensual and enthusiastic. You believe strongly in falling in love... In fact you may do it quite often, but the thing I like about you the most and wish that you never lose is the fact that you can see a situation from many different sides.

I guess that's everything I have to tell you. Tell Mito that Hashirama isn't being kept waiting on the other side and she should enjoy her life a little. She earned it, and I'm sure Mikoto would think the same.

Also, I met that teammate of your a few years back, he was on a journey to find his destiny. I tried to make him understand that destiny is not something you look for, it's something that'll eventually come to you when it is time.

Love works the same way. It is sincerity. Sincerity is a sacred activity that allows two souls to meet and connect even more deeply. It makes you True to love and make your place all your cards on the table. To love is to be sincere and that also means to bare yourself... Love keeps no secret.

Your Ever Loving God Father.

PS: You don't know how many living beings wished I was their God father Hahahaha.

Pass this back to Ya-chan.

Unlike the peculiarly mentally strong Yatsuyo, Tsunade immediately bawled out her eyes as soon as she finished reading while also smiling.

It made her look ugly but some would think it was artistically beautiful.

Yatsuyo came and rubbed her back only to be pulled into a hug by Tsunade.

"Let it flow Tsuna. Uncle did say that crying is a form of healing. Don't hold it back." Yatsuyo said consolingly

"Sniff... You too." Tsunade said in-between sobs.

"...Yeah... Me too."

And then, the sight of two beautiful girls hugging eachother as they wept could be seen by anyone who passed by or bothered to stop to look at the artistic sight.

After what looked like minutes passed. Tsunade passed back the Letter to Yatsuyo who read Shun's last words.

"Tell your mom that she's the fourth most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on, but it was a pity that it was never meant to work between us.

You're a product of that, so she should find it in her heart to forgive me. I'll be meeting her in our next life.



Don't hurry to judge me guys. I did a lot of innovating to come up with this chapter. So let it go. Just read it for the sake of it.

Next chapter would be Shun's POV. There'll be a little Timeskip but the important plots would still happen AKA Jiraiya training the Three Amegakure Orphans.

Also, I'm thinking of making Shun reincarnate in either Kakashi's, Shusui's or Itachi's generation.
