Chapter 115

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Title: Konoha-gakure


Shun POV

So here I was... Standing Infront of the Hanakage or Keshiro as a matter of fact, having a stare down with him while my father and mother were standing calmly behind me.

Yasuno was by their side fidgeting for my sake... Cute.

These guys don't know what's going on for them... Especially Keshiro as a matter of fact.

Was his intention of doing this to pressure me or to guage my pressure limit? I wouldn't know as I don't particularly have access to my telepathy now.

"So..." He began. "Can you tell me the principles of your domain?" He asked.

"Hanakage-sama!" My father exclaimed from behind for some reason to which Keshiro held up his hands, implying for him to calm down.

"Ano... I don't think I'm allowed to tell you that, but there's no harm anyway." I said with a childish voice. "My domain is called- I call it Room."

"Oh? What does it do?" He asked to which I shrugged and said. "Anything I want."

"Eh?" He asked in confusion. "Can you go into more details?"

"Well..." I put on a thinking expression which made me look cuter and harmless. I'm quite aware that this Domain is similar to my past life's domain Heaven's Will. However..."It is a space around me where anything I want can be swapped from where it is to where I want it to be."

"Hmm," he scratched his beards with a thinking expression. "Can you give a demonstration?"

I looked back at my father for permission... I was still his child however it may be and still under his care. He smiled and nodded at me in acknowledgment to which I nodded back.

Stretching my hands, I said. "Room!" As usual, an invisible pulse of energy left my body and formed a spherical some around the entire room which only I could see. "Shambles!" I said, and swapped myself with his desk.

I was now standing Infront of him while the table he was leaning on was now beside me.

For a fraction of a second, I had seen his muscles move in a way that showed that he was ready to attack or something, but it immediately went back to normal. Probably because he thought I was a kid and could do him no harm.

Also, I dare say that even as I am now, I wouldn't be able to do him harm even if I sneak attacked.

"Ingenious." He said with a smile and calculating light in his eyes. I could tell it was harmless though, so I paid it no mind and switched back my position with his desk.

I turned to my father only to see him and mother beaming with prideful smiles. Yasuno was also giving me that look that implied that I wouldn't get any peace as soon as we leave here.

"A Teleportation based domain." Keshiro said. "What made you think of this?" He asked to which I tilted my head and gave him a confused look. I then looked at my father who then squatted and said. "He's asking what was your intentions when this new abilities manifested."

Looking as though I understood what he said. I looked at Yasuno and gave her an apologetic smile. "I was only wishing I had a way to run away fro Nee-sama and those other Nee-sans."

"Eh!??" Yasuno exclaimed while my mother nodded in understanding. "It can get hectic." She said.

"I see." Keshiro said. "Well then... I hear you want to visit Konoha." He asked to which I nodded. "Any reasons why?"

"I want to meet Kushina-nee-sama and Minato-nii-sama." I looked at Yasuno and said.

"Ah. One of the surviving Uzumaki and the Yellow Flash, Huh?" He said and looked at Yasuno. "You must have told him of your experiences."

"Forgive me Kage-sama." Yasuno apologized but he waved his hands at him. "Don't mind it. Infact, it's a good thing he opted to leave now." Keshiro said and stood up.

He walked to the window behind him and looked down at the prosperous city thriving in peace. "Back then... Before the concept of Shinobi was established, Children were usually sent out of the island to experience the hardships other clans and normal people face due to war. Do you know why?"

Bro, I made that rule... Was what I was thinking but I shook my head nonetheless. "It was so the young people wouldn't undermine the peace they've grown up in... Unfortunately, the era of Villages made us unable to continue that practice." He said in a sad tone. "Look at the boy you fought against today. What do you think of him?"

"He was weak." I blurted out only to cover my mouth and look at the three grownups in the room who were also shocked at my immediate answer.

Keshiro even turned around to get a good look at me as he raised an eyebrow. "You really are one weird child. Calling someone almost thrice your age weak." He chuckled... "But you aren't wrong." He sighed. "To the world outside, we're still strong, but, apart from a rare few... Your sister included, all others are pathetically weak by our past standards."

He sat on his chair and continued. "Your father can attest to this. I was once his captain in the police force, I wouldn't lie about this." He said. "You, however, are an interesting person who has been sent to our clan at this time."

"The Domain Expansion ability of ours, is of the same category as the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan of the Uchiha Clan, do you know why?" He asked to which I nodded this time around. I've actually read about this one in the clans Library.

"It's because they're both hard to Awaken."

"Correct. The Domain Expansion is the crystallization of Ones Chakra and Will, formed by the Mental Energy." He said. "Your will to escape your... torment must've been strong enough to cause you to create such a domain."

I put on a pondering expression before looking at my father. "Papa, what is your domain then? You must be really strong, right?" I asked with adoration shining from my eyes.

"Hahahaha." He began laughing flamboyantly once again. "Of course it is. It is the ability to cut anything I want, as far as I can cut it."

I looked confused for a moment. "I don't understand but it must be strong." I said and looked at mother. "Fufufu, I don't possess such qualifications dear. Only geniuses like yourself are that able." She said to which I blushed at the praise. "And Nee-sama?"

"Your Nee-sama is strong but even she hasn't reached that stage." Father said much to Yasuno's embarrassment.

"Don't worry Nee-sama, I'm sure you'll get it." I said with a serious and encouraging tone which probably made me look even cuter.

"Haha. I now see why those women would torment you." Keshiro laughed to which everyone else followed suit.

Sigh... Being a child is so damn hard... But I don't hate it.


It took some time before Keshiro could accept to allow me to go on a journey to Konoha...

According to him, I had one year to spend outside and when I come back, I should show him something new and unique as proof of my journey.

He did say that a journey was a way to learn and discover parts of yourself you didn't know you had... He went on and on causing all four of us to look at him weirdly.

I mean... He knew he was talking to a four year old right...? He did, right...?

Anyways, he also permitted Yasuno to escort cum protect me on the journey going and coming. He also have her a Token with some scroll which would explain a certain mission detail she was expected to carry out while we traveled.

She was a Jounin level Shinobi despite her young age so it's granted that she would be given such an important mission... Not everyone could be charged with protecting a Genius such as I.

Hehehe... I can feel myself becoming Narcissistic right there... It's not a bad feeling though.

During the Journey, I took my time to test out the full extent of my Domain [Room]. I knew it could reach 50-100 meters in both width and height as I still had a child's body and all, but now, I could extend it to a kilometre but I would feel a bad, bad rush of migraine.

I guess, 500 meters is the best I could reach without feeling anything for an Hour... Disadvantages of having a child body... Although the soul is developed, the vessel is still weak.

I could make the gravity in the domain increase by 2-5 folds but that'll be my limit. I do impose a gravity twice my body's weight on myself just to temper it.

Using the Spiritual Refinement Method is good and all, but it would Make me strong faster. It just focuses on Internal Tempering.

I had also taken my time to train with Yasuno and found that she was focused more on Water attribute and wished to form a water based or ice based domain.

I could help her with it but it still has to be her who does the spiritual stuff involved. Chakra and Will. That's what needed.

I bypassed the Chakra because I already had an abundance of Spiritual Energy... This is also why my Domain doesn't really affect reality all that much and is infact invisible.

We traveled by sea for two days before touching down on The Land of Fire. The aftermath of the Third Shinobi War was still ongoing and there was still fights going on nearly everywhere you look.

Rouge Ninja posing as bandits were rampart and Yasuno had to deal with a whole bunch of them as we traveled. She didn't kill them though. Probably didn't want to taint my innocence... Cute.

Our Journey went on for close to a week until we were 'abruptly' surrounded by a bunch of men and women wearing shady black cloaks with masks on their face.

"Halt and State your business in the Land of Fire." Someone said or rather ordered causing Yasuno to tremble slightly. Now, I knew my sister enough to know that she didn't tremble out of fear but rather annoyance.

She was a genius... A genius even amongst a clan of genius. Why wouldn't she have a certain pride that goes with it?

These guys didn't notice and pressed her for answers in a domineering tone. Yasuno almost wanted to begin having her episode when I touched her from behind and looked at her with a smile.

She saw this and smiled too before letting out a deep breath. Pulling out a token from her pouch, she said. "We're The Hanakage's delegate. We're on our way to meet the Third Hokage."

There was a moment of silence between the group as they conversed through whom I would assume to be a Yamanaka. Hmm... Quite interesting. This wasn't shown in the Anime... Or perhaps my influence made them more innovative?

I could feel the Chakra between them tremble at certain wavelengths and I knew if I brought out the mental strength required, I could probably listen in on their chat, however I kept to myself.

"Follow us." The guy ordered once again causing Yasuno's eyebrow to quirk.

"He's asking, Nee-sama." I said on time before she could say or do anything.

She nodded and held my hand as we followed behind.

Thankfully, they didn't run and walked at a very slow pace, which was still fast for this little body of mine... However, in less than2 hours, we came upon a tall gate literally hidden inside this very dense Forest.

Damn... They really are Hidden In The Leaves. I've never really thought about it as I observed everything from my screens but damn...

"So this is Konoha-gakure...?" I asked. "It's lame."


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