Chapter 114

Read extra Chapters on my Patre@n


Title: Isekaid


4 Years Ago

When Shun reopened his eyes, the sight that came before him was a face that totally deserved to be whacked.

However, none of that mattered anymore.

Thankfully he had managed to make it in time. Otherwise, he might have to find yet another pregnant lady who was about to give birth.



Taking a quick glance, Shun had already understood that this man before him and the woman who was lying on her bed were both his parents.

Just as Shun was contemplating where to go from here, he felt as though something was stuffed into his mouth.

When he opened his eyes...


'Yours Truly doesn't drink milk...!'

But Shun did not wish to say anything anymore at this point. 'F*ck it.'

"Anata, please give the child a name." The woman who was breastfeeding said,

"Tsuma, you choose the name instead!" the man said while smiling brightly.

The slightly fatigued woman looked at the child in her arms and said out, "Alright then." She said, "As my child, I know that you'll be a genius even amongst geniuses, and excellence shall follow you... Shun, that'll be your name."

When Shun, who was in the midst of enduring his torments, heard this name, he nearly yelped out, "For real? I get I'll be a genius but is that what it means? Damn... I really am a genius, ain't I?"

As a huge extended family, it didn't take much time for the news of Shun's birth to be propagated throughout the entire clan.

With the interchanging of the four seasons, time passed as every season came and went.

Four years later...

Shun had already unlocked thirty percent of his tenketsu, 108 in total. With that, his strength had already recovered by a huge portion.

No... Not chakra but Senjutsu Chakra.

He had an abundance of Spiritual Energy but a minute amount of Physical Energy, courtesy of his still developing body.

There wasn't anything much to do in Hana as a kid. So Shun spent all his time in meditation.

Most of the time, he would just lie down stupidly, or at other times, he would sit on a little bridge in his courtyard and fall into a daze.

His big sister, Yasuno found this weird as kids his age should be throwing tantrums here and there, however Shun wasn't so dense that he wouldn't enjoy the little pleasures that came with being a child.

Given the strength that he possessed right now with the thirty percent he had unlocked as a four-year-old, he was practically able to sweep across everyone.

With the excess spiritual energy lying dormant in his Mindscape, Shun had decided to create a Domain perfectly suited to being invincible in this lifetime.


In reality, Shun was not trying to regain his strength, but the abundance of Spiritual Energy he possessed had to go somewhere.

Hence the importance of the domain. The day he formed a Domain, it quickly spread throughout the entire clan in less than a minute of his father discovering it.

Shun had the urge to facepalm at that but as always, everything happens for a reason.

His mother was just by herself glowing and bragging that she knew he would be a genius amongst his pairs. Afterall, he hadn't even gotten access to chakra and could already manifest a domain.

Why no one thought of that still baffled him till this very moment.

Children of the Tengoku clan were a cut above the Normal children. Normally, they mature earlier and those are the ones usually classified as geniuses, because they Begin thinking differently from a young age.

As for Shun...?

He did not know how to speak.

He did not know how to cry.

His brains weren't functioning all that well either.

But... He manifested a domain.

That was all it took for the entire clan to make him their young master.

'Is this the plot of an Isekaid person, perhaps? No. No. This should only happen in cultivation novels... Right?' Shun thought to himself as he was being pampered by his big sister.

Usually, this elder sister of his would come and play with Shun whenever she was free, But, why in the world would he bother to mess around with the brat? He was being pampered so that's all that mattered.

He just let her play with him as she wished... In the meantime, he'd direct her on most of the things she complained about in regards to her training.

"Shun-chan, papa has made you a sword! Come and try it!" Even though his son was a genius amongst geniuses, Hayaken refused to treat him any differently from the child he was.

"Hai, Papa." Shun exclaimed with an excited smile. Truly, it was so nice to be a kid...and a genius one to boot.

You get whatever you want and even the ones you don't want.

A beautifully carved sword made of wood was placed before Shun. When he saw this, his eyes glittered. "Uwaa... It's beautiful." Shun said. "Is it for me?" He asked his father with glittering eyes.

"Hahaha. Of course it's yours." The man said with a prideful tone. As his name intoned, he was a rather skillful Swordsman even amongst the Tengoku clan, and what father wouldn't hope his son got his skills?

Shun smiled and excitedly picked up the sword that was a perfect fit for his small build and swung it expertly.

"My son is really incredible! Look at how he doesn't even need a teacher to know how to swing a sword!" Hayaken declared with pride.

Shun, "..." 'Bro, I could literally shatter this reality as you know it with a single sword strike.' he thought

And so, Hayaken began teaching Shun the little things he knew about Kenjutsu... All behind his mother's back... The woman was a whole other breed of human when she got angry.


"Nee-sama." Shun called out one certain afternoon after his little training with his father.

"Fufufu. I can never get tired of that little Shun-chan. Call me that once more." Yasuno said with an excited smile.

"Sigh. Nee-sama, you just laughed weird again, are you coping with those other nee-sans that mama said we shouldn't approach?" Shun asked cutely.

Sometimes, being too cute really was a sin in its own might. Due to Shun's constant refinement of his body with his Spiritual Energy during meditation, his skin has been remarkably smooth as far as he could remember.

And this has attracted the adoration of married women, no... All the women who had ever laid their eyes on him.

This had led Yasuno to become acquainted with a couple of them which Chiaki, their mother had termed 'bad influence'.

"No. No. Shun-chan. This is Kushina-nee-sama's way of laughing when she wants to pull a prank." Yasuno said with a nostalgic and fond smile.

Shun's eyebrow pricked upwards hearing this and knew it was the perfect time to get what he wanted.

"Kushina-nee-sama? Who's that?" Shun asked in puzzlement. His eyes betrayed his intense curiosity which got Yasuno talking.

She went on and on about how kind and funny Kushina was... How her boyfriend was strong yet weak in front of her... How she was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen and on and on.

"Wow!" Shun exclaimed with his usual glittering eyes. "I want to meet her!" He demanded.

Yasuno chuckled and ruffled his hair. "That's going to be a problem, Shun-chan. She's in a village very far from here and the clan wouldn't allow you to leave. You're the clan's genius, you know."

"Eh!?" Shun asked in disappointment before throwing his arms in the air. "Yada. Yada. I want to go out!"

This continued with Yasuno trying to calm him down all to no avail. This went on to attract his parents' attention to which they also told him it was impossible for the clan to allow him to leave.

"Why!? I can protect myself!" Shun said with tears threatening to fall from his eyes, causing them to feel like they've done something wrong.

This was the first time he had ever demanded something so intensely and with so much emotion attached.

"Eh... How about this." Hayaken began. "If you can beat a Bronze level Shinobi, I'll bring this up with the clan."

"Really?" Shun asked suspiciously. "Really." Hayaken nodded. "Then what color is Nee-sama?"

"Fufufu. Shun-chan." Yasuno began dramatically. "Your Nee-sama is... Gold Rank!" She declared, however, the look on everyone's face didn't seem to be impressed at that.

"What's with the lack of reaction!? I became a Gold Rank at the age of 12!" She shouted. Shun, seeing this and knowing when to push her buttons, clapped in excitement. "Really!? Nee-sama is amazing."

Scratching her nose shyly she said. "Of course."

"Then does that mean as long as I can beat someone weaker than Nee-sama, I can leave the village?" Shun asked his father.

"Of course you can... After the clan approves of it." Hayaken said and created a clone who nodded at him and flashed away.

"Wow... How fast." Shun exclaimed, seeing an opportunity to showcase his 'genius' once more.

"Of course. It's called the Flash Step. You'll get to learn it when you're older." Hayaken said.

"Ehh? But I can already do it." Shun said and immediately disappeared and appeared five meters in front of them. "See?" He asked while putting up the peace sign.

The family of three were shocked at this and Hayaken managed to ask. "How?"

"I saw your clone disappear and I knew how to do it?" Shun asked back with a pondering expression which made him look cute, causing them to focus more on his cuteness than on the question.

However, as a mother, she didn't forget to praise her son's genius. "As expected of my son. You already possess the Domain Expansion, and now you also possess the perfect copy of the Rikugan."

"The Rikugan?" She asked in confusion, causing the mother to begin a lesson on the eyes of their clan and how it is the greatest Dojutsu amongst all Doujutsus.

Internally, Shun smirked at having diverted their attention. Moments later, Hayaken seemed to freeze for a moment before scrunching his eyebrows for a second and then sighing at the next.

"Papa, is something wrong?" Shun asked the man with a concerned tone.

"Sigh... The clan wants to watch the fight and access your potential." He said.

"Isn't that great?" Chiaki asked.

"It is, my dear. It is. The only problem now is that Shun-chan seems to have another ability of the Rikugan." The man said.

"I still don't see the problem. Wouldn't that make the clan value him more?"

"And that's where the problem begins. They would begin to expect great things from a little boy still wet behind his ears." The man scowled in annoyance.

"Isn't there something you can do about it?" Chiaki asked.

"It's the clan, Chi-chan, the majority always have the greater pull." Hayaken said.

"It'll be alright." Shun said with a pure smile as he patted his father's leg.

This led both the mother and father to smile and forget their worries at that moment.

As the saying goes... "Smiling is the best way to face every problem, to crush every fear and to hide every pain."

"It'll be alright." Hayaken said and rubbed Shun's head.


Shun POV.

And here I was... Standing in front of a boy probably three times my age on an elevated stage in the middle of the clan compound.

Just for the record, A Bronze level Shinobi was equivalent to a Genin level Shinobi. That is to say, this guy had graduated from the academy just recently and they're expecting me to beat him... Just because I have a domain.

Looking around, I saw two familiar faces, though they wouldn't recognize me. Keshiro and Yatsuyo in all their grown might and glory, sitting on a separate podium and looking at me with keen interest.

Currently, Both of them are captains of their respective Squads, with Keshiro being the Hanakage... Shocking, I know, but this Keshiro here was only his clone which was still good.

After all, it's the thought that matters.

Yatsuyo was here with a clone too, I wouldn't expect someone who's constantly regulating the flow of information to have the time to watch two kids Duke it out.

The fact that the person fighting has a domain is already enough reason for them to send their clones.

"Now kids... Pay attention to this coin... As soon as it hits the ground, you may begin." A teenager refereeing the match said with a smile.

Looking at me, I gave a nod and looking at the other kid, he did the same too.

"Alright...." He said and threw the coin up.

As the coin was being thrown, I couldn't help but notice the condescending look my opponents were sending me... Was it to pressurize me or make me fear him?

Heh. Guess he's still a kid after all and doesn't actually know the full might of a domain.

Clutching the little sword father got me, I watched as the coin hit the ground.

As soon as it hit, the boy kicked the ground and appeared in front of me in a burst of speed ready to deliver a downward punch. Watching him keenly with my eyes, I felt something I hadn't felt in a long time.

The intent to battle... No... It was the feeling of actually hurting someone seeking to hurt me... That was the principle behind the Perfect Reflection.

It's might was brought out when someone attacks you and you wish to retaliate.

However, as my body was still that of a four year old, my hand wouldn't reach him... So in a fluid movement, I took a deep breath, pulled out my sword and hit him straight on his temple.

This was a dangerous part of the human body and could cause memory impairment if it was hit hard. However, what I gave him was akin to a tap causing him to stumble back as his brain was rattled.

Before he could get himself, I decided to show off my Flash Step by appearing behind him and hitting him at the other side of his temple, effectively knocking him out.

{A/N: Basically what Jin Mori does when he kicks you three times in a split second on both sides of your head then the back of your head.}

As he bit the ground, there was a pin drop silence as everyone gawked at me.

I mean... I get what they're feeling right now... This fight took less than three seconds, and this was considering the fact that I was a four year old while he was probably 12 and a graduate to boot.

Turning to the bunch of fools seated in their high places, I bowed and looked them all in the eyes before stopping at Keshiro's and said. "I would like to visit Konoha."

There was a moment of silence before Keshiro smiled and nodded his head before looking at my father and then dispersing himself.

I'm pretty sure all their grown up minds may be thinking complicated things about the fight I just fought.

As someone who has lived for quite some time, I know how people analyze other people's thought process by the actions and decisions they make when the situation calls for it.

From an outsider point of view, I am probably being categorized into the fast, precise and focused mindset, which isn't wrong as I can't really be bothered to allow inconsequential matters to play out when they're easy solutions to it.

In the next moment after Keshiro's clone dispersed, I noticed Yatsuyo's also disappear, albeit more quiet than Keshiro's. Following which a few other clones did too.

Probably senior members of the clan who heard that their prodigy was having a little spar today.

From the little nod and look Keshiro gave my father, I would assume I would be meeting him soon. Kukuku... Konoha-gakure get ready to welcome Yours Truly after so many years.


Just so you know... That's my MC's mindset. Except there's someone who I know is also quite calculating, I won't bother playing with them when I'm Fighting. I'm speaking from the MC's point of view now.

Next chapter... Arrival at Konoha-gakure...

Stay tuned.

Also, Read extra Chapters on my Patre@n at just $5. I'm already in the Chunin Exams Arc, will soon be finishing this story.